August Special Edition 2021

Shelve the diversity, not common sense

August 27, 2021

As if we could be more shocked than we already are, the Sergeant Major of the U.S. Army callously chose the day after the horrific carnage in Kabul that killed a dozen or more of our servicemen to celebrate diversity featuring females in the military. While our soldiers were flying back to Dover in body bags, he was bragging about the army’s advancement in diversity. When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

“Diversity is a number,” he tweeted. “Do you have people that don’t look or think like you in the room? Inclusion is When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.listening and valuing those people. Women’s Equality Day reminds us that we are smarter and more lethal when we come together as in inclusive, cohesive team. Our values demand it.”

He included about 60 frames of women in military camo. Please…which American value “demands” we throw our daughters and wives and sisters into harm’s way in time of armed conflict? What fool believes we are headed toward a more lethal military and a stronger America by pushing women into every officer’s slot that comes open? The army even tailors uniforms to fit pregnant women. All in the name of equality and “equity.”

This is idiocy on its face and can only add to the chorus of guffaws from our enemies. If diversity is a number, then equality means the goal is for half of the armed forces to be women. Don’t you know the Taliban and ISIS are shaking in their boots at the thought of such a lethal army?!?!

Watching our President, the Commander-in-Chief, being questioned in a press conference yesterday was painful. My mind went to Proverbs 30:1-3: “I am weary, O God;
I am weary and worn out, O God. I am too stupid to be human, and I lack common sense.
I have not mastered human wisdom, nor do I know the Holy One.”

What about God’s army? In our own movement, consistent in the last three years has been the call for diversity. Gradually words like “inclusion…reconciliation…equity” began to show up—words drawn directly from secular academia and leftist movements. I suppose we were expected to force them in some biblical context (Acts), but when accreditation officials for educational institutions roll up, the Acts definition probably may not cut the mustard. The powers that be will provide the definitions and force compliance.

If diversity is a number, and we lemming-like place a number of people who “don’t look like us or think like us” on boards and in positions that provide direction for laity or ministry, where will we be in ten years? In twenty years? Don’t we need those in office who think like the Bible teaches and who look like the Bible teaches (I’m not talking about skin color here)? Whatever happened to unity with biblical principles?

Someone might say, “We need to put people in positions who don’t think like us for ‘balance.’” With what should our Articles of Faith and holiness standards as set forth in the Manual be balanced? How much error or compromise is required to balance truth?

Imagine, if you will, Jesus taking a break on the road to Bethany and calling His twelve disciples around Him and saying, “Men, it’s time we considered a little diversity here. I am going to ask Mary and Martha, along with four other women, to join our group. Six of you will be able to return to your homes and jobs. If any of my choices happen to be your wife, tough. Those men who stay with me will be asked to carry the travel bags of the women who will be joining us, plus your own.”

Peter speaks up: “Lord, is that fair? That last part doesn’t seem like equality.”

Jesus: “Peter, equality has to do with number and and what people look like. What I am also installing is called equity. And it will be one of our guiding principles from this day forward. And just think…there will be some names on the foundation of the New Jerusalem besides men’s names. It will make some of the ladies happy. John, be sure you make that clear in your description of the city in the Book of Revelation.”

I trow not.

When the language and programs of the ungodly culture makes their appearance in our educational institutions and literature, what are we to think? Right now, wisdom would dictate that we avoid tripping over ourselves to get in line with someone’s idea of diversity and equity. Better it would be that we deliver to the next generation a solid Apostolic faith once delivered to the saints that we have held in trust for them. We are accountable to God for that, my brethren (Titus 1:9).







Published in: on August 27, 2021 at 7:10 PM  Comments (2)  

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I ache. Deep in my soul, I ache.

  2. Thank you for clarity, Brother.

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