December, ’09 Blog

Welcome to the December, ’09 Blog!


First, the Word

“He said to them, ‘Take to heart all the words I have solemnly declared to you this day, so that you may command your children to obey carefully all the words of this law. They are not just idle words for you—they are your life. By them you will live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess’” (Deuteronomy 32:46,47 NIV).



Deuteronomy 32:30-32 – “How could one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had given them up? For their rock is not like our Rock, even our enemies concede. Their vine comes from the vine of Sodom; their grapes are filled with poison, and their clusters with bitterness.”

How wonderful to be an evolutionist, to believe that a couple of rocks can bump into each other in space and end up creating a planet with an atmosphere conducive for human life. And those rocks usually do an awesome job creating those humans who have bodies that work perfectly with that ecosystem and heal themselves, reproduce, grow, etc. And rocks are known for their creation of sophisticated brains that think, remember, solve, invent, etc. And rocks never forget to include souls with emotions like laughter, happiness, sadness, joy and love. Thank Rock for ALL of that!

–  (Comments, lightly dipped in sarcasm, adapted from Glenn Beck’s web site.)

Perhaps they are happy with their rock, but I think I will stick with the eternal Rock—“our Rock” as Moses called Him. And shouldn’t we prefer the “true Vine” (John 15:1,5) over the bitter and poisonous “vine of Sodom”?


We knew that

Bart Ehrman is one of the most published textual critics of the Bible today, albeit a liberal one. I don’t recommend his books, but sometimes he does say some things that are worth passing along. Here are some quotes from his most recent book:

“From the writings of such church fathers of the second and third centuries as Hippolytus and Tertullian, we know that at one time the most popular view among Christian thinkers and church leaders was one that self-consciously and aggressively asserted the oneness of God. This view held that there was only one God and that Jesus is the incarnation of God here on earth. In other words, God the Father and God the Son are not two separate entities. God the Son is God the Father when the latter becomes incarnate [p.256]…In response to the modalists of his day, Tertullian had begun to speak of a trinity [p. 258]…The Trinity is a later Christian invention” [p. 260].
–    Bart Erhman, Jesus, Interrupted, p. 256


Interpreting the Bible

“So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading” (Nehemiah 8:8).
People love to set aside certain scriptures that negatively affect their preferred lifestyle by saying that “people, even scholars, interpret the Scriptures differently. Some say it means one thing and others say it means something else.” That view seems to give them license to discard the commandments of Scripture and apply liberal interpretation of their own choosing. In other words, if a “scholar” or perceived authority takes issue with an interpretation, then it is automatically open to anyone’s application. Bottom line: everyone must agree on a specific interpretation or the verse may justifiably be ignored. How utterly stupid.

Should we interpret the meaning of scriptures in the Sacred Text according to the prevailing public consensus, or determine as closely as possible what God and the original writers were telling us? Liberal theologians like Bart Erhman seem to love the approach that if there is not unanimity on a verse then it is open to anyone’s guess. Many say, “Well, if the scholars can’t even agree on it, I am not even going to try to understand it.”

Some are interpreting the Bible like political liberals interpret the constitution: “What does it mean to ME—today, now, in my current circumstances?” They think the Constitution is a “living document” to be changed as cultural moods and circumstances change. Al Gore and Barack Obama have stated that position clearly.

Postmodern liberal Christianity seems to be in lockstep with the Obama administration.


Assemblies of God Seminary: Committed to Spiritual Formation, Contemplative Spirituality and Emergent Ideology

This could never happen in our seminary, could it?

Earl Creps, director of the Doctor of Ministry program and associate professor at AOGTS, the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, is a heavy proponent of both contemplative spirituality and Emergent theories. In his course syllabi over the last five years, Creps has classes with titles such as “Leading the Emerging Church” and “Models of Ministry in the Emerging Church.” Syllabus reading materials include those from Henri Nouwen, Brian McLaren, Ken Blanchard, Dan Kimball, Erwin McManus, Sally Morgenthaler, Leonard Sweet. A visit to Creps’ “Spiritual Adventures” blog gives a hearty helping of Emergent discussion. In one blog, Creps tries to show how there might be a union between Pentecostalism and the emerging church, saying the relationship is “gaining some traction.”

It is interesting that New Spirituality/Emergent darling, Leonard Sweet, has written an endorsement for Creps new book, Off-Road Disciplines. With Creps influence at AOGTS and his admiration for Leonard Sweet, it looks like Sweet will play a role in the future of many Assemblies of God students.

While Creps ends that discussion with “I am painfully orthodox doctrinally,” resources he offers throughout his blogs and websites would paint another picture. Under Apologetics Resources, Creps recommends Leonard Sweet’s book, Quantum Spirituality. Listen to Sweet, as he describes the New Light in his book: “I have followed those ‘New Light leaders’… [S]ome of those who led [me] into new light are: Matthew Fox, Richard Mouw, Rowan Williams.” Others that Leonard Sweet thanks include: Morton Kelsey, M. Scott Peck, Walter Bruggemann, Ken Wilber, Thomas Berry and many other New Age sympathizers. And then adds: “The first of these five untheorized observations is that New Light embodiment means to be ‘in connection” and ‘in-formation’ with other Christians. Deeper feeling and higher relating go together. The church is fundamentally one being, one person, a communion whose cells are connected to one another within the information network called the Christ consciousness.” —Quantum Spirituality, p. 122

He goes on with more New Age rhetoric: “Energy-fire experiences take us into ourselves only that we might reach outside of ourselves. Metanoia is a de-centering experience of connectedness and community. It is not an exercise in reciting what Jesus has done for me lately. Energy-fire ecstasy, more a buzz than a binge, takes us out of ourselves, literally. That is the meaning of the word ‘ecstatic.’” (Quantum Spirituality, p. 93) This ecstasy Sweet speaks of refers to the New Age ecstasy that occurs in an altered state of consciousness.

Assemblies of God Theological Seminary has shown its support for Dr. Earl Creps by making available his 1700 Resources on the Emerging Church. Endorsements on the AGTS website for these resources include this by Marcia Ford: “Assemblies of God professor Earl Creps, a man for whom many in the emerging church movement give thanks daily.” Leonard Sweet adds: “I have instructed my web people to link to your marvelous resource. There is truly nothing out there like it. I can’t thank you enough.”

Creps recommends these authors:
Dallas Willard
Leonard Sweet
Richard Foster
Eugene Peterson

Creps adds: “Being on the road and the internet a lot has connected me with…friends like Len Sweet, and numerous Districts of the Assemblies of God, along with other parachurch organizations like Youth Specialties….”

Creps’ required reading to students:

Smith, Chuck, Jr. The End of the World As We Know It: Clear Direction for Bold and Innovative Ministry in a Postmodern World. Waterbrook, 2001.

McLaren, Brian. A New Kind of Christian: A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritual Journey. John Wiley & Sons, 2001.

Sweet, Leonard. Postmodern Pilgrims: First Century Passion for the 21st Century Church. Broadman & Holman, 2000.

Enrichment Journal, an Assemblies of God publication, has published an article by Richard L. Dresselhaus (Visiting Professor of Preaching, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary) titled: “Three Miles From The Coffee: A Study In Intimacy With God.” Dresselhaus uses Henri Nouwen and Richard Foster as examples of those who know how to help us find “intimacy with God.” Of Nouwen, he says, “Few have developed a theology and practice of solitude more insightfully than Henri Nouwen.”

However, Nouwen’s “insight” led him to make the following comment: “Today I personally believe that while Jesus came to open the door to God’s house, all human beings can walk through that door, whether they know about Jesus or not. Today I see it as my call to help every person claim his or her own way to God.” —From Sabbatical Journey, Henri Nouwen’s last book, page 51, 1998; HC Edition.

Related documentation on AOGTS and Contemplative Spirituality by Googling:

• Assemblies of God Theological School Recommending Henri Nouwen’s Mystical In The Name of Jesus Book
• Assemblies of God Theological School President Promotes Henri Nouwen
• Assemblies of God Theological School and Purpose Driven Life
• For more research on Contemplative Spirituality and its current impact on U. S. Christianity, click below:

It was reported recently that Brian McLaren and other emergent church leaders were celebrating Ramadan with Muslims. WorldnetDaily has an article on this new trend and notes that McLaren was not fasting for the salvation of his Muslim neighbors, but rather to join them in an act of community and solidarity. (Slice of Laodicea) The truth is, when you start down the path of embracing false doctrine and practice it is difficult to ever turn around.


Clean your ears out with this testimony from a soteric counselor

At the time of this event, John (a real person but not his real name, for obvious reasons) was 23 years of age, the father of three, although the third was still days away from his birth.

As you well know, children of those in ministry are a favorite target of the enemy. A young woman, who was attending our church at the time decided that because she was angry with the parents of this young man, she would get back at them by seducing two of their three sons who were already married. The ones she wanted were married.

This young woman was so brazen that she called the Mother of these young men to “confess” her sins to her. She was in reality getting joy out of seeing this godly mother destroyed. Then, the woman emailed several young people in the church telling them what these guys had done. Neither of the men was aware that his brother was involved with the same person. When the older one found out about his brother, he was devastated and saw himself for the first time. The younger one, John, had no clue about his brother.

The Mother of these young men confronted her children and the whole sordid story came out. These young men did not deny what happened and were not only quick to repent, but both wanted to get up and confess to the church, before God, repenting to Him and asking their wives to forgive them as well as the church. Which we did. We had a special service for this purpose. The boys did repent and the Lord sent us tongues and interpretation to let us know that He had forgiven them.  We then had communion and a time of fellowship, each of us giving these two young men hugs. At first, his wife did not want him to come to the birth of their third child, but after the church service she did allow it.

The older of the two brothers kept his feelings inside, dealing with it as best he could. Though he did tell his Mom that every time he looked in a mirror it made him sick because he saw the word cheater across his face. The younger one did not handle it so well. One day, he called my office, looking for his Mom, who happened to be in my office.  As they talked on the phone, the Lord told me that John had a gun and was going to commit suicide. I asked for the phone and began to talk to him. I asked where he was and if he had a gun. He said he was in his truck, parked in the woods and that he had “borrowed” his brother-in-law’s .357 magnum and had put it to his head several times because he didn’t want to live any longer.

I talked with John for quite some time while his Mother was sending up frantic prayers. Finally, he promised he would not kill himself and that he would come and see me.

A day or so later John did come to see me and just lay his head on my shoulder and cried and cried for a long time. Before this time we were close, but after that we have been as close as Mother and Son. In fact, he calls me Mom.

Both of the wives came to me for counsel for quite some time. I had the opportunity to open Scripture to them about forgiveness. Both had vowed to divorce their husbands, but today both marriages are still intact because of the Word of God and His Spirit. Two more children have been added to John’s family and one more to the older brother’s family. It took several years for the wives to be able to fully trust their husbands again, but God is good and He has made these two families strong and full of faith and still living for and working for the Lord.

The night I received my certification from the Institute of Soteric Counseling (ISC), John was receiving his ministerial license just a few miles from where we were meeting. He is our Youth Minister and is doing a wonderful work for the Lord. He loves people, loves his family more than ever, and gives all that he can to the work of God. His brother works in music ministry although he was called to preach several years ago.

The day the Mother found out about this she talked to me. She had no one else she could turn to because her husband was too distraught and full of grief to help her. Many times in the early morning hours I would receive a telephone call from the Mom or she would show up and want to go on a drive, just to get away from everyone and be able to get her grief and sorrow out. I am thankful that for some reason God has given me a special love for and a ministry to minister’s wives, women ministers and minister’s children. Who will care if I don’t?

All of this is to God’s glory. He did the work. He put the marriages back together. He made these young men who had lost everything able to continue their marriage and later father more children. The whole family is serving the Lord.


Reaping the whirlwind

“I told you so” are nobody’s favorite words to hear. So I won’t say them.
However, no one can say that they were not warned about the epidemic of prescription drug usage in America. Books, newspaper and magazine articles, conference lectures and Internet information have increasingly validated the grave danger at which we put our people when we encourage their use. Uninformed persons think nothing of recommending that certain discouraged, distraught or disturbed individuals “get medication,” thinking that some pills might solve their problems. Some think they are “effective” because they tend to change one’s moods. They may not realize the risk the individual is taking by going the psych medication route.

Many justify their recommendation by the idea that “if we treat a problem below the neck with meds, what is different about using them above the neck.” How shallow and uninformed. One’s brain through which the mind operates the body is not in his elbow or abdomen or heel.

“But the doctor prescribed them,” others say. Absolutely. The drug companies pour money into the coffers of doctors who prescribe their products. But remember this: thousands of people are taking drugs today that they themselves recommended to their doctor—“Ask your doctor if [name of medication] is right for you,” is the suggestion on virtually every drug advertisement in both the print and electronic media.

“But Joe Blow said his wife was helped by Prozac,” or “Little Junior seems to be less active now that he is on Ritalin,” some declare. If one pays more attention to anecdotal testimonies than objective truth that is evident all around him, he is apt to purchase some oceanfront property in the badlands of South Dakota.

Many choose to disregard the lack of spiritual response from those who grow up taking prescription drugs, their increased tendency to use illegal drugs as adults, and their overall inability to cope with life’s normal problems. The more naïve among us choose to ignore the number of suicides and other forms of strange and abnormal behavior exhibited by prescription drug addicts. They also choose to listen more carefully to those Christian practitioners who they think are “educated in that field” than be impacted by the glaring facts in the lives of their friends, family or church members.

One man who spoke in a service I attended not long ago had taken the psych path in his ministry. He plainly declared that after twenty years his counseling had “not helped anyone.” Amazing.

Shouldn’t our goal as Christian counselors be to help those who are experiencing confusing and troubling circumstances to become aligned with the Word and God’s will? Since God “hath given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness” (II Peter 1:3), we have the necessary tools with which to guide the straying and problem-stricken back to the path of righteousness. Too many parents have substituted drugs for biblical parenting. Too many Christians have abandoned the ministry and the biblical care of souls and turned to psychological counseling. It is just so easy and simple to say, “Here, take this capsule and you will feel better about things.”

Where is the fruit of that labor? Point me to one believer who has been renewed, or brought out of a fallen lifestyle, and returned to be a faithful saint of God because they visited a psychiatrist or doctor who prescribed psychotic meds. We all have known numbers who have taken that path only to never return to God, to church or to pastoral authority.

If we sow to the wind, we will continue to reap the whirlwind. Is anyone listening?


If you like theology…

you will love Apostolic Theological Forum!

Make plans to join us next month on January 14-15 for the 9th annual meeting of the Apostolic Theological Forum. The purpose of the Forum is to develop written apologetics in support of our traditional, conservative Pentecostal positions on doctrine, holiness and other pertinent issues. The format is symposium style with papers prepared and delivered by some of the outstanding thinkers of our movement.

We will be meeting this year in the beautiful sanctuary of the First United Pentecostal Church of Euless, TX where Brothers McLaughlin and Benson are the pastors. The address is 709 Midway Dr. West. They will set up tables and chairs classroom style. It will be a perfect setting for the Forum. Registration will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday evening, January 14, and the presentations will begin at 7:00 p.m. The registration is only $29, which includes the complete syllabus containing all of the papers that will be presented, plus a free book. The Forum is open to all who are interested in Apostolic doctrine and practice, whether minister or laymember. A time of discussion will follow each presentation.

The theme of the Forum this year is “Apostolics and the Culture”—a timely subject indeed.  Presenters include Carl McLaughlin, Peter Connell of Oakley, CA, Roger Perkins of McComb, MS, Steve Pixler of Ft. Worth, William Chalfant of Easton, KS, George Medina of Pasadena, TX, and yours truly.

Two brand new hotels are nearby—the LaQuinta Inn and Suites (1-817-836-4000) and Comfort Suites (1-817-836-4040). Both have a great rate of only $69. Just mention the church when you make your reservation. For local information or directions, call Sister Leah at the church (817-267-0254) or her cell (817-919-6843).

Plan to join us, and encourage the ministers in your assembly to participate this year—and any laymen who love the Word. Also, call a couple of pastor friends and urge them to attend with you. “The word of the Lord is right, and all his ways are done in truth” (Psalm 33:4).


The Day the Dollar Dies

A number of years ago I read a little booklet called The Day the Dollar Dies. By now I don’t remember the author’s main points, but I never forgot the title. We may be at that time in history when the American economy goes south, when the dollar loses its value and becomes virtually worthless.

According to Damon Vickers, chief investment officer of Nine Points Capital Partners: “If the global currency crisis unfolds, then inevitably you get an alignment of a global world government. A new global currency and a new world order, so we may be moving towards that.” (I heard him say that on CNBC.)

Should the Obamacare package pass the U.S. Senate, and the Cap and Trade Act become law, we may see the collapse of the economy only to be shored up by international funds. Then, into whose arms do we fall?

What can we do?

2010 is an election year for many in the Senate and all of the House of Representatives. It would be nice if congress got the message. The voting taxpayers should send to Congress only those who are committed to a return to constitutional government. It is time to be pro-active. The constitution will be defended only if the people defend it by acting on its provisions. We cannot depend on the government to defend it.

How? Watch this space. The time will come.


Ft. Hood shooter briefed on Homeland Security

It probably surprised no one to learn from an AP story in the Houston Chronicle on Nov. 6 that Nidal Hasan was a registrant at a Washington, D.C. Task Force Event concerning national and international security conducted earlier this year. He sat alongside Homeland Security agents, foreign representatives, congressmen and State Department officials as the following topic was discussed: Thinking Anew—Security Priorities for the Next Administration. He, along with the others, received a briefing from officials from Homeland Security, National Intelligence, counselors for U.S. Congressional Committees, the Center for Biosecurity, and counterterrorism agencies. Hasan was allowed to speak during the meeting but no one has come forward yet who could remember what he had said.

I also noticed on the list that Waleed Alshahari from the Yemen Embassy was present with Hasan. Yemen is where Hasan’s Al Quida contact is currently living. Coincidental, no doubt.

If that didn’t make you hurl, read on…


Obama appoints Muslims to Homeland Security

Alikhan was recently appointed to the Obama Administration as the Assistant Secretary for Policy Development at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. In this position, he oversees the coordination and development of DHS policy issues ranging from counter-terrorism efforts and disaster preparedness, to cyber and cargo security. Is a “devout Sunni” Muslim (a Pakistani). His appointment was applauded by the Council on American Islamic Relations and the American Muslim Task Force. (I wonder if we have a Pakistani Christian Relations Council in Pakistan?) Alikhan, as Deputy Mayor in Los Angeles (appointed by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa) he was instrumental in removing the Muslim terror tracking plan in Los Angeles.

You LA area folks ought to be feeling much safer these days. And I am sure if a Christian is appointed to some position in the administration, it will be accompanied by the statement “he is a devout Christian.” Reckon? Here are details:

Another appointment

If you have the stomach for it, read the following press release from Washington, DC, October 15, 2009:

“The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination (ADC) offers its most heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to Kareem Shora, ADC National Executive Director, for his ten years of exceptional service to ADC and to the Arab-American community. Shora, who earlier this year was sworn in by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC), has been appointed as Senior Policy Adviser for the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS).”

Read about it here:

Feeling safer now?

Adolph Hitler could have taken lessons from our President. Obama has done in ten months what it took Hitler three or four years to accomplish.


Obama favors Islam

Why is this true? Is Obama a closet Muslim? About 19% of Americans think he is. That is almost one out of 5. There must be something that has evoked this conviction. Here is some information that might put you in the 19% group. Click on this web site:

The contributor’s website:

Source: Dr. Billy D. Bates, Th. D.


9/11 Defendants to “Explain” Actions

NEW YORK (AP 11/23/09) — The five men facing trial in the Sept. 11 attacks will plead not guilty so that they can air their criticisms of U.S. foreign policy, the lawyer for one of the defendants said.

Scott Fenstermaker, the lawyer for accused terrorist Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali, said Sunday the men would not deny their role in the 2001 attacks but “would explain what happened and why they did it.”

How redundant. We already know why they did it, and they already told us they were guilty, as well as who they got to help them. The trial was approved by the Obama team to pacify the Muslim world that is blackmailing us with threats unless we yield to their every whim.
Get ready for more of this madness.


Pelosi: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail

On November 6 the Ranking Republican Member of the House Ways and Means Committee, Dave Camp (R-MI), released a letter from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) confirming that the failure to comply with the individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. The JCT letter makes clear that Americans who do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage,” and who choose not to pay the bill’s new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.

In response to the JCT letter, Camp said: “This is the ultimate example of the Democrats’ command-and-control style of governing—buy what we tell you or go to jail. It is outrageous and it should be stopped immediately.”

Key excerpts from the JCT letter appear below:
“H.R. 3962 provides that an individual (or a husband and wife in the case of a joint return) who does not, at any time during the taxable year, maintain acceptable health insurance coverage for himself or herself and each of his or her qualifying children is subject to an additional tax.” [page 1]

“If the government determines that the taxpayer’s unpaid tax liability results from willful behavior, the following penalties could apply….” [page 2]

“Criminal penalties: Prosecution is authorized under the Code for a variety of offenses. Depending on the level of the noncompliance, the following penalties could apply to an individual:
• Section 7203 – misdemeanor willful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.
• Section 7201 – felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.” [page 3]

When confronted with this same issue during its consideration of a similar individual mandate tax, the Senate Finance Committee worked on a bipartisan basis to include language in its bill that shielded Americans from civil and criminal penalties. The Pelosi bill, however, contains no similar language protecting American citizens from civil and criminal tax penalties that could include a $250,000 fine and five years in jail.

“The Senate Finance Committee had the good sense to eliminate the extreme penalty of incarceration. Speaker Pelosi’s decision to leave in the jail time provision is a threat to every family who cannot afford the $15,000 premium her plan creates. Fortunately, Republicans have an alternative that will lower health insurance costs without raising taxes or cutting Medicare,” said Camp.

According to the Congressional Budget Office the lowest cost family non-group plan under the Speaker’s bill would cost $15,000 in 2016.




Answers appear below:

1. If Pelosi, Reid and Obama were in a boat and it started to sink, who would be saved?

2. What do you call the US after four years of Obama and the Liberal congress?

3. What’s the difference between Obama and Hitler?

4. What’s another difference between Obama and Hitler?

5. Why doesn’t Obama pray?

6. What’s the difference between Obama’s cabinet and a penitentiary?

7. What’s the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo?


The “gap”

When the subjects of music, church methodology, evangelism or biblical lifestyle standards surface, one soon hears the words “generation gap,” or some variation of the idea. As though little or nothing that was not introduced by the current crop of musicians or “progressive” pastors is worthy of embracing.

As for the current trends in methodology, avant-garde thinkers are picking up the signals being sent by the radical wing of the Evangelical movement, primarily the Emergents. Why else, all of a sudden, do we see some of our own pastors and youth leaders on their platforms during service with holey jeans, shirttails hanging out, tie-less and smiling while the house rocks with “guitar-driven” bands staffed by weird-looking, bearded personalities backed up by female praise singers wearing pants? The whole scene reeks of carnality.

Let me be clear—there is nothing wrong with guitars, per se. I own one and used it for years in revival services. Nor is there anything innately sinful about being tie-less or having one’s shirttail out, unless he is emulating those who are tossing the message and holiness overboard. My question: Why copy them? Is where they are where you want to be? We have all ministered in casual dress. I just returned from overseas where we preached almost every time without a jacket on. That is beside the point. Surely every thinking person knows what I am saying—that mimicking compromising losers will only make one a loser like them.

Too many are saying to the world, “Look, we are not so different. See, we look and sound just like you. We feature the hammering 7-11s, the colored strobes, the torn jeans, the cool styles. C’mon. Get with us and then you can…well, ummm…well, you can just remain as you are. Just paste Jesus on like a bumper sticker and no real lifestyle change is necessary. We are all on a ‘journey.’ We feature the ‘new spirituality.’ You don’t have to be religious, just spiritual. Enjoy our non-threatening atmosphere and light show while we perform our new theme song: ‘We Are the World.’”

Who is winning whom in such “engagement”? Please be honest. Be real, not just theoretical.

Remember: Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Rob Bell, Erwin McManus, Robert Schuller, Doug Pagitt, Richard Foster, Joel Osteen, Donald Miller—none of these men have ever won a soul to God.

To A-types, engaging the culture sounds like a great idea. A new approach? No. A thousand churches and more ministers than that are in the spiritual graveyards today because they thought they could ignore the elders and take fire into their bosoms and not be burned. Put “relevance” in the thief’s bag. It has been stolen and redefined along with a hundred other words like “gay,” “journey,” “authentic.”

What is really happening—reaching the unchurched, or unchurching the reached? Unchanged “converts” are changing the church.

Change is not bad as long as it takes us in the right direction, so said Winston Churchill. Only a hard-headed few are totally resistant to any change. This may add to the notion that a “generation gap” exists. In the kingdom of God there is no generation gap unless we manufacture one to distance ourselves from our elders in order to follow our peers. As the Bible reveals, that can be disastrous (I Kings 12:1-19).

Why don’t we quit focusing on a perceived gap and pledge to listen to each other and work together? Elders should recognize that nothing is changeless—except God—nor should it be. We need to shake ourselves and move on. But we have to be careful that we don’t fall into the trap of change simply because it sounds like a good idea (as America did in the last election), or to merely follow someone who seems to be drawing a crowd. We have changed and are changing. Everything in nature changes—frogs, snakes and locusts shed their skins. Chickens molt. Men grow bald and women have their own set of changes. We can accept change when it will bring glory to God—when it is for the right reasons and will not harm our testimony, violate our conscience, or lead us down a path toward compromise.

Younger men should vow to listen more closely to Apostolic elders rather than worldly unbelievers who are good at attracting a crowd. Don’t shut your eyes to what is really happening. Acknowledge that you don’t have the historical perspective of your elders. We have seen men and movements come and go. Pursuing spiritual fads is “vanity and vexation of the spirit”—i.e., chasing the wind.

But it’s a new generation, they say. The times they are a’changing, they say. Need to engage (read: embrace) the culture, they say. Gotta look like ’em and sound like ’em to get ’em out, they say. As long as one preaches Acts 2:38 and holds to the doctrine, no problem, they say. Oh, that it were that simple! Alas, it is not.

My question stands: who is winning whom? All one has to do to answer that question is to look around.

If the fundamental salvation doctrine is the only thing that matters, what about the Oneness churches pastored by homosexual ministers affiliated with gay-affirming organizations. They hold to the doctrines of baptism in Jesus name and the Holy Ghost. So is basic doctrine all that really matters?

We must remember that no entity, person, church or organization is totally static and inert. They are moving. They are on their way to a place or a position where others have already gone.

Lot was not the first man in Sodom. Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom, but probably did not intend on going all the way to the city, certainly he didn’t intend on associating with the gays down there. He just wanted to take his “flock” to the greenest-looking pastures, like the modern “progressives.” The easiest way. No climbing up steep mountains. No effort. No lifestyle demands. Just float downstream on Jordan’s current to the Dead Sea. That seemed like the logical thing to do. Lot’s choice of direction, however, made it virtually inevitable that he would eventually wind up in Sodom.

One’s direction determines his destiny.

Sodom was situated near the lowest place on the face of the earth. Abraham had taken his flocks to the heights while Lot had drifted with his into the depths. We had better take stock of what’s ahead before making our choice of direction. Look around. Live with our eyes wide open. Where have those who decided on traveling the well-watered plains of modern culture wound up? What do their churches look like? What do they themselves look like? What do they preach? Only fools say, “It won’t happen to me.” The Bible says, “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed” (Proverbs 13:20). Not much room for alternatives there.

Many elders have spent their lifetimes in the effort to convince young men and women to walk wisely and avoid the pitfalls prepared by the enemy of our souls. A significant few have listened well and are following in footsteps of the Father of the Faithful. A few others have been enticed by the green pastures of the lowlands. The spiritual graveyards are rapidly filling up.

Once again—if you don’t want to go to Sodom, don’t pitch your tent in that direction.


Re-Inventing the Church: Spirit-Led or Purpose-Driven?

by Berit Kjos

“The Church seems afraid to invest in new modes of being the Church, breaking free from antiquated models and irrelevant traditions toward living the gospel in a twenty-first-century context.” – George Barna, Leaders on Leadership

“Our common future will depend on the extent to which people and leaders around the world develop the vision of a better world and the strategies, the institutions, and then will to achieve it.” – The UN Commission on Global Governance

“There is a substantial critical mass of people and churches that are already moving…. While acknowledging that there are still many unhealthy churches, there is a justified change in basic premises, basic attitudes, basic mind set….on the whole, we are on the march….” – “Peter Drucker on the Church and Denominations,” Leadership Network.

But what does God say? “Thus saith the Lord, stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk therein’” (Jeremiah 6:16).

A strange distortion of truth has spread like a grass fire on a windy day through churches around the world. It calls God’s people not just to understand our changing times from the world’s perspective, but to actually blow with the wind and help fuel the transformation. This Church Growth Movement (CGM) uses familiar old words to persuade the people, but it conforms God’s Word as well as human thinking to politically correct views of unity, community, service and change.

Behavioral laboratories, schools, UNESCO and liberal churches all helped light that fire during the 20th century. Hidden from sight, their subversive efforts seared America’s Biblical foundations and prepared the masses to believe a lie.

Now, at the dawn of the new millennium, “conservative” and “evangelical” churches are following suit. Worldwide “Christian” networks provide trained leadership and management consultants to guide God’s people along this alluring superhighway to a new world order. Forget the old narrow way that leads to life. Today’s “change agents” hope to popularize Christianity so effectively that whole nations will join their crusade.

Forget solid  Bible teaching and “the offense of the cross.” To win the masses “for Christ,” the church must be re-cloaked in a more permissive and appealing image. It must be marketed to the world as “a safe place,” purged of the moral standards that stirred conviction of sin and a longing to separate from the world’s immorality.  So they re-imagined a feel-good church stripped of offense—one the world could love and claim as its own.

Their march to a “better world” is well under way. In this new church, group thinking, compromise, conflict resolution, the dialectic process and facilitated consensus are in.  Uncompromising conviction and resistance to group consensus are out.

(Please read the entire article:


Let’s talk trash—I mean TV and movies

(Based on the latest research by David Cloud; edited and annotated by John Poppino)

Even the most sophisticated ‘TV dude’ and his plugged in family should re-consider these things…

1. The situation comedies are almost universally designed to brainwash the audience. As Ken Matto observes in his report entitled “The Dangers of Television”:

“Television programs are designed with the purpose of reprogramming your mind by breaking down your defenses so you will accept a lie as truth. Many of the anti-Christian and immoral precepts are bellowed forth in situation comedies. They get you to laugh, then they put forth their principles and soon you have accepted their teachings without reservation. This is why much reprogramming is done through comedy.”

2. USA Today published an article entitled “PG-13 can lull folks with false security.” It is a warning about the filthiness of PG-13 movies by a humanistic secular newspaper! The article contains the following important statement:

“PG-13 was designed, I believe, to apply the friendly PG symbol to movies that have no business even being considered for viewing by most young teenagers and preteens. The age of assignment for the rating is deceptive, and it lulls parents into a false sense of security” (Joe Zanger, editor of “PG-14,” USA Today, Nov. 22, 1999, p. 2D).

3. A few Christians still say, “We just watch PG-13!!!” The following are typical quotations from reviews of PG-13 movies by professional secular critics:

A CHEF IN LOVE – PG-13: “violence, rape, sex, nudity, profanity—it’s pretty raunchy”

MEN IN BLACK — PG-13: “violence, profanity, gore, vulgarity”

ANACONDA – PG-13: “violence, gore, profanity, vulgarity, sex, nudity”

BIRD ON A WIRE – PG-13: “considerable mayhem, as well as sex, profanity and some nudity.”

BLAME IT ON THE BELLBOY – PG-13: “sadistic, graphic violence, as well as sex, profanity, vulgarity and some partial nudity.”

CLUELESS – PG-13: “violence, vulgarity, profanity and drugs … the film’s cavalier suggestions that casual sex is perfectly acceptable for 15-year-olds and that smoking marijuana is fine as long as it’s at a party are extremely irresponsible.”

PARENTHOOD – PG-13: “sex, profanity, vulgarity, raunchy … Some of the material is so adult that an R-rating doesn’t seem unreasonable.”
RESCUE ME – “Rated PG-13 but has an awful lot of R-rated material, including violence, profanity, sex and nudity.”

If secular people can see the danger of PG-13 movies, why can’t God’s people?

4. Even many of the old Western movies and TV shows are indecent when weighed by biblical standards. The women typically wear tight, revealing clothing. The likeable heroes drink and gamble and are irreligious. Immoral bargirls are portrayed as innocent, good-hearted people, the salt of the earth, while church-going Christians are depicted as weak hypocrites and fools.

One pastor told David Cloud that he has had the custom, from time to time, of asking his sons if they find anything offensive in the home. One year he took one of his sons fishing and asked that question, and the son immediately brought up a certain John Wayne movie that had put improper images in his mind.

On any particular Saturday night in Any City, USA, members of every conceivable denomination or faith group can be seen leaving out of the movie houses after viewing the latest Hollywood flick. The problem is not the doctrinal statements. It’s the heart. It’s the mind. It’s affections.
As long as this TV/movie hypocrisy goes on, there is a need for the increase of separatist biblical movements. May they be blessed. May they always seek to be pure in heart.

[PS: David Cloud is a Baptist.]

Apostolics…we were right on movies, and we are right on television. Let’s don’t give an inch on these positions or the devil will take a mile.


Answers to Quiz:

1.    America!

2.    An Obamanation

3.    Hitler wrote his own book.

4.    Hitler got the Olympics to come to his country.

5.    It’s impossible to read the teleprompter with your eyes closed.

6. One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers and threats to society.
The other is for housing convicted prisoners.

7. Bo has papers.


Gift ideas

This year, give something that will truly help someone as they enjoy it—give a book!
Go to and check out the good Apostolic books…and some by other authors, too. Great deals on Bibles!

New book by Nevin Bass!

Stepping Stones: Ten Tests to Prepare You for Glory

God teaches life’s lessons through trials. They are a part of every believer’s experience. Trials are a part of every believer’s life. The good news is that trials are one of the most effective methods that God uses to prepare us for His perfect plan.

• Our trials will either be stepping stones to greatness or stumbling blocks of destruction.

• We will either allow our trials to develop the traits needed to achieve God’s ultimate desire for our life, or we will resist change and find fault with the direction in which God leads us.

• Our tests will either be our servants to minister grace toward us, or they will become our enemies and hinder our progress.

The determining factor is our attitude. We are not allowed to choose our trials, but each of us must choose how we will react to these times of testing. Take a journey through the wilderness with the Hebrew people and learn why God did not lead them in a direct route to the Promised Land. The path on which God led the exodus generation afforded opportunities for the people to grow and be prepared for the eventual conquest of Canaan. See how God provided opportunities for the people to learn to:

• Conquer Fear
• Beat Bitterness
• Cultivate Thankfulness
• Endure Dryness
• Deal with Delays

Order your copy today from Only 13.95

Teacher’s Resource on CD only $15. Book and CD combo $25.

Aid To the Scriptures

by William Felt

Here is a little book small enough for your coat pocket or purse to have handy when you are witnessing, or when just need a bit of inspiration. Complete Bible verses on many topics from Abomination to Worship, plus addenda that contains helpful bits of Bible information. They make great gifts, especially as stocking stuffers. Order one for every person you want to make smile! Only 5.95 each from Order today!


My, how nations differ!

Holding out for a common sense approach to immigration evidently cost CNN commentator Lou Dobbs his job. How different it is in America from other countries around the world.

• If you cross the North Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard labor.
• If you cross the Iranian border illegally you are detained indefinitely as a spy.
• If you cross the Afghan border illegally you get shot.
• If you cross the Saudi Arabian border illegally you will be jailed.
• If you cross the Chinese border illegally you may never be heard from again.
• If you cross the Venezuelan border illegally you will be branded a spy and your fate will be sealed.
• If you cross the Cuban border illegally you will be thrown into a political prison to rot.
• If you cross the U.S. border illegally you likely get:

A job
A driver’s license
A social security card
Food stamps
Credit cards
Subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house
Free education
Free health care
A lobbyist in Washington
And…in many instances you can vote!

What’s wrong with this picture????


Book Reviews

Medication Madness

Dr. Peter Breggin
Hardcover; New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2008; 384 pages

Dr. Breggin, an eminent psychiatrist himself, exposes the dangers of mood-altering drugs. There are more than 200 million psychiatric drug prescriptions written annually. Some of them are causing serious harm. Children and adults are being emotionally and physically injured, and sometimes driven mad, by psychiatric medications. Some commit horrible crimes and atrocities while under their control.

Drugs can and do transform the lives of otherwise well-meaning, ethical people, causing them to act in ways they would ordinarily find reprehensible. The many stories in this fine book, plus the accompanying scientific explanations, will make the dangers of psychiatric drugs unmistakable clear. This book will add to your knowledge about how drugs act upon human beings and about human nature itself.

The true stories that are woven throughout the book are there to illustrate the deep truths that Dr. Breggin is setting forth. This book will be a liberal education for every reader. You will find it a wealth of knowledge about the current drug craze in our culture. Arm yourself!
(Find it on or

Spiritual Masters for All Seasons

By Michael Ford
(Softcover; HiddenSpring, 2009; 176 pages; $18.00)

In a blending of the spiritual with the journalistic, author Michael Ford invites four spiritual masters—Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen, Anthony de Mello, and John O’Donohue—onto the same stage to show how they speak, not only to our own times, but for all seasons. In particular, he examines their legacy against the background of America and the world in recession, showing how their message of nonviolence, compassion, and inner integrity is much needed, not only in the “remaking of America” under Barack Obama, but also through the example the United States’ president has set for the rest of the world.

These four men are heroes and mentors to the advocates of Contemplative Spirituality and leaders of the Emergent Church Movement. If you want to know the direction of the mystics and the Emergents, you can find it here. I recommend it only for those doing research about the subjects, not for personal inspiration.

Thomas Merton was a Catholic monk who passed away in the late 1970s. He was a prolific writer and his books are treasured by those involved in the spirituality movements and the Emergents.

Catholic lay monk Wayne Teasdale says this of Thomas Merton: “Thomas Merton was perhaps the greatest popularizer of interspirituality. He opened the door for Christians to explore other traditions, notably Taoism (Chinese witchcraft), Hinduism and Buddhism.” (From Mystic Heart: Discovering a Universal Spirituality in the World’s Religions by Wayne Teasdale]

Merton stated, “It is a glorious destiny to be a member of the human race, … now I realize what we all are…. If only they [people] could all see themselves as they really are …I suppose the big problem would be that we would fall down and worship each other…. At the center of our being is a point of nothingness which is untouched by sin and by illusions, a point of pure truth… This little point…is the pure glory of God in us. It is in everybody.” – Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander, 1989 edition, 157-158. He further said, “I’m deeply impregnated with Sufism.” From The Springs of Contemplation, p. 266

The late Henri Nouwen, also a Catholic mystic and one of the author’s four “spiritual masters,” said: “Today I personally believe that while Jesus came to open the door to God’s house, all human beings can walk through that door, whether they know about Jesus or not. Today I see it as my call to help every person claim his or her own way to God.”
– From Sabbatical Journey, Henri Nouwen’s last book page 51, 1998; Hardcover Edition.

Anthony de Mello published Sadhana: A Way to God. Sadhana,  according the Hindu Dictionary, is “a means of attainment…self-effort, spiritual discipline; the way…embracing religious or spiritual disciplines, such as puja, yoga, meditation, japa, fasting and austerity. The effect of sadhana is the building of willpower, faith and confidence in oneself and in God, Gods and guru.”

According to believers, Sadhana harnesses and transmutes the instinctive-intellectual nature, allowing progressive spiritual unfoldment into the superconscious realizations and innate abilities of the soul. [Got that?]

John O’Donohue was an Irish Catholic philosopher and spiritual mystic who recently passed away.

Please save your money and pass this one by, but understand that these “spiritual masters” are front men for a revival of the New Spirituality, which used to be called the New Age. Some of our Apostolic ministers have taken the bait and been hooked on what sounds like deep spirituality. Don’t be duped. This is the same ol’ gal in a different dress.


The Rise of the Green Religion

Environmentalism should be regarded on the same level with religion “as the only compelling, value-based narrative available to humanity,” according to a paper written two years ago to influence the future strategy of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), the world’s would-be environmental watchdog.

The purpose of the paper, called “The UNEP That We Want,” put together after an unpublicized day-long session in Switzerland by some of the world’s top environmental bureaucrats: to argue for a new and unprecedented effort to move environmental concerns to “the center of political and economic decision-making” around the world — and perhaps not coincidentally, expand the influence and reach of UNEP at the tables of world power, as a rule-maker and potential supervisor of the New Environmental Order. (Source: George Russell, Fox News)

Al Gore and his green revolution gang have foisted upon the American public the idea that our current lifestyles (e.g., energy producing industries, larger “carbon footprints” of homes and offices, and cooking fires in Asia) are warming the planet to catastrophic levels.

His exaggerations, blatant lies, and wrong-headed ideas could be as threatening to the Western world as the rise of Islam. If adopted by congress, his proposals would weaken our national economy to the level of the European nations at best, and possibly to the level of some third world country. This would “level the playing field” as consistently called for by President Obama. I am convinced that it is the purpose of his administration to bring down the United States, and Obamacare, Cap and Trade, and his other agenda items are designed to accomplish that through the destruction of capitalism.

Back to the bad science of global. Some scientists provide proof that the planet is even cooling. They also shatter the myth that the hottest years in the United States were 1998 and 2006. The hottest year was 1934, and the hottest decade was the 1930s—when there were half as many people and no SUVs or jumbo jets. It is all a political tool to get what they want—POWER and CONTROL!

According to Fox News and other outlets, a thousand or so e-mails sent between scientists and other players in the environmental movement have recently been discovered that show collusion between them to skew the data and foist this economy-killing legislation on our nation. They have hidden data that shows that global warming is a hoax perpetrated by politicians with an agenda.

If we let them get away with it, what fools we be. The do-nothings and say-nothings will wake up tomorrow in a socialist state wondering what happened.



Parting shots

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.    – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

G. Campbell Morgan, a pastor and father of four sons in the ministry, was a prolific writer who paid attention to what was going on in the world around him, wrote, “It is never the job of the preacher to catch the spirit of the age but to correct it.”  – Quoted in James R. Gray, “Be Faithful To God’s Truth,” Pulpit Helps, 12/05, p. 8


Thanks for visiting the blog. Feel free to leave your comments. Have a great day!


Published in: on December 1, 2009 at 10:18 AM  Comments (3)  

November ’09 Blog

Welcome to the November ’09 Blog!



It has been said…


“Unity without verity is no better than conspiracy.” – Puritan John Trapp as cited in The Golden Treasury of Puritan Quotations, p. 304

“Life is short. Forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile.” – Anonymous


What a way to goCarlton & Penny 004_edited-1

A few mornings ago, everyone’s “low maintenance friend,” Brother Carlton Watkins, passed from this life to the next. His wife went to awaken him and found that he had passed away peacefully in his sleep. He had served with distinction on the Texas District Board for several years. He was pastor of the First Pentecostal Church of Daingerfield, TX for 27 years, a popular conference speaker, an inspirational motivator, a lover of truth, and a man admired by all who knew him. He will be sorely missed.

The new church edifice he was constructing would have soon been finished—a monument to his vision and personal sacrifice. Since there was no building in Daingerfield that would hold the people who would attend the memorial service, the church arranged to have it in the unfinished sanctuary, a fitting tribute to this fallen soldier. Scores of ministers from across the country were in attendance and there was standing room only.

His wife, Sister Penny Watkins, brought us all to tears with her touching comments and courageous spirit. His daughter, Sister Tiffany Smith of Dayton, Ohio, also moved us with her personal eulogy. Each song and every speaker reminded us of how important it is to live a good life, although short, to forgive quickly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that makes us smile.

What a way to go. Ciào, my low maintenance friend.


Twitter goes to churchtwitter-hashclouds

A fairly large church just a few miles from my home has introduced “twittering” during the sermon. Members are invited to tweet their approval, their negative comments, or their “Amens” during the pastor’s preaching.

Will audible speaking soon be a thing of the past? Recently two young men were seen sitting side by side texting each other rather than speaking.

At the church mentioned above, the message is instantly added to the list of others on a large screen behind the speaker. The pastor also sees them on his own personal computer screen in front of him. I suppose if he had denied his tech advisor this “advancement,” he would have been dubbed a “traditionalist,” or perhaps just a plain old “irrelevant” clod.

Ever wonder why we seldom look down the road just a little way to see where the path we are on is taking us? Would we then be so quick to jump on the technological bandwagons that keep rolling by? Would “let your moderation be known” (Philippians 4:5) be applicable here?


Want to write?PWF ezine

Charles Grisham challenged us for years to touch something every day that would outlive us. Writing has that potential. Every minister should recognize the power of the printed page when he picks up his Bible. While what we write is not in the same league as the Bible, our ministries are expanded and magnified when we anoint our thoughts with ink.

If you are interested in enhancing your writing skills, may I suggest you subscribe to the Pentecostal Writers’ Fellowship E-zine? It is filled with great ideas for Apostolic writers. Contact Sister Barbara Westberg at


Opportunity knocks with a captive audience

Pastor Michael Chuppe of Bismarck, ND has informed us that the ND State Penitentiary has an opening for a chaplain. If you know of anyone that would be interested in this position, it would be an opportunity for service with pay. The salary range will be $2900-3900 per month with state benefits.  It sounded like a person could qualify with pastoral experience rather than ordination. They are looking to fill quickly because the current chaplain has health issues and is leaning toward retiring soon. Many of our Apostolic ministers are reporting tremendous revivals in their prison ministries.

For a detailed list of the qualifications, remuneration and responsibilities please e-mail Brother Chuppe at


Spirituality 101sweat6

At least three people died early last month while attending a “spirituality” retreat near Sedona, AZ. They agreed to be placed in a pit covered by a tent-like structure. Steam was then generated inside the tent by pouring water over hot rocks.

This experience was connected to the practice of ritual purification and spiritual prayer. The compound also featured labyrinth prayer, meditation, and other facets of the trend toward New Age spirituality. The operation is run by self-help “expert” James A. Ray. The particular program in use at the time had been dubbed “Spiritual Warrior.” Read about it here:

When will people ever learn not to run after every spiritual sounding fad that comes down the pike? “Oh, but they were not Apostolics,” one might say. Perhaps not, but we have seen other “new spirituality” theories and practices introduced into our fellowship. Just because a practice has “spiritual” or “meditation” or “prayer” attached to it does not mean it is scriptural or a godly practice.

Discernment, where hast thou gone?


Et tu, U2?u2

An article in the Belief section of the Houston Chronicle on October 9, 2009 highlighted the “spirituality” of the rock group U2. The article was aptly titled Still Searching. The band is known for mixing spiritual lyrics, often couched in double entendres, in its songs. This mixture has proved to some listeners, like Episcopalian Rev. Genevieve Razim, that “cool and Christian” are not mutually exclusive.

True, but only when “cool” and “Christian” are properly defined.
The lead singer, Bono, has become something of an icon in the industry, delivering speeches to churches across America urging donations to fight AIDS in Africa. The money is funneled through the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals, doubtless a conservative agency with pristine motives. 😉

But what about their spirituality? They don’t claim to be religious—that’s old hat, passé—just “spiritual.” Bono says, “I think religion gets in the way of God.” That is the rising cry from the Emergent church crowd—reject religion, church and Christianity as we know it and just become spiritual.

The band projects a “spiritual journey” with no destination. Let me quote from the article:

“The title track from the band’s latest album—No Line On the Horizon, a line as steeped in spirituality as any since U2’s earliest years—seems to speak to that. There’s the image itself, the absence of a line, a final destination. A character in the song also says two things worth noting: ‘Infinity is a great place to start,’ and ‘Time is irrelevant, it’s not linear.’ It’s a vast vision of the cosmos and the beyond that doesn’t exactly jive with the idea of heaven as a victorious endgame.”

Razim says, “It’s about searching and seeking. The first time I heard a U2 song I detected it. It’s a journey, with faith developing and asking hard questions.” What a release from any discipline, other than that which one establishes for himself! No accountability, no responsibility. What a great message for the youth of America and the world, huh? A photo caption states, “No Line On the Horizon keeps with the band members’ spiritual journey, which isn’t necessarily about finding what they’re looking for.” Finding is not the objective; keeping free from accountability is.

A sidebar to the article lists some of their more “spiritual” songs. One, Mysterious Ways, “could just as easily be about a woman as it could about some other spirit,” the author says. “As to which spirit they are summoning, that’s in the ear of the behearer.”

Bono himself, a hero to millions of young twenty and thirty-somethings, measures the church’s mission “almost exclusively in geopolitical terms.” But it is the group’s spirituality that is intriguing to many. Just being spiritual without being religious allows them to stretch their “faith” over all religious—Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, or whatever. Sorry, but when you are everything, you are nothing.

Can anyone spell E-m-e-r-g-e-n-t?



For information about the new spirituality and its integration with psychology and the Emergent church movement, click here.


The Dismantling of Americadcnstrctn

Thomas Sowell, a black journalist, has traditionally demonstrated a measured and thoughtful observation of current events. He is not an alarmist. Coming from him, this seems exceptionally alarming.

Did you ever feel so helpless? Probably not, but remember: God is not helpless. His all-seeing eye never slumbers or sleeps.


Heisman trophy


This just in!!! Obama wins the Heisman Trophy after watching a college football game!!


President Obama and the endtimes—a response submitted by Brother Forrest Scott

President Obama is an internationalist, driven by a huge ego, and enabled by superior oratory skills. He sees himself not primarily as the president of America, but rather as the single international individual who is uniquely qualified to be the world leader that can bring world peace and unity by resolving the political/military/theological differences of western civilization and the Muslim nations.

He believes his assent to the most powerful office in the west, joined with his birth to an Islamic father and his early years of rearing in a Muslim culture uniquely qualifies him to bring these two cultures together. His impending failure is already indicated by Muslims around the world applauding his speeches and gestures directed toward them, while at the same time refusing to alter their conduct, or engage him in serious dialogue. His dissimulating and apologizing to obtain the open hand he has asked them to extend, has only resulted in a continuation of their closed fist, and maybe scorn as many view this conduct as a sign of weakness.

The Muslim leaders (especially the religious leaders) are fervent believers in the correctness of their religious beliefs, and will not be satisfied until all people are adherents to the Muslim faith—even if this has to be achieved by force. Consequently, the only way they will be responsive to his overtures is if he would become an instrument they could use in their religious/political conquest of western civilization.

His ruinous economic policies could well bankrupt America and result in the dollar being soon replaced by another currency (or basket of currencies) as the international monetary standard. The international economic crisis that a bankrupt America would probably bring on, would likely result in the willingness of people around the world to exchange their freedoms for a restoration of economic security.

One does not have to be an alarmist to see how all of this could rapidly move the world toward a single world government with a new international currency.

At this point I do not view Obama as the Antichrist since II Thessalonians 2:9 indicates that the Antichrist will possess and utilize supernatural powers. However I do believe he is a good case study in how the Antichrist will arise, and he is rapidly moving us well down the road in that direction.


Statistics can be frightening21f4bbd0aa9922116ce6a8dc66107ec3

Muslims are averaging 8.1 children per couple. In 39 years at the present rates, France will have a Muslim majority. In 15 years the Netherlands will be Muslim. In 17 years one third of all children will be Muslim. In 2050 Germany will be Muslim. In 1970 there were about 100,000 Muslims in America. In 2008 the number was over nine million. Muammar Quadaffi of Libya said it well: “We don’t need terrorists.” He means, of course, that they can take over the West without firing a shot, simply by sheer numbers.

Our present administration is encouraging this immigration of Muslims, with the President recently hailing their contributions to American life.

Really? Perhaps their most outstanding contribution occurred on 9/11/01 at the World Trade Center. Similar “contributions” were recently foiled by the FBI/CIA. Look at what is happening to the Detroit area. My, their wonderful contributions to that community is turning it into a dump where no one wants to go without a bevy of body guards.

President Obama has a great eye for progress and peace, doesn’t he? I guess that is why he was awarded the Nobel Peace prize.


Code of Ministerial EthicsEthics

Many years ago when I first served in the Headquarters office in St. Louis, it was located at 3645 S. Grand Blvd. The organization published a booklet during that period of time titled Magnifying the Ministry. The first page was headed “My Code of Ethics,” subtitled “Not Laws to Govern, But Principles to Guide.” Here they are:

Striving to be a good minister of the Lord Jesus Christ…

I will constantly prepare myself in body, mind and spirit.

I will safeguard the Good Name of the Ministry, speak the truth in love, live honestly and avoid embarrassing debts.

I will hold as sacred all confidences shared with me.

I will exercise the authority of a spiritual leader rather than that of a dictator.

I will seek to minister rather than be ministered unto; placing service above salary and personal recognition; and the unity and welfare of the church above my own personal welfare.

I will seek to lead my church to accept its full responsibility for community and world service.

I will seek to build my church without discrediting other churches, soliciting members therefrom, or casting reflection on other ministers.

I will not compete in an unethical manner with another minister for a call to a pastorate.

I will, with my resignation, sever my pastoral relations with my former parishioners and will not make pastoral contacts in the field of another pastor without his knowledge and consent.

I will not accept a pastorate of a United Pentecostal Church unless I am in accord with the Articles of Faith and Constitution of the General Church body.

Having accepted a pastorate, I will not use my influence to alienate the church, or any portion thereof from the fellowship or support of the United Pentecostal Church. If my convictions change, I will be honorable enough to withdraw.


Mark your calendarcalendar

Apostolic Ministerial Conference

– Oops! Errata! Rather than March 23-25, the conference dates are April 7-9, 2010 at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN. Please help us make that clear to your friends. AMC always has great fellowship and outstanding preaching. Something new has been added for 2010—a ministers’ wives breakout session, and also a youth emphasis. This is a family conference for all ministers and their immediate families. Don’t miss this unique Apostolic meeting!

Apostolic Theological Forum

– January 14-15. Everyone welcome! The Forum will be held at the First United Pentecostal Church of Euless, TX (between Dallas and Ft. Worth). The address is 709 Midway Dr. W. The newly remodeled sanctuary now can accommodate classroom seating for this type of meeting. Watch the next blog update for motels in the area. Modest registration includes syllabus of every paper to be delivered and discussed. Theme for this year: Apostolics and the Culture.


Rick Warren and the A/GsAGs

Rick Warren was a featured speaker at the recent Assemblies of God General Conference in Orlando, FL. He was introduced with great fanfare by General Superintendent George Wood, who pointed out that the A/Gs had gleaned so much in recent years from those outside their ranks. After walking through a substantial list of non-A/Gs from whom they had learned, he introduced Warren with these words: “I wanted him to come because I believe the Lord has helped him discover some vital keys that will help us with evangelism and seeing the Holy Spirit take your church to its next level of growth. As I introduce him today, I want to use the words Cornelius spoke to Peter, ‘Now we are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything that the Lord has commanded you to say.’”

We all know what God anointed Peter to say to Cornelius. I wonder if he said anything to the A/Gs along that line. Offhand, having Warren to speak seems like a pretty good way to open a door to the false doctrines that he is embracing and propagating throughout Christendom.


Books make wonderful gifts!

The Book We Call the BibleBook we Call the Bible new

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Advance Ministries
Paper; 371 pages; only 14.95 from

An unsolicited testimony: “I gave your book, The Book We Call the Bible, to my pulmonary doctor and he read it. He said it was the best book he has ever read concerning the Bible. He has a much better understanding now than he did. In fact, your book allowed me to witness to him concerning the Holy Ghost, etc.” – Rev. Anthony Stowe

A Wonderful Deceptionawdcoverlarge

By Warren Smith
Lighthouse Trails Publishing
Paper; only 12.95 from

In this new book, former New Age follower Warren Smith reveals how Christian leaders—wittingly or unwittingly—are leading the church into a spiritual trap. A Wonderful Deception examines church metaphors, concepts, and beliefs that are essentially the same as today’s New Age teachings. And while biblical prophecy is being minimized and explained away, the “new
science” is being used to prepare the world and the church to accept the New Spirituality and a false New Age Christ. Smith connects the dots for the “strong delusion” described in 2 Thessalonians. A Wonderful Deception pierces right into the heart of this deception while preparing believers in Jesus Christ to effectively stand against it.

Some key areas addressed in the book:

•How a “broad way” Christianity is deceiving many in the church

•How the “new science” will try to prove that God is “in” everything

•How Rick Warren continues to align himself with New Age sympathizers

•How attempts have been made to discredit critics of the Purpose Driven movement

•How the best-selling novel, The Shack, fits into the “wonderful” deception

•Ten scriptural reasons not to be connected with the Purpose Driven movement

Order your copy today! and click on Store.

Check out our other books on


The No-Spin Zone41-1

One of the most enjoyable non-religious books I have read this year is Bill O’Reilly’s A Bold, Fresh Piece of Humanity. Buy it; you won’t regret it. You will laugh a lot, and perhaps learn a lot about what makes folks like him tick. He really pulls back the curtain on his own background.

Sprinkled throughout are pithy points of wisdom. Allow me to share a few lines with you.

• Once in a while, on my radio program, a caller will kid around about all the money I make and say something like: “Hey, send me some of that.” And I say, “You wouldn’t take it, would you?” Usually that rates a pause on the line. The caller is thinking about something that he or she hasn’t heard before: Well, why wouldn’t I take it? The answer, again, is simple: If you earn it, it’ll mean a lot more than if it’s given to you. Taking stuff makes you weaker. Earning stuff makes you stronger.

• To this day, I believe in confronting fears, from the imaginary to the very real and dangerous. We are all afraid at times—it’s normal—but as the legendary boxing trainer Cus D’Amato pointed out, fear can be a powerful motivator. True courage is not about being fearless; it’s about overcoming fear, going ahead with something worthwhile even though you’re terrified.

• But wait—what about intoxicated adults who hurt kids while under the influence? The trend these days is to define alcoholism and drug dependency as a disease; something that the substance abuser has little control over. In fact, there are doctors who will tell you that chemical addicts have a brain dysfunction that drives them to seek an intoxicated state. So if they can’t help themselves, how can we call their activities evil? And if, while stoned, they hurt a child or anyone else, it isn’t really their fault; they have a disease they can’t control! Good grief! Again, this goes back to free will and my belief that we all choose between doing good or committing evil. Yes, sometimes a person can get caught up in a situation where he or she commits a dreadful act, like hurting a child, as a result of making a very poor decision, such as failing to control a temper. Okay. But to do it more than once is inexcusable. By the way, you don’t catch an addiction like you catch a cold.

You acquire it. You choose to put the bottle or pipe to your lips, the needle to your arm. But you could choose otherwise, as millions of former addicts have demonstrated. Despite legions of excuse makers who enable evil, compulsive behavior can be defeated if the will is present to do so.

• During my two years teaching high school, I learned an enormous amount about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But one lesson stands out above all the others: you can save everyone. You can give people opportunities, you can try to help them, but some will not succeed, for a variety of reasons.

• This insight has shaped my political beliefs and my policy analysis. I am big on self-reliance and not enthusiastic about the nanny state. I strongly believe that, in America, each individual succeeds by understanding obligations and doing what is necessary to fulfill them. The government cannot do it for us, cannot drag us through life’s daily challenges making sure we’re all okay. Those who promise that are charlatans. To repeat what I wrote earlier, if you rely on big government—you’ll pay big.

• What Elvis and the other rock pioneers did was alter American culture forever. Rock ’n’ roll was not just music, but also an attitude full of rebellion and subversion against conformity and the prevailing wisdom of the 1950s.

• When it is all over, when you are dead in the ground or in an urn, your legacy will be defined by two simple questions: How many wrongs did you right, and how many people did you help when they needed it? That’s it. Nothing more. No one will care how much money you made or what kind of car you drove. Those things don’t inspire memorable eulogies.

(There are many other observations in the book that make it a reader’s delight. – JRE)


The tragedy of national suicide

Why am I even bothering to share thoughts about the impending surrender of America to the globalists, or about the parallels of the current administration with Nazism, or the imminent dangers of multiculturalism?

The answer is simple: all of those political and social arenas will negatively affect the church of Jesus Christ—including our ability to support and do missions work around the world and the privilege to operate freely within American society. They will definitely impact our children’s lives now and even more in the future. Freedom is slipping through our collective fingers. Silence by churchmen in Germany who craved recognition and acceptance by the Fuhrer and Reichmarshalls allowed the Nazis to more quickly establish their “pogroms” of socialism and ethnic cleansing. Why do we think it will be different here?

Not long ago I watched as a gathering crowd seemed to be fixated on a certain building a short distance away. What were they doing, I wondered. Then the explosions began and suddenly the building collapsed in a cloud of dust and debris. Planted munitions took the structure down in seconds, making obsolete the old-fashioned wrecking ball.

Similarly, we Apostolics seem to have taken a seat in the public grandstand and are silently watching the demolition of our nation with folded hands. Tsk, tsk, we cluck, as the American experiment collapses into a pile of Marxist debris. Worse—are we silent witnesses of the fragmentation of our own movement? Are we afraid to speak up for fear of losing favor with the hierarchy or of appearing overly critical? If so, then we will doubtless see other splinters and defections in the future—not just from one organization, but from every arm of the Apostolic movement.

A few years ago I wrote a booklet called The Perils of Pluralism. Little did I know how prophetic it was, or how soon the prognostications would come to fruition. It was a wake-up call to our own movement about the dangers of denominational drift and the mute acceptance of pluralism within our own faith. Although thousands were sold, probably only a relative few grasped the potential a turn toward pluralistic compromise could induce.

We must never forget that our strength is in the unity of believers, forged around a set of biblical doctrines and principles, and not around some mushy idea of politically correct diversity.

If you are interested, The Perils of Pluralism can still be ordered from


How Immigration and Multiculturalism Destroyed Detroit

Detroit is many millions in deficit, forcing the city and much of the state make drastic cutbacks of up to 20% in essential programs. The mayor of Detroit was recently put out of office for corrupt and immoral practices. Wake up, America, and recognize what elements of our society are bringing this great nation to her knees.


The cult of William Branham lives on


If you are dealing with followers of William Branham and need information on him, go to:

Or Google: William Branham false prophet



Bush Miss Me yet

Obama best actor

Another trophy for Obama

Obama health care plan


Parting shotscannon_shot

Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable than fidelity. Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind.  – Cicero

There is no success without honor; no happiness without a clear conscience; no use in living at all, if only for one’s self. It is not at all necessary for you to make a fortune, but it is necessary that you should become a fair-dealing, honorable, useful man, radiating goodness and cheerfulness wherever you go, and making your life a blessing.  – Robert Waters


Keep the faith!


Published in: on November 1, 2009 at 9:54 PM  Comments (9)  

October ’09 Blog

WELCOME…to our October ’09 edition!

A word of encouragement: Remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow, but live your life TODAY! God is involved in your life and mine, but don’t get ahead or behind. He is an “on-time” God!


Latest NEWS:

Brother David Bernard of Austin, TX  has just been elected as the General Superintendent of the UPCI.


Journey with no destination

How long will words like “authentic…missional…journey” be faddish? Will the redefiners redefine them before long and they will come to symbolize yet another obsolete pattern of postmodern thought?

Please allow me to excerpt some lines from pastor Brandon Buford’s article in a recent issue of Perspectives magazine. It demonstrates rare insight from a young pastor.Road_to_eternity__VelviaJPG_4875

“I have been reading a book that is fascinating to me. It is entitled ‘Why We’re Not Emergent (by two guys who should be).’ In the book there is an interesting quote from a musician in a worship team. He said it this way, ‘In the music scene it’s really cool to search for God. It’s not very cool to find Him.’ It’s kind of like a dog that chases cars. What is it going to do when it catches one?

“Many of you have probably heard the term ‘seeker sensitive services.’ The idea started in Willow Creek. Ten years ago, Pastor Hybels decided their services should be geared toward the seeker. After years of church services focused on the seeker, he wrote an article in a Christian publication admitting there was a fatal flaw in their seeker sensitive services. Thousands upon thousands were seeking Him, but they had no idea what to do when they found Him. Therefore, they changed their format on Wednesday nights and began to seriously teach, saying this about their seeker sensitive services; ‘The church found that the people were not self-feeding.’ There was a realization that there was a lot of worshipping but not a lot of growing. They were enjoying the journey, but no destination was being reached. [They seem to be] seeking but never finding.

“[Author] David Wells wrote, ‘This is really the difference between Bunyan’s notion of spiritual pilgrimage and the postmodern idea of a spiritual journey. The point of spirituality is in the experience of the journeying, not in the purpose of reaching the destination. For Bunyan, the pilgrimage is about the certain knowledge that Christians have of the better country to which they travel. It’s about the way in which they must conduct themselves on the journey in preparation for the One to whom they are traveling to.’

“Emerging church doctrines focus on the journey and not on the destination. The destination is just not all that important. Along with this experience comes a lack of doctrinal reflection and more of a personal introspection. Thus they are saying they really don’t care so much what the Bible says. They spend more time on how they feel or what they are going through. Many of the Emergent church leaders and apologists came out of cold, dead traditional churches that had no zeal and no life…. Although they know what they are leaving, they don’t really know where they are going.

“Do you know how many preachers are afraid to preach a black and white doctrine? They are afraid to take a stand on issues like abortion or homosexuality. They don’t want to offend anyone. However, the Bible teaches us differently. Matthew 7:13-15 says, ‘Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat; because strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.’

“In this postmodern world of blogging, texting, video casting, and so much more, we have become so narcissistic. Everybody wants the entire world to know about his or her lives. We text and blog about all our problems and what we had to eat. Postmoderns have taught us that we should be in touch with our feelings and not be ashamed of our failures. So we post them for the whole world to see. It has almost become a badge, ‘Hey, I’m a failure too. I’m blind, you’re blind, so let’s all walk around blind together.’ We should be saying, ‘Once I was blind, but now I see.’ We’ve got way too many people who don’t know where they are going.

“Now I understand more clearly than when I was a child the old songs my grandparents sang. The lyrics of songs like ‘Heaven’s Jubilee,’ ‘What A Day That Will Be,’ ‘I’ll Fly Away’ and ‘Oh, I Want To See Him’ tell us they were saying, ‘I’m not wandering aimlessly, but I know where I’m going.’” [end quotation]

[Brother Buford pastors in O’Fallon, MO. I have known him all of his life. The timely words and perceptive wisdom in this article are worthy of re-reading. I urge you to do so. Emergents on their “journey” are not accountable nor is much expected of them while they are wandering. If they were to find God and come to know Him and His will for their lives they would then be responsible to HIm. Journeying leaves them free from the expectations of true discipleship. Thanks, Brother Buford.]


We Declare…wedeclare

The statement of faith and belief expressed by the signers of this document ( is but another indication that many brethren feel that something more than rhetoric is needed to curb the drift of modern Pentecostalism, and that a recommitment to our historic faith is imperative. The UPCI is the bellwether organization of the Apostolic movement. Smaller groups and many Independents rely on the UPCI to stay the course. What it does will affect all Oneness believers, down to the local church level. It can weaken or strengthen the hands of every pastor.
You are urged to pray every day for the organization and its leaders.


ISC Training Conference

The Institute of Soteric Counseling will host its eighth annual training conference at the Radisson Airport Hotel in Indianapolis, IN on October 15-16, 2009. Those who have completed their requirements for certification during 2009 will receive final training and be awarded their certificates at this conference.

All who are interested in Bible-based counseling are invited to attend. For more information, please go to


Choking on sand…images

Ah, the stuff that floats around on the Internet and then alights on our screens. Truly amazing!
It makes me wonder: Are we more fascinated by whether there are “secret codes” in the biblical text than we are about whether the church is being engulfed by the culture? Or whether Jesus could sin instead of the impact currently being made by the Emergent movement? Are we more interested in hype that suggests we are winning the world than we are of building an organization of “able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness” (Exodus 18:21)? Each of us should make a list of priorities and get our collective heads out of the sand lest we find ourselves fulfilling II John 8.


So let me get this straight…huh? 1

Obama’s health care plan will be written by a committee whose head says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn’t read it and whose members will be exempt from it, signed by a president who smokes, funded by a treasury chief who did not pay his taxes, overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that is dead broke.
What could possibly go wrong…go wrong…go wrong…go wrong….? (Source unknown)


What part of “illegal” doesn’t Congress understand?Congress capitol

Here is what the current Congress has come up with for amnesty. They might as well totally eliminate the border. This ridiculous legislation is shocking. It will shape our nation’s culture and politics for many years to come. None dare call it congressional treason, or corporate idiocy, but that is what it is. If they don’t resign, we need vote the rascals out. A poll reveals that a vast majority of Americans would like to dismiss the entire Congress and start over.

Here are the details: news:


Does Obama have a “oneness” vision?eye blinking

Where do YOU think President Obama’s Global Governance model will take us during his presidency? Do you think he is pointing us in the direction of a one-world government with one religion, one supreme leader, and one monetary system? Will we ultimately be reduced to be on a par with third world countries, many of which are governed by dictators, where corruption reigns and only the powerful are privileged?
I welcome your thoughts and opinions.


The ACORN scandalacorn_obama1-499x246

The most recent ACORN scandal caught on tape should sink that organization, but since it is tied so closely with President Obama, it is likely to survive and flourish. As William Shakespeare said, “What fools we mortals be.”


Someone recently sent me the following e-mail:notes

“It breaks my heart to see our churches incorporating the denominal songs of the world into our worship services. Where is our separation?”

Obviously, we have all sung songs written by non-Apostolics. But I think what he is missing are the old “psalms, and hymns and spiritual songs” (Colossians 3:16) that generally projected true spiritual need, doctrinal direction, and future hope. Their omission may be blunting our evangelistic efforts and leaving many middle-aged and senior Pentecostals largely out of the loop.

The latest choruses by contemporary singers/musicians/bands can sound worshipful and inspirational on a professionally produced CD, but to reproduce them and make them meaningful in a Pentecostal service is not all that simple. There are many new worship choruses that I like and enjoy. However, some are very difficult to sing, not knowing where on the scale it is going next, evoking a break in concentration in order to stay on key.

Most congregations are not made up of teens and newly converted yuppies. You wonder if musicians ever stop to think who really pays the bills of the church and provides stability to the congregation. To ignore their needs and desires and focus entirely on the new music is a travesty. The new praise and worship choruses have their place and time in services along the way, but to limit the entire singing ministry of the church to them is cutting off a vital link that should not be severed at this critical time in our history.
The following paragraph appeared in an article at The Old Landmarks web site:

“The hymns of early Apostolic believers were inspired by deep spirituality and the freshness of Bible revelations. They were simultaneously anointed and apologetic, glorifying Christ and intimating the deep truths of the Scriptures. The popularity of many of these hymns lasted throughout the early decades of the Oneness movement. Sadly, today their lyrics and tunes are virtually unknown to Apostolic young people, and many of the Oneness songs are indeed endangered. But the musical contributions of our Pentecostal predecessors make up an important part of our Apostolic heritage, and it is the responsibility of the contemporary church to rediscover and revive the powerful songs of Zion that remain relevant to our strong stand for Acts 2:38 salvation and New Testament doctrine of the Mighty God in Christ, passing from generation to generation the ‘psalms and hymns and spiritual songs’ that so clearly articulate the message of ‘the faith once delivered unto the saints,’ born in the Spirit-fueled conflagration of early Pentecostalism and the rich experiences of our Apostolic ancestors.”

You may want to read the entire article about the songs that guided the Apostolic faith during the first seven decades of the 20th century. Go to:


The Kiosk

You can purchase the following books from our secure web site. Thanks for buying books from Advance Ministries. We are happy to serve Apostolic ministers and laymen with some of the finest materials available today.


Twice Born: Turning over a New LeafThumbnailImage_

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Everyone can use some encouragement. Vicki Hawkins has provided that for every reader. A story of God’s grace and mercy that will touch your heart.

Paper 154 pages; 9.95


“I cannot express the profound feelings I had reading the first chapter in your book last night. I don’t recall being more sorrowful than reading about your orphanage and foster child experiences….I hope to buy many copies for you to send to prisons. It should inspire inmates. I am blind copying some on this email who know you from your emails. I was so impressed by what I read, I feel lead to tell you, not some passing comment on how good it is.”  – (Ret) Col. J. Ross Franklin, FL Pensacola, FLA

“Got your book today, and just finished reading it…the Holy Ghost moved throughout the whole book.  The Prison Ministry parts of the book and the part where you were struggling with the Lord over baptism affected me the most.  I cried through these parts and the Holy Ghost spoke to me in a powerful way.” – Bro. David Underwood, NCWindy Acres Ministries, NC

“I wanted to let you know that I read your book and I could not put it down.  It was EXCELLENT and I felt the Holy Ghost all over it.” – Sherry Hood


The Word Defined Research Study BibleThe-Word-Defined

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Volumes One, Two and THREE of the Word Defined Research Study Bible are now available. Order yours today!

The Word Defined Research Study Bible is a King James Version Bible, which conveniently provides the correct phonetic pronunciation; Hebrew word and definition for every proper noun in the Bible! Each page contains comprehensive information designed to make every page of the Bible come alive. Here’s an example of what you will find:

Each proper noun is followed by an insert of information that contains the phonetic pronunciation, the appropriate Hebrew word and the definition of the proper noun. For example:
(Moe zez [Mo’sheh]: “drawn out”)

1 Lebanon comes from the Hebrew word “laybin” meaning bright white. Lebanon is the loftiest and most celebrated mountain range in Syria, forming the northern boundary of Palestine, and running along the coast of the Mediterranean to the plains of Hamath.

“Did You Know” Text Boxes:
There are small boxes on many selected

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Volume One includes Genesis through 2 Kings; Volume Two includes 1 Chronicles through Malachi. Volume 3 is the New Testament. 39.95 plus S&H each or 119.95 for all three—shipping included!

Out of India

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Lighthouse Trails Publishers
Paper; 246 pages; 12.95


Who could better expose the invasion of New Age spirituality into the churches of the West than someone who was raised in India, the prime source of mystical religion. After leaving India as a young adult, she became involved in the counter-culture hippie movement, only to find that the elements of Hinduism and the New Age were very much the same. She would later discover that the same brand of spirituality would find its way into the churches of America. She exposes the roots of Eastern mysticism in the works of Richard Foster (Celebration of Discipline) and those who promote the concept of contemplative prayer. She shows how Yoga is being accepted in the West as merely a way to relieve stress and exercise the body, without realizing that it is a distinct part of the Hindu religion. She reveals the underlying beliefs of the new spirituality and the move toward an interspiritual world “peace” brought through mystical experiences. These influences have even come among Apostolic believers. This book will help you identify these dangers and circumvent them. A good read!

Please check out our scores of books, including many new titles at our store at



Dr. Obama and Euthanasialb0810cdmrz081709dAPRNegotiate with Iran


God’s best to each of you who waded through all of the above.



Published in: on October 1, 2009 at 5:14 PM  Comments (1)  

September blog ’09

Again…welcome to my blog, although some would not dare call it that since I am not sufficiently “intimate” in the details of my life. Personally, I don’t imagine most folks are interested in how many times I “tweet” ever day (how about zero?), where I stopped to buy gas, or whether I drink Zero Coke or Diet Pepsi. One’s private activities take a back seat to weightier matters of what is going on in the world and the church. That is basically what this newsletter/blog is about, although I do try to spice it up with a smiley face once in a while.

Thanks for stopping by.


Just so you’ll know… reported on July 8 that at that weekend’s G-8 summit, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called for a supranational currency to replace the dollar. He illustrated his call by pulling from his pocket a sample coin of a “united future world currency.”

“Here it is, You can see it and touch it,” Medvedev said.

The coin, which bears the words “unity in diversity,” was minted in Belgium and presented to the heads of G-8 delegations.


Could Paul have taken a girlfriend on his missionary tours?

couple-holding-hands-photographic-pLutherans adopt more open view on homosexuality

MINNEAPOLIS, MN – Leaders of the country’s largest Lutheran denomination have moved toward a more welcoming view of homosexuality.

Delegates of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, meeting in Minneapolis, approved a “social statement on human sexuality” that acknowledges differing views on homosexuality. It says the ELCA is strong enough to accommodate such differences. The upshot was that non-celibate, same-sex clergy couples should be in a “committed relationship” since they cannot in most states be wed legally.

Shortly before the vote, strong winds toppled trees outside the convention center and damaged the steeple of a Lutheran church next door, prompting a speaker at the convention to quip, “We trust that the weather is not a commentary on our work.”

This report was not included because it was “news.” Denominational leaders and liberal pastors embracing homosexuality and/or other practices not held by their constituents is old hat. But it makes one wonder: What would be wrong with co-habiting with a girlfriend? If it is OK for gays, why not for straights?
Who is next to say “committed couples of any gender” are qualified for the clergy?

“Lord, it is us?”

This is why I have been saying for years that nothing is inert. Everything and everybody is going somewhere, depending on their direction. And they usually wind up going farther than they intended to, being more involved than they figured on, and losing more than they bargained for. Ask a guy named Lot.
Direction is more important than speed.


FYI – A/Gs were busy with their own resolutions

At the recent 53rd General Council in Orlando, FL, ministers and delegates or the Assemblies of God rejected two resolutions Thursday that would have redefined the ministry priorities of the Assemblies of God, while narrowly referring to committee a measure that sought to expand the General Presbytery by thirty new positions. The latter resolution would have specified that 25% of the new members would be women and the remainder would be 40 years old or younger at the time of their election.


Speaking of resolutions…

Scroll for ResolutionsThe UPCI General Conference will be considering a resolution to develop a process for the reinstatement of those ministers who have been dropped from fellowship following a conviction or confession of immoral behavior. While it may seem to be a compassionate measure, do we really need to be backing up—more than we already have? What is next on the list to be undone and removed from the Manual? Are we opening ourselves up to future legal liability should the individual again fall into sexual sin? We had committees and resolutions and discussions on this issue nineteen years ago and put it to rest. Why dredge it back up and re-open old wounds?

Restoration and reinstatement have often been confused in the past. As Christians we are obligated to restore the fallen, but restoration is the renewal of a right relationship with God and should not be tantamount to reinstatement to a former position in a local church or a particular ministerial fellowship. Forgiveness and the rebuilding of a life for God’s service is one thing; being licensed again by the same organization is another. One does not have to have a ministerial license to be effective as a Christian or even as a minister.

In the current cultural climate, we should be sending a strong message to our youth on the value of integrity, rather than one that might be interpreted as, “Oh, it was just a bump in the road. He/she is licensed again. Moral failure is no big deal.”

Another resolution concerns local church disaffiliation. Some districts are trying to make it more difficult because they know the exodus is not over. Understood. But shouldn’t we be addressing the real problem rather than creating a new one?


The following items have to do with the current national crisis. The church will be affected adversely in its freedoms and its missions programs if the present administration continues its policy of bankrupting America and favoring Islam over Christianity. Silence is not an option.

Islam in America

Monday, July 6, 2009
islam protestorsThe Arab International Festival in Dearborn, MI, the city with the densest population of Muslims in America, provides a capsule of what America will be like in a few years. The following is news you didn’t hear about on your radio, or doubtless on TV. The news media is afraid to report it.

This is a visual presentation from this year’s Arab International Festival taking place in Dearborn, the Islamic capital of the USA, Michigan. It shows what we can expect as Muslims continue to immigrate to the U.S.  Check out this site:

It was not enough that Sharia loving Muslims were able to stop Christians from handing out Christian literature in the festival, so they also had to gang up and punch other law abiding Christians. Things are starting to look like the UK here. Wake up, America, the enemy is in our backyard. (Not just in our backyard…in our White House, as the next item reveals.)


Obama forms interrogation unit

interrogation(August 24) – By executive order, President Barack Obama has approved creation of a new, special terrorism-era interrogation unit to be supervised by the White House, a top aide said Monday. Bill Burton, Deputy White House Press Secretary.

An interrogation czar? Who will be the future occupants of the “Inquisitor’s chair”? That would be you and I unless we speak up and help stop this mad rush to emulate a Third Reich or a Stalin-era Russia.


Obama was against cheaper health care before he was for it

Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) has been one of Obama’s staunchest critics on this issue. He says the president opposed meaningful Republican legislation while he was still a member of the Senate.

DeMint said, “I want Americans to be clear that I have introduced major healthcare reform every year I’ve been in the Senate. Barack Obama did not introduce any that I’m aware of. He voted against Republican reforms that would have made it less expensive and more accessible for individuals to have their own insurance if they didn’t get it at work,” DeMint points out. “He’s done everything he can to maintain the status quo so that he could call for government intervention—and we need to expose that to the American people.”


Be nice to Barney3Stooges

Be nice at town hall meetings. By “nice” we mean don’t ask Congresspersons hard questions like, “Have you read this bill?” Or, “Will Congress come under the auspices of this legislation?” Or “Will this bill add to the deficit or will it pay for itself?” Such questions are rude, especially when asked in a raised tone of voice or with tears in your eyes. That would be bordering on “political terrorism.” To ask about long lines and rationed care under Obama’s plan is downright un-American—“evil-mongering,” according to Senate Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid. Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senator Barney Frank—someone sent me a picture of them (above)—would appreciate a little more respect at these town hall meetings. (I am still trying to figure out which one is Nancy.)


Caskets for “Clunkers”

CasketsLet’s say it costs insurance or government $99,000 to treat a patient in the effort to extend the life of a senior. If he dies, the cost may be only $6,500 to bury him. The savings would be $92,000. Since there are about 36,300,000 seniors, the total savings would be $3,357,750,000,000! That’s quadrillion! That puts dollar signs in President Obama’s eyes. Since the seniors are those most opposed to his health care plan, to see large numbers of them pass off the scene would not bring tears to his eyes. His health care plan would quickly move us toward reaping those savings. When babies are dispensable, so the elderly will become dispensable. Don’t let him beguile you with his smooth rhetoric. He told us what he was going to do before he took office. As a nation, we just didn’t listen.


Episcopal Bishop calls individual salvation “heresy…idolatry”K. J. Schori on indiv salvation

From the Associated Press – July 9, 2009

ANAHEIM, CA – Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori says it’s “heresy” to believe that an individual can be saved through a sinner’s prayer of repentance.

In her opening address to the church’s General Conference in California, Jefferts Schori called that “the great Western heresy: that we can be saved as individuals, that any of us alone can be in right relationship with God.”

The presiding bishop said that view is “caricatured in some quarters by insisting that salvation depends on reciting a specific verbal formula about Jesus.”

According to Schori, it is heresy to believe that an individual’s prayer can achieve a saving relationship with God. “That individualist focus is a form of idolatry, for it puts me and my words in the place that only God can occupy.”

No wonder the ECA is sinking in attendance. May we all be reminded that those who are compromising the fundamentals of the Christian faith are losing members while Apostolics continue to forge ahead. The more we become like those we are seeking to win, the more fruitless our evangelism will become. Who is winning whom?


Bigger government is not the answer

The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775 – they’ve had 234 years to get it right; it is broke, and even though heavily subsidized, it can’t successfully compete with private sector FedExp and UPS services.

Social Security was established in 1935 – they’ve had 74 years to get it right; it is broke.

Fannie Mae was established in 1938 – they’ve had 71 years to get it right; it is broke. Freddie Mac was established in 1970 – they’ve had 39 years to get it right; it is broke. Together Fannie and Freddie have now led the entire world into the worst economic collapse in 80 years.

The War on Poverty was started in 1964 – they’ve had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our hard earned money is confiscated each year and transferred to “the poor.” It hasn’t worked.

Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 – they’ve had 44 years tCap N Tradeo get it right; they are both broke; and now our government dares to mention them as models for all US health care.

AMTRAK was established in 1970 – they’ve had 39 years to get it right; last year the government bailed it out as it continues to run at a loss!

This year, a trillion dollars was committed in the massive political payoff called the Stimulus Bill of 2009. It  shows NO sign of working. It’s been used to increase the size of governments across America, and raise government salaries while the rest of us suffer from economic hardships. It has yet to create a single new private sector job. Our national debt projections (approaching $10 trillion) have increased 400% in the last six months.

“Cash for Clunkers” was established in 2009 and went broke in 2009 after 80% of the cars purchased turned out to be produced by foreign companies, and dealers nationwide are buried under bureaucratic paperwork demanded by a government that is not yet paying them what was promised.

So with a perfect 100% failure rate and a record that proves that each and every  “service” shoved down our throats by an over-reaching government turns into disaster, how could any informed American trust our government to run or even set policies for America’s health care system representing 17% of our economy?

Maybe each of us has a personal responsibility to let others in on this brilliant record before 2010, and then help remove from office those who are voting to destroy capitalism as well as our grandchildren’s future! (Source unknown)


Quote of the month:Quotes

As the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto said after the Pearl Harbor attack on Dec 7, 1941, “We have awakened a sleeping giant and have instilled in him a terrible resolve.”

Is this what has happened with the Obamacare program? Was it “a bridge too far”?


Media bias

media-biasAs the story goes, a Harley rider is passing the zoo, when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion’s cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents. The biker jumps off his bike, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back, letting go of the girl. The biker brings her to her terrified  parents, who thank him endlessly.

A New York Times reporter has watched the whole event. The reporter says, “Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I saw a man do in my whole life.” The biker replies, “Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger, and acted as it felt right.” The reporter said, “Well, I’m a journalist from the New York Times, and tomorrow’s paper will have this story on the front page…. So, what do you do for a living and what is your political affiliation?’ The biker replies, “I’m a U.S. Marine and a Republican.” The following morning blazoned on the front page of the New York Times are the words, U.S. MARINE ASSAULTS  AFRICAN IMMIGRANT AND STEALS HIS  LUNCH.”


Laugh to keep from crying

If you don’t need a little light-hearted song that would make you smile, don’t click on the link below:

Well, the part about Jesus and tithes may provide some redeeming value.


See, he was born in Hawaii!

I acted stupidly




Question: What is “contemplative prayer?”

yoga-childs-poseAnswer: Contemplative prayer is not just “contemplating while you pray.” The Bible instructs us to pray with our minds (I Corinthians 14:15), so, clearly, prayer does involve contemplation. However, praying with your mind is not what “contemplative prayer” has come to mean. Contemplative prayer has slowly increased in practice and popularity along with the rise of New Age spiritualities and the emerging church movement—a movement that embraces many unscriptural ideas and practices. Contemplative prayer is one such practice.

Contemplative prayer, also known as “centering prayer,” is a meditative practice where the practitioner often focuses on a word and repeats that word over and over for the duration of the exercise. While contemplative prayer is done differently in the various groups that practice it, there are similarities. Contemplative prayer involves choosing a “sacred” word as the symbol of your intention to consent to God’s presence and action within. Contemplative prayer usually includes sitting comfortably with eyes closed, settling briefly and silently, introducing the sacred word as the symbol of your consent to God’s presence and action within. When a contemplative pray-er becomes aware of thoughts, he/she is to return ever so gently to the sacred word.

Although this might sound like an innocent exercise, this type of prayer has no scriptural support whatsoever. In fact, it is just the opposite of how prayer is defined in the Bible. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6). “In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete” (John 16:23-24). These verses and others clearly portray prayer as being comprehendible communication with God, not an esoteric, mystical meditation.

Contemplative prayer, by design, focuses on having a mystical experience with God. Mysticism, however, is purely subjective, and does not rely upon truth or fact. Yet the Word of God has been given to us for the very purpose of basing our faith, and our lives, on Truth (2 Timothy 3:16-17). What we know about God is based on fact; trusting in experiential knowledge rather than the biblical record takes a person outside of the standard that is the Bible. Contemplative prayer is often practiced in a “prayer walk” in the confines of a labyrinth. That practice has flowed into mainstream Christianity through modern mystics like Thomas Merton, Richard Foster and Dallas Willard.

Contemplative prayer hardly distinguishable from the meditative exercises used in Eastern religions and New Age cults. Its most vocal supporters embrace an open spirituality among adherents from all religions, promoting the idea that salvation is gained by many paths, even though Christ Himself stated that salvation comes only through Him (John 14:6). Contemplative prayer, as practiced in the modern prayer movement, is in opposition to biblical Christianity and should definitely be avoided. (Adapted from


Book reviews: two books to avoid

Celebration of Discipline

By Richard Foster

codFoster is a Quaker, so his spiritual life is grounded in the subjective “inner light” presupposition of the Friends tradition. He is highly steeped in the Roman Catholic mystics, drawing from dozens of them for his theology. More than that, Eugene Peterson informs us that Foster has “‘found’ the spiritual disciplines [in the mystics] that the modern world stored away and forgot” (p. 206). Foster’s views are also formed by Quaker mystics and even secular thinking, most surprisingly Carl Jung, self-confessed demon-possessed psychologist.

Without question these extra-biblical sources are behind Foster’s understanding of the Christian life. That is not to say that he does not refer to Scripture and occasionally interpret it correctly. However, it is astounding to see how often he mutilates the Word of God (e.g. pp. 16, 17, 55, 83, 114, 156, 170, and 177).

As a result of his unbiblical routes and disregard for the meaning of Scripture, it should not surprise us that Foster has become a Pied Piper leading multitudes away from biblical Christianity. From the vantage point of twenty-six years since the publication of Celebration of Discipline we see just how far astray Foster has taken his followers. These include:

•Subjective leading of God as being the norm.

•The contemplative prayer movement that has taken many to the foothills of Eastern mysticism.

•Centering prayer in which one moves to the center of God or self—an Eastern mystical practice.

•An unbiblical use of imagination that leads to occultic visualization.

•Use of rosaries and Tibetan prayer wheels (p. 64).

•Open theism (p. 35)

•Mystical journaling (p. 108) and pop psychology (pp. 113-120)

•Embracing of psychological concepts such as self-fulfillment, self-actualization, loving ourselves, mutual submission, and healing of inner wounds.

•Propagation of the Roman Catholic view of confession, penitence and spiritual directives.

Overall Foster’s book is an encyclopedia of unbiblical teaching, which leads the unsuspecting reader away from Christ and into mysticism or worse. It is a telltale sign of the state of the church to find how accepted Foster’s teachings are.

(Adapted from Dr. Gary Gilley’s review at


Another book to avoid

Spirit of the Disciplines

By Dallas Willard

book_disciplinePractices called “spiritual disciplines” that are deemed necessary for “spiritual formation” have entered evangelicalism. Recent encounters with this teaching narrated to me by friends caused me to investigate these practices. The first experience involved my friend and co-worker Ryan Habbena who went back to seminary to finish his masters degree. Here is his experience in his own words:

I recently took a seminary course on the book of Luke. It was a summer intensive and was one of only two classes being offered at the time. About midway through the week, while the class was steeped in trying to discern the intent and significance of the book of Luke, we began to hear the echoes of mystic chanting coming through the walls. As it turned out, the other class being offered was parked right next to ours. The paper thin walls were carrying the choruses of a class exploring the life and teachings of Catholic mystic Henry Nouwen. We proceeded, trying to concentrate on studying the Scriptures while tuning out the chants that were carrying on next door. Perhaps what was more unsettling though is the class studying Nouwen was chock full, while there were plenty of empty seats next door for anyone wanting to learn about the inspired book of Luke.1

How can this be? A Baptist seminary was favorably studying the teachings of this Catholic mystic whose own biographers describe as having had emotional problems and homosexual inclinations.2 Soon after talking to Ryan, I met a lady who attends a Christian college. As part of her study program she was required to take a course on spiritual formation at her college. Spiritual formation in her class also concerned the study of Roman Catholic mystics and the search for techniques to help those who implement them feel closer to God. This study also explored “spiritual disciplines” which promised to make those who practiced them more Christ-like. After she finished the class she shared her textbooks with me. This article will focus on the claims of one of these text books, The Spirit of the Disciplines, by Dallas Willard.3 In our study we shall see that those promoting spiritual disciplines in courses of study called “spiritual formation” make claims that are unbiblical and dangerous.

We began this discussion with a description of strange teachings and practices entering evangelical Bible colleges and seminaries. They have been borrowed from medieval Rome and dressed up for evangelical consumption. We have examined the teachings of one of the visible leaders of this movement. Starting with a serious misinterpretation of Matthew 11:29, 30, Dallas Willard built his entire system on the idea that Jesus’ “yoke” consists of various spiritual disciplines. The issue in Matthew 11 was Messianic salvation—finding true Sabbath rest in Christ rather than following meticulous religious rules decreed by the Scribes and Pharisees. The idea of practicing spiritual disciplines was imported to the text, not found there.

We live in an age of mysticism. People lust for spiritual reality and spiritual experiences. The danger is that unbiblical practices will give people a real spiritual experience, but not from God. Deception is the likely outcome. God puts a boundary around the means by which we come to Him and grow in Him for our own protection. If we ignore the boundary set by biblical guidelines, there is no telling were we will end up. If however, we come to God on His terms, knowing that we have a High Priest whose substitutionary death makes intercession for us, and that we have access through His blood into the holiest place, we can be assured we cannot be any closer to God this side of heaven. “Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).


1. This happened during the summer of 2005 at Bethel Theological Seminary in Arden Hills, MN.
2. Michael Ford, Wounded Prophet (Image: New York, 1999); for a review:
3. Dallas Willard, The Spirit of the Disciplines, Understanding How God Changes Lives, (HarperCollins: New York, 1991)

Review by Bob DeWaay (

This is only the tip of the iceberg. For more information the role mystical, New Age contemplative prayer is playing in the Emergent Church Movement, and how it is affecting us (Apostolics) as well, request the following books:

A Time of Departing by Ray Yungen
Faith Undone by Roger Oakland
(See below)

Order from or call 936-856-3419 today! We will be away from our home for two weeks beginning September 7, so call or order online before that time.



Faith Undone

By Roger Oaklandfaithundone
Lighthouse Trails Publishing
263 pages; soft cover; 12.95

This book is a must read for those who want to know what is happening in American Christianity today, including the Apostolic movement. We are not untainted, folks! Pastors, we must equip ourselves with understanding of these issues or we will continue to see people swept right out of our churches into gross spiritual error. Oakland addresses the issues of contemplative prayer, spirituality and mysticism; the Emergent Church; Purpose-Driven ecumenism; the influence of revitalized Catholicism, and others.

A Time of Departing

512TTJKN9PL._SL75_By Ray Yungen
Lighthouse Trails Publishing
246 pages; soft cover; 12.95

Yungen pulls back the cover and lets us see what is happening to some of our youth who are getting involved in contemplative spirituality in colleges and seminaries. The “spiritual formation” movement is alive and well and is closer to you than you may think. This book exposes the truth about the new spirituality so many are raving about. Prayer walks, Emergent church infiltration, postmodernism, spiritual directors, contemplative spirituality and kindred issues. Who are the “mystics” today who are having such an impact on Christianity? Easy to read; you won’t regret your investment here. Order today!

Brethren, these issues are facing Apostolics right now. Ask me how when you order and I will tell you.

Scriptures-for-CounselingScriptures For Counseling and Witnessing—Quick Reference Guide

Compiled by J. R. Ensey
AM price 2.95

Every minister needs to have a list of scriptures he can refer to quickly when he is counseling or witnessing, especially on the phone. From Adultery to Worry, the topics are relevant and the thrust of each passage is listed. Keep one in your office, one in your home, and another in your car. You can even slip it into your coat pocket to have handy anytime you need it.

Culture of Corruption

517s05TqpVL._SL160_by Michelle Malkin

Hardcover; 22.95

This is a riveting book which you won’t be able to put down, and well worth the time. I applaud Michelle Malkin for the hard work and thorough research that obviously went into this body of work! Someone needs to expose the associations of the Obama administration hacks that he is appointing to key government positions. Inform yourself. We are going to have to know what is going on if we plan to ever take a stand for righteousness. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

When ordering books, please include postage of 17% of order; 3.00 minimum


For review of the book, The Shack, go to


Parting shot

cannon_shotWhile we sleep…

At dawn we slept. That fact became the title of a book by Gordon W. Prange documenting the reasons the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was so successful. We just couldn’t believe that they could get close enough to attack the seemingly impregnable sea and air bases on Hawaii. So, on a Sunday in 1941 that will live in infamy, they took down a large part of the Pacific fleet of the U.S. Navy, much of our air power, and over 2400 U.S. servicemen.

Could it happen again? Not only can it happen, it is about to happen! All while we manicure our nails, shine our Stacy Adams and trade in our gas-guzzlers for nifty foreign cars.

We are again asleep—drugged by the prosperity of materialism, sedated by a complicit media, hypnotized by a false sense of security, and anesthetized by a smooth-talking, socialist president. Do we think that the events of the past two years are somehow merely a dream—that we will wake up from this nightmare to a glorious world of peace and harmony?

Surely we didn’t elect this man who is likely a closet Muslim, a friend of Islam who may not even be an American citizen. Surely it isn’t true that he is placing avowed Marxists and haters of the American way of life in key government positions as advisors and “czars.” It just can’t be true that he is raiding the treasury and spending the future of our children to socialize this country. Surely he had not envisioned the fall of capitalism corresponding to the rise of Islam. (

Sleep on…dream on.

Soon we shall awaken to the harsh realities of the day and discover that while we slept, the enemy sowed tares in our field and all we can look forward to is a harvest of regret. Our children and grandchildren will feel the heavy hand of Islamic Sharia law. They will be drained of their faith, propagandized by Muslim dogma. The Bible will be ripped from their hands and replaced by the Koran. And we thought we could make nice with the Imams and satisfy them by offering to teach the Koran and Islamic law in our schools and colleges, even installing footbaths for them. ( We just needed to “understand” them. Would they “understand” the need for baptismal pools for Christians, especially those in Saudi Arabia?

Sleep on.

Overstating the case? That is what they thought during the first few days of December, 1941 when certain elements of the government expressed concern about Japan’s intentions. That’s what was thought on September 10, 2001 when the “chatter” on the worldwide communication networks indicated that something major was about to happen.

Check the record of this summer’s Arab (read “Muslim”) Festival in Dearborn, MI. ( Listen to the threat of the jidhadists here in America and around the world. Why do they have freedom of speech but Christians do not? Have you wondered that, too? While we release terrorists from Gitmo back to Afghanistan, they are appointing prosecutors to seek indictments against their interrogators. All interrogations, as of August 24, are to be done by a special unit under the jurisdiction of the White House. In other words—bottom line—we don’t want any more interference of those who are trying to terrorize America. More than ten major attacks within America have been thwarted by intelligence, much of which was gained through non-injurious “enhanced” interrogations. Thousands of Americans are alive today because two (that is all) terrorists were waterboarded without physical harm.

Why is the government not closing our borders? Do we yet need a few more jihadists to cross? Why has our president planned a “homeland security militia” to be armed and heavily financed by tax dollars to protect us from “civil uprisings”? Will they be the ones knocking on doors to collect guns from citizens? Why are there continual attacks from the leftist liberals and media against conservative voices who seek to warn us of these dangers? We can fold our hands and say “it isn’t happening where I am” all we want, but wherever you are, they are on their way.
Jihad is here. (

If the radicals can’t wait for the population demographics to allow Islam to overtake us (, then get ready for force and terror. You, dear reader, are an infidel. You must die or convert. Patience has not been a hallmark of radical Muslims. Islam is not led by moderates. Its leaders are not merely “good ol’ boys” who like to wear white robes and turbans. They are serious. They are driven. They smell blood.

They are awake…while we sleep. England and much of Europe is becoming a Muslim state. They have to accommodate them or suffer the threat of increased terror. (

Should we Apostolics ignore all these signs and continue to focus on spiritual hype, consuming our time with resolutions designed to thwart disaffiliation and bring sexual offenders back into licensure? Should we center on “engaging” our culture and spend our days “tweeting” with our buddies and posting hour-by-hour activities on Facebook. Are heavy-eyed postmoderns too busy rearranging their platforms, positioning their stools, and installing lighting systems to be concerned that their religious freedoms are being eroded by the flash flood of socialism, and not caring that those they are trying to emulate are Christian heretics and leading them down a primrose path? Are we too focused on initiating students in our seminary in the “spiritualities” of medieval monks and modern mystics? Perhaps we should place less emphasis on winning the world and more on winning souls. Cease trying to impress the world with our relevance and let them see our sincerity. Show them truth instead of accommodation, love rather than lights. The church is the hope of a lost world, but many sleep.

Weep for your children.


Fight on!

The soldier beside you

Published in: on September 1, 2009 at 10:21 PM  Comments (1)  

August ’09 Blog

Welcome to our blogsite! I trust this month’s offerings will give you some food for thought.


Crossing the RubiconCaesar crosses Rubicon

When Julius Caesar, general of the Roman Legions in France and the area north of modern Italy, decided to challenge the power of Rome there was a line that, if crossed, would mean no turning back. That line was the Rubicon River. No army other than Rome’s Legionaires themselves were allowed below that point. Those going below it would face the wrath of the greatest fighting force known at that time.

Julius Caesar encamped just north of the river for a time, contemplating his decision. He knew the potential consequences. One morning he arose with a made-up mind. He led his forces across the Rubicon toward Rome. Ultimately, he won the ensuing battles and the right to the emperor’s throne. But he knew once he had crossed the river, there was no turning back.

That is where we are in our nation’s history. As I write this, our president is pushing for passage of the health care reform no later than this Fall. Once congress passes it, there will be no turning back. We are then on the fast track to fascism and perhaps communism. In my opinion, we are already into socialism. Piled on top of stimulus bills and bailout money, this act will bankrupt America. We will be at the mercy of the world. In my heart, I believe that is exactly what Mr. Obama wants. He said himself that he would “transform this nation,” and that is what he is doing. His goal is the ruination of this country (he would call it “leveling the international playing field”), which he views as evil and arrogant, and “not a Christian nation.” The health care bill is the Rubicon. Once it is passed/crossed, we are no longer the great republic we once were…not merely because we have introduced euthanasia into the American system, but because we are reduced to begging on the streets of the world’s markets. Corruption at every level will reign as it does in many countries of the world, and only those with money to grease the palms of the bureaucrats and officials will receive grants, permission papers, and favors from the government hacks.

We will not likely find our way back. Weep for your children.



What about generational curses?
Binding and loosing?

See link below:

Disclaimer: I sometimes recommend resources but that does not mean that I necessarily endorse the author or everything he says. They are submitted to add to your repertoire of worthy research materials.


Leftist/liberal NEA throws its weight around

NEAThe National Education Association’s (NEA) top lawyer, Bob Chanin, recently made clear the goal of the NEA. He called those who believe in and work for traditional family values “b****rds.” He also praised the NEA because the organization has “power” and “hundreds of millions” of dollars from dues to spend in promoting their agenda and political candidates. Pentecostal teachers have the opportunity to speak out on the issues and I pray they will do so. Let’s pray for our teachers and administrators in the educational system that God will give them grace.


How careful we need to be when we observe how others worshipWorshippers

 King Ahaz of Judah (in 2 Kings 16) went to Damascus in Syria and was impressed by how they worshiped. He took down the dimensions of their altars sent them back to Urijah the high priest to build one like it. That is how a strange altar was introduced into the house of the Lord. See any parallels today?


Quote of the Month:

Quotes“An organized minority, obeying a single impulse, is irresistible against an unorganized majority in which each individual stands alone before the totality of the organized minority. A hundred men acting uniformly in concert, with a common understanding, will triumph over a thousand men who are not in accord and can therefore be dealt with one by one.” – Gaetano Mosca in The Ruling Class (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1939), p. 51.

This quote raises the following questions in my mind:

Is this how Barack Obama came out of nowhere to suddenly become president of the U.S.?

Is this why the organized minority is running roughshod over American industry, banking and virtually every other phase of our lives?

Is this why ACORN has so much clout in American politics?

Is this why the vote went the way it did in Tampa—one side was organized and the other was not?

Is this why we are seeing the rise of “semi-secret, by-invitation-only meetings” around the country by groups of elitists, seemingly organized to insure that the UPCI doesn’t make any “right” turns in response to recent defections? Why is it when liberals play politics it seems fine, but when conservatives try to get together on an issue they are called evil and dirty?

Will we fall into the hands of such “organized minorities” and lose our distinctiveness that has marked our movement in the past?

Are Christians destined to follow the pattern of secular government into humanism and corrupt politics?


You can’t beat this deal!Acts and Facts

One of the most important things you can do for your children and youth group is to make sure that they grasp the meaning of the first chapters of Genesis. If they fail to understand the accuracy of God’s Word concerning creation, studies show they will likely come to question the rest of the Bible as well.
The Institute of Creation Research, the leading organization promoting the biblical view of creation, publishes an outstanding, full-color magazine called Acts & Facts. It carries tremendous articles and research that we can use in supporting the creation model of Genesis and challenging the Darwinian view of evolution. And it is FREE!!

Just go to or call 214.615.8300 to subscribe. You will enjoy this publication.


I challenge you to watch the presentation located at the site below:


Book Review:

An Apostolic view of the Light Doctrine?

Conversion and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
By Gary D. EricksonErickson-Book
Self-Published; hardcover
Available from PPH; 19.95 plus 7.45 shipping

The author is the General Sunday school director of the UPCI and a member of the Executive Board. This book is his thesis prepared for his Master of Theological Studies at the Urshan Graduate School of Theology. In the Preface he states that the project was completed “under the guidance of James Littles and Robin Johnston” of UGST. The seminary subsequently granted permission for the thesis to be published.

The book walks the reader through the basic elements of Christian “conversion-initiation,” providing a backdrop from the Old Testament prophecies and the clear statements by John and Jesus in the Gospels. The author initially states that “a believer must be filled with the Spirit to become a born-again Christian and that speaking in tongues, with the Holy Spirit’s enablement, is the initial evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit.” That appears to be a clear, end-all statement leaving no room for debate. However, as the book progresses through the discussions of various pneumatological theories and biblical proof-texts, it seems to take a rather unusual turn. After discussing the differences in the Lukan and Pauline emphases concerning the Spirit, which are evident in the Scriptures, a view of the sovereignty of God is expressed that seems to insert a question mark into the absolute essentiality of the Holy Spirit throughout the present dispensation. God may or may not choose to pour out His Spirit on an individual who has taken the initial steps of repentance and baptism. While that is true, the choice is not made in a unilateral manner when all things are equal. God fully knows, not us, when a person has reached an acceptable submission point and only then is the Spirit given.

The early recipients of the Spirit in the twentieth century slowly developed an experience-driven theology. Some refer to them as the “founders” of the Pentecostal movement. Erickson quotes without comment one reference that stated, “Charles Parham rightly deserves to be called the founder of Pentecostal theology.” He may have been one the “finders” of certain Pentecostal truths in the dawning years of the last century, but we can only look to the prophets, Jesus and the apostles as “founders” (Ephesians 2:20). Most of the first partakers of the Spirit in the twentieth century were men who were convinced that they were already born again before receiving the Holy Ghost. Many were faithful in prayer and lived the separated lifestyle they had learned in the Holiness Movement. Their interrelationships motivated them to be wary of any tendency to refer to those who had not been filled with the fullness of the Spirit with tongues, or baptized in the biblical pattern, as “yet unsaved,” and thus were hesitant to adopt the clear biblical position that only those born again according to Acts 2:38 were in a saved position. As a result, many of them “parked,” as did the Protestant reformers, at a place short of returning to the full gospel message.

There is a good deal of historical observations and references that add value to the book. Having said that, when one reaches the final chapter, Implication and Application, some statements seem to point toward a doubt in the author’s mind that the Acts 2:38 message, including speaking with tongues, was in force throughout the present age. He suggests that “history is replete with exemplary Christian leaders who did not speak with tongues, especially those living before the twentieth-century outpouring. Some gave their lives as martyrs for the faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Others, due to their zeal for God, were instrumental in igniting revival for entire nations. These outstanding Christians cannot be simply painted over with a brush of spiritual arrogance. Neither can we wear blinders on our eyes to this obvious reality. It has to be addressed.” (pp. 134,135) The following paragraph is where he emphasizes the sovereignty of God.

Then the author makes this statement: “We must honestly accept that there is no explicit statement to unequivocally clarify speaking in tongues is the initial evidence of the Holy Spirit baptism. This theological position is based upon Luke’s historical record of the early church. From these anecdotes we deduce that speaking in tongues is the initial evidence.”

Then comes the bombshell:

“Taking the position that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is a necessary element in conversion-initiation and that tongues is the initial evidence requires that a believer explain why many fervent Christians in our history did not speak in tongues. In an age of such pervasive Holy Spirit activity and the modern capability to communicate so thoroughly, the words of Jesus come to mind, ‘For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more’ (Luke 12:48). This declaration clearly sets forth different expectations from different believers. During previous ages when the activity of the Holy Spirit seems to have been sparse, perhaps God excused believers from some elements of conversion-initiation (i.e., the baptism in the Holy Spirit).”

This smacks of what is known as the “light doctrine.” In other words, those “fervent Christians who did not speak with tongues” and “walked in all the light they had,” as adherents put it, will only be judged by what they knew or were taught. The suggestion is that when the Holy Spirit activity was assumed to be “sparse,” and the technological and communication advances we have available to us today had not been invented, perhaps God did not require obedience to the plan of salvation. This begs the questions: At what point did Acts 2:38 cease to be required and when was it renewed as essential? Was it in force in 842? In 1289? In 1517? In 1726? In 1888? In 1912? In 1914?

To argue that theodicy—the fairness of God, divine goodness—comes into play, positing that God’s justice would not allow someone who had never heard the gospel, or ignored the opportunity to do so, to be lost, is fraught with problems. To make God subject to our own concept of what is fair was dismissed by the Lord Himself (Isaiah 55:8,9). It also flies in the face of John 3:5, II Thessalonians 1:8,9, and a host of other clear passages. Such a position would be thoroughly confusing to Apostolic young people and ministers in training. It would also negate the need to send missionaries anywhere since those who have never heard will be judged accordingly. Missionary work would be counter-productive. To say that a European in 1510 might be saved by not having heard Acts 2:38 preached as the plan of salvation, but an Aborigine in the Australian Outback in 2009 who has never heard the name of Jesus is lost because we have new technology today, and the Holy Spirit is moving in other parts of the world, is untenable. We can’t have it both ways.

Also, the unscriptural view that God has established three eternal destinations—hell, heaven, and the new earth—is a first cousin to the light doctrine, if not an integral part of it. It is an eisegetical exercise motivated by the hope that our friends and relatives who were not born again will be saved anyway. (See the article entitled “The Three Destination Doctrine” elsewhere in this blog.)

The good points and excellent research in this well-written book are overshadowed by the view that God may require something different from various individuals and/or groups during this age, which sounds very much like the “light doctrine.” Hopefully, the author will see fit either publish a clarification or write a new article or book offering another approach.


The Three Destination Doctrine

This soteriological/eschatological theory has been propagated within the ranks of the UPCI for decades by a few prominent teachers, and a significant number of ministers have been influenced by it, perhaps making them more open to similar concepts like the “light doctrine.” Both doctrines integrate the idea that in this dispensation God had made allowances for particular individuals who did not follow the biblical plan of salvation. Some of them are among the unreached and others are those who lived “good Christian lives” but were ignorant of the Apostolic gospel. The latter group is said to be set to inherit the new earth—the theory we are addressing in this article.

The doctrine seeks to make a distinction between “the righteous” and “the holy” in II Peter 3:12-14—“Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.” The righteous are deemed to be “Christian believers through the ages,” or the “good person in the ______ Church up the street,” or “my loving and sweet old grandmother,” none of whom were born again according to John 3:5 and Acts 2:38. These “righteous” folk will inherit the new earth. The holy are those who possess full salvation according to Acts 2:38 who will inherit the new heavens. This draws a line where God did not draw one. To say that any individuals in this dispensation are saved even they were not born again is to oppose the clear teaching of Scripture and set ourselves up as judges of the souls of men.cancri55_1107

With all due respect to those who initiated or introduced the 3-D doctrine within Apostolic ranks and those who have kept it alive, there is no scriptural evidence that such will be the case. First, it is obvious that “wherein dwelleth righteousness” refers to both “new heavens and a new earth.” No respected commentator or translator I know of makes the distinction in the new heavens and the new earth as far as where righteousness dwells. This verse cannot be used as a proof-text for the three destinations doctrine. For instance, Wuest translates the verse thusly, “But new heavens and a new earth according to His promise we are looking for, in which righteousness is permanently at home.”1

Another verse commonly appealed to by adherents of the 3-D doctrine is Revelation 22:10-12: “And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” An effort is made to suggest that the angel speaking with John makes the distinction between the righteous and the holy. Again, it is obvious to objective scholars that this is basically a repeat of the same pronouncement—“unjust” and “filthy,” subjectively designated categories, are not meant to advance the idea that they will be sentenced to different abodes in eternity.

As Dustin Abbott explains: “The theme of this series of verses is that time is running out. The call of this verse is that one must make up their minds now [in this present life]. If they do not quickly become righteous, then they will soon have no choice but to remain unrighteous forever…and face the consequences. Furthermore, like the warning given to Philadelphia, the righteous are told to remain so in order that they might be counted among the eternal righteous.”2

Some adherents appeal to Matthew 25:31-46 as a possible plan of salvation circumventing Acts 2:38 if one has done particular “good works.” But that is the account of the future judgment of nations based on their treatment of the Jews, or Christ’s “brethren.” Also, some mention the judgment seat of Christ is pointed to as folks being saved yet without works of “gold, silver and precious stones.”

If we embraced this theory, we would not be able to tell our friends and family who have not been born again that they would be lost unless they enter the kingdom in the Bible way. We would be duty bound to tell them they might need to obey the gospel, although we are not sure. Paul told the Galatians that no one, not even an angel, had the divine authority to declare any other gospel that what he had preached (Galatians 1:8,9). I wonder if there would not be a lot of people would say, “I would just as soon live on the new earth. I will just be a good person and plan to join my friends there. That way I won’t have to be a part of the Apostolic church and believe and live like the Bible teaches.”

This doctrine, if it continues to be spread, could do great harm to our missions programs. We could only say that “perhaps” we “might” need to go into all the world and preach. And we would need to strike Mark 16:16 out of our Bibles: “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.”

This is not an attempt to stir up unnecessary controversy or to put any honest-hearted persons in a bad light. I count those 3-D adherents that I know personally among my friends. However, we are given a biblical mandate to confront false teaching and expose it. Jesus did it. The apostles did it. If we expect the modern Apostolic movement to stay on a biblical track, it is also incumbent upon us to confront it also.

1. Kenneth Wuest, Word Studies in the Greek New Testament Vol. II [p. 74 of section In These Last Days] (Grand Rapids: Eerdman’s; 1954).
2. Dustin L. Abbott, Revelation Unveiled (Belleville, Ont. Canada; Guardian Books, 2007), p. 361


On tongues

Response from a minister regarding the letter received by the A/G minister requesting that no one speak in tongues unless an interpreter was present:

My interest results from an article in The Pentecostal Minister (Winter, 1988). This magazine was published by the Church of God (Cleveland, TN). The article was authored by Robert Fisher (Overseer of Western North Carolina). In the article he said in part, “In our commendable effort to bring a greater sense of order and decorum to our church services, we may have programmed out more than we realize of the genuine move of the Holy Ghost. Many young people attending Pentecostal churches have never seen or heard a scriptural manifestation of the spirit. Even more tragically, they have not been encouraged nor do they have a desire to be filled with the spirit.” Further on he said “A recent (1983) survey of youth in the Church of God (Cleveland) indicated that less than half have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, while more than half never have family devotions. A 1987 survey by the same denomination found that 26.6% of the church teenagers (male and female) had had sexual intercourse one or more times.”

Over the years I have referenced these quotes, and suggested that the Trinity Pentecostal churches are becoming Pentecostal in name only. The letter you reference would appear to add substance to my speculations.  [End] – Submitted by Brother Forest Scott)


Prophetess corrects me

A friend sent me the following e-mail:

“Brother Ensey, I got an interesting reaction to your May blog on the ‘light doctrine’ from an apostolic who is now involved in the prophetic movement through the ministry of Bill Hamon:

“I have personal familiarity with a case of a credible prophetess in which she was taken to heaven. She assures us that many who have ‘trusted’ Christ alone are there with the Lord. She has ‘spoken with them’ during her heavenly visitation. In no case, she reported, was Acts 2:38 the issue upon which admission was granted or refused to anyone entering the celestial state. Prophetic revelations have tended to favor the apostolic founders rather than men like Ensey. No prophetic revelation supports his view. Not one prophecy or vision. Be careful of interpretations that have no prophetic confirmation. Ensey’s view is unsupported by the ongoing ministry of the Holy Spirit.”

I suppose we need to toss the Bible in the dumpster and get our doctrines from such “credible” prophetesses. I only hope someone told Peter before he was martyred. Maybe he repented of his doctrinal rigidity before he died. Hopefully Paul was forgiven for writing Galatians 1:8,9 before he was beheaded. But wait…weren’t the apostles among the real “founders” of the Pentecostal movement (Ephesians 2:20)? Hmmm…. Since Paul and Peter and John supported each other’s doctrine, and wrote by inspiration of the Spirit, I think I will stick with their pronouncements rather than the vision of Hamon’s prophetess.


You knew it was coming

Washington representative Brian Baird has introduced a bill, H.R. 3247, that will establish a social and behavioral science research program. What would the program do? It would be set up to identify and understand social and behavioral factors that influence energy consumption to promote the utilization of the results of social and behavioral research to improve the design, development, demonstration and application of energy technologies policies and programs. The bill will create a director of social and behavioral research. (Source: FoxNews)  [A behavior control czar? Of course. You knew it was coming!]


Laugh to keep from crying:

Bring Jackson back


American suicide

5Subsidized peanuts


The Kiosk

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A Hill To Die On


Is truth worth dying for? If so, which truth? Which doctrine? This new book, which will be available this week, suggests that there are some things worth risking our reputations, our resources, and perhaps our lives for. Six months ago we would never have thought we would be where we are today as a nation. The Christian faith is rapidly being dismembered and deconstructed to make way for Islam. The rush of endtime prophecy fulfillment should stiffen the backbone of every Christian and make us realize there will be a price to pay for our faith. The nine chapters of this new book include:

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• Truth in an Age of Deception

• Unity in an Age of Division

• Righteousness in an Age of Hedonism

• The Church in an Age of Spirituality

• Absolutes in an Age of Relativism

• God and Government

• Is American Christianity Returning to the Social Gospel?

• Our Finest Hour


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Parting shotcannon_shot

Isn’t it amazing that we have the right, so far, to speak out on issues that face our nation and our faith, but when anyone does they are put under the microscope and their integrity and motives are questioned? “Who are YOU to say anything? Who do you think you are to speak up and challenge the way things are going?” Perhaps that is why most of us are content to sit quietly and grumble where only a few close friends can hear us. Brethren, it is now or never, both in our nation and our church. Silence is not a viable option.


Stay cool in August!


Published in: on August 1, 2009 at 3:44 PM  Comments (10)  

July ’09 Blog

Thanks for visiting today! I realize time is at a premium with all of us, so I deeply appreciate your taking a few minutes to peruse these thoughts, quotes and other information contained herein. Cry a little, laugh a little.


Theme Passage of the Month:Geneva Bible 1

I John 4:1- “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

2Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

4Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

5They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.

6We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.”


Muslims pick Rick

Friends-of-TerrorRick Warren is a keynoter at the upcoming Islamic Society of North America’s (ISNA) Fourth of July weekend annual convention. The conference theme, surprisingly, is Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. What a strange theme for Muslims. Would they use that for a theme if the conference was in Riyadh or Damascus or Gaza City?

Rick probably won’t anger them by telling them they are worshiping a false god and unless they repent and obey the gospel they will be lost. Go along to get along will likely be his underlying theme. The ISNA was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case in 2007. Who cares? Evidently no one.

How many Baptists think Rick Warren is great? He gets mixed reviews among them. How many Charismatics? Lots. How many Apostolics? I wonder.


Quotes Of The MonthQuotes

“The Holy Ghost carries on the whole Christian system in this earth.
Not a baptism, not a marriage, not a sacrament can be administered but
by the Holy Ghost. . . . There is no authority, civil or religious—there can be no legitimate government but what is administered by this Holy Ghost. There can be no salvation without it. All without it is rebellion and perdition, or in more orthodox words damnation.”  –  John Adams, 2nd President of the United States (1797-1801); 1809 Letter to Benjamin Rush

Shortly after the fall of European communism two decades ago, then Czech President Vaclav Havel addressed his nation and spoke words that apply to our nation today as we slip into moral oblivion:

“We live in a morally contaminated environment. We fell morally ill because we became used to saying something different from what we thought. We learned not to believe in anything, to ignore each other, to care only about ourselves…. We have to understand this legacy as a sin we committed against ourselves. If we realize this, hope will return to our hearts.”


To what extent should we seek to emulate the ministry of Jesus?images

It is said our mission is to be a follower—a favorite term of the young “Emergents”—of Jesus (I Peter 2:21). “Follow me,” Jesus said (Matthew 4:19). Paul admonished us to follow him as he followed Christ (I Corinthians 11:1). However, being a “follower” of Christ may mean different things to some of the postmoderns, the religious liberals and radicals of the Jesus Seminar.

The Emergent ministers claim to be “radically Jesus-oriented.” Do what He did, they say. Think from His perspective. Have the priorities He had. Walk in His footsteps. Wow…who wants to argue with that? Once folks agree with that line of reasoning, the teachers pick out certain activities of Christ and push them to the forefront as examples of what the modern church and ministry should be doing. Sounds good on the surface, but what lies underneath? Where are they going with that approach?

That concept is used to justify their ongoing interaction with all sorts of quasi-religious folk outside the church and beyond their narrowing efforts of evangelism. For example, they like to point out how Jesus consorted with sinners and harlots, and how He was particularly concerned with the beggars, the indigent and the homeless. This puts them in a better light to visit the “tenderloin district” of their local community every Friday night to distribute bottles of water or some other free item, as one Pentecostal pastor confesses he does. If Jesus were here today, is that where He would be spending His Friday evenings? I trow not.

There is no biblical record of Jesus frequenting the Roman bathhouses that were proliferating in His day (there was one in His hometown). If women of ill repute came to Him in repentance and the hope of becoming one of His disciples, should we then project Him as possibly visiting local brothels or frequenting the red light districts of Judea and Galilee? As far as His visitation with “sinners” (a perjorative term for all Gentiles, but also included Jews who were thought to be unfaithful to strict moral codes of the law), to dine with a local businessman or government agent does not indicate His penchant for ungodly company. It would be like a pastor accepting an invitation to have lunch with the local mayor or judge. Should that be construed as consorting with sinners? How ridiculous. In truth, all who were around Jesus were sinners, even the Jewish priests. Doubtless Jesus chose His “traveling buddies” very carefully. He protected His reputation. A vulnerable bag holder did not compromise Him until the last.

Jesus certainly included His poor countrymen in His ministry, showing them compassion and love without discrimination. His example is suggested by those who are “radically Jesus oriented” to be a pattern for American ministers today. It is used to promote the social gospel with a view toward redeeming the culture, lifting all the unbelievers out of their misery, building them homes, feeding their poor, etc.—as though the nation of America is the church and all others are begging at our feet. America is not the church. Nor is the body of Christ called to pour its resources into curing the AIDS victims around the world. Or making sure that all the local irresponsible winos are housed and clothed and fed. Should individuals want to give to those causes outside the church, that is their prerogative. No problem. I shouldn’t have to say this, but I have ministered to skidrow bums and winos. I have preached in missions and soup kitchens. And I have met men who once were once in the gutter, covered with wine sores and their own filth, stand up and lead “Amazing Grace.” I understand the burden of those who feel specially called to minister in those settings and reach for their souls. Again, no problem. But to think we should dedicate the resources of the church to wiping out poverty and homelessness and sexually transmitted diseases is to be misguided.

We have to remind ourselves that His primary places of ministry were Galilee and Judea. These were Jewish areas. The poor widow with two mites came to the Temple to give. That is where Jesus saw her. Lazarus the beggar was laid at the gate of the same Temple. Jesus did not travel to minister to the poor citizens of Alexandria or Athens or Damascus to lift them out of the dunghills of poverty and wretchedness. He did not preach in the brothels and bathhouses of Rome. He did not neglect the poor of His native Israel, but neither did He direct His ministry to the homeless and indigent of the unbelieving world.

Jesus never filled anyone with the Spirit or commanded Christian baptism (Acts 2:38) to be done during His ministry (John 3:25,26; 4:1-3 notwithstanding). He never initiated religious dialogue with the political leaders positioned in Israel by Rome. He was never involved in foreign missions. He never left Israel during His ministry. He did not heal everyone in Israel. Nor did He raise all the dead, cleanse all the lepers, or feed all the hungry. Nor as a carpenter did He devote His time to providing housing for all the homeless folk. Those activities were not the reason He came into the world (I John 3:5-8).

Picking and choosing His activities that should be emulated reveals that it is being done based on the facets of Christ’s ministry they want to emulate—facets that fit their liberal agenda. If they really want to do everything like Jesus, they would only minister to one race. “He came unto his own…” (John 1:11). Jesus came to find and minister to the “lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 15:24). Is that the limit of their vision? His target was not the pagans and heathens. He assigned His disciples the responsibility to take the gospel to the world after they were converted and made aware that salvation was to be extended beyond the Jewish race.

When He sent out disciples as emissaries, they went two by two (Luke 10:1) without their wives. Must we do it that way? He gave them special powers and authority for their ministry missions (Luke 10:9,19). Are ministers today expected to perform exactly as they did? They were instructed not to take money or shoes with them (Luke 10:4). Anyone want to try that? No, the postmodern “followers” and the “do exactly like Jesus did” folks want to carefully select which parts of Jesus’ ministry they want to be involved imitate.

How did Jesus intend for the principles He taught to be lived? Can we deny the orthopraxy of the Apostolic church in the Book of Acts and the Epistles? Just how should Christian ministry be carried on today? You won’t find the definitive answer in the Gospels. You will find it in Acts and in the Epistles. Why do the Emergents want to stay in the Gospels? Because they can more easily manipulate the pre-Christian, Jewish-based stories and concepts and twist them to fit their agenda, which is quite different from the church life found in the Epistles.

Let’s stop taking our cues from the Rick Warrens, Rob Bells and Brian McLarens of the world. “And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you” (Mark 13:5).


Six minutes of common sensethomas_paine

Common sense is so rarely displayed in our culture that you seldom get a glimpse of it. Now you have a chance.

Bob Basso, our generation’s Thomas Paine, is calling us to action! According to WorldNetDaily et al., Mr. Basso’s short, six-minute speech has become so popular that President Obama called him personally. He said that he was very disturbed with his comments and invited him to the White House to discuss the matter. You go, Bob! Turn your volume up and click here:


Book Review:

Already Gone: Why your kids will quit church and what you can do to stop it

Already-GoneBy Ken Ham and Britt Beemer
New Leaf Press
190 pages; AM price 12.95

One of the most distressing factors in the lives of Apostolic adults is to see their children take another road in life. We often blame their departure from the faith on marrying wrong, or on strong temptations in the modern culture. But the author makes the case that those are not the primary reasons they leave the faith. And that they have grown up “under the pew” or in your church’s Sunday school makes little difference.

Ham, known for his Answers in Genesis creation-science ministry, says a major study he commissioned by a respected researcher, Britt Beemer, unveils for the first time in a scientific fashion the startling reasons behind statistics that show two-thirds of young people in evangelical churches will leave when they move into their 20s.

One of the main reasons: Young people begin to question the authority of the Scriptures. They lose faith in the Bible and in those who teach the Bible. They learn to put their faith and trust in the school teachers and college professors. Teachers are no longer able to freely teach the Genesis version of the beginning of the world. So where do they hear it? Seldom do our pastors teach the creation story from Genesis in a fashion to make it believable and understandable. While alluding to the absolutes of Scripture along the way, I recognized recently that I have failed to publicly present the facts about dinosaurs, which our youth are fascinated by. Public school teachers speak of them living millions of years in the past. Referring to an old earth in that manner, casts the Genesis record in a negative light.

What does the age of the Earth have to do with the exodus of young people from American churches? The Ham/Beemer study found that church youth already are “lost” in their hearts and minds in elementary, middle and high school, long before college, although that is where their theories are hardened.

This loss of trust and confidence in the Scriptures is why many youth are now getting “soft” on divorce/remarriage, abortion, premarital sex, homosexuality, same-sex marriage and other moral and ethical issues. Where there is not absolute moral authority, then who is qualified to set the standard? Ham believes that the real problem is in the home where there is little support for moral absolutes. Too much television. Too many video games. No family altars. Little or no Bible reading.

The book explores a number of reasons for the findings, but Ham sees one overarching problem that is related to how churches and parents have taught youth to understand the Genesis account of creation. He points out that today’s youth find it hard to see a connection between what they are taught in church and what they learn at school. “Because of the way in which they’ve been educated,” Ham said, teens come to believe “that what they are taught in school is reality, but the church teaches stories and morality and relationship. Bible teaching is not real in the sense of real history.” The Genesis issue matters, he contends, “because salvation does rise or fall on the authority of Scripture. The message of the gospel comes from the words of Scripture.” When the Bible is undermined, he explained, everything it teaches is in doubt.

Interestingly, Ham states that just adding certain loud instruments into the worship service “does not make the church relevant. Cultural forms do not make you relevant, they just make you ‘cool.’ Truth makes you relevant.”

This book is in its third printing in three weeks. Find out what else Ham discovered and how he suggests a practical remedy. This is a book you will value and learn from. Nothing matters more than the saving of our family.

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Wasn’t Bill Clinton a faithful Southern Baptist who liked Pentecostal services?Bill Clinton

Clinton: America no longer dominated by Judeo/Christian influence
WASHINGTON – Former President Bill Clinton has told an Arab-American audience of 1,000 people that the U.S. is no longer just a black-white country, nor a country that is dominated by Christians and a powerful Jewish minority. [No one could disagree with that assessment, with special thanks to George Bush and Barack Obama.]

In a recent speech to the group, Clinton said that given the growing numbers of Muslims, Hindus and other religious groups here, Americans should be mindful of the nation’s changing demographics, which led to the election of Barack Obama as president. [Muslims and Hindus did not elect Obama—the youth and rock star worshipers did.] Clinton said by 2050 the U.S. will no longer have a majority of people with European heritage and that in an interdependent world “this is a very positive thing.” [For whom?]

Speaking in a hotel ballroom to the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee during its annual convention, Clinton also praised Obama’s speech in Cairo, Egypt, that was focused on the Arab world. Clinton told the audience that it’s important that they push government leaders for a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He cited an experience in 1993 when he failed to persuade many Jewish-American and Arab-American business people to invest in the Palestinian areas because violence and bombings had deterred them.

“It just took one more bus bomb or one more rocket or one more incident and then people got scared of losing their money,” he said. [Let’s see…was it the Israelis who were blowing up buses?]

As the U.S. continues to push for peace in the area, “I think it’s really important to give the Palestinian people something to look forward to,” Clinton said to loud applause. [Like Obama’s spending $22 million to transport and house Hamas refugees from Gaza here in America? Why would any Muslim want to live in the heart of the Great Satan?]

Clinton, who wasn’t paid for his speech [Anyone believe that?], spoke in a wide-ranging 35-minute address that focused on people’s identity in an interdependent world. He said the U.S. can’t rely on its military might in global relations. “It has to begin by people accepting the fact that they can be proud of who they are without despising who someone else is,” he said. [Even if they have bomb belts strapped on their chests.]

Bracket comments mine. Source:


The Engineering Marvel From The “New GM”

ObamobileIn a special news conference yesterday, Government Motors (formerly called General Motors) announced its ‘new concept car’ slated for production in the Fall.

The new GM proudly introduces the 2010 Obamobile!

This car runs on hot air and broken promises. It has three wheels that speed the vehicle through tight left turns. It comes complete with two teleprompters programmed to help the occupants talk their way out of any violations. The transparent canopy reveals the plastic smiles still on the faces of all the excited liberal owners.



How many Czars does it take to make a Russia?Czars

We now have about 20 of them in the U.S. government who report directly to the President. Minnesota’s 6th District Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, speaking on the recent political interference in automobile dealerships by the government and the unprecedented use of “czars” by the Obama Administration, said: “We now have a ‘gangster government’ and an imperial presidency!”

Please listen to what this congresswoman has to say! Click on this link:

What should we as American citizens do? Keep quiet simply because we are Christians? That is exactly what Obama hopes we will do!


Submitted comments on Jefferson’s words (see last month’s blog):

JeffersonCommenting on Thomas Jefferson’s statement on banking institutions:

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

Scripture teaches us this same principle, at least to a degree, with regard to finances. Proverbs 22:7 states: “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” Also, God promised Israel that when they were right with God they would lend and not borrow (Deuteronomy 28:12).

The current state of the church, as I see it, is one that is mostly borrowed to the hilt or somewhere close to it. In our desire for the latest this and that we have left behind God’s plan for financial security namely being debt free. The simple solution to the current banking and financial crisis is no indebtedness.

Couple this with the fact that Jesus spoke more about money than he did heaven or hell and it gives one the feeling that we have neglected an important part of God’s plan for us as Apostolics. I saw this a few years ago when we started the church where I currently pastor. We worked very hard to pay the building off and remodel it. Since then my goal is to be completely debt free personally (and stay that way) within the next one and a half years. I know everyone is not able to do this, but are we trying?

The question I had to ask myself, and maybe the ministers reading your blog should also ask themselves: When was the last time you taught your people the Bible plan for finances and put a plan in action to see it through? What will be result of the current financial situation of trillion dollar interest payments on trillions of debt? Many churches going under and the saints finding themselves in a bankrupt place with no way to fund the work of God.

– Submitted by Pastor Greg Wirths of Augusta, KS


Which is more important?silver & gold

About 900 years ago, a Catholic priest who was beginning a new order went to Rome to appeal to Pope Innocent III on behalf of the order. While he was there, the pope showed him the treasures of the Vatican. “No longer can the church say, ‘Silver and gold have I none,’” bragged the pope. The priest sadly nodded his head and replied, “Neither can it say, ‘Rise, take up your bed and walk!’”


On thinking

There are two kinds of people:

Those who stop to think and
Those who stop thinking.

Laurence J. Peter once said, “My problem is I say what I’m thinking before I think what I’m saying.”

On Perseverance

“Push on, friend. You’re just one exciting step from the banquet hall of life.” – Zig Ziglar

“How long should you try? Until.” – Jim Rohn

“Don’t give up at half-time. Concentrate on winning the second half.” – Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant

“Make the second effort your second nature.” – Harvey Mackay

“As long as we are persistent in our pursuit of our deepest destiny, we will continue to grow. We cannot choose the day or time when we will fully bloom. It happens in its own time.” – Denis Waitley

“Persisting through lesser difficulties builds your capacity to persist through greater difficulties, and achieve even greater things.”  – Brian Tracy

On Greatness

Heart is what separates the good from the great. – Michael Jordan

The really great person is the person who makes every person feel great. – G. K. Chesterton


Circus Churches

Circus tentWhy would anyone want to be a Christian when many of the most visible and well known churches of America have devolved into what some observers are calling “circuses”? There seems to be a competition for the church that can be the wildest, most ridiculous and nearest a carnival atmosphere.

On Easter Sunday, one church made headlines by featuring a 9,000 pound Indian elephant named Judy who performed while ushers handed out Hannah Montana tickets and gave away iPhones and Nintendo Wii’s.

Disturbed by the lack of men attending the church, one leader had the brilliant idea of handing out beer, bacon rolls and chocolate to lure in the males for Father’s Day. Chocolate eating, bacon chomping, and hooch drinking by once-a-year parishioners definitely herald a bright future for the church. Onward Christian soldiers.

Sermons with graphic sexual themes and church-wide sex challenges are merely symptoms of a much bigger problem. In short, the church is fornicating with the world and intoxicated with the spirit of the age. Some of neo-evangelicalism’s favorite jargon—missional, contextualization, authenticity—has been tortured and misappropriated in order to justify and institutionalize gross worldliness. One church advertised: “Come get naked with 5000 of your closest friends without taking off your clothes.” An opening “hymn” suggestion was the original MTV video of “Private Dancer” by Tina Turner. Doubtless that would set the mood rather nicely.

This worldliness and sensuality comes with a price tag, even for the pastors. Pastor Gary Lamb of Revolution Church did a series called “Creative Sex” using secular rock songs like, “Your Body is a Wonderland” by John Mayer and “Feel Like Makin’ Love” by Bad Company. Tragically, Gary Lamb recently resigned from the pastorate of Revolution Church (in Georgia), confessing to having an affair with his personal assistant. The spirit behind these R-rated churches is one of sensuality, disobedience and rebellion.

The megachurches and seeker churches are packing the pews by offering professional-level entertainment, while traditional churches struggle to drum up enough in the collection plate to pay expenses. Biblical Christians who want to remain sane in a world gone crazy are accused of being old fashioned and out of touch. Wouldn’t we rather be in touch with God than the culture?

Someone asked, “Why go to the old boring stale church down the street when you can drive 15 miles out to the suburbs and feel like you’re pulling up to Target? They’ve got music, lights, sound, things for the kids to do. It’s Disney World inside.” I agree…it’s make believe in fantasyland!

Most of these churches are built around music. They have bands that create a rock concert atmosphere. They often hand out earplugs to people when they enter. Tragically, many of us warned our Apostolic youth about involvement with rock music, but when prominent musicians, some associated with our Bible colleges, introduced the new sound it was difficult for pastors to oppose it. A few held out; other just surrendered the platform to the musicians. Look how far we have come. The sounds back then were tame compared to today. Are we closer to God today and inspired to deeper righteousness by our current music? Or are we looking for the next three-ring circus or rock star?

Even the Christian magazines seem to be supporting this outrageousness. Christian History magazine recently promoted Catherine of Siena, a Roman Catholic mystic who starved and beat herself daily with a chain to purge away her sins and who claimed that she had married Christ and wore an invisible ring made from the foreskin left from His circumcision. Put yourself in the unbelieving public. Would all this nonsense appeal to you to quit a life of sin and live for Jesus?

Todd Bentley, the evangelist who achieved notoriety by kicking a cancer patient in the stomach and boasting of kicking an elderly women in the face with his biker boots, left the center ring of the “Pentecostal” circus after refusing to reconcile with his wife because of his adultery and marrying his girlfriend. Now fellow prophet, Rick Joyner, is helping Bentley plot his return to the spotlight. After all, what the world needs now is more Todd Bentley, right? If we tolerate him, run after him, emulate him, we deserve whatever comes our way.

J. Lee Grady, editor of Charisma Magazine, commented, “Many Christians today have rejected biblical discipline and adopted a sweet, spineless love that cannot correct,” Grady said. “Our grace is greasy. No matter what an offending brother does, we stroke him and pet him and nurse his wounds while we ignore the people he wounded. No matter how heinous his sin, we offer comforting platitudes because, after all, who are we to judge?”

Todd Bentley’s 100-night freak show in Florida brought untold shame on all of Christianity, disillusioned countless ill and desperate people who believed Bentley’s lies, and demonstrated the total lack of spiritual discernment in millions of “Christians” today. One anonymous Pentecostal source in a Christianity Today article said: “I’m now convinced that a large segment of the Charismatic church will follow the Antichrist when he shows up because they have no discernment.” So, brace yourself for Todd Bentley’s soon return. The Big Top has already been erected, the popcorn is being popped, and the sawdust is already in the three rings.

Please…if you insist on being a ringmaster, keep “Pentecostal” or “Apostolic” out of your church name!

Sources: adapted from Slice of Laodicea and other web sites.


Obama more than tolerant of homosexual lifestyleRainbow fist

President Obama promised LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) supporters recently at a White House “gay pride” celebration that he “will continue to be an ally and a champion” for their agenda, once again vowing he will repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

A leader in the Southern Baptist Convention says President Barack Obama’s recent proclamation designating a homosexual “pride” month goes beyond mere tolerance. Earlier this week, the White House released a proclamation recognizing June as “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month.” The proclamation was signed by President Obama and mentioned the record number of homosexuals he has nominated and chosen for positions in his administration. It also called for equal justice under the law for homosexuals and transgendered Americans. In his talk, Obama acknowledged that many Americans still disapprove of homosexuality. “There are still fellow citizens, perhaps neighbors or even family members and loved ones, who still hold fast to worn arguments and old attitudes,” he stated.

Dr. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, says the proclamation advocates more than mere tolerance. “The United States federal government, now by executive order, signed by the President of the United States, is declaring national pride in these lifestyles,” he contends. “This is not mere toleration; it’s not calling for legalization, an end to criminal sanctions. It’s not calling even for something like civil unions…it’s calling for pride.” Scripture, Mohler points out, does not allow Christians to be proud of sin.

Another outspoken critic of the president’s homosexual policies, Ken Hutcherson, an African-American pastor in Washington state, says until conservative Christians make their small voice a dominating one, there is nothing that will stop President Obama from pushing for the legalization of same-sex “marriage.” Hutcherson says that what Obama is supporting is destroying the American family. “I think this president has a disdain for anyone who disagrees with anything about him—don’t just limit it to Christians and conservatives,” he remarks. “Brother, this man doesn’t like anyone who doesn’t think he’s the smartest man in the world.” Hutcherson says those comments demonstrate the president has contempt for more than just conservative Christians.

[I get rather frustrated with only quoting leaders from other religious movements regarding current issues. Where are our voices? Perhaps I am just not seeing their comments. If so, I apologize.]


Barna strikes again

george_barna02_lIn his latest “survey” and report, George Barna profiled religious homosexuals, publishing some “surprising insights.” He contends that the differences between straight and gay Christians are less than previously thought. (

A book by Barna Group president Dave Kinnaman titled UnChristian contends that “hostility toward gays has become virtually synonymous with the Christian faith.” Such statements feed those who are pushing for hate crimes legislation to protect gays from Christians. Have you seen any Christians with clubs, guns and torches combing the neighborhoods looking for gays? But we have seen mobs of gays attacking and destroying Christian churches. But that’s OK as long as Christians are the object of violence. Isn’t it amazing how they can say and do virtually anything against Christians, even to the point of violence, and it is portrayed as justifiable because they are posited as fighting for their “rights.” But if Christians even speak out against homosexual sin, we are classed as “haters.”

Kinnaman’s book lashes out at those who oppose the brash moves to legitimize homosexuality, even in the church, as manifesting “hostility.” That is the goal of those who are pushing the hate crimes legislation—to outlaw any kind of moral or ethical standards projected in the Scriptures.

The new Barna survey of homosexual adults finds that 27 percent qualify as born-again Christians and 43 percent have an “orthodox, biblical perception of God.” According to Barna, “People who portray gay adults as godless, hedonistic, Christian bashers are not working with the facts. A substantial majority of gays cite their faith as a central facet of their life, consider themselves to be Christian, and claim to have some type of meaningful personal commitment to Jesus Christ active in their life today.”

Projecting an image of “homosexual Christians”—an oxymoron—is the height of naïvete. How about incestuous Christians, or adulterous Christians, or murdering Christians? (Anyone but me burnt out on Barna?)

Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, said, “I see the tactic of the Emergent Church and the Christian left is to start talking more about ‘gay Christians,’ and what they end up doing is demonizing the so-called ‘Religious Right’ and saying that the Religious Right is all wrong in the way it has talked about homosexuality.”


Anti-smoking drugs to carry warnings about severe mental health problemspills

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Two popular anti-smoking drugs will now carry warnings about the risk of severe mental health problems, the Food and Drug Administration announced Wednesday, July 1. “Smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability and death,” an FDA official said.

The FDA said Chantix and Zyban will carry the warnings to alert consumers to the risks of depression and suicidal thoughts when using the drugs. The drugs also have been reported to cause changes in behavior, hostility and agitation in users, whether users had a history of psychiatric illness or not. In many cases, side effects started shortly after use began and ended when the medication was stopped. The FDA does not know what is causing the changes and said people taking these products should be monitored by their doctor.

“The risk of serious adverse events while taking these products must be weighed against the significant health benefits of quitting smoking,” said Dr. Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.

When will folks wake up to realize that what we have been saying about psychotropic drugs for the past fifteen years is right on? No one, not even a doctor, knows what side effects will be produced in a given patient by psychotic drugs. The best thing for folks who are not taking these drugs is to avoid them. There are better answers.

Those who are already on them should read Dr. Peter Breggin’s book Your Drug May Be Your Problem to learn how to get off of them.


ISC Training Conference

ISC-LogoThe Institute of Soteric Counseling will host its eighth annual training conference at the Radisson Airport Hotel in Indianapolis, IN on October 15-16, 2009. Those who have completed their requirements for certification during 2009 will receive final training and be awarded their certificates at this conference.

All who are interested in Bible-based counseling are invited to attend. For more information, please go to



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Here is a candid and forthright presentation that draws the many parts of the Bible into one magnificent whole. The author lays out the epochal shifts of history, incorporating the pre-Mosaic government, the Law of Moses, the times of the Gentiles and future eras. He walks with familiarity through the covenants God made with men, then sets the reader’s sights on the dim future, bringing it all into sharp focus. A chart outlining the ages and covenants in both testaments is included.

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Evidential Tongues


By J. R. Ensey

Advance Ministries
68 pages; 7.95

Those organizations that once held firmly to the doctrine of tongues as the initial evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit are gradually letting go. One A/G pastor said he received a letter, apparently sent from Springfield to all A/G ministers, saying that no longer should one speak in tongues unless there is an interpreter present. They are evidently falling into lockstep with the mainline denominations who oppose speaking in tongues when filled with the Spirit.

Was speaking in tongues viewed as the evidence of the Spirit in the New Testament church? Did tongues cease when the last of the apostles died? How did the practice fare during the Middle Ages? Its renewal in the outpourings of the early twentieth century is examined.

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Journals of the Apostolic Theological Forum


Volume 1

What Pentecostals Brought To The Theological Table by J. R. Ensey

An Apostolic View of Grace by E. W. Wheeler

God’s Truth by R. Todd Nance

Aspects of Preterism: A Brief Survey of It’s Definition, Origin and History  by William B. Chalfant

Baptism in Jesus’ Name and The New Testament Greek: Preliminary Considerations for the Defense of Baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ          by Talmadge L. French

Messiah in the Tanakh: Shadows of Divinity in Rabbinical Interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures  by G. Jorge Medina

Ministry and Mission: An Overview of New Testament Church Government by Steve Pixler

ATF-Journal-2Volume 2

William Druham’s “Finished Work” Theology and the Apostolic Movement by William B. Chalfant

The Lord is One: A Brief Examination of the Great Shema in the Light of Traditional Jewish Scholarship  by Peter F. Connell

Is The Baptism of the Holy Spirit Essential To Salvation? by J. R. Ensey

The Physical Resurrection of Jesus and It’s Denials: An Apologetic by G. Jorge Medina

Praying Beyond Our Mind: The Importance of Speaking with Tongues in Prayer   by Steve Pixler

These Journals contain selected theological papers presented at ATF over the last few years. You will find they are doctrinally sound and faith inspiring.

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Parting Shotcannon_shot

Will the real progressives please stand up?


This blog represents my personal views and not necessarily those of any other entity, church, organization or corporation. If you have friends who might enjoy the blog, please send us their names and email addresses, or have them to, or you may feel free to send them the link yourself.

Stay cool…


Published in: on July 2, 2009 at 11:14 PM  Comments (3)  

June 09 Blog

Thanks for visiting the blog today! I trust you find a morsel that will benefit you and your ministry in some way.


When (Un)Common Sense Prevails

The inspirational poem by Rudyard Kipling, which he titled “If,” began with this line:
“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you….”

Then the master wordsmith ended his poem with this verse:

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

Immortal words. A down-to-earth appeal to common sense, a commodity that is increasingly uncommon today. To do what the father was asking required training, but also demanded observation and planning on the part of the son. He was to learn to think first, then do. Common sense, which my dad dubbed “horse sense,” will save one a thousand heartaches in life. Partly learned from parents and tutors, and partly vacuumed from the experiences of early life, common sense is something one either has or doesn’t have. Adults rarely develop this quality.

Those who have it are thinkers. They reason. They consider. They observe. George Bernard Shaw said, “I have made an international reputation for myself because I think once or twice a week. Most people don’t think once or twice a year.” A man in our church has named his consulting business “Go Think!”

To deal with the spiritual crises that we are facing today demands that we be thinkers, employers of common sense. Thinking men pray, but they don’t stop thinking. God gives us a transformed mind, so we can think like Him, from His perspective (I Corinthians 2:16). Through the gifts of the Spirit we can see some things that ordinarily only God can see; we can act from supernatural knowledge and understanding (I Corinthians 14:20). That is not sensationalism. There is a difference in the sensational and the supernatural—the supernatural comes down from above; the sensational is conjured up down here. Hype, an appeal to the latter, is an attempt to make someone believe something whether it is true or not.

Thinkers are usually able to discern the spirit of surrender to the culture when they hear, “I am tired of fighting…It’s time to change the way we do church, to cast off the shackles of the past…Let people follow their own conscience in Christian liberty.” Non-thinkers, those more accustomed to amusing themselves with some form of entertainment (TV, movies, video games, etc.), are likely to quickly agree. In fact, the word amuse means “without thinking”—letting someone else do their thinking for them.

Some areas where we need to do our own thinking right now include the nature of the twenty-first century church. Have we removed our heads from the sand and really thought through the causes of the divisions that are fragmenting some elements of the Apostolic movement? Are we walking in spiritual wisdom, or merely caught up in political dynamics?

Regarding Christian community, can we grasp the fact that the earth has shrunk? Where once we considered that a car trip of two or three hours outside our fellowship circle of a handful of churches was really getting out there, we think nothing today of flying across the country for a weekend, or even overseas to preach a couple of nights and encourage the missionaries and national leaders. Organizational boundaries have blurred. Fellowship with another church or a group of churches in another state is almost as easy as it once was to attend a rally in the next town. One church can do as much financially for missions or other projects as an entire district once did. The felt need for close, tight fellowship has dwindled. How are these dynamics affecting the movement now and how will they impact us in the future?

Additionally, our emphasis on doctrine and how we can maintain our biblical positions in an age of skepticism deserves the consideration of keen minds and committed hearts. The temptation to allow cultural consensus to temper our beliefs is ever present, and pastors are pressured by societal demands to displace them with shallow, humanistic “feel good” rhetoric. A grasp of history, combined with a sense of destiny and a high view of Scripture, should guide us in any deliberations on fundamental issues. When worldly philosophy flows, the clear Word of God is shrouded. When right thinking— common sense—prevails, truth is enthroned.

Clear minds must ponder other pressing questions, such as whether the authority and authenticity of the Bible is being eroded, even among Apostolics. Have the media moguls and professorial types ripped the heart of faith in the Word out of us? Have the Darwinian evolutionists and pseudo scientists convinced us that the Bible is no longer relevant, that it is full of myths, lies and hyperbole? Is holiness—separation from the world in our lifestyle—still relevant or is it outdated and in need of extensive modification? Those who let others do their thinking for them can be easily moved from their steadfastness by a few prominent individuals who cast disdain on our traditional lifestyle agreements. The lack of clear, objective thinking that incorporates spiritual wisdom could leave a generation adrift on a sea of uncertainty. “Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law” (Proverbs 29:18 NIV).

Common sense has become uncommon, but it alone will keep us together in “the common faith” (Titus 1:4). Let’s bring it back into vogue.


My, how they struggle

darwinius-masillaeA German citizen recently claimed to have found a 47 million year-old fossil in a volcano in Germany. The evolutionists jumped on the story and touted the fossil as “the missing link” between monkeys and men. How many other “missing links” have been reported only to be proven to be false. Google up “Piltdown Man.”

They named the little critter Ida. It is the size of a small cat with the appearance of a lemur. Ida is nothing more than an extinct primate. Formally identified as Darwinius masillae (in honor of Charles Darwin), Ida had a bone in her foot that was similar to a human bone. Wow! So this must be the missing link. How the scientists struggle to disprove the Bible and find support for evolution! It takes far more faith to believe evolution than it does to believe the Genesis record. Speaking of the Genesis record, go to this web site for more information on Ida and how to refute this silly claim:

PS: It is amazing that we can find a 47 million year-old fossil buried in a volcano, and find THE cow among millions somewhere in the Western states that was the single source of “mad cow disease,” tracing it through Canada and wherever…but we can’t find Osama bin Laden who is still freely walking the mountain trails of Afghanistan.


There’s more problems here than the sugar contentGirl Scout cookie1

If you have church girls “exploring” life through the Girl Scouts, you need to read up on the New Age and lesbian direction of the scouts.

A well documented article for every church leader, and for everyone who buys cookies, appears below. Please take time to read it, and have your girls avoid the Girl Scouts. Go to

This is serious, folks. The GS are not what they used to be.


Your tax dollars at work

Chinese manWhy is this man smiling?

The Obama administration has agreed to pay $2.6 million to train China’s prostitutes to drink responsibly on the job. What a wonderful way to spend your tax dollars! And he is the man who says, “No more pork!” Oink! Oink!

The researcher conducting the program told (source) that the purpose of the project is to develop an intervention program targeting HIV risk and alcohol use “female sex workers” (prostitutes). Does anyone understand this madness? Does anyone wonder why China, who virtually owns America, has to get American taxpayers to finance this study? And why would the Obama administration invest those millions at such a time as this unless the president is sold out to everyone in America and around the world who want to bankrupt this nation and put it on an economic par with Outer Mongolia?

Why is he smiling? He is amused at what dummies we Americans are.


Salivating for Size

In a letter written by a minister who was leaving his fellowship and explaining why, he referred to “a big church” repeatedly. My, how he wanted a big church! What dreams he was chasing! He felt to achieve those dreams he had drop all reference to holiness and quit harping on the issues that separated Pentecostals from the rest of the world. Of course, it resonated with a few emerging liberals, but time has revealed that there were other “issues” at work in the situation and in his own life. His church fragmented as many left to join other assemblies or simply dropped out. What a high price he was willing to pay for an attempt at exponential growth among the new doubters in our society!

He was salivating for size.

A few other young pastors have decided on similar paths. They are trying to pattern their churches after the Emergent pastors who are the trendy ones at the moment. They copy their programs, their services, and even rename their churches to reflect their alignment with the “purpose driven,” “journey,” and “missional” movement.

Adopting the Emergent movement’s vocabulary was among the first steps they took in that direction. When you see the terms “follower…journey… authentic…missional…cultural hermeneutic…transitioning…reinventing Christianity…community” and others in the descriptions of their church programs, there is a good possibility they are taking their cues from Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt, Rick Warren or one of a host of other popular leaders who have set themselves up as “change agents” in American Christianity. The Emergent church is the popular name for this movement and it has already taken down a number of young pastors, moving them away from their spiritual moorings toward a merging with the current culture.

We all understand that methodologies change, ways of doing evangelism change, even the way we clap our hands has changed. Change that takes us in the right direction is not negative. It is not change that is feared—it is change that leads one into the embrace of the popular culture and strips him of his doctrinal convictions and commitments to separation and holiness. It is futile to claim that these men are on the road that leads to genuine Apostolic revival. One would be hard pressed to name a single example. Rather, change for the sake of change is divisive and usually leads to compromise. Nearly anyone can give you a number of examples. Size became the primary target, not the developing of true apostolic disciples. Some tend to forget that all roads lead somewhere. Should we not ask ourselves: “When I get to where I’m going, where will I be”?

Will a brief article turn anyone around? Probably not. I am a realist. But hopefully it will encourage someone who is being influenced by these change agents to think twice before following in their steps.

Certainly we should all strive to grow and progress in our evangelistic and discipling efforts, but perhaps it would help if we looked back at periods of growth in our movement and see how it was done then. That does not suggest copying every facet of their methodology, but be assured that growth didn’t happen by “engaging and integrating” with the culture; it was by passionate proclamation of the pure gospel of Jesus Christ through personal witnessing and plain preaching.

Young men, we know that Rick Warren advocates ignoring the elders and marginalizing them so you can have free rein to do as they have done. But that is the worst advice you could get. Let history and the Word of God light your path. If God had intended for our peers to guide us, He would have had Titus write to Timothy rather than the apostle Paul. If He had wanted the church to be influenced by heretics or characters outside of the faith, He would have inspired Alexander the coppersmith to write an epistle on ethics and Hymenaeus to compose a New Testament treatise on eschatology.


Why bother with the gospel?

Recently, Charles Colson, a leading evangelical writer, pointed out that a survey by Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found rampant doctrinal ignorance among American Christians. Fifty-seven percent of evangelicals believed people who follow religions other than their own can enjoy eternal life. The results were so unexpected that Pew repeated the survey, asking more specific questions. The answers were virtually unchanged.

Astonishingly, about half believed that everyone, atheists included, was going to end up in heaven. Heaven for the godless? That’s the old heresy of universalism. Then why bother with the gospel? Someone is going to be greatly disappointed at the judgment.


Who are the “founders”?

A friend shared with me that some he had heard or read after were troubled by the article on the “light doctrine” we published in last month’s blog. In his words, their attitude was, “It is the elephant in the room. We have a nice room. Why do you have to point out the elephant?” They wrote their opinions on forums, I gather, but since I don’t frequent forums, I didn’t see them. All the responses I received were positive. He suggested that a few felt the article seemed to be at variance with the attitude of some of the Pentecostal movement’s “founders,” that some of them would have been uncomfortable with “formulaic salvation.”

Here was the essence of  my response to him:

It is an elephant, for sure…a white one! As far as the “founders” issue is concerned, I don’t look at Seymour, Parham, Goss or any others of that era as founders, but as “finders.” They were in the process of “finding” the doctrinal path the true founders laid out for us 2000 years ago. None of them claimed to be the founder of the modern Oneness movement and we don’t enshrine anyone on that pedestal. The real founders of the movement we are in were Christ and John and Paul and Peter and the other apostles. We all, regardless of the era of time in which we may find ourselves, are obligated to walk in the “light” they shined, not the way early 20th century ministers might have viewed it from their perspective.

I honor those we count as “pioneers” of Pentecostalism in America as courageous “finders” who honestly searched the Scriptures and began to make commitments to what they were finding. It took grit and grace and commitment for them to break away from tradition, friends, and quite often, family. Some made a quick, clean break. Others took a while. Some couldn’t bring themselves to break at all. Postmodern apologists like to especially point to the latter groups because there was some wavering back there as the movement tried to get its balance. Do they feel that fact justifies them in their current wavering stance on the message?

Detractors like to refer to “the spirit of the Word.” That’s because they think it gives them some interpretive wiggle room. That subjective approach allows anyone to justify his presuppositions and doctrinal preferences by his own perceived “spirit of the word” interpretation. Jesus was either right or wrong in John 3:5…which? Paul was either right wrong in II Thessalonians 1:7,8 and Galatians 1:8 and I Corinthians 6:9-11…which? Peter was right or wrong in Acts 2:38…which? John was either right or wrong in I John 2:3-6 and II John 9-11…which? Those men were among the “founders.” They are the ones in whom I prefer to trust. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what those founders were saying or what they meant. No wavering there.

That takes nothing away from the early 20th century Oneness ministers. I recognize that some of them had a difficult time breaking free from the traditional movements of that era, especially to the point of saying that their friends were not saved except they were born again according to Acts 2:38. They were hugely outnumbered and many were made to pay dearly for their stand. But at each juncture of church history, especially during the Reformation and thereafter, that same pain was experienced by “dissenters.” In time it abated as the initial reformers gradually passed from the scene. While I deeply respect all those who took a stand for Oneness in the early 1900s, I do not look to them to fully define our fundamental truth. That is the primary error of traditional Protestantism.

The real “founders” of Christianity were Christ and the apostles (Ephesians 2:20). The fundamental truths they taught are far more trustworthy than the initial reformers of the last century. The ministers of a hundred years ago gradually accepted what had been in the Bible all along. There was no “revelation” in 1901 or 1913 or 1916, just discovery and acceptance. John 3:3-5 and Acts 2:38 had been there all the time. That is why we don’t enshrine anyone or any particular group as our modern “founders.”

Perhaps a few felt we should not go beyond the stand of those “finders” of the last century. To do so “is clearly wrong,” someone is supposed to have said. Oh? Should we have stayed where Parham was? Seymour? Flower? E. N. Bell? Opperman? Who? Where do they propose we stop before we fully arrive back at the original apostolic message? The “founders” they refer to came around quite slowly, feeling their way out of centuries of tradition.

The Acts 2:38 message is sometimes referred to as “formulaic salvation” by detractors. They love to use that term because its use makes one sound intelligent and his opponent appear creed-bound. It is just an excuse for circumventing the full message and making room for one’s friends in other faiths and movements.  Call it what you will, the new birth is nothing short of repentance, baptism in the name of Jesus, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost. To me, formulaic salvation sounds too much like “a string of magic words,” a cold incantation. Salvation is more than “1,2,3 and you’re saved…believe these verses and do this and you are saved.” That was the Fundamentalists’ error of the late 19th century. The new birth focuses on a relationship with Christ, becoming a new creature in Christ.

Light doctrine adherents might qualify for appointment to the Supreme Court by the Obama administration. Rather than being a “strict constructionist,” their “feelings” and “empathy” and  “background of experience” would come into play. I worked very closely for several years with one of the old “pioneers.” He himself was a Christian man if there ever were any, but it was painful for him to draw hard lines. He had been associated with some really good men by his estimation who never were baptized in the name, etc. He was very empathetic. But that is subjective. Our personal feelings must be left out of this, else everyone becomes a law unto himself.

To imitate the “values” of the finders is fine as far as grit and grace and toughness are concerned, but we have to look to the Book for basic doctrine (II Timothy 3:16), not to great men of history or organizational Manuals. The Word is immutable, infallible, and unfailing; certain spiritual heroes often were not. And which modern founder/finder would we look to? Probably no two of them saw everything alike, but the Book is unerring and plain.

We do owe our “pioneers” of the last century a sincere debt of gratitude, and I have been lavish with praise over the years for their willingness to take a courageous stand, sometimes on a single issue. They were willing to suffer persecution and ostracism for any morsel of truth. But doctrinally, they were in the process of cutting themselves out of their old traditional cocoons. As time went on and the movement matured, doctrinal issues were clarified and firmed up. Today the butterfly sips the sweet nectar of the whole gospel flower. Enjoy, and be thankful.


The Ten Commandmentsimages

What is the real reason that we can’t post the Ten Commandments—“Thou shalt not steal…Thou shalt not bear false witness…thou shalt not commit adultery, etc.”—in a courthouse or public building where lawyers ply their trade? It creates a hostile work environment.


Street cred

Goth coatLast month was the 10th anniversary of the Columbine school massacre. Isn’t it significant that during the months preceding the shootings, the perpetrators began wearing black? Now there is nothing wrong or sinful about wearing black clothing. We’ve probably all got a black suit or two. Even good ol’ boy Johnny Cash wore black before there was such a style as “Goth.” About the same time the Columbine killers started wearing black clothing in the Goth style, they started making bombs in their basements. It was evident that their apparel spoke of something going on in their minds that made death sound attractive to them. The black frocks, chains and studs shouted, “We are rebels. We are developing an agenda. We could become notorious killers.” Some may have recognized a dangerous trend in those boys but no one said anything, not even their parents. Then one day…Bang! Bang! You’re dead.

This is not to condemn anyone solely for wearing a particular garment, as long as it is appropriate to his/her gender and in the realm of decency and modesty. Yet we all know that what a person wears when he represents his business or his church usually speaks volumes about what type of person he is—caring and conscientious or rebellious and self-centered. When the social and religious rebels began to promote the postmodern movement, they tossed the pulpit out, replaced it with a bar stool and dispensed with preaching in favor of “conversation.” For church they donned blue jeans with holes in the legs and left their shirttail out. Cool. Relevant. No one can say that anything is wrong or sinful about wearing holey blue jeans, per se, but they likely do say something about what is going on in someone’s life. Worn in that context, they probably scream: “I want to appear cool, with it, and relevant to my hearers. If I identify with them in their grunge apparel, they will listen to what I have to say. But mainly I just want to be like these non-religious doubters. Maybe if I look like I just rolled out from under the bridge, or walked away from the street corner after stowing my cardboard sign, I will have some street cred.”

We might be wise to generate some “cred” for the streets of gold up yonder!


Book review

If you want a down-to-earth, conservative review of the Emergent book Blue Like Jazz go here:


All glory is fleeting


Ponder these words of General George C. Patton:

“For over a thousand years Roman conquerors returning from the wars enjoyed the honor of triumph, a tumultuous parade. In the procession came trumpeteers, musicians and strange animals from conquered territories, together with carts laden with treasure and captured armaments. The conquerors rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed prisoners walking in chains before him. Sometimes his children robed in white stood with him in the chariot or rode the trace horses. A slave stood behind the conqueror holding a golden crown and whispering in his ear a warning: that all glory is fleeting.”

Former Secretary of State James Baker once said, “Someone asked me what was the most important thing I had learned since being in Washington. I replied that it was the fact that temporal power is fleeting.” Baker went on to relate that once when driving through the White House gates he saw a man walking alone on Pennsylvania Avenue and recognized him as having been Secretary of State in a previous administration. “There he was alone—no reporters, no security, no adoring public, no trappings of power. Just one solitary man alone with his thoughts. And that mental picture continually serves to remind me of the impermanence of power and the impermanence of place.”

Can you think of anyone who might benefit from these illustrations—someone you wish would get the stars out of their eyes and understand that all glory is indeed fleeting?


Consider this description of Obama’s faith in this 2004 interview with Cathleen Falsani

OBAMA: I am a Christian. So, I have a deep faith…. On the other hand, I was born in Hawaii where obviously there are a lot of Eastern influences…. I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people….

FALSANI: Have you always been a Christian?

OBAMA: I was raised more by my mother and my mother was Christian.  …a deeply spiritual person, and would spend a lot of time talking about values and give me books about the world’s religions….

FALSANI: So you got yourself born again?

OBAMA: Yeah…. And I’m not somebody who is always comfortable with language that implies I’ve got a monopoly on the truth…. I’m a big believer in tolerance….

FALSANI: Do you have people in your life that you look to for guidance?

OBAMA: Well, my pastor [Jeremiah Wright] is certainly someone who I have an enormous amount of respect for…. I am a follower, as well, of our civic religion. I am a big believer in the separation of church and state. I am a great admirer of our founding charter…and its resolve to prevent disruptive strains of fundamentalism from taking root in this country….

FALSANI: Do you believe in heaven?

OBAMA: Do I believe in the harps and clouds and wings?  …If I live my life as well as I can…I will be rewarded….

FALSANI: What is sin?

OBAMA: Being out of alignment with my values….


Are you ready for a new Dark Age?

Islamic domination

According to Mark Steyn—maybe the wittiest and most widely read conservative columnist in the world today—you’d better be.

In his New York Times bestseller America Alone, Steyn argues that the Western world’s demographic collapse and mass Muslim immigration means that much of the Western world as we know it will not survive the 21st century.

Some European countries, Steyn shows, will actually develop a Muslim majority within our lifetimes. Meanwhile, rising European and Islamic anti-Americanism may soon force America to confront the enemies of civilization without help from anyone else.

Here’s a presentation that reveals how Muslims can take over America without firing a shot:


Little mosque on the prairie

Islamic images 2

We have learned that in Canada, a new TV show is called “Little Mosque on the Prairie.” The characters make Muslims look smart, clever, and just normal, down-to-earth good folks. Those who are afraid of what the influx of Muslim families into their area might portend are made to look like right-wing, stupid, bigoted nutcases. Just another way to sell the North Americans on the virtues of Islam…and one more reason it is the smart thing to do to avoid having a TV in the home!


Thomas Jefferson in rare formthomas-jefferson-big

Thomas Jefferson, in some regards could be called a prophet. It is obvious he foresaw our age. How would the press respond if someone of Jefferson’s stature spoke such words as these today? Please read the last paragraph, from 1802, with deep interest! Suggestion:  Take a minute and pick a couple of these quotes and write a brief response based on what you see is happening in America today today. How will the current crisis in government affect the future of the church and what should we do about it, if anything? I will publish the best response(s). Jefferson said:

When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.

No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

And finally, a VIQ (Very Interesting Quote). In light of the present financial crisis, it’s interesting to read what Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.


An interesting read:


Polygamy and the BiblePolygamy

I have been asked by more than one person recently about the cases of polygamy in the Bible, even some among the people of God. Did God intend for that to be the standard practice? If not, why did He seem to  allow it among Bible characters?

In the beginning God created one man and gave him one woman. If any other arrangement was His plan, He would have shown it in the creation model. God did not create a harem of wives for Adam. This initial arrangement also shows that God’s plan for the marital bond was not partners of the same sex (Genesis 2:21-24). Neither Adam, Noah (and his sons), Job, Isaac, Moses nor Joseph (Jesus’ step-father) had multiple wives. Although God’s ideal was manifestly evident, Lamech, Abraham, Esau, Jacob, David, Solomon and Gideon had more than one wife. While this is true, there is no inference in the Scriptures that God was pleased with the practice of polygamy. The mentioning of a historical fact in the biblical narrative does not constitute endorsement.

As the biblical record reveals, man went far astray from God’s ideal plan, beginning with the first sin in the Garden. Soon it became acceptable in many pagan cultures for men to have multiple wives. This practice spilled over at times into the community of the patriarchs and even into the leadership of Israel itself. God forbade it, however (Deuteronomy 17:16,17). In the cases that were prominent in the Scriptures, we are informed that the practice evoked grievous results. There is no way that bitterness, resentment and jealousy would not be generated among the wives (Genesis 29:30-34; Deuteronomy 21:10-17; II Chronicles 11:21). Actually, the unrest that is in the Middle East today is traceable to Abraham’s taking Hagar to be his second wife (Genesis 16:3). Overall, the negative treatment of polygamy in the Bible should be sufficient to offset anyone’s bent in that direction.

God allowed polygamy among some of Israel’s leaders while they were maturing as a people without tossing them into the abyss. One commentator tackles the problem from a demographic perspective: “Assuming the same percentages [of men/women] in ancient times, and multiplied by millions of people, there would be tens of thousands more women than men. Second, warfare in ancient times was especially brutal, with an incredibly high rate of fatalities. This would have resulted in an even greater percentage of women to men. Third, due to the patriarchal societies, it was nearly impossible for an unmarried woman to provide for herself. Women were often uneducated and untrained. Women relied on their fathers, brothers, and husbands for provision and protection. Unmarried women were often subjected to prostitution and slavery. Fourth, the significant difference between the number of women and men would have left many, many women in an undesirable (to say the least) situation. So, it seems that God allowed polygamy to protect and provide for the women who could not find a husband otherwise.”

Would God allow it among Christians today? I trow not. God gives us His current perspective in I Timothy 3:2,12 and Titus 1:6. A Christian leader is to be a “one-woman man” (the literal translation). Evidently this prohibition extends beyond polygamy, but there is no way a polygamist could be considered “a one-woman man.” Biblical teaching in other Epistles reveal this same theme. A man’s wife is spoken of in the singular (Ephesians 5:22-33; I Corinthians 7:2; Colossians 3:18,19).

Some groups and individuals today are pushing for wider acceptance for the practice of polygamy. Even television shows have brought polygamy out of the closet. How can it be far behind if we as a society approve same sex marriage? “Polygamy rights is the next civil rights battle,” says one Evangelical Christian. Newsweek magazine informs us that “polygamist activists are emerging in the wake of the gay-marriage movement.” Where will it all end…in group marriages and pedophilia? Someone said, “When marriage becomes anything, it becomes nothing.” Polygamy is being cast as merely another “alternative lifestyle,” toward which we should all be “tolerant.”

Roffie sez: “Just don’t try it in Willis, Texas.”



The Kiosk

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Have a great beginning of summer…but avoid the “June swoon.” Get some Into His Marvelous Light Bible studies and challenge your people to make June of ’09 the most productive month of soulwinning ever! They are available in English, Spanish, German, Italian, and perhaps soon in Chinese!



Published in: on June 1, 2009 at 8:25 PM  Comments (3)  

May 09 Blog

Welcome, my friend…and thanks for visiting the May blog. I trust it will prove worthy of your reading time.


The Light Doctrine: Is it biblical?2042895456_e27f45b424

In a nutshell, the “light doctrine” is the designation given to the theory that the full gospel of John 3:5 and Acts 2:38 was completely lost or perhaps “hidden” during the Dark Ages, and those who lived during that period of time and obeyed all the gospel they were taught or knew—i.e., “walked in all the light they had”—will be saved. Some versions stipulate that they will be in the body but not the bride, and that they will rise in the second resurrection to inherit the new earth but won’t have access to the new heaven.

Many proponents probably have their relatives and special friends in mind when favoring this doctrine. It is a compassionate heart that hopes there will be some way that God will not require John 3:5 or Acts 2:38 or Hebrews 12:14 to get to heaven. It is painful to know that your mother, your grandfather, or the kindly preacher one knew in his youth will not enjoy eternal life. They reach for scriptures like Romans 11:22—“Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off”—hoping that the “goodness” of God will mercifully erase the individual’s life history and save them regardless of whether they have believed, obeyed or even heard the gospel. Another passage often called upon is Luke 12:48—“But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” Both are removed from their context and stretched in order to make them apply to the matter at hand. To make either of those scriptures the basis for one’s eternal salvation is an exercise in eisegesis and subjective judgmentalism. Ignorance of truth is to be desired if this interpretation is pressed upon these verses.

Some common phrases one hears when this topic arises include, “I hope we are right enough to be saved and wrong enough that others will be saved.” Right out of the liberal theologian’s playbook, that expression is nothing less than a confession of doubt that Jesus meant what He said to Nicodemus. It is a backdoor attempt to discredit the apostolic gospel so unbelievers can be saved. The kingdom belongs to God Himself and He is the one who has the final word on who gets in: “Ye must be born again.” (Emphasis mine.) Those who have a problem with the narrowness of that concept need to take it up with the Lord Himself.

Another common phrase associated with the light doctrine is “progressive revelation.” This term is generally used to describe the doctrine that the unfolding drama of redemption as it relates to this dispensation has been progressively revealed in time, the bud gradually opening into a full-grown flower. That definition has been corrupted by some to support their concept of fundamental Christian truth regarding salvation being “revealed” little by little throughout the present dispensation, as though on a sliding scale. This approach has been utilized by groups such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses to accommodate failed apocalyptic predictions. As each prediction failed, they would claim “new light” and understanding was being revealed about Bible doctrine and prophecies. It has also been used to release from personal accountability those who lived between the first century and the time of the supposed “revelation” of the Oneness, Jesus name message in the early twentieth century. Still others take it a step further to hold that if no revelation came to a person about God’s salvation plan, and the person died, let’s say, in 1935 without ever obeying Acts 2:38, then that person will be saved. That flies in the face of the clear teaching of the Word.

walking_in_the_light1There is progress in revelation from the earlier to the later books of the Bible, but that is not the same as assuming that the plan of salvation for Jews and Gentiles in this age has been progressively revealed. For instance, the concept of redemption by Christ is in the prophecy of Genesis 3:15, but it took centuries for men to comprehend how it would come to fruition. Additionally, God always planned for the Gentiles to participate in the redemptive process, but it was a mystery until it was revealed in Christ (Ephesians 1:9; 3:3-9). This unfolding of God’s eternal plan is not the same as individuals or groups of people in this dispensation either not knowing or refusing to obey the plain teaching of the Bible, perhaps ignorantly following false prophets and erroneous Christian cults.

“Revelation” is a poor term to speak of the understanding of the gospel. It puts responsibility for hearing and obeying truth squarely on the shoulders of the Lord. It is incumbent on each individual to know the gospel and obey it (Acts 17:29-31). The Great Commission passages (Matthew 28:19,20; Luke 24:47; Mark 16:15,16) are sufficiently plain that “all nations [people]” from that time forward would be accountable to the message He left with the apostles. God clearly revealed His plan of salvation for our dispensation at Pentecost two thousand years ago. He also left prophecies concerning the future of His people. New revelations to replace those in the Scriptures have not been given. Men’s personal understanding of doctrines and prophecies may gradually develop, but new revelations from God, as though essential truth has been kept hidden, are not being given. Some wonder about Isaiah 28:13, which includes the phrase “precept upon precept; line upon line; here a little, and there a little” (Isaiah 28:13). Some try to make the application that God may reveal the plan of salvation to individuals a little at a time. We certainly may grasp the entirety of the gospel incrementally as we are considering the scriptural plan, but that has nothing to do with whether we were obligated to obey it.

Anecdotal testimonies about one’s “revelations” may sound exciting and spiritual—“I see it! I see it!”—but such experiences do not trump the infallible, unchanging Word of God. If the only way one can come to faith in Christ and understand the requirements of the gospel is by direct revelation from God, then there is no sense in making a sustained and sacrificial effort to fulfill the Great Commission. By that standard, if one receives the revelation of what he must do and obeys—he is saved. If he does not get a revelation, he is still saved by ignorance. That amounts to universalism for all who have never heard the gospel and discrimination against those who have heard it but failed to grasp its demands. I can find no scripture that suggests that ignorance is the plan of salvation. Paul’s plain teaching is found in I Thessalonians 1:7-9: “And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.”

Some great men in Christian history just did not “see” the plan of God as plainly revealed in the Scriptures. It does not take a rocket scientist to read and understand Acts 2:38. Over the years ignorance, prejudice, fear, and false teaching interfered with the forthright acceptance of Bible truth. The problem has not been the absence of light, but rather the poor sight men have to see the light—“The god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them” (II Corinthians 4:4). A careful reading of Christian history will reveal that many of the prominent leaders faced the full apostolic message and chose not to accept it. Others came close to embracing it, even heralding elements of it, but were discouraged by threats, scoffers or those with agendas other than discovering and obeying the truth. “Close” only counts in hand grenades and horseshoes, someone said.

walker1A word about terms is necessary. If we should use the popular term “restoration” in regards to the endtime latter rain, that does not mean that the apostolic gospel had been completely lost or totally hidden. The meaning is that a “revival” of apostolic teaching and methods has taken place. When something is revived is when it has been “near death,” or badly mauled, and is brought back from the precipice of expiration. One does not get “revived” if he has died, only if the life forces have merely been dormant or virtually immeasurable for a period. When I say that the New Testament church has been “restored,” I mean that its expansion, its influence and its previous power has been renewed. As a rain suddenly renews the flowers in a desert place where they have formerly been out of sight, so the church has flowered in this last day by the latter rain.

Another word is “dispensations.” When I use that term it means periods of time, in distinction to other eras, in which God deals with men in a specific way, obligating them to certain requirements to attain acceptance by Him. The current dispensation is often referred to as the grace dispensation, or the dispensation of the church. It began at Pentecost and will be in place until the rapture of the church. The idea that there have been dispensations within the current time frame when God required something different from Acts 2:38 is unsupportable by Scripture. From Pentecost until today God’s standard for salvation—or as some refer to it, initiation/entrance into the kingdom—has been faith in God, repentance, baptism in the name of Jesus, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

The plan of salvation has been available in a clear form since the time of the apostles. One does not have to be a linguist or a scholar to understand Acts 2:38. After the institutional version of Christianity was established they rejected anyone who attempted to return to the gospel that was presented at Pentecost. It seems clear from bits and pieces of history that there was always someone, some group somewhere, who baptized in the name of Jesus and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That underground river of truth surfaced occasionally throughout the last two millennia, even during times of severe persecution.

Most who were members of churches in the early twentieth century when the expansion (not “revelation”) of apostolic truth was occurring, found it difficult to cut loose from their traditional doctrinal moorings and emotional ties. The break with family and friends was very painful. Some mitigated this pain by tinkering with theories that later became known as the “light doctrine.” They were influenced by the notions of their times and those with whom had had fellowship. It was difficult for some people that I personally knew to break away from the classical Pentecostal organizations that were taking shape in the 1900s and 1920s. Some had held ministerial licenses in those denominations. They had worshiped and prayed and fellowshipped with those people and to now say they were not saved was difficult indeed. They were “good” people, praying people, and clean in their living—and some say just as good and prayerful and clean as those who believed and accepted the apostolic message when it was preached. But “good’ by our judgment, or prayerful and generous (Acts 10), or clean living does not constitute the plan of salvation. Human logic and emotion should not be viewed as substitutes for truth.

Some prominent Pentecostal personalities of the early twentieth century embraced, at least at times, the hope “that there still could be a type of salvation outside the New Testament church, similar to that of Old Testament saints, particularly for people who walked in all the ‘light’ they had received.” These personalities include G. T. Haywood, Frank Ewart, Andrew Urshan and possibly Howard Goss. They struggled with the tension between their experience and what the Bible actually taught. It was as difficult for them to break with their “brethren” as it was for Luther or Calvin to depart from the stand they had taken and go with other groups who were coming closer to accepting the full gospel. They attempted to split theological hairs to make allowance for their friends, such as differentiating between “begotten by the Word” and being “born again.” Other theories developed, such as those who had the Spirit but were not baptized in the name of Jesus would miss the Rapture and be subjected to the great tribulation but would eventually inherit the new earth. Eternal salvation, current “light” believers say, must be left to God, deferring judgment to Him, “for only He knows the heart and only He has the prerogative of evaluating the individual fulfillment of His plan.” (Parts of this paragraph adapted from David Bernard, The Whole Gospel, 2001 SPS Paper)

What about one’s experiences with God? Doesn’t that count? An “experience” with God can come in a thousand difference flavors. We cannot accept everyone’s claim of experiential revelations. Most contradict each other. Paul’s experience on the Damascus Road was moving and real, but it was not a salvation experience; it was prevenient grace, a call, an invitation. He could have chosen to disregard it. God never removes free will from any man. Cornelius had visions and angel visitations but they did not embody salvation. He could have ignored them or counted them as figments of his imagination. While we don’t discount anyone’s experience with God, we are not authorized to classify it as salvific unless it incorporates the elements new birth.

In any discussion of this topic, we must refer to Galatians 1:6-8: “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” Also II Corinthians 4:3 must be considered—“But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost.” Did not Jesus say, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12 NIV)? The light doctrine forces these words of Christ to be spoken in error. The Bible says the saved are supernaturally conveyed from the kingdom of darkness into His marvelous light: “Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son” (Colossians 1:12,13).

Some boldly declare, “But I believe my loving and faithful old grandmother was saved, even though she never obeyed Acts 2:38.” Regardless of what we think about our friends and relatives, the Word of God is the only criterion for determining salvation. When we try to put loved ones or friends into heaven without the new birth, we are setting ourselves up as prejudiced judges of men’s souls. Who is qualified to say, “He was a good person, or a faithful person, or a loving individual and therefore I believe he went to heaven regardless of his obedience to the gospel”? Who can justifiably set aside the words of Christ and the apostles and create their own plan of salvation? God is the ultimate and only judge of every soul: “Shall not the judge of all the earth do right” (Genesis 18:25)? Since the Word is forever “settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89), He will not circumvent it when judging the souls of men. God “remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself…God’s truth stands firm like a foundation stone with this inscription: ‘The Lord knows those who are His, and those who claim they belong to the Lord must turn away from all wickedness” (II Timothy 2:13, 19 NLT).

What about the Aborigine in the Australian outback who never heard the name of Jesus? According to the Scriptures, if he dies in this dispensation of the gospel without the new birth, he is lost. That is not my judgment, it is “what saith the scriptures.” If people who never heard the name of Jesus are saved anyway, then we should recall every missionary. Since more people decide not to obey the gospel than do when they hear it preached, we are causing people to be lost by preaching it to them. Some bring babies and small children in the equation. Are they saved? That should be the least of our worries, especially if the parent(s) are saved (I Corinthians 7:14).

It seems best to leave assignment of men’s souls to heaven or hell up to God who will righteously judge according to the Word. We are given a message to preach and we must be faithful to it or come under the curse of Galatians 1:8. Let’s do what Jesus said: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).


Suicide among US troops

soldier-and-flagDoubtless you have read the recent reports of some of our soldiers in Iraq committing suicide. Those reports are shocking. This is another reason I have lifted up my voice against the psychological way of counseling and particularly the psychiatric medications that are destroying so many people. Click on the following link for more information on this.


Please, pastors…grasp the fact that taking psychiatric medications is not like taking an aspirin for a headache. Practitioners like to call them “medications” in order to maintain their medical image for insurance purposes and credibility. Pills like Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft and similar “meds”  are designed to skew the brain in the attempt to change the way one responds to the stimuli of life—slowing down, speeding up, or altering the way the brain processes information. Serious physical and/or mental side effects can result. Follow the reports of those who murder their families, shoot their classmates or colleagues at work and you will find that virtually all of them are on psychiatric medications. Doctors, many of whom are paid in some way by the pharmaceutical companies, are prescribing them for nearly any reason. Inform yourselves, brethren. “Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16)


Old Glory upended

You will not see this heart-stopping photo on the front page of the NY Times, nor will it makeold-glory-upended-by-mex-flag mexicoflagit as the lead story of the major news networks. Hispanic students and others on their way to a march in Los Angeles stopped at Montebello High School, took the American flag off the school’s flag pole and hung it upside down while putting up the Mexican flag over it.

President Obama has made no comment about this and the mainstream media is evidently ignoring it. What do you think would have happened if a group of students from the U.S. had done that in Nuevo Laredo?


Obama’s Youth Brigade: Church Attendance Forbidden

churchmembers1President Obama has been in office for three months and already we are looking more and more like Germany in 1933. Now we have HR 1388. The Bill was sponsored by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) and 37 others. The Bill was introduced in the House of Representatives where both Republicans and Democrats voted 321-105 in favor. Next it goes to the Senate for a vote and then on to President Obama. This bill is called “Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education” (GIVE).

It forms what some are calling “Obama’s Youth Brigade.” Obama’s plan is require anyone receiving school loans and certain others to serve at least three months as part of the brigade. His goal is one million youth! The Bill would forbid any student in the brigade to participate in “engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of religious proselytization.”

That means no church attendance or witnessing.  Again, is this what America voted for?
Here is part of the HR1388 Bill’s wording:

Section 125 (42 U.S.C. 12575) is amended to read as follows:
(a) Prohibited Activities- A participant in an approved national service position under this subtitle may not engage in the following activities:
(1) Attempting to influence legislation.
(2) Organizing or engaging in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes.
(7) Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of religious proselytization.

Here are some additional sources of info on this subject.

(Adapted from an article composed and distributed by Jonas Clark and William Fitzgerel.)


Isn’t pastoring wonderful?sick_in_bed

“Coughing, sneezing and gagging in the afternoon, so I had some soup, told my wife I was staying home from church and went to bed.”

These words were sent to me a few day ago from a pastor who did (probably once or twice in the last twenty years) what lay people do on a regular basis. He played hooky because he was plain ol’ sick! But as he lay in bed during service, he thought of other ways that he was ailing. He said he was sick of:

•Good people that don’t want to be challenged with more of God.
•Move-ins with $$ who want influence if I will just say TV is OK.
•Self-righteous saints who expect new converts to be just as “holy” as they are immediately.
•Angry parents who expect their kids to live it and love it, when they don’t.
•Spoiled youth that are basically running the twenty-first century church because they think they’re God’s gift and maybe Dad and Mom are out of touch.
•Scheduled church events that do nothing ultimately to better people or the effort for souls.
•Preachers with private “My Group” agendas.
•Intimidation and demeaning of honest hearted, pure spirited, little fish by the Big Fish.
•The kingdom building techniques of big meeting promoters.
•Special services with no altar calls.
•Altar calls without tears or repentance.
•Special meetings that are nothing more than pep rallies.

I finally prayed through, at home, alone, and fell asleep about 10 p.m. The family came home late, it must have been a good service, I did hear about folks laying on the floor weeping and the whole church praying through!

Imagine that—without the ugly, mean old Pastor to push them! I feel better this morning.”

I should think so, having gotten all that off his chest. Anyone else feeling sick?


Need Refreshing?

opryland-hotelopryland-hotelThe Apostolic Ministerial Conference is coming up on May 5-7 at the Opryland Hotel in beautiful Nashville, TN. To experience the unique Apostolic conference and the unbelievable hotel simultaneously is a rare treat indeed. For ministers and their families only. You won’t be sorry you dropped everything for a few days and relaxed in a preaching conference that will feed your soul.


Thoughts from thinking menthinker

“A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross.” – H. Richard Niebuhr, in The Kingdom of God in America, on the process by which the liberal movement in American theology gradually divorced itself from its roots in the Reformation tradition, paralleling the decline of religious vitality and dynamic.

“It is the duty of every man to render to the Creator such homage and such only as he believes to be acceptable to him. This duty is precedent, both in order of time and in degree of obligation, to the claims of Civil Society.” – James Madison, Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments, 1785

“[R]eligion, or the duty which we owe to our creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and this is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other.” – Virginia Bill of Rights, Article 16, June 12, 1776

“Let the pulpit resound with the doctrine and sentiments of religious liberty. Let us hear of the dignity of man’s nature, and the noble rank he holds among the works of God… Let it be known that British liberties are not the grants of princes and parliaments.” – John Adams, Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765

“It is necessary for every American, with becoming energy to endeavor to stop the dissemination of principles evidently destructive of the cause for which they have bled. It must be the combined virtue of the rulers and of the people to do this, and to rescue and save their civil and religious rights from the outstretched arm of tyranny, which may appear under any mode or form of government.” – Mercy Warren, History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution, 1805


Healthy as a (two-legged) horse

horse-animSome have asked about my health. Thanks! I am glad to report that they did another scan of my leg and found no trace of the blood clot. It either broke up into minute particles and was absorbed by the lungs or dissolved. Either way, I am glad to be rid of it! Thanks for your prayers.


Blog poll: Shoot first…?colt_ssp

In the last posting of this blog, I asked you to express your thoughts on how you would handle the situation if government agents came to confiscate your guns. One man had said he would be prepared to shoot them. Below are the results of the poll. To avoid redundancy, I won’t print all of the responses.

Most said they hand over the guns, although not voluntarily or willingly. Search warrants would have to be shown. They might hide those that are not registered or not known to be in their possession.

One said, “If we try to save ourselves God may just let us. In every situation the Lord has kept my family and me from harm. Why stop a good thing by doing it myself?  We don’t protest, we preach. We don’t use carnal weapons because the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (weak) but mighty through God! It’s time to get back to the basics of faith and trust in the Lord!”

Another: “If the founding fathers of our country had been willing to surrender their guns, there would not be such thing as the US of A would there? My idea of gun control is to use two hands. No, I am not willing to surrender my guns to anybody. Nor I do not want to have to shoot anybody. At the same time I’m going to keep my options open….If you do not think that there is real concern about Obama coming after gun owners just visit a gun store in your area. They are selling guns like crazy….It looks like to me that there could very well be a revolution if things keep going as they are.  So keep your powder dry!”
I thought this response was interesting: “Hand over the gun(s). Then ask, ‘Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?’ You might be the ‘epistle of Christ’ or the only Bible they ever get to read.”

At any rate, let us pray that there will never come a time when such decisions will have to be made. Pray for our government, for our President, for our Congress. And let’s be Christians in all situations.

Another question:
We all know that ultimately “God has everything under His control” and that in the end it will all amount to the unfolding of His eternal plan. Therefore some feel we should not worry about anything. That is the “positive” outlook. But how does this jive with history? Did it keep horrible things from happening to God’s people? Christians in the past were of two minds—resist tyranny and stand up for one’s legitimate and legal rights, or take the pacifist’s role and let our nation and our families suffer the fate of the citizens of Europe in the 1930s and 1940s. We have traditionally made heroes out of prominent believers in both camps. Some think if we resist the current administration’s efforts to move America into socialism and making it vulnerable to terrorism that we might be found fighting against the plan of God. Others are of the opposite mind. Where do you stand? Share your wisdom with us.


Try laughing to keep from crying







We proudly salute our veterans on Memorial Day on May 25th.



New books on creation and evolution:

Five Reasons To Believe in Recent Creation5-reasons-to-believe1


by Henry M. Morris III

Some Call It Science

by Henry M. Morris

Encouraged by the spirit and thrust of the current political administration, our youth are being bombarded as never before by atheism and humanism, often coming at them in the context of evolution. They need constant reinforcement. While there are many books published on the topic, here are a couple that are inexpensive and brief enough to encourage reading by both young people and adults. Written by Henry Morris, the noted authority on creationism, and his grandson who has followed in his footsteps, these little books are treasure troves of helpful information on biblical creationism. Only 3.95 each.

Revelation Unveiled

revelation-unveiledBy Dustin L. Abbott

This apostolic pastor has put together a verse-by-verse commentary on the Book of Revelation that will help any student of the Word find his way through the maze of symbols and prophecies. Regardless of your view of eschatology, the truth seeker will benefit from the studied reflections on this final book of the Bible. Scholarly, yet easy to use and reader friendly. 365 pages; only 17.95

Now available…INTO HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT based on the NIV!

niv-ihmlThe highly effective Into His Marvelous Light Bible study has added a new dimension. It is now available using the scriptures from the New International Version. This is in response to many requests to use a version other than the KJV. New converts and those not familiar with the Bible to whom we are witnessing find it much easier to understand. It will likely prove to be even more effective as a soulwinning tool. Same format, and the doctrines are just as strongly worded, if not stronger, in the NIV. Of course, the Bible study is still available in the KJV for those who prefer it.  Price: as low as $1.00 each in quantity.

How to order: order securely online at or call 936-856-3419. If you call and we are away from the office, please leave your contact information and we will get back to you. Thanks for making Advance Ministries THE source for your book and Bible needs. More new titles will be forthcoming soon. Watch for them!

Be blessed!


Published in: on May 1, 2009 at 3:53 PM  Comments (9)  

April ’09 Blog

Greetings, friends!

If you are reading this on the day it was posted, April 1, sorry—the Rapture took place at dawn this morning. All the Apostolics are GONE Gone gone gone gone goooonnnnneee…!

Better get geared up for…well, whatever, depending on your eschatology.

April Fools! Nah…I don’t think the Rapture took place. Roffie is still here. I am glad it didn’t happen because I am still here, too!


Everybody is getting in on the redefinition thing

President Obama is copying Rick Warren, Brian McLaren, Rob Bell and otherCB029654 Emergents and postmoderns in trying to redefine unpopular terms. The banking industry’s bad mortgages and lending practices are not “toxic assets” but “legacy loans.” That will soften the hit when we realize that the government (the taxpayers, really) is absorbing them. The “war on terror” is passé and is now an “overseas contingency operation.” “Terror attacks” are now “man-made disasters.” Gitmo prisoners captured on the battlefield are not to be called “enemy combatants” but “detainees.” That won’t sound so bad when they are released to go back to Afganistan and kill more of our soldiers, or when they are moved to a prison near you.

In Christianity the progressives prefer “missional” rather than “evangelistic/Evangelical.” “Everlasting punishment” gives way to the “absence of God.” “Heaven” is merely “ever-increasing joy.” “Repentance” is “fulfilling our natural potential.” “Christianity” is downgraded to “social activism.” “Christian growth and development” morphs into one’s individual “spiritual journey.” Preaching and teaching is redefined and reduced to “conversation.” Sin is removed from the vocabulary except when it is employed to describe the practice of calling immorality wrong or not involving oneself in social activism.

So what is so bad about the redefinition of Christian terminology? Basically, it represents an incremental deconstruction of all we have known about Christ and Christianity and the rapid reconstruction of “another Jesus”—not the one revealed in the Scriptures. It creates confusion in the minds of those to whom we need to be witnessing. (See the “missional” article below.)


Toxic Assets

smelly_ratSpeaking of smelly “toxic assets,” most anyone can think of a number of them very quickly: Timothy Geithner, Rahm Emanuel, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Henry Waxman, Christopher Dodd….Shall I continue? You add your favorite “TAs” to the list. I am sure I have overlooked one, a big one, that should be on everybody’s list.


A further word about “missional”

This word is being tossed around by “progressive” Apostolics but few probably understand its meaning. It is actually an older term that fell into disuse over time and has been resurrected with a new face. Rather than speaking of a church’s emphasis on missions or outreach, it is an entirely new way of viewing Christianity, although there are some varying nuances of meaning from one group to the next. Basically, going beyond the postmodern concept, it is the effort to completely restructure the faith to be relevant to the post-Christian crowd—not merely the postmoderns but the “post-Christian” folk.

In other words, a missional church is one that seeks to attract people who are not Christians, but not in an evangelistic way. They don’t assume that lost people will need to be reshaped by the gospel. Therefore they don’t want to look like Christians, dress like Christians or conform to anything traditional in their worship. They want to appear “unchanged” by the Christian experience so as to better relate to the secular world around them. They want people to join the church, then perhaps later they will choose to become a believer in Christ. Missional churches strive to be diverse and global in their thinking. That sounds so chic and intellectual. So with it. So cool. So…so post-Christian. Sure fits with the current political scene, as Mark Driscoll, a missional pastor, often sounds very close Jeremiah Wright in his public usage of street vernacular.

Missional pastors are disillusioned, they say, with organizational structure. So their services may be little more than the “lead pastor” being a “facilitator” of discussion and dialogue—“conversation” they call it. No negatives (anything that opposes their carnal desires) are allowed. No absolutes, just what’s relative to the individual—and keep it secular. One cannot be “judgmental.” Teaching about the Bible position on homosexuality or anything of that nature is taboo. They eschew the terminology of the Scriptures, including words like “sin.” These practices are especially relative to the more “emergent” type missional leaders. There is nothing inherently evil about giving another name to what we do unless it is a cover for justification of compromise.

Missional churches/pastors generally want to disassociate from and denigrate churches that still use pulpits instead of barstools, and preachers who dress in suits and ties rather than torn blue jeans with the shirttail hanging out. They prefer to create totally new ways of portraying Christianity. The “missional” mindset can be verified in the writings of two of the most visible missional pastors—Mark Driscoll and Tim Keller. Both have written books on the subject.

I can hear someone say, “Hey, that’s okay as long as they preach Acts 2:38 and live for God.” That’s just it. Those who are going that way are impressed by those persons who have tossed doctrine and biblical holiness overboard and created their own brand of Christianity. Some in our own ranks who became enamored with the missional label have likewise tossed out some or all of the fundamentals of the faith. No one stops with just discarding the pulpit or wearing sneakers to church. The reason behind the ditching—that is the problem, and that same reason keeps them going down that path. The logic: if John the Baptist could get results looking like he did, why can’t we dress in “holey” blue jeans and dirty sneakers? Again, the jeans are not the real problem—it is the motivation. Don’t accuse folks who refuse to adopt those styles of being hypocrites because they wear suits in the pulpit. Who are the real hypocrites here? Jeans bought with torn knee holes express hypocrisy unless they were torn doing work or praying. They don’t have to wear torn trousers. They can afford belts and shoes. They can tuck their shirttails in. I suppose if they don’t, they know they can get down to praying for folks and show their underwear like overweight plumbers or the teenage girls in their congregation. Cool.

Tell it like it is. Primarily, they just want to identify with the “missional” crowd, the radicals, the liberals—since most of them are drifting in that direction anyway. They are not identifying with the average Joe, but going way beyond that. So what is the big deal with shirttails and jeans all of a sudden? We all know…so quit trying to cover the real motivation with avant garde clichés. If they want to really identify with the non-Christian/social rebels crowd, why don’t they put on crotch-to-the-knees short pants that are nearly falling off so they can show their colorful boxers? Why don’t they spike their hair and carry a boombox down the street playing hip-hop or hard rock? C’mon. Get down.

Thank God for the majority of our young ministers who are choosing not to give in to that spirit, who don’t think that the Apostolic church has to be redeemed from its past, who don’t think it is the path to winning the world. It would be the path of the world winning them!

To my younger friends who are looking that way, this is not to just offer criticism. We were all young once and understand the pull of peer pressure and the siren call of the new and different that all of us have heard. But remember, you don’t have to be one to win one. Most folks can smell hypocrisy a mile away. New members might throw in with the missional/emergent/postmodern presentation for a while, but when they discover how powerless it all is without Bible truth, frustration will generate an unfaithfulness that will utterly amaze you. Rather than write off those who may be reaching out to you with loving admonition to be careful and discerning, listen to what they have to say. Refuse to view elders as old fogeys who just don’t understand the new paradigms and the minds of 21st century folks. Stop and give some thought about where you want to go and who you want to be ten years from now. Prayer time and Book time are essential for you right now.

We must not abandon the real purpose of the church, which is not merely to do good deeds for the homeless, help the Africans with AIDS, and pay the light bill for some poor person. Those deeds may be commendable at the right place and time, but that is not why Christ came and died. It is not the mission of the church. We must keep the main thing—the Great Commission—the main thing. Let the church be evangelistic—immersed in soulwinning and soul building—and let the Emergents and the post-Christians be “missional.”


A word to the wise is sufficient

We live and minister at a time when the Western evangelical church is making a historic paradigm shift. Less and less, Scripture is our sole authority. More and more, a culture that mirrors an anti-biblical value system has the final say. In the name of relevance, demographic research determines our music and the shape of our message so that we reinvent ourselves to appeal to the greatest number. Though perhaps done from positive motives, the results are staggering. The audience is not just the customer, it has been crowned sovereign king. “Do it this way. . . We don’t like it done that way. . . Don’t forget, we can vote with our pocketbook and our feet.” – Sovereign king. (p. 86) Source: When People Throw Stones by Blain Allen



pen-and-paper“Far from being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin sisters, friends, and mutual assistants. Indeed, these two sciences run into each other. The divine law, as discovered by reason and the moral sense, forms an essential part of both.” – James Wilson, law lectures at the University of Pennsylvania

“Barack Obama is the first Hispanic president the same way Bill Clinton was the first black president.” – Geraldo Rivera discussing immigration

“Honor, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us. We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of resigning succeeding generations to that wretchedness which inevitably awaits them if we basely entail hereditary bondage on them.” – Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking up Arms, 6 July 1775

“There are a hundred billion stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge number. But it’s less than the national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers. Now we should call them economical numbers.” – American physicist Richard Feynman (1918-1988) (What would he think about the current deficit in the trillions?)

“The great advances of civilization, whether in architecture or painting, in science or in literature, in industry or agriculture, have never come from centralized government.” – Economist Milton Friedman (1912-2006)

“If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.” – Thomas Paine, (December 19, 1776)

“[Treasury] Secretary Geithner wants AIG and executives at other companies that receive tax dollars to be paid according to performance. That is a standard most of us would like to see applied to Congress, which enjoys annual pay increases no matter how much incompetence, malfeasance and misfeasance it demonstrates.” – columnist Cal Thomas

This week’s “Quid Pro Homo” Award: “At some point, [the Defense of Marriage Act] is going to have to go to the United States Supreme Court. I wouldn’t want it to go to the United States Supreme Court now because that homophobe Antonin Scalia has too many votes on this current court.” – Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), an open homosexual (Scalia has more than one vote?)

“When small men begin to cast big shadows, it means that the sun is about to set.” – Chinese writer Lin Yutang (1895-1976)



senator-doddSenator Chrisopher Dodd, or “Chris Dodge,” as they’re calling him now, after first denying it, now admits he’s the one who eliminated the provision in the stimulus package that outlawed excessive bonuses. And coincidentally, he just happened to receive $280,000 from AIG in campaign contributions. My, my…what are the odds of that?

Congress is now investigating the special treatment that “Senator Dodge” received from Countrywide Mortgage for a couple of mortgages. The Senator has contended he didn’t know he was getting special rates on the mortgages. And, really, to be fair, how would the Senate chairman of the banking committee have any idea what the normal lending rate would be? Isn’t that expecting too much of him?

Somewhere in an old black-back Book I read: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn” (Proverbs 29:2).


Was Francis Schaeffer right?

“Do not think that merely because a Bible-believing man is elected as an executive officer or is appointed to an important position, this will give safety to a denomination. If the two power centers in modern denominations—the bureaucracy and the seminaries—remain in the control of the liberals, nothing will be permanently changed. There must be a loving but definite practice of the purity of the visible church in any denomination if it is really to dwell in safety.” – From pages 80/81 in The Great Evangelical Disaster


Veep ’fesses up

V. P. Joe Biden to Unions: “You All Brought Me to the Dance…It’s Time Webiden Start Dancing.”

What’s happening in Washington is old style, quid-pro-quo politics—the kind President Obama pledged as a candidate to end. Supporters of the so-called Employee Free Choice Act (that’s their Orwellian name for Card Check) claim to be all about protecting American workers (Read: Unions!).

But leave it to Vice President Joe Biden to inadvertently tell the truth. In a meeting with the AFL-CIO recently, Biden made it clear who’s calling the shots when it comes to American workers, businesses and jobs. He told the gathering of union big-wigs: “You all brought me to the dance a long time ago, and it’s time we start dancing.”


Whatever happened to “reaching the world”?

worldLast summer I taught at a district campmeeting during the day services and Brother Rex Johnson of Austin, TX was the night speaker. One day while we were talking, he asked me if I knew of anyone who had gone on TV since the Tampa vote. “No, I do not,” I answered. He said the same, and we marveled at why, if there was such great expediency for us to get the gospel on TV and quickly “reach the world,” that no one in the ensuing year had even attempted it as far as we knew. Recently, on March 11, 2009 Brother Johnson appeared on Trinity Broadcasting Network’s show. It is assumed he was there to advertise his book. If you are interested in seeing and hearing his part in the show, here is the link:


Together again?

According to the NonProfit Times (2/09) a member of the United Pentecostal Council of the Assemblies of God has been appointed to lead the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Joshua DuBois is a 26-year old member of that faith. Glancing at the name, one might think that the two organizations had merged. However, despite the meshing of the names of the two denominations, their Articles of Faith are trinitarian and reflect a close relationship to the modern A/Gs. Their web site is


Notes from your therapist

One man who came from the psychiatrist’s office announcing that he was therapist2“cured.”

“How can that be?” he was asked.

“Well, I used to feel horrible about doing this, but now that he has explained to me why I do it, I don’t feel guilty anymore.”

Isn’t psychotherapy wonderful? Here are some other testimonials:

“Thanks to my therapist I don’t suffer from insanity now—I enjoy every minute of it.”

“It only cost me $5,000 to learn that nothing is ever my fault.”

After therapy, I am now happy when…

  • …you and everyone else likes me.
  • …something goes wrong I realize someone other than me is to blame.
  • …I am the center of attention.


Shoot first and ask questions later?

Recently an Apostolic man suggested that he would shoot any law officer orgun-control government agent who came to try to confiscate his guns. Do you think this is a viable option for a Christian? What are your thoughts on how you would handle such a situation? Please respond in the comment box below or in an email to

This is a serious request. Report will appear in next month’s blog.


Great hermeneutics!

Here is the National Gay Pentecostal Alliance (NGPA) interpretation of Leviticus 20:13. They state that a word-for-word translation of this verse from the original Hebrew is:

“And a man who will lie down with a male in beds of a woman, both of them have made an abomination; dying they will die. Their blood is on them.”
The NGPA says that in modern English this could be translated as: “If two men engage in homosexual sex while on a woman’s bed, both have committed an abomination. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.”

“This does not generally forbid homosexual behavior between two men,” they say. It only limits where the act can be done. That makes one wonder why God would pass the death penalty to someone who simply forgot whose bed he was in. A dozen other questions come to mind that are unanswered in this strange interpretation.

“The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men” (Psalm 12:8 NIV). Is that true or what?


Word study:

Why do Christians get sick?

Spiros Zodhiates

sicknessWe do not always get sick because of any particular sin of ours, although that is possible. It is as possible for the unbeliever and the believer. The paralysis of the sick man at Bethesda was due to his sin. After he was healed, the Lord said to him, “Sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee” (John 5:14). If that imperative verb were in the aorist tense, it would have implied that he had not been sinning and the Lord would not want him to start. But the command meketi bamartane is in the present imperative and actually should be translated, “Do not continue to sin.” His life-style was that of habitual sinning, and he was suffering the consequences—paralysis.

In 1 Corinthians 11:29-34, Paul discusses Christians who sat at the Lord’s table unworthily—maybe with bitterness in their hearts. He pin-pointed the reason, “For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep (die)” (v. 30).

But generally we, whether unbelievers or believers, get sick and die not because of our own particular sins, but because of Adam’s sin (Genesis 2:17; Rom. 5:12). We have inherited corruptibility in our human nature. We physically deteriorate and die because of that reality.

In fact, the adjective phtbartos, corruptible, applies to both unbelievers and believers (Rom. 1:23; 1 Cor. 15:53,54). The animals are also subject to the same corruptibility (2 Pet. 2:12). This is also true as far as the very physical nature in which we live in this world (Rom. 8:21,22). Everything in creation groans because of the inherent corruptibility of the created world which is in a fallen state. Emphatically Paul stresses, “And not only they (the creation) but ourselves also (including himself, a great saint) which have the first fruits of the Spirit (salvation), even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption (buiotbesia, when we shall be fully apportioned our pre-fall restitution), to wit, the redemption of our body” (Rom. 8:23). That’s in the future, when we shall once again receive the gift of incorruptibility for our new identifiable bodies. – Spiros Zodhiates in Pulpit Helps


Laugh to keep from crying:






Book Kiosk

The Courage To Be Protestant: Truth lovers, Marketers, and Emergents in the Postmodern World
By David Wells

the-courage-to-be-protestanIt is time someone of David Wells’ stature and ability with words set the record straight. He is one of the clearest thinkers of our time. With powerful parlance he peels back the layers of liberalism and reveals the absolute necessity of an evangelical self-examination.

This book was first called to my attention by Danny Russo, Texas District Superintendent of the UPCI. I immediately recognized it as an appropriate sequel to The Marketing of Evil, but on a different level with somewhat different targets. Wells makes a forceful argument for the courage to be faithful to what Christianity in its biblical forms has always stood for, thereby securing hope for the church’s future.

Some books may you laugh, others make you cry, still others pique your individual interest. This book will call you out of the corner into the full light of the current conflict sweeping Christianity, including the Apostolic movement. If you don’t find this book helpful, your money will be cheerfully refunded.

Retail $26.00 Special price from Advance Ministries 19.95

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Thanks for ordering your books, Bibles and Bible studies from Advance Ministries. Please go to and check out the many good books and Apostolic materials that are available there.

Have a great day/week/month!


Published in: on April 1, 2009 at 10:16 AM  Comments (8)  

March ’09 Blog

Welcome to the March blog…and to a little March madness!

Champ chimp becomes chump after chomp

chimpanzee-pictureNews reports quoted the owner of the “mad chimpanzee,” which had bitten off the hands and face of a neighbor lady, as saying that she had given the normally well-mannered chimp a dose of Xanax before he went wild. She later retracted that story. I wonder why she told it then took it back? Did the pharmaceutical company get involved? Psychopharmaceutical products are unpredictable. Read the story here:


You knew it was coming…

HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009

big-riflepistol21Hunters beware! This act provides for the implementation of a system of licensing for purchasers of certain firearms (handguns and certain rifles, I understand) and for a record of sale system for those firearms, and for “other purposes.” I do not believe this is likely to pass right away or perhaps in its present form, but deliberate steps are being made by the President and his appointees to register all firearms in preparation for ultimate confiscation. I recently was unable to buy ammunition locally because they were sold out in anticipation of humongous taxes that were in the process of being attached to all guns and ammo.

Read about it here:

You might find other info at:


Of homophobes and Christophobes!

I am pretty tired of jerks labeling people as  “homophobes” simply because they oppose the promotion and celebration of the gay lifestyle. Homophobia is defined as “the fear of homosexuals” (New Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language). More specifically, it refers to an aversion to the gross practices of that community. I have an aversion to the gay way, but I am not afraid of them. I know some of them. I have dealt with them and even pastored churches where they attended. I have loved their souls and prayed for them in their efforts to escape the un-gay lifestyle. I know some who seem to have overcome that practice and even the tendency. We all know it can be done through Christ (I Corinthians 6:9-11).

The radical homosexual agenda includes calling anyone who opposes whatever they promote a homophobe and hate-monger. The president and his recent appointees, along with prominent members of congress who are gay, are in total support of their agenda for social change. Due to their extreme disgust of anything Christian, perhaps they, along with the atheists and other anti-Christian activists, should they be labeled Christophobes? Christophobia would be defined as the fear of Christians. Would the pro-gay anti-Christian college professors, the crackpot politicians who pass hate crimes legislation solely to curry favor with the gay community, and the perverted activists who participate in gay pride parades, also fall into the category as Christophobes?

The gay lifestyle is the prime contributor to the HIV/AIDS syndrome. Billions have been spent on finding a way to curb the spread of AIDS. The answer really is simple, and it would not cost a dime; in fact, billions could be saved. How? By stopping the casual sex (called fornication in the Bible) that is practiced openly in the gay community. When sex is limited to normal relations within the confines of marriage, there is no fear of anyone contracting AIDS through sexual contact. How then do little children and old grandmas get AIDS? Primarily by transfusions of blood donated by gays and bi-sexuals and by coming into contact with bodily fluids from an infected person. But it all goes back to a homosexual lifestyle. They are the prime spreaders. They are costing American taxpayers billions in health care costs and lost wages, besides the grief they bring on the families of victims.

I resent my tax dollars going to promote anti-Christian, pro-gay values, parades and activities. President Obama has promised to make their agenda a priority during his presidency. They want to force mainstream America beyond tolerance, beyond saying “Live and let live.” They want us to approve their lifestyle and affirm it as a legitimate practice. They want to force Christians to recognize and celebrate its validity. No, thanks.

Is that hate speech? Is that encouraging violence to be perpetrated toward gay persons? Absolutely not. No person should suffer violence because of his or her sexual preference. (Some say a disproportionate number of violent crimes are committed by homosexuals. For information on homosexual violence go to The top serial killers in America are homosexuals.) By the same token, no straight person’s health should be put in jeopardy because of the ungodly lifestyle of the gays, nor should our children be subjected to the promotion of their lifestyle in the schoolroom. Nor should the public be inundated with their gross and shameless displays in gay pride parades.

Homophobe. I am sure they have tagged you and me with that label. While it is an insult and inaccurate, I think I would rather be thought of as that than as a “Christophobe.”

For more info on homosexual violence and their political agenda, go to

For Obama’s agenda about homosexuality, same sex marriage and other social issues, go to his web site at

The top six U.S. male serial killers were all gay:

• Donald Harvey claimed 37 victims in Kentucky;

• John Wayne Gacy raped and killed 33 boys in Chicago, burying them under his house and in his yard;

• Patrick Kearney accounted for 32, cutting his victims into small pieces after sex and leaving them in trash bags along the Los Angeles freeways;

• Bruce Davis molested and killed 27 young men and boys in Illinois;

• A gay sex-murder-torture ring (Corll-Henley-Brooks) sent 27 Texas men and boys to their grave; and

• Juan Corona was convicted of murdering 25 migrant workers (he “made love” with their corpses).

Although the total number of victims dispatched by a given killer is often in doubt, (e.g., homosexual Henry Lucas claimed that he killed 350), it appears that the modern world record for serial killing is held by a Russian homosexual, Andrei Chikatilo, who was convicted in 1992 of raping, murdering and eating parts of at least 21 boys, 17 women and 14 girls. The pathology of eating one’s sexual victims also characterized Milwaukee’s Jeffrey Dahmer in 1992. He not only killed 17 young men and boys, but cooked and ate their body parts.

A Presbyterian is speaking out on homosexual bigots:

Are we afraid to continue to teach the Bible truth about this sin?


ISC Conference

The Institute of Soteric Counseling is hosting its eighth annual training conference in Indianapolis, IN on October 15,16. Those who are interested in learning the biblical method of helping others to emotional health are invited. For those on track to certification, this is your opportunity to finish and receive your certificate. All are welcome to attend. For details, go to


Sexy Weekendssexy-sunday-billboard2

sexy-billboardI have noticed that some of the charismatic churches have begun to focus on sex. Now, is that a surprise? No? Then you probably know about the news stories in Charisma that some churches are requiring that female staff members have breast implants. And about all the adultery stories, and the homosexuality, and the divorces, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

The Sexy Weekends some of the megachurches are sponsoring feature commitments for married couples to have sex every day for seven days.  Of course, they are quick to say that sex is only for married couples. Is this just a way to get to talk about sex in a legitimate context? Why do they like to put SEX on their signs in huge letters, as though they were on a 1980s Houston freeway advertising a strip club? If they want to talk about legitimate sex in the proper, appropriate context in church, no problem. But to obviously get glee from posting it on billboards and huge church signs is over the line, in my opinion, to say nothing of encouraging their parishioners to commit themselves to a daily routine, as though they were committing to prayer or fasting on certain days.

It’s just the charismatic megachurches, you say? Nay. Some UPCI churches are sponsoring these “sexy weekends” and garnering commitments for sex on successive days.

C’mon, pastors! Don’tcha know it is only the infected rats that follow the Pied Piper! “But ye have not so learned Christ” (Ephesians 4:20).


Obama’s Promises

NN_27obama2Recently I went to
and read Obama’s political agenda. Scary.

In case you can’t or prefer not to go there, here is some of his “civil rights” agenda in a nutshell taken from his web site:

They will also pass “the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.”

They will “expand the Hate Crimes Statutes: President Obama and Vice President Biden will strengthen federal hate crimes legislation, expand hate crimes protection by passing the Matthew Shepard Act, and reinvigorate enforcement at the Department of Justice’s Criminal Section.”

They will “end Racial Profiling: President Obama and Vice President Biden will ban racial profiling by federal law enforcement agencies and provide federal incentives to state and local police departments to prohibit the practice.”

They will “eliminate Sentencing Disparities: President Obama and Vice President Biden believe the disparity between sentencing crack and powder-based cocaine is wrong and should be completely eliminated.”

They will expand Use of Drug Courts: President Obama and Vice President Biden will give first-time, non-violent offenders a chance to serve their sentence, where appropriate, in the type of drug rehabilitation programs that have proven to work better than a prison term in changing bad behavior.”

They will lend “support for the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender) Community [by expanding the] Hate Crimes Statutes: In 2004, crimes against LGBT Americans constituted the third-highest category of hate crime reported and made up more than 15 percent of such crimes. President Obama cosponsored legislation that would expand federal jurisdiction to include violent hate crimes perpetrated because of race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical disability.”

They will “fight Workplace Discrimination: President Obama supports the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and believes that our anti-discrimination employment laws should be expanded to include sexual orientation and gender identity.”

They will “support Full Civil Unions and Federal Rights for LGBT Couples: President Obama supports full civil unions that give same-sex couples legal rights and privileges equal to those of married couples. Obama also believes we need to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and enact legislation that would ensure that the 1,100+ federal legal rights and benefits currently provided on the basis of marital status are extended to same-sex couples in civil unions and other legally-recognized unions.”

They will “oppose a Constitutional Ban on Same-Sex Marriage: President Obama voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment in 2006 which would have defined marriage as between a man and a woman and prevented judicial extension of marriage-like rights to same-sex or other unmarried couples.”

They will “expand Adoption Rights: President Obama believes that we must ensure adoption rights for all couples and individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation. He thinks that a child will benefit from a healthy and loving home, whether the parents are gay or not.”

They will “promote AIDS Prevention: In the first year of his presidency, President Obama will develop and begin to implement a comprehensive national HIV/AIDS strategy that includes all federal agencies. The strategy will be designed to reduce HIV infections, increase access to care and reduce HIV-related health disparities. The President will support common sense approaches including age-appropriate sex education [he feels it should start in kindergarten] that includes information about contraception, combating infection within our prison population through education and contraception, and distributing contraceptives through our public health system. The President also supports lifting the federal ban on needle exchange, which could dramatically reduce rates of infection among drug users. President Obama has also been willing to confront the stigma—too often tied to homophobia—that continues to surround HIV/AIDS.

They “will work to overturn the Supreme Court’s recent ruling….”  [It seems to be perfectly fine to work to overturn a law they don’t like, but for the conservatives to work to overturn one that takes human life by the millions, that is called “mean-spirited” and “hateful.” – ed.]


Kosher Regulations from the Bible

Thfoodkosher1e word kosher comes from a Hebrew word meaning “fit” or “proper.” Jewish kosher food laws are an extension of the commandment in Exodus 23:19, “You shall not seethe a kid in its mother’s milk,” and the list of prohibited foods in Leviticus 11. These regulations are complex, and this is only a summary:

1.  Only animals that chew their cud and have divided hooves may be eaten. (This rules out meat from pigs and many other animals.)

2.  There are twenty-four specifically forbidden species of birds, but kosher observers usually limit fowl to chicken, turkey, duck, and goose.

3.  Meat and poultry must be slaughtered in a particular way. Trained and certified slaughterers sever the trachea and esophagus with a special knife, then inspectors make sure the internal organs have no abnormalities.

4.   No blood may be consumed, so before meat is eaten, the blood must be removed by salting or broiling.

5.   Fish must have fins and scales that are easily removed, and they must be visible to the consumer when purchased. All shellfish are prohibited. Fish and meat must not be eaten together.

6.   Meat and milk must never be cooked or eaten together, and as a safeguard they must not be prepared or served with the same equipment or dishes. A kosher kitchen must have two sets of utensils, one for meat and poultry and the other for dairy foods. Cheese must be certified to make sure it has been processed in a kosher manner.

7.   Bread containing dairy ingredients cannot be eaten, since bread is served with most meals and one could accidentally eat dairy bread with a meat meal.

8.   Food containing neither meat nor dairy products or processed with the same equipment is called pareve, and it may be eaten with either meat or dairy meals.

Source: T. J. McTavish, A Theological Miscellany


SELAH in the Psalms

The term selah occurs seventy-one times in thirty-nine of the Psalms. No one is sure what it means. Some think of it as a reminder to [pause and] meditate on what has been said. More likely, however, it comes from the verb salal, to “lift up” a song. It might indicate a place where instruments play an interlude. Or it could designate a point where free-flowing vocal and instrumental praise occurred, perhaps using a familiar refrain such as “O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, / for his steadfast love endures for ever” (Ps. 136:1).  – Source: T. J. McTavish, A Theological Miscellany


Words of wisdom

Calling an illegal alien an “undocumented immigrant” is like calling a drug dealer an “unlicensed pharmacist.” – Anonymous

“Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.” – Thomas Jefferson

Gun control is not about guns; it’s about control.

If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any. You have only the rights you are willing to fight for.

“My child, if you co-sign a loan for a friend or guarantee the debt of someone you hardly know—if you have trapped yourself by your agreement and are caught by what you said—follow my advice and save yourself, for you have placed yourself at your friend’s mercy. Now swallow your pride; go and beg to have your name erased. Don’t put it off; do it now! Don’t rest until you do. Save yourself like a gazelle escaping from a hunter, like a bird fleeing from a net.” – Solomon (Proverbs 6:1-5)


Aramaic and Hebrew words in the New Testamentwycliffe-bible

Aramaic, the language of some parts of the Old Testament (portions of Daniel and Ezra), is a sister language of Hebrew. It was the ordinary language of Judea and Galilee in the first century, and it is sometimes called “Hebrew” in the New Testament. Jesus probably could speak some Greek, as there were Greek-speaking cities in Galilee, and He conversed with a Greek-speaking Syrophoenician woman (Mark 7:24-30). Since Jesus mainly taught the common people, though, Aramaic was His language and that of the earliest Christians.

Abba…………………………………….. Father
akeldama……………………………… “field of blood,” perhaps a proper name (Acts 1:19)
EIoi, Eloi, lama sabachthani….. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34, after Ps, 22:1)
ephphatha…………………………….. “Be opened” (Mark 7:34)
korbanas………………………………..  The temple treasury (Matt. 27:6)
mammonas……………….…………… “Mammon,” “riches” (Matt. 6:24)
rnaranatha …………………….………. “Our Lord has come” or “Our Lord, come!” (I Cor. 16:22)
talitha koumi ……………………..…. “Little girl, arise!” (Mark 5:41)
rabbi …………………..……………….. “My Master” or “My great one” (rabboni in John 20:16)
raca ……………………………………… “You fool” (Matt. 5:22)

Other words are actually Hebrew, though transmitted through Aramaic:

Alleluia ……………… “Praise Yahweh”
amen ………………… “Truly, reliably”
korban ……………….  “Dedicated offering” (Mark 7:11)
pascha …………….…   Passover
geenna ……………….  Gehenna, from gei hinnom, or Valley of Hinnom, the Jerusalem city dump
manna ………………..  Manna, literally, “What is it?”
sabaoth ……………….  From Hebrew meaning “hosts, armies” (Rom. 9:29; James 5:4)
sabbaton ……………… Sabbath
satanas ………………..  Satan, or “the adversary”

Source: T. J. McTavish, A Theological Miscellany


Why are we so passionate about the new administration and the direction it seems to be taking us?

The U.S. has been the base of world missions for a hundred years or more. It has been a lighthouse that has guided many ships of state to calmer and safer waters. America has sent trillions of dollars overseas to help stabilize governments and help the impoverished. We have been on the front lines of gospel work. Our missions and missionaries have helped to bring literacy and hope to many backward nations.

Daniel Webster made this observation about America: “Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6,000 years may never happen again. If the American Constitution should fall, there will be anarchy throughout the world.” And that was spoken about 170 years ago!

But now we have given the reins of government to a man who has little experience in government, a record of illicit drugs and alleged gay sex (by more than one testimony), who openly proclaims his socialist agenda, who may well bankrupt America with bailouts, pork programs, and record national deficits. He ran on a platform of “Change!” and he is definitely setting a course to change the face of this Republic. He has installed a cabinet cursed with crooks and a staff of advisors that have the most liberal social agenda that could be imagined. That is why we are concerned. Our school children are being desensitized to the corruption, idolatry and gross sin that surrounds us. Our families are being negatively affected. Anti-Christian agendas are being pushed down our throats. That is why we are speaking out. That is why we are writing to our congressmen. That is why we are praying for the leadership of the Lord through these dark waters.

The church can and may have revival in the midst of all of this. We shall rejoice. But Bible revivalists did not sit and wait to see what might be born from sinful leadership before speaking out.


A Brief Page From History

normanthomasNorman Mattoon Thomas (November 20, 1884 to December 19, 1968) was a leading American socialist, pacifist, and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.

Thomas said this in a 1944 speech:

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

He went on to say: “I no longer need to run as a Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform.” – Source:


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May God give you record increase in March!

Jerry and Roffie Ensey

Published in: on March 2, 2009 at 3:24 PM  Comments (5)