December Blog

WELCOME to the December edition of our blog.



…is wonderful but the “hangover” is the part that I don’t like! This seems to be the time of year the cleaners begin using something in their process that shrinks your clothes.



Have you wondered why Jesus’ disciples picked up all the fragments following His miracle of feeding the 5,000? After all, who needs fragments and scraps after such phenomenal proof of Christ’s ability?

Fragments became a lot when they were gathered together. When we are not careful and conscious of little things, we lose something of value. When we gather the day’s fragments, we are amazed at how much they will feed our souls and strengthen lives.

Jesus is the great Creator, but He does not want us to neglect small things. He takes fragments of men and things to build miracles. So God’s children in turn need to value the seemingly incidental.

What about the fragments of time left over from the major events of the day? Perhaps meditating on a Scripture verse would bring a life-changing truth. Perhaps a phone call to encourage a discouraged friend would be the basis for a new lease on life. Perhaps sending a card to express thanks for a seemingly insignificant favor would bring sunshine into a dull existence.

Who knows what God can do with leftovers if we will let Him through our loving obedience create the recipe?

–       by Charles Crabtree


Is cremation biblical?

I am often asked about the practice of cremation. The matter is evidently a concern to many people. I am going to introduce the topic by letting someone else give a response to the question and ask for yours. The following is from author Dave Hunt, excerpted from The Berean Call:

In Genesis 50:25 we see that Joseph wanted his bones kept specifically so that he might be buried in the Promised Land when God’s people returned there (Exodus 13:19; Joshua 24:32). This wasn’t intended as a requirement for everyone but as an assurance to the people that God would be faithful to release them from exile. According to the Scriptures, Joseph commanded the embalming of his father, Jacob. Later, Joseph’s body was also embalmed (Genesis 50:26). For other examples of bones being left intact, see Jeremiah 8:1.

The “dust and ashes” as used in Genesis 18:27 is simply a figure of speech expressing Abraham’s humility and reverence before the Lord. Job 30:19 similarly uses the term.

People in biblical times and lands would sometimes express their sorrow and mourning by throwing ashes over their heads. Or they might speak of being “on the ash heap.” Neither of these has any implications concerning cremation or embalming.

A word study of “bones” and “ashes” might be edifying but may not apply nearly as much as what seems far more important: understanding that God will do what He says He will do, which is to raise us in our glorified bodies at the last day. There is nothing in the Bible to indicate that regardless of how one dies (even if in an explosion or, as in Hebrews 11, sawn in half), the Lord would have any difficulty in resurrecting our bodies. “I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?” (Jeremiah 32:27).

Yes, pagans often dispose of bodies through burning. They also embalm (the Egyptians, for example) and surround the dead with great wealth. Today, there is a unique argument that “morticians make an idol of our bodies”! Any mortician (or mortician’s client, for that matter) is accountable for his own spiritual condition. Whether someone else (pagan or otherwise) worships his own (or someone else’s) body need not and should not apply to one’s decision; it is
the heart upon which the Lord looks.

“To dust we shall return” doesn’t require or command that we do anything in order to reach that state. The Bible speaks of the body being sown a natural body and raised a spiritual one. We cannot oppose cremation on scriptural grounds; neither does the Bible recommend it. There may be some practical considerations, as, for example, bodies that were burned during the bubonic plague. Although there is plenty of scriptural precedent for embalming the body, there is not for cremation. Insofar as embalming is a practical consideration, we can also see that cremation may on occasion be a practical choice. In New Orleans, the water content of the soil does not allow the burial of coffins,
and above-ground tombs are limited.

Let me encourage you to be at peace about the subject, since the Lord is far more concerned about what you do while you live in your body than after you leave your “earthly tent” to meet Him face to face.

[Please feel free to offer your perspective on this issue that often divides families. We will publish the best responses either over your name or anonymously, as you prefer. – jre]


The difference in liberals and conservatives

Which are you? Here is a test:

If a Conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.
If a Liberal doesn’t like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
If a Liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he turns the dial.
Liberals demand that those they don’t like be silenced.

If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.
A Liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.

If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.                                                                  A Liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a Conservative reads this, he’ll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A Liberal will delete it because he’s “offended.”

Source: Anonymous


Where liberal Christianity will take us

H. Richard Niebuhr once said of a crossless Christianity: “A god without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross.” That seems to be the philosophy adopted by the modernists and postmodernists.

Where did we lose the concept of discipleship without cost? Jesus said, “If any man come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). One could even lose the support of his immediate family (Luke 14:26). Does compromise and costless discipleship build churches? That seems to be what the church growth movement thinks.

But what does the record show? Since 1960 the Presbyterians have lost one half of their entire constituency. The United Church of Christ and the Episcopalians have lost one-third of their members. Those are the ones that have led the way toward honoring homosexuals in ministry. Once you do that, there can be no bars to membership and ministry—just “educational requirements” that will provide you with sensitivity training and social justice orientation. Compromising truth and righteousness for the sake of church growth is the height of folly. Increasing the number of those who don’t live for God is not church growth, it is merely abnormal swelling, or perhaps what the doctors used to call “proud flesh.”

As the Apostolic Movement…where do we want to go?


The Audacity of Nope

The Obama administration was swept into office with a chorus of “Yes, we can!” They thought they had enough political capital to do whatever they wanted without consequences. The voters in the recent election sent a clear message to the Congress and the White House that enough was enough. Unrestrained spending, the circumventing of constitutional processes, and ignoring the will of the people brought forth a shout of “No, you won’t!”

A large segment of the American population had begun to feel their country sinking into the morass of socialism. President Obama, motivated by a conviction that America is largely to blame for much of the world’s troubles, had embarked on a splurge of spending that threatened to overwhelm the system and bankrupt the nation. Seemingly determined to redistribute the wealth of America to the Third World nations, and the possessions of the “haves” taken and given to the “have nots,” he has led us to the brink of national disaster. His desire to right all wrongs viewed as being perpetrated by white American and European “colonialists” had driven him to take the country on a path of revenge against the capitalist free market system.

Wall Street would pay. The “fat cats” in CEO chairs would be leaned down. Big business would become small(er) business. Small business would become no business, with the employees pushed into the ranks of the unemployed who must then depend on government subsidies and handouts. The plan seems to have been to get as many people as possible on the government dole. Earnings would be capped and taxes would be increased to insure that the government would soon the prime provider of all vital services, including health care. It was socialism imposed from the top down, not a violent revolution from the ground up.

But Americans had the audacity to collectively say, “Nope!” on November 2.

The church will ultimately come into Obama’s crosshairs as his anticolonialist views mature and take root in American culture. Missionaries are viewed as part of that system. Christians will show up on his “enemies list.” Christianity is out; Islam is in. Christian ethics and mores must give way to patterns of thought and behavior born of the neo-atheism being promoted in all segments of our culture. Are we prepared for such an attack? “Be strong; quit ye like men” I hear someone from long ago saying. It is a voice from among those who have passed the baton of truth to us and who will not be complete without a winning run from us in the endtime.

On November 2, a light shined into the darkness. May we be reflectors of its hope.


Marxism in America

I have been convinced even before the 2008 presidential election that an Obama administration would move us toward socialism. But I did not dream it could happen so quickly. Since I am a preacher and not involved in government or the military, please take the word of someone who is considered more of an authority on the matter. Here is the word from Lt. General (Ret.) W. G. Boykin:


A chief annoyance

What annoys you most? Perhaps you haven’t actually made a list, but high on my list would be…

…rolling boom boxes.

Recently a low rider pulled up next to my car at a red light. I had heard him coming from some distance away. He had evidently filled the trunk of his vehicle with huge one million watt speakers, armed with bass woofers that could cause a tsunami at the beach. His windows were open—ostensibly to let some of the sound out so his car would not explode, or perhaps to make sure everyone in the next county heard his brand of noise.

The decibles were daunting. My chest vibrated with each beat of the hip-hop rhythm of the low rider’s music (a word not justified as a descriptive term for the sounds emitting from his vehicle). I prayed for the light to change before the metal on my car began to buckle. Would my tires over-inflate? Would the water in my radiator be expelled? Would my wheels now be out of alignment? Would my windows break? Are his ears bleeding? Are mine?



An interesting fact came to my attention lately. The first mention of the word “book” in the Old Testament is in the first chapters of Genesis (5:1) and had to do with the generations of Adam. The first mention of book in the NT is in the context of “the generation of Jesus Christ” (Matthew 1:1). Each of those books has an “end” to match. The OT bookend is in Malachi 3:16 where it is recorded that a “book of remembrance” is being recorded for the faithful. The NT bookend is in the last chapter of Revelation where the warning is given for those who would seek to add to or take away from “the prophecies of this book” (22:19).

What nice bookends! The Bible is such a fascinating Book.


The laying on of hair

Someone wrote me about this new “doctrine.” Here are his words: “Brother Ensey, I am having a hard time understanding a new doctrine. I understand the teaching of laying on of hands, however, I do not understand the teaching of laying of female hair upon the sick. It seems strange and out of order.”

This is a new practice in some circles, not a new doctrine. Just because it is not mentioned in the Bible doesn’t necessarily mean it can’t or shouldn’t be done at all as an act of faith. However, to attach it to a passage like I Corinthians 11:10 and extrapolate such a theory from that verse would be wresting the Scriptures. Someone might say, “Well, I know a lady who laid her long hair on a sick person and they got better, so that must mean that Paul was trying to tell us that there is power in long hair to heal the sick.” That would be extreme eisegesis.

Surely everyone is aware that anecdotal testimony can be obtained to corroborate ANYTHING! Books could be filled with subjective testimonies that seem to confirm everything from capture by space aliens to having been to the fiery hell and back. When are we going to learn that we judge subjective experiences by the Word of truth, not the Word by someone’s experience and anecdotal testimony? I heard of a lady who was healed when she put her hands in a tub of water that had been labeled by an evangelist as “the pool of Bethesda.” Her simple faith was rewarded.

But don’t start bringing tubs of water into the church. It is unwise to build doctrines or theories on one-time miracles or experiences.


Abortion is murder

By 21 days the baby’s heart begins to beat and the blood flows through its body. At 45 days the tiny baby’s brain waves can be detected. By 8 to 9 weeks the eyelids have begun forming and hair appears. By 9 or 10 weeks it sucks its thumb, jumps, frowns, swallows, and moves its tongue. By 12 or 13 weeks the baby has fingernails and its own unique fingerprints; all arteries are present, vocal chords are complete; the baby can cry and recoils from pain. At 14 weeks the mother begins to feel the baby moving inside of her. At 15 weeks the baby has fully-formed taste buds. At 16 weeks, it has eyebrows and eyelashes, and it can grasp with its hands, kick, and even somersault. At 20 weeks the baby can hear and recognize its mother’s voice.


Chrislam: A new religion?

On November 14, the Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston along with Christian communities in Atlanta, Seattle and Detroit initiated a series of sermons that have been designed to produce an ecumenical reconciliation between Christianity and Islam. In addition to the sermons, the Sunday school lessons will center on the inspired teachings of the Prophet Mohammad. Qurans are being placed in the pews next to the Bibles.

The concept of Chrislam, now embraced by such preachers as Rick Warren and Robert Schuller, appears to have emerged from a program on the meaning of “love your neighbor” at Grace Fellowship Church in Atlanta, Georgia. “In 2001, like most Americans, we were pretty awakened to the true Islamic presence in the world and in the United States,” says Jon Stallsmith, the outreach minister at Grace Fellowship. “Jesus says we should love our neighbors. We can’t do that without having a relationship with them.”

Stallsmith maintains that a rapprochement between Muslims and Christians can be achieved by the fact that Jesus is mentioned twenty-five times in the Quran.

The Chrislam movement has gained impetus by statements from President George W. Bush and that Christians, Jews, and Muslims all worship the same God and by Rick Warren’s reference to Isa (the Muslim name for Jesus) in his prayer at the inauguration of President Barack Obama.

Jesus in the Quran is neither the only-begotten Son of God nor the Messiah who was divinely appointed to restore the House of David. He is rather viewed as a prophet who was appointed by Allah to prepare mankind for the coming of Mohammad.

In the Quran, Jesus neither suffers nor dies on the cross but is rather raised alive into heaven: “That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of God”; but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not: Nay, God raised him up unto the himself; and God is Exalted in Power, Wise” (4: 157-158).

The victim at Calvary, Islam teaches, was either Simon of Cyrene or Judas Iscariot. The Quran mentions that Jesus was born of the virgin Maryam—not by an immaculate conception but rather the will of Allah and that He performed miracles to show the Jewish people that He was a maseh in the manner of Moses and Ibrahim (Abraham): “In blasphemy indeed are those that say that God is Christ the son of Mary. Nay: “Who then hath the least power against God, if His will were to destroy Christ the son of Mary, his mother, and everyone that is on the earth? For to God belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between. He createth what He pleaseth. For God hath power over all things” (5:17).

Belief in the divinity of Jesus is condemned in Islam as shirk (filth).

(This information was posted by Rev. Paul Williams.

How do YOU feel about the new move toward what is called “Integral Christianity”?


You go, Tommy!!

December 2, 2009 was a special day for a special young man. Tommy Readout, son of Pastor and Mrs. Clifford Readout of Enfield, CN, preached his first sermon from the pulpit of The Apostolic Church of Enfield. We met Tommy a few years ago and he won our hearts immediately. Although a Down’s Syndrome child, loving parenting has developed him into a dedicated believer.

Go to the website below and watch him preach his first message:


Books make great gifts!

It’s not too late to order for Christmas. How about these titles:

Food For Thought

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Sister Nona Freeman says, “I sincerely hope that all ailing people can get a copy of this book to understand how poor dietary choices can lead to a plethora of diseases. This is by far the best book I have ever read on this subject.”

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Cooking With Wisdom

By  Sylvia Ferrin

Many people want to eat healthier and take better care of their bodies but simply don’t know where to start. This book is designed to accompany Food For Thought and will help you gently transition to a healthier lifestyle.

You’ll discover that cooking nourishing meals can be fun and rewarding. As you replace unhealthy foods with more nutritious options, your conscientious choices will yield gratifying benefits. And you will realize that good-for-you foods can also taste good!

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I Always Feel So Righteous When I Eat A Spinach Salad!

By  Marthalee Lyman

This book was created as a gift to those willing to take control of their health. Inside its cover you will find many home remedies and techniques that have stood the test of time. This is not a medical reference book, but rather a compilation of family remedies that have worked. An enjoyable read!

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Letters From A Roman Jail

By J. R. Ensey

This book has recently been updated and expanded. It draws themes from the books of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon. This has been one of our most popular books over the years. Now enlarged, you can find teachable material taken from the pen of Paul to share with your congregation.  AM price only 12.95

Order books and the Into His Marvelous Light Bible study from or call 936-856-3419.


“God took our heads out.”

Bible translation is an interesting topic. Subconsciously, Americans seem to think everyone in the world speaks English and that the only Bible is one that is written in English. Eugene Nida, a linguist and former Executive Secretary for Translations for the American Bible Society tells an interesting story of a missionary translating God redeemed us” in Bambara, the language spoken in Mali, West Africa. The literal translation for the phrase in Bambara is “God took our heads out.” The Africans had memories of the Arab slave traders forcing men and women to walk in chains and with heavy iron collars around their neck. If a chief or king saw someone in the line he wanted to free, he would have to pay the slave trader for the person and then take his head out of iron collar. Nida explains, “God saw us in slavery to sin and self, being driven under the lash of Satan, and so He sent His Son to die that men might live. He took our heads out.”

Source: Eugene Nida, God’s Word In Man’s Language (New York: Harper and Row, 1952), pp. 13,14


Parting shot

I believe God only gives 3 answers to prayer:

1) “Yes!”

2) “Not yet!”

3) “I have something better in mind.”



Thanks for visiting. Have a great holiday season with friends and family. Remember the Reason for the season!


Published in: on December 1, 2010 at 2:01 AM  Leave a Comment  

November 2010 Blog

WELCOME to the November edition of our blog.



…for visiting with us this month. We hope you find something that will interest you and perhaps serve as an inspiration for further thought and/or action. We sincerely appreciate your ordering your books and Bibles from Advance Ministries (


Barton: No need to fear IRS

A Christian constitutional expert thinks the Internal Revenue Service’s lack of response to a recent initiative shows there is no longer any reason for pastors to be silent on political issues when standing behind the pulpit. (See earlier story)

Current law prohibits pastors from speaking on politics or endorsing a political candidate, but David Barton of  WallBuilders says the IRS’s intimidation of removing a church’s tax exemption status is unconstitutional. Even though some pastors have intentionally crossed the line, Barton does not think the IRS wants to take them to court because it may lose.

“The IRS doesn’t have any interest in doing this because if they do, I believe they know they are going to lose. And if they lose, you have 370,000 pastors in America who suddenly find out that there’s no restriction on them,” Barton suggests.

The WallBuilders president explains that churches are guaranteed tax exemption status under the Constitution, but he believes many pastors are afraid to speak about politics because they fear they will lose their letter of tax exemption.

“You cannot lose your tax exemption as a church because as a church, you have a constitutional standing for tax exemption,” he points out. “So with that basis, losing your letter means absolutely nothing—and that’s something pastors are now figuring out.”

Barton argues that the pulpit was and should continue to be the news perspective for America, so he encourages all pastors to speak out and stand for truth.


UPCI Fundamental Doctrine

For decades, UPCI ministers have haggled over the wording of the Fundamental Doctrine, with some using it to protect the dwindling few among us who are hesitant to embrace the absolute necessity of the new birth according to Acts 2:38 and John 3:5.

The statement as it appears in the Manual: “The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.

“We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.” [end]

Some in the 1945 merger with a PCI background were content with that but remained unconvinced of the essentiality of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The majority of both the PAJC and the PCI felt it may have been too lenient or unclear on the meaning of the scriptures mentioned above, although it was adopted by both organizations. Since 1945, the UPCI has gradually strengthened its stand on the necessity of the full new birth.

J. L. Hall, former UPCI Editor In Chief, chairman of the Historical Committee, and a leading Pentecostal historian, offered the following explanation of the Fundamental Doctrine:

“There does not appear to have been a doctrinal difference between the two groups, for most ministers in the PAJC and PCI held to the necessity of the Acts 2:38 experience. However, a few ministers in each group—more in the PCI than in the PAJC—held that a person may be saved at repentance. The merging agreement included the ‘Fundamental Doctrine’ statement affirming that salvation includes water baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost—something the overwhelming majority of both the PAJC and PCI believed. However, to show patience toward ministers who practiced Acts 2:38 but who held to the view that salvation—at least in part—occurred at faith and repentance, the ‘Fundamental Doctrine’ also includes the second paragraph calling for unity in Spirit until all came to the same
view. There was no tolerance on the salvation message of Acts 2:38, for this is clearly stated. It was only tolerance toward those who needed time to accept the view of salvation as stated in the first paragraph. Those who honor the spirit of the merger should embrace both the unity of the Spirit and the increasing unity of the faith that the UPCI has attained in over fifty years since the merger.

“As an analogy, the American Declaration of Independence (1776) states, “All men are created equal.” A consistent application of this principle reveals that slavery is abhorrent, even though some of the framers of the declaration were slave owners. Rather than trying to recreate the conditions of 1776 and thereby tolerate slavery today, we should uphold the greater understanding and implementation of freedom that we have achieved in the ensuing centuries by following the principles that the framers advocated. People today who embrace the Declaration of Independence uniformly oppose slavery.”

Thanks, Brother Hall!

Source: Forward Ministers Magazine July-Aug 2010


Young Pentecostals

I asked a friend whom I have never met personally except via the Internet to give me his impressions as an independent, objective observer of the Apostolic movement. Here was his reply:

1. Young Pentecostals are searching for an identity. They are not content.

2. The new generation wants toleration more than separation. Standards are artificial (made up) to them, not organic.

3. High school and college age kids have a catch phrase—“No one can live it.” This used to be the old Baptist cry.

4. There seems to be a general sense of “how do we know that we are right?”

5. The new generation as yet is not willing to set up the ancient landmarks again. They are Jacob, but not Israel.

My response and questions:

1) The Apostolic faith and practice, which is in line with the Word of God, provides sufficient identity—UNLESS it is identity with the world and postmodernism one is seeking. Why are some young ministers “not content”? Is someone stirring them up to stand against our traditional Pentecostal doctrines and standards? Are the “by invitation only” meetings of liberal thinkers going on around the country having an impact? Is someone telling the attendees that they should just wait and all the “old heads” will soon be gone and they will be able to make the necessary changes? Are they being told that the new generation of Pentecostals doesn’t have to adhere to the ministerial agreements and lifestyle positions we have agreed upon? Leadership down the line needs to curb such communication by simply saying, “If you don’t believe it, quit developing a fifth column in here. There is a great big world out there…go do your own thing somewhere else.” It is not time for divisiveness, but unity around the absolutes of Scripture.

2) Is it really true that the new generation wants toleration more than separation? Or is there a vocal few who are making most of the noise? Brother A. T. Morgan used to tell about a pond in Louisiana that was noisy with bullfrogs. They figured it was loaded with the nocturnal amphibians. They drained the pond and discovered that it was only two old bullfrogs doing all the croakin’. C’mon, young pastors. Stand up and be counted! Don’t let a few compromisers speak for you. Take note of where 90% of them are right now—nowhere! They are off the map. Are our standards contrived and not a natural and organic part of the body of Christ? Absolutely not. They were agreed on in conference “when we were in our right mind.” They are based on biblical principles and commandments, and relevant to our own age and current challenges we face today. Remember, Paul added “and such like” to the list of sins and activities to avoid in Galatians 5:19-21. The teaching ministry has the right and responsibility to define what “and such like” is in each generation.

3) “No one can live it!” This is a selfish cop-out and surrender to the flesh. Millions have lived it. What they mean is, “I can’t live it and do all the things I want to do.” A broader interpretation: “I don’t want to live it and this is my excuse.”

4) And “how do we know that we are right?” Those doctrines and practices that are essential to our salvation are not nebulous or indistinct. They are clear in the Scriptures. The Bible is our common denominator. All people in all generations from Pentecost until now are obligated to the same scriptural demands. Remove the authority of the Scriptures and no one will know the truth; everyone will have the same claim on being “right.” The more we diminish the authority of the Scriptures, the less we can claim to know absolute truth.

5) Is it really true that the new generation as yet is not willing to set up the ancient landmarks again? That may be true of a vocal few, and they would like to exaggerate the numbers, but I believe there are “7000 who have not bowed a knee to Baal.” Testing time will bring them out of the caves. They are Jacob, but not Israel? Have they not yet fought through the night and had their “thigh” experience? Has the fight gone out of them because some leaders have become benign and indifferent to the Apostolic message and values? That may explain the “southern direction” some have taken in recent years. As long as leaders are elected on the basis of “he’s a cool guy…his family has been around a long time…he has a household name…he seems to be open-minded about things…he is a loyal company man,” etc., rather than whether he loves the truth, stands for righteousness and the Apostolic message, and will speak out against drift, we will dilute the movement. As long as we give ministerial licenses to those who have not proved themselves to be loyal to truth and the biblical principles that our movement stands for, we can expect to see lots of Jacobs, but few Israels.

I invite young pastors to submit their own comments on the above thoughts.


A/Gs cave in on biblical creation

In 1977, the Assemblies of God denomination adopted a “Doctrine of Creation” report. It stated:

This Bible record of creation thus rules out the evolutionary philosophy which states that all forms of life have come into being by gradual. progressive evolution carried on by resident forces. It also rules out any evolutionary origin for the human race, since no theory of evolution, including theistic evolution, can explain the origin of the male before the female, nor can it explain how a man could evolve into a woman.

The Genesis account of creation is intended to be taken as factual and historical. Our understanding of God as Creator is rooted in a revelation that is historical in nature, just as our understanding of God as Redeemer is
rooted in the revelation of God’s dealings with Israel in history and in the historical events of the life, death, and resurrection of His Son.

Great stuff, huh?

But fast forward to 2010 and see what’s changed. A new “Doctrine of Creation” was adopted by that same denomination’s governing body, the “general presbytery,” in August. Here is the AG’s official view today:

“The advance of scientific research, particularly in the last few centuries, has raised many questions about the interpretation of the Genesis accounts of creation. In attempting to reconcile the Bible and the theories and conclusions of contemporary scientists, it should be remembered that the creation accounts do not give precise details
as to how God went about His creative activity. Nor do these accounts provide us with complete chronologies that enable us to date with precision the time of the various stages of creation. Similarly, the findings of science are constantly expanding; the accepted theories of one generation are often revised in the next.

“As a result, equally devout Christian believers have formed very different opinions about the age of the earth, the age of humankind, and the ways in which God went about the creative processes. Given the limited information available in Scripture, it does not seem wise to be overly dogmatic about any particular creation theory. We urge all sincere and conscientious believers to adhere to what the Bible plainly teaches and to avoid divisiveness over debatable theories of creation.” [End of statement]

My heart was heavy as I read the statement: “The findings of science are constantly expanding; the accepted theories of one generation are often revised in the next.” Well, at least the Bible hasn’t changed in the past 33 years. But man’s ideas certainly have!

The message from this denomination is essentially: because of “the theories and conclusions of contemporary scientists” regarding origins, then Christians must change their interpretation of the Bible in Genesis!

This low view of Scripture and esteeming man’s ideas is a major problem within many denominations. In fact, the tragedy of reinterpreting God’s clear words to fit in man’s beliefs has always existed with God’s people. The same problem is recorded in Genesis when the serpent tempted Eve asking, “Did God really say…?”

Creating doubt on God’s Word has greatly undermined biblical authority in society as a whole, even its churches. We live in an era of great scientific advancement. But remember, “science” means knowledge. There is a big difference between knowledge gained by observation that builds our technology in the present (“operational science”) and knowledge concerning the past (“historical science”) which cannot be observed directly. “Historical science” is being used as the authority over God’s Word.

The A/G denomination is insisting that fallible man’s historical science (beliefs about the past concerning origins) must be used to reinterpret God’s clear and infallible Word. (By the way, I thank God for the many pastors in Assembly of God churches who cringe at their denomination’s new position, and support AiG.)

Our mission statement declares that we are to be “a catalyst to bring reformation by reclaiming the foundations of our faith which are found in the Bible, from the very first verse.”

What can the righteous do as the foundations of Christianity are being destroyed? We need a new reformation in our churches. Christians need to be figuratively nailing Genesis chapters 1-11 on the doors of churches and Christian colleges/seminaries, challenging God’s people to return to the authority of the Bible.

We will continue to see a decline in our nation, churches, and families-unless God’s people repent of compromise and return to His Word! [end of report]

Excerpted from Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis, Vol. 17, Issue 10; pp. 1,2

“The Doctrine of Creation,” copyrighted by the General Council of the Assemblies of God; adopted by the Assemblies of God General Presbytery, August 15-17, 1977

August 9-11, 2010;


When the Desert Arabs had Israel

Jews have always been good at keeping an area “green”—in any sense of the word. Here is Mark Twain’s description of Palestine in 1867, excerpted from his book The Innocents Abroad (1867):

“Of all the lands there are for dismal scenery, I think Palestine must be the prince. The hills are barren, they are dull of color, they are unpicturesque in shape. The valleys are unsightly deserts fringed with a feeble vegetation that has an expression about it of being sorrowful and despondent….It is a hopeless, dreary, heart-broken land.

“Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies. … Nazareth is forlorn; about that ford of Jordan where the hosts of Israel entered the Promised Land with songs of rejoicing, one finds only a squalid camp of fantastic Bedouins of the desert; Jericho the accursed, likes a moldering ruin, today, even as Joshua’s miracle left it more than three thousand years ago; Bethlehem and Bethany, in their  poverty and their humiliation, have nothing about them now to remind one that they once knew the high honor of the Saviour’s presence; they hallowed spot where the shepherds watched their flocks by night, and where the angels sang Peace on earth, good will to men, is untenanted by any living creature, and unblessed by any feature that is pleasant to the eye. Renowned Jerusalem itself, the stateliest name in history, has lost all its ancient grandeur, and is become a pauper village, the riches of Solomon are no longer there to compel the admiration of visiting Oriental queens; the wonderful temple which was the pride and glory of Israel, is gone, and the Ottoman crescent is lifted above the spot where, on that most memorable day in the annals of the world, they reared the Holy Cross. The noted Sea of Galilee, where Roman fleets once rode at anchor and the disciples of the Saviour sailed in their ships, was long ago deserted by the devotees of war and commerce, and its borders are a silent wilderness; Capernaum is a shapeless ruin; Magdala is the home of beggared Arabs; Bethsaida and Chorazin have vanished from the earth, and the ‘desert places’ round about them where thousands of men once listened to the Saviour’s voice and ate the miraculous bread, sleep in the hush of a solitude that is inhabited only by birds of prey and skulking foxes.

“Palestine is desolate and unlovely. And why should it be otherwise.—can the curse of the Deity beautify a land?

“It was hard to realize that this silent plain [Jezreel] had once resounded with martial music and trembled to the tramp of armed men…. A desolation is here that not even imagination can grace with the pomp of life and action.

“We traversed some miles of desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds—a silent, mournful expanse, wherein we saw only three persons—Arabs, with nothing on but a long coarse shirt like the ‘tow-linen’ shirts which used to form the only summer garment of little negro boys on Southern plantations. Shepherds they were….

“We saw water, then, but nowhere in all the waste around was there a foot of shade, and we were scorching to death…. Stirring scenes like these occur in this valley [Jezreel] no more. There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent—not for thirty miles in either direction. There are two or three small clusters of Bedouin tents, but not a single permanent habitation. One may ride ten miles, hereabouts, and not see ten human beings.” [End of Twain’s report]

It would be difficult to agree with any assessment that the land was well-developed under Arab rule. It was the Jews who returned in force in the first half of the 20th century who made the “desert blossom like a rose.”



“Unthinking respect for [earthly] authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”  – Albert Einstein

“Leadership is the ability to teach people and organizations to surpass themselves.” – Tony Leary

“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Except for ending slavery, fascism, Nazism, and communism, WAR has never solved anything.” – Unknown

“You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

You cannot build character by taking away initiative and independence.

You cannot help people permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.”

–Attributed to Abraham Lincoln, but this cannot be definitely verified. Whoever wrote it made some valid points. Don’t you wish President Obama would embrace these principles?


Apostolic Theological Forum

Don’t forget to mark January 20-21, 2011 on your calendar. That is the date of the Apostolic Theological Forum in Euless, TX at the First UPC. You will enjoy the presentation of the papers, the open atmosphere and the discussions. For directions and lodging information, call Leah at the church (817-267-0254) or her cell (817-919-6843). For other information, call 936-856-3419 or email See you in Euless!


Another reason to trust the Word of God

Does the inscription at right mention king Solomon’s gold?

This fragment of an ancient pottery jar was discovered at Tel Qasile near Jaffa in Israel. It contains an inscription which mentions “Ophir gold” and the temple of Horon, a Canaanite deity. The Gold of Ophir Inscription is important in the study of biblical archaeology. It corresponds with what the Bible says about the gold at Solomon’s Temple.

“Gold of Ophir to Beth-Horon…30 shekels”

“Moreover, because I have set my affection to the house of my God, I have of mine own proper good, of gold and silver, which I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house, Even three thousand talents of gold, of the gold of Ophir, and seven thousand talents of refined silver, to overlay the walls of the houses withal.” – I Chronicles 29:3-4



It is our patriotic duty to vote. If you don’t vote, don’t complain if things don’t go your way. Urge your friends and your congregation to get out and vote! You have only one day left! It is time we exercised our constitutional right and let Washington know that we are unhappy with the socialistic trend of the present administration.


News Flash! Rahm Emanuel leaves White House to run for mayor of Chicago. Gives clear sign as to how he truly feels about selfless service in the public good.


New books on baptism in the name of Jesus!

Apostolic (Acts 2:38) and Post-Apostolic (Matthew 28:19) Baptism Vol I & II

New research by Kulwant Singh Boora, a British Apostolic Oneness writer, is sparking new interest in biblical baptism among traditional Christians. Volume I and Volume II are off the press and ready for you to order. These books contain research that you have probably never seen on the message we hold dear to our hearts. He confirms that baptism was performed only in the name of Jesus in the early church. He also shows that it was embraced by many groups and theologians throughout the post-Apostolic period and the Middle Ages. You will appreciate the research that he shares in these volumes that decimates the trinitarian formula for water baptism. They will be a positive edition to your library. Quantity limited. Order today. AM price only 19.95 for each volume.

Into His Marvelous Light

Into His Marvelous Light is now available in both KJV and NIV in English. The follow-up Bible study is Guide For Living.

Go to or to place your order.

SPECIAL half-price sale through the end of the year on Spanish IHML. Place your order by calling 936-856-3419.

Azusa Street Mission and Revival

by Cecil Robeck, Jr.

This book tells the story of the small group that gathered in Los Angeles in 1906 and changed the world of Christianity. With little more than a printing press, a trolly stop, and a powerful message, the revival rapidly crossed international borders and the shock waves reverberated around the world. This is perhaps the most complete story in text and pictures of the event that forever altered the landscape of Christianity. Has pictures rarely published before. AM price only 14.95

All AM books, Bibles and materials can be purchased at or call 936-856-3419.


Pants on the ground, pants on the ground! Just thank God for long T-shirts!


Parting shot

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. – Thomas Jefferson


Thanks for visiting. Drop by again soon. We may have some updates during the month of November.


Published in: on November 1, 2010 at 6:25 AM  Comments (3)  

October Blog 2010

WELCOME to the October edition of our blog.


News from the UPCI General Conference

Yesterday the conference elected a new General Youth Secretary. The mantle fell on Michael Ensey. Why do I have a feeling he will do a masterful job in that position? Congratulations, Michael. You have our prayers and those of many in the fellowship. A number of other officials were elected, including Brothers Jerry Jones as General Secretary and Stan Gleason of Missouri as the Ass’t General Superintendent from the Western Zone.



Apostolic Theological Forum

The tenth Annual ATF will convene on January 20-21, 2011 at the First Pentecostal Church in Euless (DFW area), TX. The address is 709 Midway Dr. West. Papers will be delivered on topics pertinent to the Apostolic faith as it enters the second decade of the twenty-first century. The current challenges to our doctrine, methodology and lifestyle demand that our people are aware of our unanimity on the fundamentals. We must constantly sharpen our sickle for the harvest. Discussions will follow each presentation.

Low room rates in great nearby hotels, excellent accommodations for the Forum itself, and interesting, relevant topics will make for a great meeting. Presenters are men of serious scholarship and represent a broad spectrum of the Apostolic faith. Plan to be there. For more information, call 936-856-3419. For motels, call either the LaQuinta Inn and Suites (817-836-4000) or the Comfort Suites (817-836-4040). For local information or directions, call Leah at the church (817-267-0254).

See you in Euless!


My take

• Multiculturalism (as distinct from mere racial diversity or a target for evangelism) is the bane of American society today. It will be a factor in the downfall of this nation. Divided loyalties have never been a positive element for any country.

• All of our fundamental doctrines deserve shoring up through consistent repetition from the pulpit and in our publications and books. But one tenet that we may be failing to emphasize is our belief in the plenary inspiration of the Bible. Our youth are being bombarded in schools and colleges with Darwinian evolution and are gradually losing faith in the Genesis record of creation. Biblical inerrancy must constantly be championed in our pulpits and classrooms.

• Younger ministers would be wise to consult with elders when new spiritual fads and interesting doctrines come down the pike. Some may be new, but many are merely rehashes of old theories discredited long ago. There has recently been a resurgence of elements of the Light Doctrine and Dominion Theology. We are all aware of the damage done by the Divine Flesh doctrine and some of the recent Emergent and Hipster theories and methodologies. Sometimes younger ministers fail to consult elders because they think they are “out of the current loop” and not “with it.” I understand. I was young once. We should be relevant, but relevant to the Word, to proven doctrines, to clear thinking—not to the latest smart aleck megachurch pastor from Metropolis who publishes a book called “This Is How I Did It.” Better find out what “It” is before running after him or his ideas.

• When terrorists strike at home or abroad, and PC propagandists rush to assure us that jihadist terror doesn’t reflect “true,” “peaceful” Islam, they’re not only wrong, they’re dangerous—because they lull America and the West into letting their guard down against their mortal enemy.

• If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there would be a shortage of sand.


Have you wondered…?

Why is President Obama coddling the Muslims? Why do they see him as their Great Hope? Why are charges being dropped against many of the terrorists we have caught? Why are they allowed to freely pass through our Southern border without threat of being returned? We are naïve if we think it is only Mexicans and Costa Ricans coming across down there. Thousands of militant Muslims have slipped across into the U.S. Why?

Why is there no exposé of the activities in America’s mosques? The media certainly love to focus on any misdeeds of Christians but they are intimidated by the teeth-gritting, growling Muslims who speak of peace with one tongue and spew hatred with the other. Please check this out:

Coming to a Mosque Near You: “Pimping for Terrorists”

I firmly believe that we may be fighting terrorism on the wrong front. There are 48 Muslim nations in the world and we can’t invade and clean out the active terrorist cells in them all. We have been in Afghanistan for nearly ten years and how are things there today? Blood is still flowing in Iraq. We had better pay some attention to those who are multiplying in our midst. Some experts say 80% of them here in America do not have the best interests of the U.S. at heart. They want to see our system fall and Shariah law replace our constitution. The tens of thousands who danced in the streets in the Middle East when the twin towers fell—are they all Al Qaida terrorists? No, they are standard Muslims who live in communities where they are in the majority. When they gain the majority here, what will our streets look like? We can keep saying we are not at war with Islam, but the truth is the majority allows the minority to do the terrorism and take the blame while they sit back and say, “Oh, that’s not us!” with their fingers crossed behind their back, waiting for “their time.”

Wake up, America!


Normality Is an Endangered Species

“Fads in psychiatric diagnosis come and go and have been with us as long as there has been psychiatry. The fads meet a deeply felt need to explain, or at least to label, what would otherwise be unexplainable human suffering and deviance. In recent years the pace has picked up and false ‘epidemics’ have come in bunches involving an ever-increasing proportion of the population. We are now in the midst of at least three such epidemics—of autism, attention deficit, and childhood bipolar disorder. And unless it comes to its senses, DSM5 threatens to provoke several more (hypersexuality, binge eating, mixed anxiety depression, minor neurocognitive, and others.

“Fads punctuate what has become a basic background of overdiagnosis. Normality is an endangered species. The NIMH estimates that, in any given year. Twenty-five percent of the population (that’s almost 60 million people) has a diagnosable mental disorder. A prospective study found that, by age thirty- two, 50 percent of the general population had qualified for an anxiety disorder, 40 percent for depression, and 30 percent for alcohol abuse or dependence. Imagine what the rates will be like by the time these people hit fifty, or sixty-five, or eighty. In this brave new world of psychiatric overdiagnosis, will anyone get through life without a mental disorder?

“What accounts for the recent upsurge in diagnosis? I feel quite confident we can’t blame it on our brains. Human psychology and human nature change slowly if at all. Could it be that the surge in mental disorders is caused by our stressful society? I think not. There is no particular reason to believe that life is any harder now than it has always been—more likely we are the most pampered and protected generation ever to face its inevitable challenges. It is also tempting to find environmental (e.g., toxins) or iatrogenic causes (e.g., vaccinations), but there is no credible evidence supporting either of these. There is really only one viable environmental candidate to explain the growth of mental disorder—the widespread recreational use of psychotropic substances. But this cannot account for the extent of the ‘epidemics,’ particularly since most have centered on children.

“No. The ‘epidemics’ in psychiatry are caused by changing diagnostic fashions—the people don’t change, the labels do. There are no objective tests in psychiatry—no X-ray, laboratory, or exam that says definitively that someone does or does not have a mental disorder. What is diagnosed as mental disorder is very sensitive to professional and social contextual forces. Rates of disorder rise easily because mental disorder has such fluid boundaries with normality.”

– Excerpted from Allen Frances, “Normality Is an Endangered Species: Psychiatric Fads and Overdiagnosis,” Psychiatric Times, July 6, 2010,


Imams and pastors to train together

News outlets report that Claremont School of Theology, a United Methodist seminary in Claremont, CA has decided to become an interfaith institution, training Christians, Jews and Muslims for ministry. The changes were motivated by declining finances, they say, trusting that this move will strengthen their financial position and the seminary will be able to remain open.

The school believes that training pastors rabbis and imams under the same roof will also “develop the respect and wisdom necessary to transform America’s fractured religious outlook.” One wonders—transformed into what? They want to become the first accredited imam-training institution in the U.S. (shall we applaud?). Harvard Divinity School now requires in-depth study of at least two religious traditions. Hey, we must be broad-minded in today’s pluralistic culture, huh? Aren’t we all on the way to the same place, just by different roads? Can you imagine the apostle Paul making such statements if he were here today?

America’s seminaries have traditionally led their sponsoring denominations into spiritual compromise, betraying their founding principles. See “Kiss of Betrayal: The Record of Theological Seminaries in America” in the recently published 2010 Journal of the Apostolic Theological Forum. A description appears below.


What is left of loyalty?

When I read of Absalom’s rebellion against David, it makes me shudder. In that case, deserved loyalty was laid aside for self-aggrandizement and power. However, if David had been a tyrant and was attempting to turn Israel from God, then Absalom would have been justified if his efforts were directed toward returning the kingdom to righteousness. A higher loyalty would have been exhibited in such a situation.

All men have to decide where to place their loyalties. Our highest loyalty is owed to Christ, His gospel, and His Word, not to any earthly entity. If some entity to which we are attached, including our local church, is faithful to those elements and also to their founding principles, then they deserve our loyalty. If such faithfulness is not in evidence, then a question arises as to the level of loyalty that should be extended. No individual or association is owed loyalty when faithfulness to the truth has been abandoned. When some insist that loyalty must be extended regardless of what the entity or its leaders do, they are misguided. Blind loyalty is a friend to tyranny, abuse and compromise.

In a national sense, I believe there may be a sufficient measure of loyalty to America’s constitution and its founding principles left in enough of us to make a difference in the election next month. But only if we get out and VOTE!


Bible burnings

The world was stirred last month because a foolish Florida pastor publicized his plans to burn a stack of Qur’ans. This infuriated the Muslim world and sent a wrong signal about Christians and how we are going to deal with Islam. Everyone knew if it happened, America would see a stepped-up campaign of bombings.

Isn’t it amazing, however, they can burn our churches with Bibles in them, and even people in them, and nothing is done. Even the military can burn our Bibles and nothing is done. The U.S. military has confirmed that it has destroyed Bibles belonging to an American soldier serving in Afghanistan. Reuters News says the Bibles were confiscated and destroyed after Qatar-based Al Jazeera television (5/5/09) showed soldiers at a Bible class on a base with a stack of Bibles translated into the local Pashto and Dari languages. The U.S. military forbids its members on active duty—including those based in places like Afghanistan—from trying to convert people to another religion.

Reuters quotes Maj. Jennifer Willis at the Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul, who said, “I can now confirm that the Bibles shown on Al Jazeera’s clip were, in fact, collected by the chaplains and later destroyed. They were never distributed.” According to the military officials, the Bibles were sent through private mail to an evangelical Christian soldier by his church back home. Reuters says the soldier brought them to the Bible study class where they were filmed.

The Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, told a Pentagon briefing Monday that the military’s position is that it will never “push any specific religion.” They may not push any religion, but they surely make a difference in which ones they take action against.


Dhefinitions you nheed to know

Dhim·mi (dîm-mî) – An Islamic term that refers to a subjugated non-Muslim person living in a Muslim society.  Second-class status is confirmed by the legal system and dhimmis do not share the rights of their Muslim rulers.

Dhim·wit (dïm-wît) – A non-Muslim member of a free society who unwittingly abets the stated cause of Islamic domination.  A dhimwit is always quick to extend sympathy to the very enemy that would take away his or her own freedom (or life) if given the opportunity.


Silence gives consent

I concur wholeheartedly with this statement by Dr. Jim Garlow in the following post on his church website giving his views on the coming election as he asserts, “If this nation collapses in the 2010-2012 time frame, historians will have to report, if they are honest, that America fell because of silent pastors and inactive pews.”


What could go wrong, go wrong, go wr……?

I have posted this anonymous statement before, but it is too on target to ignore it now, just before the elections.

Let me get this straight. We’re going to be “gifted” with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don’t, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn’t read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that’s broke.

What could possibly go wrong?

Our only hope is for a congress to be elected next month with sufficient patriotism and common sense to come up with an alternate plan that will serve the best interest of all Americans.


2010 Journal of the Apostolic Theological Forum

Just off the press!

This is the fourth edition of the ATF Journal. Papers were delivered at the Forum in January of 2010 addressing the following issues:

The Relationship of Culture and Prophecy

By William F. Chalfant

Maintaining Apostolic Distinctives In An Adversarial Culture

By Carl McLaughlin

Kiss of Betrayal: The Record of Theological Seminaries in America

By J. R. Ensey

Christ and Culture: An Introduction to H. Richard Niebuhr’s Classic Work on the Relation Between Christianity and Culture

By Steve Pixler

Ecclesiology and the Triumph of Nature Over Culture

By Roger D. Perkins

A Plea For Expository Preaching in the Apostolic Setting

By Philip Harrelson

Jesus, Seen Through Jewish Eyes

By G. Jorge Medina

You will find each of these papers stimulating and informative. As you can probably discern, the underlying theme of the 2010 Forum was Apostolics and the Culture, a topic that affects each of us every day.

AM price only $9.95


Apostolic Ministerial Studies Level I & II

Finally, the Apostolic Ministerial Studies course is complete! Years in the making, the two levels, Basic and Advanced, are available in two binders. There are twelve lessons in each level prepared for use by a pastor to train the ministers in his local assembly. Outlines for the ministers are also included. Written and compiled by J. R. Ensey, the studies are very practical and easy to teach. Here are the lesson topics:

Level I

The Word Handlers I
Conquering the Enemies of the Ministry
From Moses to King James
Managing Ministerial Finances
Taking the Pressure Off Your Marriage
Life in the Fishbowl
Leadership in the Local Church I
God’s Ministry Gifts
Making Full Proof of Your Ministry
Standards of Christian Conduct
The Ministry and Morality
Social Ethics

Level II

The Word Handlers II
Shutting the Backdoor of the Church
Ministerial Ethics
The Christian Counselor
A Page From Paul’s Ministers’ Manual
Requirements For the Priesthood
Maturing In the Ministry
Feeding the Flock
Leadership in the Local Church II
Pursuing the Will Of God
Shoulders For A Prophet’s Mantle
The Gifts of the Spirit

AM Price for both Pastor’s Manuals and student notes $119.00


Laugh to keep from crying….


Parting shot

They are still smarting from that sling stone fired 3000 years ago.

Several years before he signed the extraordinary Camp David Accord with Israel, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat said, “The assassination of Arab brethren, like Goliath, by Jewish sheepherders like David, is the sort of shameful ignominy that we must yet set aright in the domain of the occupied Palestinian homeland.”

So now we have one more culprit to blame for 9/11: David!

Ha Ubal Or (Jerusalem Edition), 3 January, 1991


Thanks for visiting. See you next month!


Published in: on October 1, 2010 at 7:34 PM  Comments (3)  

September 2010 Blog

WELCOME to the September edition of our blog.


Start with the Word:

“But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some. Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity” (II Timothy 2:16-19).


Counseling Adultery Situations

(Where both spouses are in church)

1. Prayer

Each spouse should seek daily time before God in prayer, reading the Scriptures and asking Him for the ability to grow in Christ-like attitudes and actions.

2. No Contact

The unfaithful spouse must have no contact whatsoever with the third party. Like an addiction, the only way out is to go cold turkey.

3. Commitment

The unfaithful spouse must be willing to make a radical commitment to regain the trust that has been broken.

4. New Lifestyle

The unfaithful spouse should commit to a lifestyle of transparency and honesty. Remind him/her that there is no area that is off limits for inquiry.

5. Forgiveness

The faithful spouse should commit to the process of forgiveness. Forgiveness will be a multi-layered journey and the person will need to make daily decisions to continue the process.

6. Reconciliation

Explain to the couple that forgiveness is required but reconciliation is conditional. Reconciliation is based on true remorse and repentance. While the Bible never commands divorce and many do stay together and heal, some may never be able to work through the brokenness.

7. Wise Counsel

The couple will need to commit to working with a counselor who can help them evaluate the communication patterns that may have contributed to the affair.

Source: Tim Clinton, AACC

To the counselor: As you can see, this is the path a biblical counselor would take them. Prayer, commitment, lifestyle changes, forgiveness, reconciliation and wisdom are all biblical terms and practices a Christian believer should embrace. The “counselor” Clinton mentions should be a man of God, a minister thoroughly acquainted with the Word of God rather than a psychological type who does not know how to apply the healing balm of Scripture.

The course Christian Counseling From Scripture has helped hundreds recognize how they can help people God’s way rather than lead them through the maze of psychological gobbledygook. Certification is available through the Institute of Soteric Counseling. Call Advance Ministries at 936-856-3419 for more information.


Get under, get out, get over

If one is to be delivered from Egypt (the world), he must get under the blood. When the Israelites walked out of their homes on their way out of Egypt, they walked under the blood of a lamb on the doorpost. It was the only thing that protected them from the death angel.

Pharaoh offered to let them leave temporarily and go out into the wilderness a few miles and worship there if that is what their God required. No, they had to get out of Egypt. Leave completely. Cross “under the cloud and through the sea” (I Corinthians 10:1). Total separation by blood and water was what God demanded.

Then the most difficult battle transpired—they had to get over “back there.” Removing themselves from Egypt was one thing; removing Egypt from their hearts was another. They had a difficult time removing the influences of their former estate. They had to quit longing for their favorite foodstuff, for the semi-security of a place to live and daily responsibilities. They had to stop remembering how good they had it in Egypt, and get over what they were presently experiencing in the arid, rocky terrain of the Negev.

Their experience was surely an example for us as we make the break from the world to the kingdom of God. This leap of faith is accomplished by first getting under the blood of Christ through repentance, water baptism in the name of Jesus, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Then we have to get out of the world and free ourselves from all the entanglements of our former lifestyle. Then we have to get over what we once were, what we once had, what we once did, and what commitments and personal sacrifices we had to make to get to where we are now.

So…get under it (the blood), get out of it (the world), then get over it (what you left behind).


Is your church “cool”?

Here is a link to a Wall Street Journal article worth reading if you are concerned at all about the movement to make churches “cool” and “hip” for the younger generation.


Play or carry the bag?

I recently heard a speaker use this analogy concerning some who grumbled about the participation policy of a certain church. The pastor pointed out that on the golf PGA Tour, the caddies are permitted to wear short pants but the professional players are required to wear long pants. “It’s your decision,” he said. “Do you want to play or just carry the bag?” Some people get bent out of shape if there is a dress code for membership or a platform policy. “Don’t let a few inches of material give you a bad spirit,” he added.

A word to the wise is sufficient.


Muslims block NYC streets during Ramadan

A year ago I was in Ethiopia at the end of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month. They blocked the roads near the towns as they marched and chanted in celebration of one of their special days. They had no courtesy to let our vehicles pass and we had to wait until they either turned off the main road or reached their mosque.

Recently they blocked several NY City streets at the beginning of Ramadan during their prayers. One wonders what would happen if Christians blocked the streets on Christmas Eve or Easter. Would Obama’s “security force” show up with truncheons to move them along?


Gay pride, yes; patriotism, no

The Home Depot fired an employee for refusing to remove a “One nation under God” patriotic button from his work apron. Trevor Keezor, a Christian, said he wore the button to support his country and his 27-year-old brother, who serves in the military in Iraq.

Pro-gay messages are acceptable, but patriotic messages will get you fired at The Home Depot. Dozens of homosexual employees participated in Home Depot-sponsored gay pride parades and festivals. Many employees wore numerous signs and symbols on their aprons promoting the gay lifestyle. [These facts were first denied by Home Depot, but then retracted the denial when pictures proved they were true.]

The Home Depot defended them by saying homosexual employees will not be prohibited “in any way” when it comes to what they do and wear. The picture here shows employees who decorated their aprons for a Lesbian and Gay Film Festival in Seattle, Washington.

So…if you work for Home Depot and wear a “One Nation Under God” button, you will likely be fired. If you wear a “gay” button, you will probably get company praise. Under this administration, is anyone surprised?

Source: Onenewsnow

I am not joining any official boycott of Home Depot, but I do have a choice of where I buy my building supplies in the future and I might remember how they use the money I spend there. – jre


Could Islam take over America?

No way, you say. There are less than 10 million Muslims in the U. S. today. But in twenty to thirty years, because of the birth rate of Christians compared to Muslims, they will demand to be governed by Sharia law, and and some say they will perhaps be able to vote in a president. Islam is not merely a religion, but also a system of governance.

Think about it. Jesus Christ sent messages by the apostle John to seven churches in Asia. That was a hot spot for Christians at one time. Lots of churches in the area. Today it is only a place for us to visit and try to remember when great Christian churches populated the area. Missionaries were sent from the churches. Offerings were generated from the churches for needy saints elsewhere. They had prayer teams that were appealed to by the apostle Paul.

Now the area is totally in the hands of the Muslim Turks, captured in the Middle Ages by sword-wielding Arabs who forced everyone to convert to Islam or die. Muslims claim that since mosques have replaced these Christian churches, it demonstrates the superiority of Islam.

Will our Christian churches in America one day be converted into mosques? No, it will not happen in America today, or tomorrow…but who knows what two or three decades in the future may look like? If we do not close our borders, stop taking immigrants from terrorist nations, and coddling the mullahs and imams who are already here doing their subversive work, we may one day see the flag emblazoned with the crescent moon flying above our own capital. Within eight years of the preemptive attack on 9/11, we have elected a president with a Muslim background, a Muslim name, and whose sympathies are clearly on their side. No wonder they believe terrorism is the path to political dominance.

Never happen in America, you say? Get your head out of the sand. At one point there were no Muslim nations. Now there are over forty-five where they have absolute control.

Who do we think we are kidding in Afghanistan? Are we defeating radical Muslims there? While we are fighting goatherds armed with AK-47s, the Imams are building huge mosques/cultural centers in Atlanta, Toledo, Portland, Murphysboro, TN, Dearborn, MI, and now want to build a huge mosque/cultural center near the site of the twin towers in NY City. They have begun to win seats in Congress, lobbying the lawmakers, and filing lawsuits if they are “profiled” in airports and government buildings. Their Qur’an is being studied in schools and colleges for student “enlightenment” while the Bible is outlawed. Their call to prayer is hailed from a thousand minarets across America while lawsuits have shut down the steeple bells in many Christian churches. Our government seems to be accommodating their every request while the communist-backed ACLU is steadily carving Christianity out of our American culture. For the history of the ACLU and the nature of their agenda, click here

Are we fighting terrorism on the wrong front? We are in Afghanistan enduring firefights and IEDs on dusty streets and in barren valleys when we need to be standing up in Michigan, NYC, Tennessee, Arizona, California and Texas. This administration is willing to give complete amnesty to those Muslims who crossed the southern border illegally but haven’t yet killed a dozen policemen, blown up a school bus or airplane, or car-bombed an outdoor potluck church dinner. Do we foolishly think that only Mexicans and Salvadorans are crossing down there? This administration is willing to let all the illegals and imprisoned felons vote, while it looks like many American soldiers currently serving in Afghanistan and Iraq will not even receive ballots. Where is the outrage? Where is the passion?

I just received an email from the UPCI’s World Network of Prayer that some of our missionaries in a totalitarian country were arrested and jailed, some put on death row. They can’t reveal where. Is it because we are afraid of whatever nation it is? That their cultural group here in America might terrorize us on our shores? Thanks, Mr. President. Thanks, Ms Pelosi for reducing us to the status of a cowering, fearful third world nation.


Tax dollars for mosques

This year, according to the Associated Press, the Obama administration will spend nearly $6 million to restore 63 historic and cultural sites, including mosques and minarets, in 55 nations, according to State Department documents. That includes $76,000 for a 16th century mosque in China, $67,000 for a mosque in Pakistan, $77,000 to restore minarets in Nigeria and Mauritania, and $50,000 for an Islamic Monument in India. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says the U.S. program to restore Islamic and other cultural sites abroad is “money well spent.”

The Christian church that was virtually destroyed by Islamic terrorists on 9/11 across the street from Ground Zero in NYC is having problems just getting permits to restore their church—after nine years. No consideration for them, however.


Someone sent me this testimony:

I recently submitted a building permit application for a new house.

It was going to be 400 ft. wide, have 100 ft. tall twin towers with 9 gun turrets at various heights, windows all over the place, and a loud outside entertainment sound system. It would have parking for 200 cars and I was going to paint it snot green with pink trim.

The City Council told me to forget about it.

So, I submitted the application again, but this time I called it a Mosque.

Work starts Monday.



“As an American I am not so shocked that Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize without any accomplishments to his name. America gave him the White House based on the same credentials.” – Newt Gingrich

“A lot of preaching in our generation at large is good stuff. The greater question: is it God-stuff??? There is a big difference between good stuff and God stuff!” – Philip Harrelson

Grantland Rice, the noted sportswriter from the previous generation, once said, “For when the One Great Scorer comes to write against your name, He marks—not that you won or lost—but how you played the Game.” (In context, I like that quote.)


Fannie and Freddie collapse the system

This is the record showing how some congressmen, during the two years of a liberal/leftist-controlled congress before Obama’s election, tried to protect Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (their campaign cash cows) from regulation, saying that these entities that hold almost all of the home mortgages in America were fine and nothing was wrong there. They knew there were problems there but blocked all efforts to fix them. Was it so they could later vote them a bailout worth hundreds of billions and keep their sources of cash flowing?

These two entities control 96% of all the mortgages in America. The government won’t let them fail. They may be the largest donors to liberal causes in the history of campaign financing.


Who has to show their ID papers?


Someone recently reminded me of how often we USA citizens have to show our ID papers and/or prove our citizenship. They include when I am:

1.  Pulled over by the police.

2.  Making purchases on my credit card.

3.  When I show up for a doctor’s appointment.

4.  When filling out a credit card or loan application.

5.  When applying for or renewing a driver’s license or passport.

6.  When applying for any kind of insurance.

7.  When filling out college applications.

8.  When donating blood.

9.  When obtaining certain prescription drugs.

10.  When making some debit purchases, especially if I’m out of state.

11. When boarding a plane or train for travel.

I’m sure there are more instances, but the point is that we citizens of the USA are required to prove who we are nearly every day! Why don’t illegals have to show their papers?


Do your church a favor

The Texas Bible College ExCeLL Program (EXtension CEnters for Learning on Location) is still going strong after fifteen years. ExCeLL offers Bible college classes right in your local church, taught by you and/or your assigns, with every student and teacher receiving full Bible college credit. Brother Danny Lewis is the Director. Call today for more information! 409-423-6754


The Pearl

Ugly, with a hard crusty shell. They just lay around in murky shallows doing nothing. Virtually useless. Certainly never able to produce anything of value and worth. They are called oysters. Inside these crusty creatures a miracle often occurs. Somehow a foreign substance slips into the oyster between the mantle and the shell. It’s kind of like the oyster getting a splinter. It is painful. However, upon penetrating the outer shell, the “splinter” encounters a natural phenomenon. The oyster’s natural reaction is to begin to cover the irritant with layer after layer of a hard, smooth, colorful substance. Over time, a beautiful, valuable pearl has been created.

Maybe something incredibly painful is stuck in your heart. It is there. You feel it every moment of every day. It won’t go away. It seems as if the pain never lets up. You wonder if relief will ever come. The Apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 8:28: “We know that for those who love God, all things work together for good.” The “splinters” of life can be used by God to make us look more like Jesus (v. 29). Verse 31 encourages us by asking, “If God be for us, who can be against us?”

Whatever it is that has wounded you, take it to Him in prayer. Let him cover it with His grace, layer by layer. Hang in there with Him through the healing process, and that pain will eventually be transformed into a valuable, beautiful pearl. – Selected


Apostolic Theological Forum

The tenth Annual ATF will convene on January 20-21, 2011 at the First Pentecostal Church in Euless (DFW area), TX. The address is 709 Midway Drive West. Papers will be delivered on topics pertinent to the Apostolic faith as it enters the second decade of the twenty-first century. The current challenges to our doctrine, methodology and lifestyle demand that our people are aware of our unanimity on the fundamentals. We must constantly sharpen our sickle for the harvest.

Low room rates in great nearby hotels, excellent accommodations for the Forum itself, and interesting, relevant topics will make for a great meeting. Presenters are men of serious scholarship and represent a broad spectrum of the Apostolic faith. Plan to be there. For more information, call 936-856-3419. For motels, call either the LaQuinta Inn and Suites (817-836-4000) or the Comfort Suites (817-836-4040). For local information or directions, call Leah at the church (817-267-0254).

See you in Euless!


Book review

How Evil Works

By David Kupelian

Simon and Schuster

Once in a while a book comes along that you wish you had ten thousand copies and could send one to every minister you know. How Evil Works is that kind of book! This is the second book by Kupelian that has been a blockbuster. (Surely you have read The Marketing of Evil.) I don’t think I have seen anyone state his case any clearer or simpler than he does. It is extremely well written and documented.

The subtitle is Understanding and Overcoming the Destructive Forces that are Transforming America. Some things are trying to take root in our American culture that will curtail the work of God around the world. The attitudes that are troubling America are troubling the church. World missions depends greatly on our country. Whatever anti-corruption forces are in the world, most of them root here. What is going on behind the scenes that is affecting both our nation and our church? We can inform ourselves and arm ourselves and take a stand, or we can go quietly into a post-Christian America without a whimper. The latter is what the devil is counting on.

The author addresses government, sexual anarchy, terrorism, doctors and demons, the new spirituality, atheism, feminism, religious hate and other challenges facing today’s Apostolic church. Global Islamization is real. Future socialism and anarchy is real. This is not just good stuff; it is “God stuff.” Some of this will beef up your next few sermons. Kupelian tackles these topics:

– How does terrorism really work?

– Why are New Age religions becoming so popular?

– Why are big lies more believable than little ones?

– Why are boys doing worse in school today than girls?

– Why do we treat mental, emotional, and spiritual problems, like anger and depression, with drugs?

Here’s the good news: Once we really understand “how evil works”—not just in the disasters and mega-crimes that dominate the headlines, but in our own lives as well—evil actually loses much of its power over us, and the way out becomes more clear. Thus, How Evil Works bears a powerful message of genuine hope.

This book will be hard to put down and is worth every penny it cost. We bought a number of them at a discount and will pass it on to you. Order today while they last! Hardcover. Retail 26.00; AM price only 19.95!

Visit our webstore to see our full selection of books.


Laugh to keep from crying….


Parting shot

One man, Glenn Beck, lifted his voice and dared to speak up about the many current crises in America. Within two years he was sufficiently influential to mobilize half a million people to leave their homes and join him for a peaceful rally on the mall in Washington, D.C. Not one political sign was seen, no one was arrested, and they cleaned up their own mess once it was over. Americans of every race, color and creed were part of the crowd. The event was  billed as a national “restoring honor” rally. It sent a resounding note of concern about America’s direction. Congress heard it. The president heard it. Although I do not support the religion of Beck, he has proven that one man who is not afraid can achieve more than a thousand who cower in fear. David also proved that long ago. Be reminded of the words of that great English statesman, Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Thomas Jefferson paraphrased it like this: “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” May we be silent before neither God nor men.


Thanks for visiting. See you next month!


Published in: on September 1, 2010 at 7:19 AM  Leave a Comment  

August 2010 Blog

WELCOME to the August edition of our blog.


Start with the Word:

“For a bishop must be blameless…holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers…” (Titus 7a, 9,10).


Forwarded e-mails

Internet hackers are having a field day. They are stealing lists of e-mails to send their promotions to, mainly ads for androcentric products. If we need pharmaceutical products, we probably know where they can be obtained. If you prefer to forward interesting stuff that is floating around the Internet to your host of friends, fine, but make sure your address line does not include recipients’ names and e-mail addresses for the whole world to see. That is simple enough. Check with your ISP if you don’t know how to do it.


Gospel Rock bands

Have you ever wondered why rock gospel bands look like sad sacks? Do they get their photo shoots done just after walking out of their mother’s funeral? Just by their grungy appearance and downtrodden looks, would anyone want what they are singing about?

It does seem that they could at least get a smile on their faces and visit a barber shop before having their picture made or stepping out on stage. But would that belie what they really are about?

Some groups are up front with what they really are. One group advertises themselves as “a hybrid of soul, gospel, rock, funk, disco, punk, passion and rebellion.” Reckon they do all of that in one gig?

Brother Pugh once observed, and stated through his wry grin, that there must be something about the new music that stimulates hair growth. Perhaps it also puts a frown on one’s face, projecting a sense of disconsolation rather than the joy of the Lord.


Thieves among us?

The Rev. Jim Wallis, president Obama’s spiritual advisor, was recently quoted in the weekly Belief section of the Houston Chronicle, as saying, “The religious right is over because they lost their children.”

Apparently Wallis cherishes that thought, being a liberal, which was happily posted in CNN’s Belief Blog. He is the “progressive evangelical” (an oxymoron) founder of the anti-poverty group, Sojourners, and is the publisher of a magazine by that name. The magazine is reportedly bankrolled by far left financier George Soros. Wallis says younger evangelicals don’t want to be defined by debates about abortion and homosexuality. But I am sure that he would applaud all efforts, regardless of cost, to save the oily birds from the Gulf.

Regardless of his liberal politics and anti-Christian positions, his assessment is sobering. “They lost their children” strikes an ominous chord. Other statistics suggest that we Pentecostals are losing about 80% of our children. Although that figure is not as high as some denominations, it means that only 20% of youth raised in our churches are continuing to serve the Lord in adulthood.

Who—or what—is stealing our children?


Beware the Phorid Fly

Although it has fallen into disuse and is avoided by most ministers, “beware” is a Bible word—“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ….Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness” (Colossians 2:8; II Peter 3:17).

Paul spoke of those who could be dead while they live (I Timothy 5:6). How strange. Is that possible? It must be since Jesus Himself said it about the folks in Sardis (Revelation 3:1).

My belief in those statements was strengthened on my last visit to the barbershop. I arrived early for my appointment, so I sat down and picked up an outdoor magazine about nature and wild game in Texas. An article immediately caught my attention—“Dawn of the Living Dead Ants.”

Now I like the sound of “dead ants.” The imported fire ants that are plaguing the South are dreaded enemies of every landowner in the region. They are vicious, stinging anyone who disturbs them. We fight a major war constantly in my lawn. Accidentally step in one of their mounds and they will remind you that they own that piece of real estate.

The article actually focused on another recent import called the phorid fly. About the size of a small fruit fly, scientists discovered that they were formidable enemies of the fire ant. I mentally applauded the little airborne pest, something I never thought I would do, when I read of how it cowered the ants and even made them run and hide. Fire ants will retreat to their mound at the sight of one. Wow, I thought. These ants have been known to kill small animals and yet they run from a fly? Incredible, but true.

Researchers have discovered the reason. The little fly has found that the neck of the fire ant is the best place in the world to deposit their larva. After the deposit, the larva feeds on the ant’s body fluids, eventually making its way to the head where it eats part of the brain. Then, as if becoming a zombie, the ant simply walks away from the colony, continuing its aimless journey for up to two weeks. He is doomed, dead while he lives, as it were. When the fly nears maturity, it releases an enzyme that causes the ant’s head to fall off, and the fly escapes through the now open neck.

As a nature article, it was interesting. But it suggested clear parallels in the spiritual world. Some people I know have evidently been attacked by a spiritual phorid fly. The larva of false teaching and postmodern methodology has been deposited in their necks, causing them to turn their heads and look beyond the Apostolic ranks for their inspiration and direction. Before long they were acting strangely, and, zombie-like, they walked away on a spiritual “journey” to nowhere. They left the colony of believers and the body of truth when their minds began to be consumed by postcharismatic, emergent methodologies and concepts, making them vulnerable to deadly, unbiblical philosophies marked by spiritual deceit and the rudiments of the world.

One by one they are being found where their heads fell off. We love them and pray for their restoration, but it is not easy for one to return after losing his head. Saving face becomes more important than saving the soul. That is why Peter and Paul were so adamant about keeping the faith. Faith lost is seldom restored.

John left this additional warning: “Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward” (II John 8). If we lose our heads, we will lose our reward.

Beware the phorid fly!


Wolves in the sheepfold

Philip Harrelson, in his outstanding Barnabas Blog, drew a parallel between the serviceman responsible for the recent security leaks (Wikileaks) concerning the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and Jude’s reference to “certain people [who] have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ” (Jude 4 ESV). He goes on to say:

Our greatest defense against the enemies from within is a strong hunger for the Word and the constant exposure to it. Both hunger and exposure to the Word helps us to be able to identify and ward off the attacks of those who have “crept in.” One of the jobs of the shepherd is to provide a solid and secure sheepfold. This only takes place through prayer and the ministry of the Word. Nothing else has the capacity to preserve the fold like these two elements (Acts 6:4).

How does a pastor open up the fold to the wolves who can creep in? The following ways are some of the ways that it can happen:

• Soft and easy messages that never confront anything.
• Marketing the church to get a crowd.
• Not allowing the Word to be authoritative in its call for holiness, surrender, and dedication.
• Having a majority of people attending who are actively embracing worldly lifestyles, who have unholy minds, and commit ungodly actions.
• Pastors who do not commit themselves to teaching and preaching through consecutive passages of Scripture that deals with the righteousness that God longs for.
• Being critical of those who love the truth of God’s Word enough to defend their convictions.
• When worship becomes more entertaining than it does soul-building.
• When the examples in leadership fall into mire that Nadab and Abihu along with Samuel’s sons lived in. Worldly, carnal, immoral, and distracted sums up their actions. [End]

Thank you, Brother Harrelson, for those helpful reminders. May God help us to be better guardians of the sheepfold.


Methodology doesn’t matter, only motives. Right?

Ask Uzzah that question, if you can wake him up from the dead. He just wanted to steady the Ark and keep it progressing on its way. His motives were pure. But his methodology was found wanting. The Ark was made to be borne on the shoulders of men of God, not shuffled along on an oxcart.

In making this analogy, I recently heard one of the great ministers of our movement point out that carts were made out of “boards” and “big wheels,” not the method that God designed for the transportation of that which represents His power and glory.

I get tired of hearing that God doesn’t care about methodology. “We’re just trying to relate to people and win them to the Lord!” Great motive. But what methods are they justifying by that statement? Methods are not simply benign, neutral activities—they have meaning. They often speak volumes about direction.

I once had to deal with a man connected with our church who was being attracted to another faith by pretty women who bade him come into their “house of worship” through sexy come-ons. They justified the use of such women if it gained membership for them. Does the end justify the means?

David should have been reminded that returning the Ark to Jerusalem was a commendable motive, but the method for accomplishing that task was also very important to God.


More Bible trivia

David is the most-mentioned character in the Bible. His name appears 1,118 times.

The Book of Psalms is the most quoted Old Testament book in the New Testament, being quoted 266 times. The Book of Isaiah is quoted 165 times, and Deuteronomy is alluded to 94 times.

The Bible was divided into chapters by Stephen Langton in 1228. The Old Testament was divided into verses by R. Nathan in 1488 and the New Testament by Robert Stephanus in 1551.

The entire Bible divided into chapters and verses first appeared in the Geneva Bible of 1560.

The longest name in the Bible is Mahershalalhashbaz, one of Isaiah’s sons. How would you like to have to call his name to come for supper? At least everyone would know who was being called!


Glancing back

I live and work in the twenty-first century. I am a realist. I live in the present; the future is not back there somewhere, but out in front of us. I don’t want to go “back there.” But frequently I do wish we had brought some things along with us from our past. This little submission by an anonymous writer spoke for many of us when he wrote:

I wish the old paths were ahead of us rather than behind us.

I liked the old paths, when crime did not pay but hard work did;

And people knew the difference.

Moms would cook, dads would work, and children would behave.

Husbands were loving, wives were supportive, and children were polite.

Women wore dresses and men wore the pants.

Women looked like ladies, men looked like gentlemen, and children looked decent.

People loved the truth and hated a lie.

They came to church to get IN, not to get OUT!

Hymns sounded godly, sermons sounded helpful, and rejoicing sounded normal,

And crying sounded sincere.

Cursing was wicked, drugs were for illness, and divorce was unthinkable.

The flag was honored, America  was beautiful, and God was welcome!

We read the Bible in public, prayed in school, and preached from house to house.

To be called an American was worth dying for, and worth living for.

To be called a traitor was a shame!

I still like the old paths the best.


A pretty good average for miracles

An email to us recently had one of our former ministers, now with a Charismatic group, reporting some outstanding results in his ministry. Since last October he claims a “98% instant miracles” for those he prays for. That was in the Far East. He came back to the U.S. Midwest and the number dropped to “95%.” Later, on the East Coast, the average went back up to “98% of those prayed for received instant miracles.” He “feels like God is doing a new thing and is making instant miracles available to those who believe.”

Not bad. Probably any minister would like to work with those statistics. But then, at the end of this report, he makes an appeal for the reader to send him an offering so he can go “to India and train ministers to operate in the same power. Your gift of any size will be a great help.”

Do you wonder why, if someone can get an average of 98% instant miracles every time he prays, he has to beg his friends for money to go do what he says God wants him to do? They can get miracles for any problem, disease or malady—anything except the need for money. They have to depend on someone besides God for that. Such ministers can pray for you to come into great wealth if you will give to their cause, but evidently they can’t pray for themselves. Why don’t they give great amounts of money to some worthy cause so they will be blessed financially like they promise those who give into their coffers? With such “power” with God, what seems to be the problem with getting a financial miracle or two for yourself?

What’s wrong with this picture?


Freedom of worship in, freedom of religion out

The following is excerpted from “Why Is Obama Changing ‘Freedom of Religion’?” Paul Cooper,, June 29, 2010: “Last month the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom’s 2010 report revealed grave concern about both President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton rejecting the term ‘freedom of religion’ for the term ‘freedom of worship’ in public pronouncements. Why the change when the First Amendment talks specifically about our freedom of religion and not simply worship? Last November Obama used the term ‘freedom of worship’ at the memorial service for the victims of the Ft. Hood shooting. A few days later he did it again in speeches in both Japan and China. In December Hillary Clinton also used that terminology three times in a speech at Georgetown University. In January of this year Clinton used the ‘freedom of worship’ term four times while addressing senators. The response by many religious freedom advocates is fear of what this all means.

Nina Shea, director of the Center for Religious Freedom and member of the Religious Freedom commission, believes freedom of worship is limited to private beliefs and prayer but not public activity. She says, ‘It excludes the right to raise your children in your faith; the right to have religious literature; the right to meet with co-religionists; the right to raise funds; the right to appoint or elect your religious leaders, and to carry out charitable activities, to evangelize, [and] to have religious education or seminary training.’

World Magazine adds, ‘That’s not an inconsequential change: Freedom of worship means the ability to have church services, which is crucial, but leaves out protection for Christian schools, publications, and Christian compassionate ministries… Freedom of religion means that ministries…can teach what the Bible teaches. [But] under freedom of worship, these ministries could become illegal, as they are in many parts of the world.’”


Emergent polytheism?

By Chris Roseborough

Are postmodern emergents beginning to embrace polytheism? One of the newer voices in Emergent Church circles is George Elerick. George is a prolific blogger, writer, poet and contributor to the Huffington Post [now that is a great recommendation, huh?]. I am not sure where George studied theology but one thing is certain, he doesn’t know what he’s doing and he should stop writing on the topic of religion before he hurts himself and others.

A perfect example of George’s mishandling of the Bible and the Hebrew language can be found in his May 31st, 2010 blog post entitled “the jesus-daddy: another look at the word abba”. In this post George, like an untrained swordsman, tries to wield the Word of God in order to see what happens when he begins playing around with the meanings of different Hebrew words in an attempt to discover postmodern “spiritual insights.” The conclusions drawn by George’s mishandling of the Hebrew language are truly sad and should cause us to pause and pray for George and those listening to him because he is twisting God’s word to his own destruction (2Pet. 3:16).

Below is a prime example of George’s mishandling of God’s Word and the Hebrew language. Said Elerick regarding the Hebrew word Ehad [sic]:

“Ehad [sic] is the Hebrew phrase for one. It is defined as several components or parts coming together to be one. Typically, this is spoken of in terms of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity (the three in one); Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. However, if you look at this information historically, this could also be referring to the ancient pantheon of Gods that were borrowed by the Jews from the neighboring/warring Canaanites. The Elohim (“we”) refers to El who is the God of Gods, or sometimes referred to in the Torah (Old Testament) as the “Lord of Lords”. Yahweh was one of the gods along with Baal who were situated under the rule of El. So, the idea of Ehad [sic] being the word used for Jesus’ claim for unity with God comes from the same idea of God (El) claiming unity with the Divine Council. Ehad [sic] is the idea of pluralism becoming one, all the while maintaining its pluralistic identity. Something I think we could learn to do better.” [Emphasis Added]

Where do I begin? This quote is a veritable quagmire of convoluted absurdity that doesn’t make historical, biblical or linguistic sense?

1. The Hebrew word in question is Echad not Ehad. There is a difference between the Hebrew letters He and Het. If George knew the Hebrew language I seriously doubt he’d have made such a basic mistake. (The Hebrew alphabet is usually taught on the first day of Hebrew 101.)

2. Jews are monotheists not polytheists. The Hebrew Old Testament is replete with examples of the Jews abandoning the one true God (YHWH) and engaging in syncretism by disobediently mixing Judaism with the idolatrous pagan religions of the Canaanites. Not once were these syncretistic practices ever looked on favorably in the Hebrew Scriptures. In fact, YHWH regularly describes those who’ve abandoned the exclusive worship of Him as spiritual whores (Ezek. 16:1-63). Why? Because there is no other God but YHWH.

Elerick’s spurious polytheistic claim that YHWH was a member of a “council of gods” and an equal colleague of Baal under the rule of El is not taught in the Hebrew Old Testament and is easily debunked with just a cursory understanding of the Hebrew Old Testament.

For instance, in Isaiah 46:8-9, YHWH is speaking, and in that passage YHWH states:

“Remember this and stand firm, recall it to mind, you transgressors, remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.”

Elerick has erroneously concluded that the Hebrew word Echad implies that YHWH was a member of a plurality of gods (Elohim) in council under the chief God (El). Yet if he would just read what YHWH has revealed about Himself, rather than trying to play postmodern word games with a Hebrew lexicon that he obviously has no clue how to use, then he’d learn that YHWH has revealed that He alone is EL and ELOHIM (God) and there is no council or plurality of gods that YHWH is an equal member of.

Further passages in the Old Testament bear this out even clearer. Here is just a small sampling of what YHWH has revealed on this matter:

“You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD (YHWH), “and my servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god (EL) was formed, nor shall there be any after me. I, I am the LORD (YHWH), and besides me there is no savior.” (Isaiah 43:10–11)

“Thus says the LORD (YHWH), the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD (YHWH) of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god (ELOHIM). Who is like me? Let him proclaim it. Let him declare and set it before me, since I appointed an ancient people. Let them declare what is to come, and what will happen. Fear not, nor be afraid; have I not told you from of old and declared it? And you are my witnesses! Is there a God (ELOAH) besides me? There is no Rock; I know not any.” (Isaiah 44:6–8)

“I am the LORD (YHWH), and there is no other, besides me there is no God (ELOHIM).” (Isaiah 45:5)

“Declare and present your case; let them take counsel together! Who told this long ago? Who declared it of old? Was it not I, the LORD (YHWH)? And there is no other god (ELOHIM) besides me, a righteous God (EL) and a Savior; there is none besides me.” (Isaiah 45:21)

It is unmistakably clear from these passages and many others that YHWH claims that He is God and God alone and that there are no other ‘gods’ that exist except Him. This is precisely why the first commandment states, “You shall have no other gods.” This also explains why YHWH punishes those who worship other ‘gods’ and those who engage in syncretism and religious pluralism. (2 Kings 22:1-23:30)

George Elerick and other postmoderns like him are playing with and toying with God’s Word. To say that he and others like him are playing with fire would be a supreme understatement. We need to pray that YHWH opens their eyes to their errors and idolatries and grants them repentance and forgiveness for these grievous sins they are committing against YHWH and His Word. [END of article.]

This is the kind of theological trash being perpetrated by the postmodern emergents. Who in their right minds would want to wander off into such heresy? One who had been visited by the phorid fly?


Are you as offended as I am that the Muslims are planning to build a 13-story mosque nearly overlooking Ground Zero in NYC?

Londoner Pat Condell put this matter in perspective for us. Click here:


They said it

“I prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery.” – Thomas Jefferson

This is actually a translation of a Latin phrase that Thomas Jefferson used: Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem. It has also been translated as, “I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude.” Sure, liberty has its challenges, but it is much to be preferred over living peaceably in a condition of slavery.

Historian Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975) said, “By forcing upon mankind more and more legal weapons, and at the same time making the world more independent economically, technology has brought mankind to such a degree of distress, we are ripe for the deifying of any new Caesar that may succeed in giving the world unity and peace.”

Let us pray that “dangerous freedom” or “peaceful slavery” won’t turn out to be our only options.


Deceit personified

To buy the vote of a Michigan congressman for Obamacare, President Obama signed an Executive order forbidding federal funds to be used for abortions. However, reports that $160 million dollars has been given to Pennsylvania to establish a high-risk insurance pool that will pay for all legal abortions in the state. I understand other states are in line for similar handouts. Where there is a will, there is a way, or perhaps we should say, where there is money, there is a way.


Is America Christian?

If the question is whether all Americans are Christians, then the answer is no. If the question is whether the nation was founded upon Christian principles and ethics, and governed by laws that reflect a Christian heritage, then the answer is yes.

President Obama insists that America is not a Christian nation because we are not 100% Christian. Then Pakistan is not a Muslim nation. Or Saudi Arabia. If he praised America as much as he does the Muslim world, wouldn’t that be great? If he is not a closet Muslim, why is his administration promoting and protecting all things Muslim?

This quote by John Adams seems relevant: “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

So, there it is—the reason that America has to be cut loose from her Christian roots. To establish a new form of government, such as socialism, the old one must be trashed. And they are doing a fantastic job of it. It is interesting that all 50 states, without exception, have in their constitution a reference to God. But if they were constituting their state governments today, would that be the case? I trow not.

George Washington said it well: “It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.”


The Marketing of Madness: Are we all insane?

One would think from listening to the news or reading the paper that just about everyone is mentally impaired and in need of medication. It is a lie, of course, but a lie that people like to believe because it provides a convenient excuse for stupid choices and anti-social behavior. Take five minutes and see why you, dear reader, need to be informed about what is happening in the world of psychiatric practice.


Book review

The Emergent Manifesto

Edited by Doug Pagitt and Tony Jones                                                                                                                                                  Baker Books; hardback; 19.99

The authors, including the editors, promise us a “front row” look at “this influential international movement” and that they will come away with “a deeper understanding of the hopeful imagination that drives the emerging church.” “Imagination” is the correct word—the book is full of it.

Laced throughout the book are specific themes of the movement, such as interspirituality (all religions coming together), panentheism (God is all creation), universalism (all are saved), and mysticism (the means by which this connecting takes place). Let me share some of the quotes from the book lest you think I have evaluated it though jaundiced eyes. Let them speak for themselves. The authors state:

[R]enewed popularity of the “kingdom” language is related to the emerging global narrative of the deep ecology movement—a consciousness and awareness that everything matters and is somehow interdependent (p. 27).

The Manifesto describes “themes” of “integrative theology” as: Interest in monastic practices, contemplative and bodily spiritual formation disciplines, celebrating earth, humanity, cultures, and the sensuous (p. 28). In a chapter titled “Meeting Jesus at Bars” the Manifesto favorably includes visiting monasteries, practicing yoga, engaging in silent retreats, and chanting with monks (p. 38). One writer in the book has this to say:

“I am a Christian today because of a Hindu meditation master. She taught me some things that Christians had not. She taught me to meditate, to sit in silence and openness in the presence of God…. I believe that all people are children of God.” (p.45)

To describe interspirituality, the book says:

“If the Emergent conversation is to have a ‘next chapter,’ it will need to learn from other sketches outside of Western Christendom” (p. 68). Translation: incorporate the belief systems of other religions.

Universalism is a pronounced theme in the book as well. Manifesto calls salvation “a collective experience.” A Manifesto poem illustrates this:

Not only soul, whole body!
Not only whole body, all of the faithful community!
Not only all of the faithful community, all of humanity!
Not only all of humanity, all of God’s creation!(pp. 82-83)

And panentheism (God is in all) is exhibited through statements like the following, which talks about the “holiness of humanity”:

“[W]e are agents for change in the world (salvation, redemption, and reconciliation … it is a celebration of the holiness of humanity in which the fullness of God was pleased to dwell … it is our holy fleshiness” (p. 88).

What do the emerging church leaders hope to accomplish? Well, they tell us. They want you … they want the church to join up with them. Listen to this explanation:

“The existing church/emerging church matrix can dissolve into missional collaboration and generative friendship” (p. 107).

Here is their stated goal:

What are we in the so-called emerging churches seeking to emerge from? I asked myself. We are seeking to emerge from modern Western Christianity, from colonial Christianity, from Christianity as a “white man’s religion … into a faith of collaborative mission … It is immediately clear that this kind of emergence must lead to a convergence — in the West, across denominations and across current polarizations, a convergence of postconservatives and postliberals into what Hans Frei and Stanley Grenz termed a new “generous orthodoxy.” (p. 150)

[M]any will react and oppose this emergence, seeking to maintain the hegemony of the West…perhaps even seeking a revival of crusading Christendom. (151)

The Kingdom of God is already here on earth, includes all people, all faiths, and in fact is in all people and all of creation and can be felt or realized through mysticism which connects everything together as ONE.

A subtitle (albeit a lengthy one) for the book that would describe it perfectly would go something like this:

The Kingdom of God is already here on earth, includes all people, all faiths, and in fact is in all people and all of creation and can be felt or realized through mysticism which connects everything together as ONE.

This new collective spirituality leads people into a socialistic community where rituals, practices, and social justice become a means of salvation, but not the salvation you think of in a personal sense of being born-again through Jesus Christ. This is a collective salvation that includes whole cultures and communities who follow the way of someone referred to as Jesus.

These authors and those like them are pushing young pastors to become “change agents” in the American church, just like teachers have been urged to be in the public school system.

Source: JRE and


What is killing Houstonians?

Pastors, parents and adult children must learn the truth about what is killing more of our citizens than cocaine and other illegal drugs. For one of the most shocking exposés carried by the Houston Chronicle, please click on the link below and read the article. You owe it to yourself and those you serve.


Obama’s National Security Force?

In Philadelphia, during the 2008 presidential election, Minister King Samir Shabazz, aka Maurice Heath, the New Black Panther Party’s Philadelphia leader, stood in front of a polling place in paramilitary garb and brandishing a nightstick. They said they were “security.” A news reporter at the site stated that he heard someone declare, “We are going to elect a black man, no matter what!”

They were indicted for voter intimidation but Obama’s “Department of Justice” dismissed the case with a slap on the wrist for Shabazz—an injunction prohibiting him from brandishing a weapon outside a polling place until 2012. Why 2012? That is when the next presidential election will take place. Evidently they feel like he and others like him will be needed at that time.

Shabazz was recorded using a megaphone on the street in Philadelphia saying, “I hate white people – all of them! Every last iota of a cracker, I hate ’em,” Shabazz shouts into a megaphone on a crowded sidewalk. “[Walking] Through South Street with white, dirty, cracker whore [expletive] on our arms. And we call ourselves black men with African garb on.” Then Shabazz spotted a black man embracing a white woman. “What the —- is wrong with you, black man?” he shouted into his megaphone. “You [inaudible] with a white girl on your d— arm! ….You want freedom? You’re gonna have to kill some crackers! You’re gonna have to kill some of their babies!”

In a 2008 interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer, Shabazz said, “I’m about the total destruction of white people. I’m about the total liberation of black people. I hate white people. I hate my enemy.”

National Geographic describes the New Black Panther Party as “similar to hate factions like the KKK and neo-Nazis…a militant hate group, headquartered in Washington, D.C. that seeks to redefine the black struggle for equality and demand liberation from what it sees as white supremacy.”

Read more:

On the street in NYC, they walked on the US flag, spat on it, and then burned it. Is this the face of Obama’s new National Security Force? Every American of color should stand up and repudiate this kind of inflammatory rhetoric and action. If it sounds good to you today, remember that tyranny ultimately eats its own. In time, all free men, regardless of race or color, will be their target.


While there is still time, let’s go soulwinning! And here is the best tool to help you in that task:


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Other materials of interest:

God’s Covenant Bible Study in both English and Spanish. Visit our store to learn more about this excellent Bible study.

New Book


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Laugh to keep from crying….


Parting shot

POW…right in the kisser!

“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”  –  Theodore Roosevelt 1907


Thanks for visiting. See you next month!


Published in: on August 1, 2010 at 9:02 AM  Comments (3)  

July 2010 Blog

WELCOME to the July edition of our blog.

These are times that try men’s souls, said Thomas Paine. It is time for plain talk, diligent pursuit of truth, and full commitment to biblical ideals. I welcome your comments, for which a space is provided below the blog.


Start with the Word:

“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works” (Titus 2:11-14 NKJV).



Your wireless mike may be history

The Obama administration is taking another swipe at churches through the FCC. If you have not replaced any wireless mikes in your church operating on frequencies between 698 and 806 MHz, you stand to face up to a $112,000 fine or imprisonment. FCC is ostensibly “making more room for emergency services” on those frequencies.

[Really? Or do they just want to show the churches of America who is boss?]

More government interference in religion

Military chaplains can no longer pray “faith specific” prayers. The House of Representatives rejected an amendment to a military procurement bill that would have permitted chaplains to “have the prerogative to close the prayer according to the dictates of the chaplain’s own conscience.” In other words, chaplains cannot end their prayers with “in Jesus’ name.” Secularists say that such an ending is insulting to non-believers.

Homosexuality now acceptable to 52% of American public

Someone once said, “Repeat something often enough and people will come to accept it.” We have heard daily for the past twenty years how we should accept homosexuality activity as “normal.” Schools, colleges, celebrities and public officials have sung their praise. Lewd Gay Pride marches now fill the streets of major cities. Political correctness has run amok.  The percentage of Americans who find homosexual practice “morally wrong” is now down to 43%.

Source for all three reports: Religion News Service; by Fernando Alfonso III and Ankita Rao

Remove prayer and the Bible from the schools and public life and what do you have left?


Latitudinarianism: A new wave in Pentecostalism?

Introduced by British clerics in the sixteenth century, the “attitude of latitude” regarding Christian doctrine was transported into Colonial America by liberal thinkers who sought to find common ground between Christians of differing traditions, especially between Catholics and Protestants. They wanted to downplay the importance of doctrine and dogma, which they felt to be divisive. Supporters of the concept were often referred to as “Indifferents” or “Syncretists.”

With stealthy, covert meetings going on today around the country of persons obviously of that mindset, our own movement may be targeted for a revival of latitudinarianism. Cultural pressure, the desire for big churches and the hunger for acceptance may be driving the effort. The constraint for unity and appearance seems to override the need for faithfulness to biblical mandates.

These current counterparts of the seventeenth century Latitudinarians might rightly be called ecumenists or pluralists who insist that a perception of unity is far more important than truth or dogma. The more modern nomenclature may have shifted from the longer handle to just plain “liberals” today. They are waiting for a more safe moment, biding their time, when their true colors will be unfurled for all to see.

In seeking a broad base of cooperation and acceptance, it will not be difficult to have the effort degenerate into a casual tolerance of fatal error. Our doctrine and a separated lifestyle are not optional choices; they are absolutely essential. To let them go would be fatal to the Apostolic movement. Translation: there is no place among us for latitudinarianism. The gospel preached in the New Testament, being the same that we embrace today, is not “a” gospel, it is “the” gospel.

Any drift from the biblical tenets of the faith portends serious division in the ranks of every Apostolic fellowship. This is why we urge leaders to be very discriminating in licensing new ministers. Paul counseled, “Lay hands suddenly on no man” (I Timothy 5:22). That would also entail dealing forthrightly with those currently in fellowship who have confessed—whether by word or deed—to no longer believing the essentiality of the Apostolic message as expressed in Acts 2:38 and Titus 2:11,12. God’s people have always been hindered when they were diluted by a “mixed multitude.”

A minister has the right to preach any doctrine and embrace any practice he desires, but NOT while he is a part of a fellowship that is committed to specific articles of faith that differ from his own.

In rejecting the modern version of latitudinarianism, one minister put it like this: “I had rather be divided by truth than united by error.” Well said.


Feeling “stripped” of everything you valued?

God’s Grace is Sufficient

Stripped of new, fashionable clothing…that I might be clothed in His righteousness, because Jesus has made me righteous in the sight of God.

Stripped of familiar possessions…that I might know that only God and Heaven are forever.

Stripped of many of my treasured neighbors and friends…that I might doubly treasure the few remaining ones, and the many special new friends God has sent my way.

Stripped of social acceptance…that I might know what it is to accept myself, to be truly accepted by God and to know that God sees me as I can be, but loves me as I am.

Stripped of strength…that I might be upheld with God’s powerful strength living within me.

Stripped of pride…that I might have pride in Him who died for me.

Stripped many times of the understanding and compassion of others that I might know the breadth, length, depth and width of Gods love and compassion for His children.

Stripped of social activities…that I might be even closer and have more rewarding times with my spouse and children, and my God.

Stripped of self satisfaction of helping others…that I might learn to be thankful for the God-given help of others.

Stripped of conveniences…that I might learn to be content in whatever state I am, in want or plenty.

Stripped of carefree, easy times…that I might know through the dark night that joy comes in the morning.

By Dixie Peterson


Save your money

A man complains to a psychiatrist of fears at night that something is under his bed. The shrink says, “I can cure you of this but it will take about a year with three sessions a week at $100 per visit.”

So time went on and the man didn’t return to the psychiatrist. One day they met in a store and the doctor asked him why he never came back.

“Oh, I got cured of that. My bartender cured me. I got to figuring that it would take a lot of time and money to be involved with you so I bought a truck with the money and all is fine now.”

The startled psychiatrist asked, “But how did you get cured?” The man answered, “My bartender said to cut the legs off my bed. So now I know there is no one under there!”

A crude illustration, admittedly. We can forget the bartender part, but the point is that the best solutions are usually the simplest solutions. God has the answers men need, and they are free. Just check the red letter sections of the Bible.


Bible trivia

How big was Jericho when Joshua and Israelites marched around it?

The details given in the Scriptures indicate that Jericho was small enough to allow at least a contingent to march around it seven times in a single day. We here in America think big. Go to the Holy Land on an archaeological dig and you will see how small and compact everything was. I have stood three times on the mound of Jericho and tried to visually reconstruct the Jordan crossing and capture of Jericho by Joshua.

What was the size of Jericho back then? Here are some figures:

The overall city was a little less than ten acres! Within the upper wall was an area of approximately six acres, while the total area of the upper city and fortification system was 50% larger, or about nine acres. Based on the archaeologist’s rule of thumb of 200 persons per acre, the population of the upper city would have been about 1,200. However, from excavations carried out by a German team, we know that people were also living on the embankment between the upper and lower city walls. In addition, those Canaanites living in surrounding villages would have fled to Jericho for safety. Thus, we can assume that there were several thousand people inside the walls when the Israelites came against the city. (


How Clarence Larkin marked his Bible

I thought it was interesting how this well-known, studious pastor and author of the early twentieth century encouraged young ministers to mark their Bibles. Here were his suggestions:

1. Use markers, which make a transparent line, to draw over the lines of a verse of scripture. Use scarlet for the “promises,” green for “condemnation,” brown for “death and resurrection,” etc. Draw a red ellipse around the word BLOOD all through the Bible and fill it with red.

2. Underscore, or draw a circle, ellipse, or rectangle around emphatic words, using liquid India ink as it is black and will not show through the paper. Mark marginal notes and draw lines from them to the passage. Connect verses or words by lines, for neatness use a ruler. If skilled in the use of a pen, draw in the  margin opposite Ex. 12:7 a doorway and make red ink marks on sides and lintel; opposite Num. 21:8 draw a red serpent on a black pole; opposite Dan. 3:19 draw a fiery furnace. Draw a circle for Eternity, an anchor for Hope, a little b in large C (little believer in big Christ) for Assurance; a sun for Sonship, etc. These symbols, and others that will suggest themselves, will strike the eye and enable you to quickly find the passage.

3. Print in large black block letters over the different books their title. Over Exodus, “Book of Redemption”; over Leviticus, “Book of SACRIFICE”; over Romans, “JUSTIFICATION.” Mark chapters in the same way, Jeremiah 3, “Backslider’s” chapter; John 6, “Bread” chapter; 1 John 3, “Love” chapter. (End)

As I read his suggestions, I thought that the least benefit of the practice would be to quickly locate passages. It was a self-teaching exercise that would embed one’s memory with truths of the Word.


They said it…

“The whole of society will have become a single office and a single factory with equality of work and equality of pay.” – Nicolai Lenin, an architect of socialism in Russia

“In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.” – Leon Trotsky (1937)

“The finest opportunity ever given to the world was thrown away because the passion for equality made vain the hope for freedom.” – Lord Acton

“I know not which lives more unnatural lives, Obeying husbands, or commanding wives.” – Benjamin Franklin

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” – Margaret Thatcher

When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe. – Thomas Jefferson

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. – Thomas Jefferson

The following quote is said to be translated into English from an article appearing in Czechoslovakia as published in the Prager Zeitung, April 28, 2010:

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.

“The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.

“The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.” –



Twenty-Eighth Amendment?

Some are proposing that Congress convene a constitutional convention with the hope that the following amendment be adopted:

“Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.”

The amendment may be one way of striking back at Congress for some of their recent foolhardy decisions, but is a constitutional convention a good idea? If it was called to deal with only one amendment, that might be a good thing. However, once such a convening occurs, what other considerations might be brought up by the liberals in Congress? They might introduce some amendments of their own that conservatives would not favor. With a Congress and the White House controlled by dedicated liberals and socialists, it sounds rather risky.


When you have 3 minutes to spare, check out this humorous, pointed lecture that the late Jack Webb of Dragnet fame might have given to Barack Obama:


How to turn America into a socialist state: Overwhelm the system

By W. A. Root

(Disclaimer: I know nothing about this man or his politics, am neither a fan nor a supporter, but what he outlines here seems to be exactly what is happening in America.)

Barack Obama is no fool. He is not incompetent. To the contrary, he is brilliant. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He is purposely overwhelming the U.S. economy to create systemic failure, economic crisis and social chaos—thereby destroying capitalism and our country from within.

Barack Obama is my college classmate (Columbia University, class of ’83). As Glenn Beck correctly predicted from day one, Obama is following the plan of Cloward & Piven, two professors at Columbia University. They outlined a plan to socialize America by overwhelming the system with government spending and entitlement demands. Add up the clues below. Taken individually they’re alarming. Taken as a whole, it is a brilliant, Machiavellian game plan to turn the United States into a socialist/Marxist state with a permanent majority that desperately needs government for survival…and can be counted on to always vote for bigger government. Why not? They have no responsibility to pay for it.

— Universal health care. The health care bill had very little to do with health care. It had everything to do with unionizing millions of hospital and health care workers, as well as adding 15,000 to 20,000 new IRS agents (who will join government employee unions). Obama doesn’t care that giving free health care to 30 million Americans will add trillions to the national debt. What he does care about is that it cements the dependence of those 30 million voters to Democrats and big government. Who but a socialist revolutionary would pass this reckless spending bill in the middle of a depression?

— Cap and trade. Like health care legislation having nothing to do with health care, cap and trade has nothing to do with global warming. It has everything to do with redistribution of income, government control of the economy and a criminal payoff to Obama’s biggest contributors. Those powerful and wealthy unions and contributors (like GE, which owns NBC, MSNBC and CNBC) can then be counted on to support everything Obama wants. They will kick back hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions to Obama and the Democratic Party to keep them in power. The bonus is that all the new taxes on Americans with bigger cars, bigger homes and businesses helps Obama “spread the wealth around.”

— Make Puerto Rico a state. Why? Who’s asking for a 51st state? Who’s asking for millions of new welfare recipients and government entitlement addicts in the middle of a depression? Certainly not American taxpayers. But this has been Obama’s plan all along. His goal is to add two new Democrat senators, five Democrat congressman and a million loyal Democratic voters who are dependent on big government.

— Legalize 12 million illegal immigrants. Just giving these 12 million potential new citizens free health care alone could overwhelm the system and bankrupt America. But it adds 12 million reliable new Democrat voters who can be counted on to support big government, adds another few trillion dollars in welfare, aid to dependent children, food stamps, free medical, education, tax credits for the poor, and eventually Social Security.

— Stimulus and bailouts. Where did all that money go? It went to Democrat contributors, organizations (ACORN), and unions—including billions of dollars to save or create jobs of government employees across the country. It went to save GM and Chrysler so that their employees could keep paying union dues. It went to AIG so that Goldman Sachs could be bailed out (after giving Obama almost $1 million in contributions). A staggering $125 billion went to teachers (thereby protecting their union dues). All those public employees will vote loyally Democrat to protect their bloated salaries and pensions that are bankrupting America. The country goes broke, future generations face a bleak future, but Obama, the Democrat Party, government, and the unions grow more powerful. The ends justify the means.

— Raise taxes on small business owners, high-income earners, and job creators. Put the entire burden on only the top 20 percent of taxpayers, redistribute the income, punish success, and reward those who did nothing to deserve it (except vote for Obama). Reagan wanted to dramatically cut taxes in order to starve the government. Obama wants to dramatically raise taxes to starve his political opposition.

With the acts outlined above, Obama and his regime have created a vast and rapidly expanding constituency of voters dependent on big government, a vast privileged class of public employees who work for big government, and a government dedicated to destroying capitalism and installing themselves as socialist rulers by overwhelming the system.

Add it up and you’ve got the perfect Marxist scheme—all devised by my Columbia University college classmate Barack Obama using the Cloward and Piven Plan. [End]

Saul Alinsky’s ghost must be dancing around the maypole right now with those of Lenin, Marx and Stalin.



Last month some ads by Google may have appeared at the bottom of our blog. We did not order nor authorize these ads. We immediately contacted and asked that they be removed. Hopefully, our readers understood and knew that we would not want such ads attached to our blog. We are looking into other options so that unwanted ads will not appear. Your patience and understanding are appreciated. – JRE


Do antidepressants actually work?

According to a report in the Psychotherapy Networker (Vol. 32, No. 3, p.15), the answer is no.

“For the second time in six years, a metanalysis led by psychologist Irving Kirsh asserts that antidepressants are no more effective than placebos (see Nov/Dec 2002 Networker). Like his earlier analysis, Kirsh analyzes both published clinical trials and the raw data that pharmaceutical companies are required to submit to the Food and Drug Administration. This time, Kirsh asks whether the same antidepressants he studied earlier—Prozac, Effexor, Serzone and Paxil—work better than placebo [e.g., sugar pill] on severe depression. The answer, he says, is still no.”


Book review

The Road to Serfdom

By F. A. Hayek

University of Chicago Press; 1944, 2007

Available from; 14.00

Originally published in 1944, this book shook the political and economic establishments of several countries. Because of its relevance—particularly in America in 2010 as we drift toward socialism—the book has continued to both inspire and infuriate politicians, scholars and general readers alike for over half a century. The book is not for the disinterested. It is not a thriller or a romance novel. It was written for those who see a way of life they had come to appreciate being swept away in a tsunami of socialistic pipe dreams. He reveals the steps that will topple capitalism and install socialism in America, following Russia, China, Cuba, and other Marxist countries into collectivism.

Hayek points out that empowering government with increasing economic control leads not to a utopia but to the horrors similar to those of Nazi Germany and fascist Italy. Would any reader of this review prefer any of the communist countries of the world to life in America? Of course not, but then, why are we standing by and watching socialism inundate us with the cancer of collectivism? Just imagine a big castle, surrounded by fields and small tenant dwellings where the serfs live. They work and bring the produce into the “big house,” where it is doled out as the king and his lords dictate. That may well be the pattern that is being installed by our present administration as one industry after another is nationalized.

The book’s purpose is to show by general and historical reasoning, with particular reference to the course of events in Germany, two things: first, that any such policy as socialism will invariably lead to totalitarianism and dictatorship; and second, that such a social order will inevitably fall under the control of the worst individuals.

The anti-capitalist movement that installed Adoph Hitler as Chancellor of the Third Reich is rising in America. Capitalism and the free market system are pegged as the cause of the current recession and for most of our nation’s problems. The book, although written during the FDR administration in the 1940s, prophetically draws a picture of the U.S. in 2010. The author sounds a warning to every institution of higher learning, to religion (particularly Christianity), to family life as we know it, and to every business whether large or small. He did not see himself as a savior of the free world but as a sentinel of liberty.

As ministers and active laypersons, we would do well to heed his warnings.


Order great books from Check them out at the website today. Order online or by phone (936-856-3419).

If you can only read one book this summer, may we suggest:

For womenThe Girl In the Dress: Discovering the mystery of modesty by Various Authors

For menThe End Times Controversy by Thomas Ice or The Perils of Pluralism by J. R. Ensey

Just reprinted! The Book We Call the Bible by J. R. Ensey got a new cover and updates. You will appreciate the massive amount of information about your Bible in this book. You will be more convinced than ever that your trust in the Word of God is justified!  AM price only 16.95.

To order these books, just click on the book!


Obama Luxury Car

New Immigrants

Finally, some new border guards!


Anchored to the truth

Jack London, a writer about life in the North Country, describes in his books with vivid detail the whiteout blizzards of that part of the world. He explains how those who had to go outside during one of those storms would tether themselves with a “lifeline” to their dwelling. They did this because only a few feet from their door they could see nothing and could lose their sense of direction. Many have died—frozen to death—lost within a few feet of their shelter because they could not find their way back.

Likewise, we Apostolics must anchor ourselves to the truth, including the Truth Himself. We need to tether ourselves to the Word, since all else will be gone before His Word passes away. We need to tie ourselves to the Apostolic faith and Apostolic elders with cords of commitment and accountability. God has given us a saving truth. If we stay attached to it, regardless of what the weather of the world becomes—even whiteout blizzards—we can feel safe.


Parting Shot

We know that men and women are different, but to stress that fact without building a bridge between the genders creates the illusion of impossibility. One author writes that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. I prefer the bumper sticker that reads: “Women are from earth; men are from earth. Deal with it!”


Thanks for visiting. See you next month!


Published in: on July 1, 2010 at 12:05 AM  Comments (7)  

June 2010 Blog

WELCOME to the June edition of our blog. Grab a cup of java, or your favorite “sipper,” and let’s visit.


Start with the Word:

“And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in” (Isaiah 58:11,12).


Think about it

“No government in history ever gave its citizens what hard-working Americans with their sleeves rolled up, have earned for themselves.” –  Paul Harvey

“God didn’t call me to fill this building, but he did call me to fill this pulpit!”  – Randy Ensey

Overheard somewhere: Peter warming himself by the fire of the enemies of Christ. What was he going to do now? Jesus was arrested. His mentor was gone. He wanted acceptance and affirmation. So he visited the wrong fire. Suddenly, fear began to replace his faith. These were those who did not really love Jesus, the Truth. When accused of being a disciple of Jesus, he denied it. He wanted their endorsement more than that of Jesus. Then the cock crew.

Moral: We don’t really need the endorsement or affirmation of the world—the Christ rejectors, the celebrities, the politicians, or any others warming at their fire. We need only the smile of God. Fellowshipping false fire will encourage us to deny our allegiance to Christ.

I wonder…will the term “church” be replaced by “community organization” under Obama’s plans? Will members simply be “community organizers”?

Which is faster—the pace at which celebs rise and fall, the warp speed of new technology products arriving and then disappearing from the shelves, or the rapidity of the introduction and subsequent dismissal of new methodologies that Christians must adopt to be relevant in the twenty-first century?


More New Spirituality gobbledygook

Puffed on Oprah (right), Eckhart Tolle burst onto the spirituality scene like a Roman candle. He immediately became the new darling of the Oprah watchers, mostly women who have nothing better to do that sit in front of the idiot box all day, trying to discover an alternative to godliness in Yoga Secrets or Days of Our Lives. Tolle is the latest guru promoting the perceived advantages of the new spirituality.

Tolle cohabits with his girlfriend, Kim Eng, a yoga teacher in Vancouver, BC. They do TV shows, print books and teach on a 24/7 website. What do they teach? Answer: their “is-ness.” Got that? He defines “is-ness” as “being in the now.” I wonder: as opposed to being where or when? “I am, you are, and nothing more needs to be said,” he spouts. How profound. But then he explains, since writing a book about his philosophies, that many words are needed to map out an earthly path to his “new heaven.” Here are some of his “key points”:

• Take responsibility for your inner state. Emotions and even thoughts become depersonalized through awareness, and no longer form your basic identity.

• See, hear and appreciate. The joy of being is found in the simple, seemingly unremarkable things .

• Say or think ‘I am’ and add nothing to it.

• Notice your breathing. Whenever you are conscious of the breath, you are absolutely present . Conscious breathing stops your mind.

• Don’t react, accept. Acceptance looks like a passive state, but in reality it brings something entirely new into this world. That peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness

• The awakened consciousness rising within you at this moment is the new heaven for a new earth.

Bottom line: you really are [a] god, if only you could realize it. “By submitting yourself to this thought-free state, you can finally recognize ‘The Truth’ within yourself—that you already have all the joy, creativity, energy, love you seek. You possess all the higher power, you reach your own heaven,” he says. “Was Jesus the Son of God?” he asks rhetorically. “Yes, but so are you. You just haven’t realized it yet.”

We could easily flick him off the scene like an ant on your sandwich, except for the fact that so many Christians, even some Apostolics, are plugged into similar New Spirituality methodologies through books authored by Richard Foster, Dallas Willard, Brian McLaren, et al. For example, Willard states in Prayer Treasury, “The aim of God in history is the creation of an all-inclusive community of loving persons.” (page 254) In The Great Omission, Willard expounds on spiritual formation (the New Spirituality’s favorite term), spiritual disciplines, and modern religious mysticism.

O, discernment. Whence art thou gone? We hardly knew ye.

Source: Cathy Grossman in USA Today; 4/15/10


180 degrees

My, how time can change things. Now politicians are advertising themselves as “bi-sexual” or gay in order to get votes. Trolling for votes in one of the “gayborhoods” in Philadelphia, Gregg Kravitz was accused of feigning bi-sexuality to woo voters. He did admit that he was “openly bi-sexual” but that he is currently “in a relationship” with a woman. Just a few years ago, gays hid their sexual orientation in a closet when they were running for office. Now they will put a guilt trip on you for being a right-wing homophobe if you don’t vote for them after “coming out.”

Where to from here, folks?

Source: Houston Chronicle, 4/24/10


Who is standing with Franklin Graham?

While we may not agree with Franklin Graham’s lifestyle or salvation doctrines, he has recently stood up like a towering redwood in a forest of Japanese bonsai trees.

Graham, Billy’s son, had been asked to speak at the Pentagon on the National Day of Prayer celebration. The invitation was withdrawn, however, when it was discovered that he had made some disparaging statements about Islam and Hinduism. That is anathema in today’s climate of political correctness.

Graham’s offense was to suggest that Muslims and Hindus do not pray to the same God as Christians do. “No elephant with 100 arms can do anything for me,” Graham said in a USA Today interview. He was referring to one of the millions of Hindu gods. Of course, we know that Allah, the Muslim god, is not the God of the Bible but the former moon god, one chosen by Mohammad from among many gods to be the single deity worshipped by the Arabs and desert dwellers of the Mideast.

Graham is twisting in the wind because most of the prominent, name brand “Christians” are too cowardly to come out and stand with him. The cave of political correctness seems too safe and comfortable to risk the negative arrows that exposure might invite. Truth hiding in a cave?? Truth is designed for the light, not the darkness.



The guru of the “seeker sensitive” movement, Bill Hybels, has been telling us for decades to throw out everything we had been taught about church growth and replace it with a new paradigm, a new way to do ministry. The size of the crowd rather than the depth of the heart determines success. If the crowd was large, then surely God was blessing the ministry. The church is built by demographic studies, marketing research and strategies, meeting felt needs, and other methodologies consistent with these techniques. We were told that preaching was out, relevance was in. Doctrine didn’t matter nearly as much as innovation. If it wasn’t cutting edge and consumer friendly, it was doomed. The mention of sin, salvation and sanctification was taboo and replaced by Starbucks, marketing strategy and sensitivity.

A statement from Bill Hybels and Willow Creek Community Church, the group that spawned the “seeker sensitive” church movement, “We made a mistake. What we should have done when people became Christians is to teach them that they have to become ‘self-feeders’ [i.e., Bible readers]. We should have taught people how to read their Bibles between services and how to do the spiritual practices much more aggressively on their own.” (Willow Creek published a book last year admitting, “We were wrong.”) Now, on Wednesday night, they are teaching the Bible. (It would be nice if they started doing that on Sundays too!)

– Source:


Did Moses write the Pentateuch?

It seems that the skeptics and unbelievers get most of the press as they spew their criticisms of the Bible. They keep harping on the theory that Moses was not the author of this important section of the Old Testament. If the preponderance of external and internal evidence is still unconvincing, why not let Jesus settle the question: “Have ye not read in the Book of Moses, how in the bush God spoke to him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?” (Mark 12:26). See also Matthew 19:7,8; Mark 7:10; 12:24; Luke 24:44; et al.


Just for you stat lovers

A stat clock like you’ve never seen.



Atheist preaches good sermon

Well-known professing atheist, Christopher Hitchens, was interviewed in Portland, Oregon by “liberal Christian” Marilyn Sewell. Here is an exchange that reportedly took place between them:

Sewell: “The religion you cite in your book is generally the fundamentalist faith of various kinds. I’m a liberal Christian, and I don’t take the stories from the Scripture literally. I don’t believe in the doctrine of atonement (that Jesus died for our sins, for example). Do you make a distinction between the fundamentalist faith and liberal religion?”

Hitchens: “I would say that if you don’t believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ and Messiah as the Christ and Messiah, and that he rose again from the dead and by his sacrifice our sins are forgiven, you’re really not in any meaningful sense a Christian.”

Sewell wanted no part of that discussion, so her next words were, “Let me go someplace else.” This little snippet demonstrates an important point about religious “God-talk.” You can call yourself anything you like, but if you don’t believe that Jesus is the “Lord from heaven” (I Corinthians 15:47), and that He died and rose again to atone for our sins, you are not a Christian. Seems that an outspoken atheist can grasp the central tenets of Christianity better than many professing Christians.

Adapted from a report in The Berean Call, 5/10



Are violent video games benign, values-neutral entertainment? Not according to the case of Daniel Petric.

Teenager Daniel Petric had an obsession with a violent video game that warped his sense of reality. When his parents realized its harmful effects and took the game away, he murdered them. The AP news story quotes the judge as saying, “I firmly believe that Daniel Petric had no idea at the time he hatched this plot that if he killed his parents they would be dead forever.” His defense attorney pled not guilt by reason of insanity.

Will all video gamers wind up as murderers? No, but let’s be realistic about the negative influence of these violent video games that many our youth are constantly playing, even in church.


How could there have been a Hitler in the 20th century?

That is a question that many thinkers have pondered. How could such a butcher as the Nazi Fuhrer become a dictator over a supposed “Christian” nation like Germany?

Answer: He was voted in by the people of Germany. It had been one crisis after another for decades, and he rose to power by convincing the people that he was the “savior” of Germany, the “messiah” for that war-torn and economically devastated nation. He refused to let a crisis go to waste. Use it as a political ladder—that was his philosophy.

One of the primary paths to absolute power was his management of the Christian churches. He pretended to be a “believer” in order win their favor. Actually, he held a convoluted hodgepodge of beliefs, including occultism, paganism, Islam and Christianity. He knew the religious vernacular, having been raised by a devout Catholic mother. He fooled both the Protestants and the Catholics, luring them into his National Socialism (NAZI) party as though it was a new gospel. He moved them toward a political ideology and they became pawns of the Reich. Christian terminology was redefined in terms that complemented the Reich’s agenda. Before the Reich fell in the Spring in 1945, Hitler had executed or imprisoned over 6,000 clergymen during his reign. (

Two months after President Barack Obama took office, before any of the right-wing press picked up on it, I told my wife that he was doing exactly what Hitler did in his rise to power in Europe. Being a student of WWII, it was plain to see that we were headed to where Hitler took Germany. The ensuing months have only confirmed that conviction. He is now seeking to ally himself with the churches, get them obligated to the state through special considerations (loans, funding), take away their tax-exempt status, create a line of pawns and religious stooges, and then leave a trail of martyrs. I am constantly amazed at how the press and most of our national leaders bow to his every whim. He is running roughshod over the constitution, ignoring American traditions, apologizing to the world for our successes and exceptionalism, while gagging most of our career politicians. He praises Islam, even while their extremists try to car-bomb our cities and blow up our planes. He criticizes the traditions of Christianity while claiming to be a “believer.” The emperor has no clothes.

Brethren, beware.

I am going to ask my readers to please visit the sites below to do your own research about Hitler and his relationship with the German churches.

Google:  The Visualisation Of National Socialist Ideology


Pastors, Obama wants to be your “partner”

According to the latest reports, Obama and his insidious minions (yes, I still pray for him/them regularly!) are robing themselves in priestly garments, trying to subvert America through the churches.

Here is what Obama has said: “Now, make no mistake, as someone who used to teach constitutional law, I believe deeply in the separation of church and state, but I don’t believe this partnership [faith-based charities, EPA, community organizations, churches] will endanger that idea—so long as we follow a few basic principles. First, if you get a federal grant, you can’t use that grant money to proselytize the people you help and you can’t discriminate against them—or against the people you hire—on the basis of their religion. Second, federal dollars that go directly to churches, temples, and mosques can only be used on secular programs. And we’ll also ensure that taxpayer dollars only go to those programs that actually work.”

The president’s council of faith-based organizations can take “a prominent leadership role in influencing policy, education, and action in those areas.”

Note these four words and phrases: “partnership…federal grant…can’t discriminate…mosques.” Now 16 months into Obama’s presidency, he is starting to put these campaign promises into action. The German Nazis had their plans ready when they came to absolute power in 1933 and immediately began implementing moves against traditional Christians and setting up a Reich Church for all Christians. Hundreds of thousands of Christians sold out to Hitler for his favor. That couldn’t happen here, could it?

For more info on this issue, go to

So, Obama wants to use federal subsidies offered through the EPA and his faith-based organizations to get churches to promulgate the green faith.

If you take $1, you’re hung! Don’t do it. It is more smoke and mirrors to accomplish his agenda to increase his power and “redistribute the wealth.” Study the churches from the communist countries and see how the faith-based part of socialism works for them.

Again, my interest is not in politics, per se, but in how they are affecting the churches of America and our ability to expand the kingdom of God.


Get your sermons from Nancy

Nancy Pelosi has told the “Bishops and Cardinals” to preach from their pulpits the green agenda, the social justice gospel. Speaking at the Catholic Community Conference in Washington, Pelosi said: “Cardinals, the Archbishops, the Bishops come to me and say we want you to pass immigration reform. But I say I want you to speak about it from the pulpit. … I want you to instruct … the people (who) oppose immigration reform and are sitting in those pews …that this is a manifestation of our living the Gospels.”

If we took money from the government, they would be able to tell us exactly what “gospel” to preach. Pastors, we had better wake up and speak out. If we don’t, Obama and Nancy will be writing your sermons.

If Obama wants to be king, perhaps Nancy would like to be the first female pope so she could speak ex cathedra from the papal chair. Pelosi further said the church “has an important role to play” in teaching about dignity and respect, and “as a practical matter” it’s not possible to tell 12 million illegal immigrants to “go back to wherever you came from or go to jail.”

(Source: and


We elected a king?

Why does the political climate feel strangely like the days following the inauguration of Saul as king of Israel? A king was not the perfect will of God, but it was permitted. Soon bad things began to happen to the kingdom. Government by decree has never worked well. Kings are not known for developing corruption-free societies. Before long, it became obvious that what was needed was a new captain on the ship of state. David, a forerunner of Christ, rose up to displace him.

The political climate in America feels like we have elected a king rather than a president. We are beginning to see governing by fiat—“the king says do this, do that, go here, go there, buy this, buy that, don’t drill here….” Congress is in the far background. America is run from the White House. They are bypassing the norms we have known in the past. Everything is in their hands. Corruption swiftly follows the installation of such a government.

See any signs?


Moving to Mexico

Someone sent me their plans (slightly enhanced) about their move to Mexico:

My family and extended family will simply walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico. We plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws. Doubtless, they handle those things the same way we do here.

We will be expecting the following:

1. Free medical care for my entire family.

2. English-speaking government bureaucrats explaining all the services I might need, whether we use them or not.

3. All Mexican government forms to be printed in English.

4. Our grandkids to be taught Spanish by English-speaking (bi-lingual) teachers at tuition-free schools.

5. Their schools should include classes on American culture and history.

6. I want my grandkids to see the American flag on one of the flagpoles at their school.

7. Please plan to feed my grandkids at school for both breakfast and lunch.

8. I will need a local Mexican driver’s license so I can get easy access to government services and voting privileges. If I don’t get a Mexican driver’s license, I will expect my Sam’s Club card to suffice as identification.

9. I do plan to get a car and drive in Mexico, but I don’t plan to purchase auto insurance, and I probably won’t make any special effort to learn local traffic laws.

10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from their president to leave me alone, please be sure that every patrol car has at least one English-speaking officer.

11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my housetop, put U S. flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals. That would be considered to be racist.

12. I would also like to have a  job without paying any taxes, or have any labor or tax laws enforced on any business I may start.

13. We expect all the local folks to be extremely nice and never say critical things about me or my family, or about the strain we might place on their economy, or about us throwing trash on their neighborhood lawns and streets.

14. I want to receive free food stamps.

15. Naturally, I’ll expect free rent subsidies.

16. Although I’ll receive money from the Mexican government, I will be sending my earnings back to banks and family in the U.S.

17. Oh yes, I almost forgot, I’ll need to enroll in the Mexican Social Security program so I’ll get a monthly income in retirement.

Since these benefits seem to be available for folks who walk over to the U.S. from Mexico, I am sure there is a reciprocating program in place over there.



It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. – Albert Einstein

You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give.  – Winston Churchill


A reminder to ministers who encourage psych meds

In doing research on Parkinson’s Disease, a diagnosis that my brother just received, I noted that those who take popular psych medications (SSRIs) are at a higher risk for Parkinson’s and dementia. Also, just today a report from Science News (Vol. 175, No. 12, p. 18) came to my attention that osteoporosis is evidently another risk. In fact, the bone density in postmenopausal women declined twice as fast in those taking SSRIs as in other women. These are just two more in a long list of problems that are either caused or exacerbated by psych meds.

Some of our ministers encourage persons to go to psychiatrists for counseling, figuring that it might be a good idea to get on psych meds. As shepherds of God’s sheep, ministers are obligated to warn those in their care of the grave spiritual dangers associated with psychiatric counseling and of psychotropic drugs, such as Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac, Zanax and Ritalin. First, those warnings need to go out before their members begin to take them. You are not “playing doctor” when you do that. Make that disclaimer, but speak up. There are plenty of people in the psychology industry who are speaking out already, but their voices are drowned out by sound of big pharma dollars falling into the hands of psychiatrists.

Psychiatric involvement can easily become a spiritual matter almost overnight. Reminding them of the published record of psychoactive medications is in their best interest. Second, those that are already taking them need to be careful about how and when to discontinue their use. Their brain becomes accustomed to the changes that are induced by them, and stopping abruptly could trigger severe emotional or physical problems.

Third, even though physicians prescribe them, that does not mean they are harmless, or curative in nature. Take time to do some objective research on psychotropic medications. They are a veritable money tree for doctors. Many doctors are glad to prescribe them because they will bring the patient back time and again to their office, plus they often receive “kickbacks” in some form from the pharmaceutical companies.


Book review

The Girl In the Dress: Uncovering the Mystery of Modesty

By Lori Wagner, et al

This is a book that is long overdue. Women’s attire has crossed the line and reached the point of ridiculous. I applaud the effort put forth by the author(s) to address the topic. They make sense of modesty and provide some credibility to the matter of what is popularly called “outward holiness.”

The Girl dredges more deeply than most tomes on the topic. Candid writing, set in an attractive format, goes directly to the heart of the issue of female modesty. They don’t seem to cull any important areas of the problem. Some very conservative ministers and their wives have perused the book and found it worthy of putting in the hands of every woman in their churches.

Other reviewers have said:

“This is the book I longed for as a young woman with questions about faith and fashion, the book I searched for as a mentoring resource, the book I desperately need as a mother raising a daughter.” – Julie Long, pastor’s wife in Upper Kent, New Brunswick

“Thank you for not being afraid to tackle the ‘hard’ questions. I highly recommend this book to every young lady in pursuit of living a holy, modest lifestyle for Jesus Christ.” – Aaron Batchelor, Bridgeton, MO

This book is available from Advance Ministries now! Order your copy or copies today! Only 9.95.

Check out our other great books here.


The way artists see it


The Parting Shot

Finnish researchers reported in the British Medical Journal that individuals with the greatest risk of Alzheimer’s disease are those who are widowed or divorced at midlife and remained so. Being single at midlife is also a risk factor. The researchers suggest having a [spouse] might provide additional mental and social challenges that somehow stimulate the brain and delay the onset of dementia. (Parade 8/9/09)

Moral: Marriage is good for the brain!


Stay cool this summer!


Published in: on June 1, 2010 at 4:44 PM  Comments (2)  

May 2010

Welcome to the May 2010 Blog. Be informed, be energized, be motivated…but most of all be real.


Quotes that make you say “Ouch!”

“Life’s tough, pilgrim, and it’s even tougher if you’re stupid.”    – John Wayne

“Looking back is almost always tantamount to going back.”    – Jerry Jones


Just what husbands have been needing…

…a formula for understanding the female gender. Looks foolproof.


What’s feeding the divorce tsunami?

Never has there been such a tidal wave of divorces among Christians. Why? I suppose a number of reasons could be submitted, but let me suggest three of the most prominent.

Selfishness plays a huge role in virtually all marital difficulties. Young people marry in hopes of being made happy by their spouse. Our culture has embraced the “lookout for Mr. Number One” syndrome. Who has a mindset of making others happy? Few, I’m afraid. No one finds love or happiness while looking for them. We only discover them when we love and are making others happy. Me, mine, and I are most people’s favorite words. Selfishness manifests itself in many ways, and is often overlooked when searching for causality of difficulties. “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others” (Philippians 2:3,4).

Listening to the wrong voices is another major source of trouble leading to divorce. Young people are introduced to the idea of short and trial marriages by Hollywood celebrities. They are bombarded by scenes of immorality and disgusting behavior through the media—magazines, TV, and the Internet. They have largely come to view marriage as a possible financial advantage, or to legitimize a baby, or to temporarily accommodate relatives, or some other selfish convenience. Too many Christian youth are reading novels that disparage the concept of devoted spouses. Multitudes are putting their every thought and action on Facebook or Twitter; therefore, many are adopting the conclusion that “everyone else is doing it, why not me?” This is another reason Christians should avoid having TV in their homes. It is wise to keep the magazines and books that glorify immorality and divorce out of the reach of children and youth as much as possible. Monitoring/limiting computer usage, especially the social networking sites, is a must. The more our young people are plugged into the ways of the world, the more apt they are to mimic them and feel justified in doing so. “For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil” (Romans 16:19).

Without a doubt, the unequal yoke plays a significant role in broken marriages. When young people marry outside the church (someone who is not born again according to Acts 2:38), it is almost a given that there will be grave difficulties, backslidings, and increased chances of divorce. Where the parties have widely diverse cultural, racial or religious backgrounds, the likelihood of divorce increases. When there is an “unshared vision” about life, varying worldviews and cultural experiences, divorce possibilities heighten. As religious leaders, we must constantly use the Word to point our youth in the right direction when they are making life-changing decisions, and apply sincere and sound correction when they take the wrong path. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (II Timothy 3:16).


Typical comment about the 2010 Apostolic Ministerial Conference

Dear Brethren,

“This conference has ministered to my wife and me like no other. Thank you for all your effort and sacrifice in making this happen. The ministry was so deep that it will have a lasting effect on us. The fellowship and friendship is priceless. God bless you! Our prayers are with you!”  – Missionary in attendance


Yet again, the Word trumps the professors

“The word of the Lord is right…” (Psalm 33:4).

Only atheists and fools (aren’t they the same?) try to win arguments with the Bible. They are like hammers beating on the anvil of truth—they are broken but the anvil remains unmarred.

“And the days that David reigned over Israel were forty years: seven years reigned he in Hebron, and thirty and three years reigned he in Jerusalem” (I Kings 2:11). “Hogwash,” say the doubters. “There is no physical evidence that there was a king of Israel named David. That is just another biblical myth,” the unbelievers have claimed for generations. Lo, the archaeologists uncover an ancient stone in the rubble of Tel Dan in northern Israel with the words, “the House of David,” inscribed upon it. It is the first non-biblical text that mentions this phrase and this name by name. The black basalt stone dates to at least the ninth century B.C. and may be seen in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

In II Kings 12:1-6 and 11-17, the Bible describes how King Jehoash, who reigned circa 839-799 B.C., instructed the priests to “take holy money…to buy quarry stones and timber and copper and labor to carry out the duty with faith.” Recently, the press and media have been discussing an inscribed tablet that was discovered in the summer of 2000 at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. The find was made by Islamic Trust renovators of the El-Aqsa mosque which occupies part of the Haram el Sharif (Noble Sanctuary) site. Carbon-14 dating by Israel’s Geological Institute, under Shimon Ilani, has authenticated the inscription as being around 2,800 years old. The Institute’s director, Amos Bean, reported that they had discovered flecks of gold burnt into the stone, indicating that it was probably in the Temple when the building was destroyed by invading Babylonians in about 586 B.C. The Arkosic Dead Sea sandstone tablet measures 31 x 24 x 7 cms, and carries 15 lines of text written in ancient Hebrew with elements of Aramaic and old Phoenician. It describes repairs to Solomon’s Temple as ordered by King Jehoash of Judah in the 9th century B.C.

Josephus the Jewish historian wrote about the warning signs that were on the barrier that separated the court of the Gentiles from the other courts in the Temple. Orthodox Jews were serious about this line of demarcation. There was no proof of this barrier until recent times when archaeologists discovered one. Its seven-line inscription read as follows:


A number of biblical texts mention the sacrificing of turtle doves (Leviticus 1:14; 5:7; 14:22). This was even done at the consecration of Jesus (Luke 2:22-24). But is there actual proof that this was practiced? At right is a stone that was found in excavations of Jerusalem, dating to the Herodian period. Clearly seen are two dead doves accompanied by the Hebrew word “korban” (sacrifice). The stone is now in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

The ostracon (inscribed piece of pottery) at left is from Arad, and dates to the early 6th century B.C. Written on the piece of clay is a letter addressed to Eliashib and mentions “the House of God” in Jerusalem. This is reportedly the earliest known reference to the original Temple outside of the Bible.

Earth to the liberal professors: “Give it up!” When the Bible says something happened, it happened. When it names someone, they were real, living individuals. When it says, there’s a hell and unbelievers are going there, you’d better believe it.


Did Abraham lie about his wife?

Abraham told Pharaoh that Sarah was his sister (Genesis 12:10-20) and Isaac made a similar claim about Rebekah (Genesis 26:7). Did they lie? Abraham insisted to Abimelech that Sarah was his half-sister (Genesis 20:2-12). Therefore, some hold that he merely told a half-truth. Others, like Samuel Greengus, feel that Sarah and Rebekah were possibly adopted as sisters. Laws from that period have surfaced, i.e. at Nuzi, that suggest that the practice of adopting sisters was common in that time and area.
Nuzi was a provincial agricultural town in the small Hurrian kingdom of Arrapha, whose capital is today buried under the Iraqi city of Kirkuk. The Hurrians are equivalent to the Horites in the Old Testament, also called Hivites and Jebusites. Excavations were carried out at Nuzi by American teams from 1925 to 1933. The major find was more than 5,000 family and administrative archives spanning six generations, ca. 1450-1350 BC. They deal with the social, economic, religious and legal institutions of the Hurrians.

The tablets tell of practices similar to those in Genesis such as adoption for childless couples (Genesis 15:2 children by proxy (Genesis 16; 21:1, inheritance rights (Genesis 25:29, marriage arrangements (Genesis 28) and levirate marriage (Genesis 38; Deuteronomy 25:5). They also demonstrate the significance of the deathbed blessing (Genesis 27; 48 and household gods (Genesis 31:14 30. Some Nuzi tablets, called “tablets of sistership,” agreements in which a man adopted a woman as a sister. In the society of the Hurrians, a wife enjoyed both greater protection and a superior position when she also had the legal status of a sister. In such a case, two separate documents were drawn up, one for marriage and the other for sistership. Some feel this may explain why both Abraham (Genesis 12:10 20:1 and Isaac (Genesis 26:7) said their wives were their sisters. It is possible that they had previously adopted them to give them higher status, in accordance with the custom of the day.

Family records were highly valued at Nuzi, being passed down from father to son for as many as six generations. Nowhere else in the ancient Near East is this kind of reverence for family documents illustrated, except in the Old Testament. Indirectly, the practice at Nuzi supports the position that Genesis and the other books of history in the Old Testament are grounded in actual family, clan and tribal records carefully passed from generation to generation.

As with Mari, the Nuzi records demonstrate that the cultural practices recorded in the book of Genesis are authentic. The accounts are not fictional stories written at a much later time, as some critics claim, since the customs were unknown in later periods.

Check out Samuel Greengus’ “Sisterhood Adoption at Nuzi and the ‘Wife-Sister’ in Genesis,” which appeared in the Hebrew Union College Annual 46 (1975) 5-31. Greengus teaches at Hebrew Union College.


The work in Ethiopia is alive and well

The “heavenly flesh” doctrine did not decimate God’s work in Ethiopia. While the largest body of those who were called “Apostolics” pulled away and went into doctrinal heresy, Brother Solomon Lodamo leads the United Pentecostal Church of Ethiopia (UPCE) very well and it is growing and prospering under his leadership. He has been able to pull the Apostolic movement in that country back from the brink of apostasy.

That has not been accomplished without a heavy price, however. Ministers of the UPCE have been physically attacked and their properties taken away. Some have been offered considerable sums of money or goods if they reject their stand and go with the heretical group that forsook fellowship with the UPCI. Yet they have stood firm. I have personally spoken with ministers who were beaten and threatened with death because they remained true to the Apostolic faith. I have seen their scars.

Above is a picture of Brother Solomon (they use first names almost exclusively in Ethiopia) and his wife, Mezenework, with their three sons and three daughters. They are very deserving of our prayers and financial support. The work is going well but there are tremendous needs for metal sheeting for church roofs and other supplies and equipment. If you would like to help support the Apostolic message in Ethiopia, you can contribute to The Ethiopian Endeavor, P. O. Box 98, Brewer, ME 04412.


Church and State

Some decry the fact that many ministers and church leaders are speaking out about the current political situation in America. They have bought the line that those associated with religious movements are not permitted to address the issues concerning the state, as though that would be unconstitutional. That untruth is put forth to discourage ministers and religious leaders from informing their constituents of the dangers of a repressive, socialistic regime.

God deals with us as individuals regarding salvation, but throughout the Scriptures He is shown as interacting with entire nations, including heathen countries. Someday He will sit on a throne and judge entire nations collectively (Matthew 25:31,32). Part of the criteria will be how they treated “His brethren,” the Jews.

If repressive times are ahead for the American church, and difficult circumstances will produce pure faith and perhaps a revival, then so be it. But history reveals that was not always the case. Under other regimes, believers were murdered, their families separated, torture and death became common, churches were burned or closed. The voice of the church was stilled.

“That could not happen here,” some say. Oh? Are Americans exempt from the awful scenes that Christians in China have endured? Or those in S.E. Asia? Or Russia? Are we so special that nothing negative could ever be perpetrated against our families and our children? How naïve.

In fourteen months we have gone from a free enterprise, capitalistic society to one that is slipping daily into socialism. Our president and his minions are clearly preparing our nation to accede to Muslim demands. Ronald Reagan warned America in the 1950s that health care would be means to shoehorn us into socialism. Was he a political prophet or what?

Do as you feel, but it is my opinion that we not only have the right but the obligation to speak out against the ignoring of our constitution and the expansion of foreign influence in our government. We are citizens. It is our right, and should be exercised as long as Christian principles are not violated.


Thanks again, Al Gore

If you see any bill under consideration by the U.S. Senate that sounds like any of the titles below, urge your congressman to oppose it. It will probably require that you retrofit your home to satisfy the EPA’s “green rules” before you are granted a permission to sell it. Like other bills the current administration has proposed and passed, it is not about saving money or even saving the planet. They only use those lines to make their program more palatable to uninformed, gullible voters. It is about government control! Even if they say they will give you a tax rebate to pay for the costs, it is only to get you to accept their ever-shortening leash. Here are some possible titles for the bill being considered.

– Global Change Research and Data Management Act of 2009

– Green Act of 2009

– Green Resources for Energy Efficient Neighborhoods Act of 2009

– National Climate Service Act of 2009

– Cap and Trade


Voluntary enslavement

Edward Mandell House had this to say in a private meeting with President Woodrow Wilson (term of office: 1913-1921). Many apparently legitimate sources provide this quote:

“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging.  By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency.  Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living.  They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions.  Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.  They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be non the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.  After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges.  This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.”  Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly.  The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”

The Council on Foreign Relations was founded in 1921 by Edward Mandell House (pictured on Time magazine above), who had been the chief advisor of President Woodrow Wilson. Actually, he was more than just a prominent aide of the President; he dominated the President. He was referred to as Wilson’s “alter ego” (other self), and was credited for being the most powerful individual in the United States during the Wilson Administration from 1913 until 1921. House was a Marxist whose goal was to socialize the United States. In 1912, House wrote the book “Philip Dru: Administrator” in which he stated that he was working for “Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx.” In this book, House laid out a plan for the conquest of America, telling how both the Democratic and Republican Parties would be controlled, and be used as instruments in the creation of a socialistic government. And he asked for the establishment of a state-controlled central bank, which were both proposed in “The Communist Manifesto.” And it was in 1913, during the very first year of the House-dominated Wilson Administration, that both of these proposals became law. The Federal Reserve Act was passed, which brought into power a private central bank to create the money of the United States, taking this power away from the United States Congress. And the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, the graduated income tax as proposed by Karl Marx, was also ratified.

The late Carroll Quigley (Bill Clinton’s mentor), Professor of History at Georgetown University, member of the CFR, stated in his book, Tragedy & Hope:

“The CFR is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and which believes that national boundaries should be obliterated, and a one-world rule established.”



Take down the flag?

Following the devastating earthquake in Haiti, the United States rushed in to help with money, medicine, and manpower. To date, we’ve already given over $179 million in humanitarian aid…but Barack Obama has just ordered all U.S. installations to take down their American flags, lest we be seen as an “occupying army” rather than “international partners.”

It is patently appalling that a president of the United States would consider our flag to be a symbol of militaristic takeovers and colonialism, especially when serving (to a greater degree than any other nation on Earth) a humanitarian purpose.

Additionally, who would think we’d want to occupy Haiti?!

My friends, “hope and change” is more about change than hope.

No other country giving aid in Haiti has lowered its flag. But then again, perhaps no other country has a leader who is offended by his own flag.



Congressional Reform Act of 2010

If I could introduce a bill into the U.S. Congress, it might look something like this:

1. Term Limits: 12 years only—one six-year Senate term and three two-year House terms.

2.  No seniority. Leadership positions are voted on by the entire House or Senate.

3.  No pension: A congressman collects a salary while in office but receives no pay when they are out of office. All members of Congress (past, present & future) participate in Social Security. All monies in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately.  All future funds flow into the Social Security system. Congress participates with the American people. They can purchase their own retirement plan just as all Americans.

4.  Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise.  Congressional pay will rise or fall with the cost of living index.

5.  Congress voids its current health care policies and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

6.  Congress must equally abide in all laws they impose on the American people.

7.  All contracts with past and present congressmen are void effective 1/1/11, when we effectively “start over.” The American people did not make these contracts with congressmen—congressmen made all these contracts for themselves.

Someone else inspired these thoughts based on the premise that serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators. So, serve your term(s), then go home and go back to work. [Am I holding my breath about this possibility?]


Islam and America

Barack Hussein Obama, during his Cairo speech, said: “I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America’s story.” What had he been smoking? Where did he get his info?


Dear Mr. Obama:

Were those Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed?  Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians.

Were those Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day?  Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and Native American Indians.

Was there one Muslim signature on the United States Constitution? On the Declaration of Independence? The Bill of Rights?

Didn’t think so.

Did Muslims fight for this country’s freedom from England?  No.

Did Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America?  No, they did not. In fact, Muslims have long been involved in the slave trade. To this day are still the largest traffickers in human slavery.

Where were Muslims during this country’s women’s suffrage era?  Again, not present. In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient to men in the Islamic culture. So much so, that often they are beaten for not wearing the “hajib” or for talking to a man who is not a direct family member or their husband. Yep, the Muslims are all for women’s rights, aren’t they?

Where were Muslims during World War II? They were aligned with Adolf Hitler.  The Muslim grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler, reviewed the troops and accepted support from the Nazis in killing Jews.

Finally, Mr. Obama, where were Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001? If they weren’t flying planes into the World Trade Center , the Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people on our own soil, they were rejoicing in the Middle East. No one can dispute the pictures shown from all parts of the Muslim world celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other cable news networks that day. Strangely, the very “moderate” Muslims who stood before you in Cairo, Egypt on June 4, when you made the above statement, were stone cold silent post 9-11. To many Americans, their silence meant approval for the acts of that day.

And who is killing our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan? And trying to blow up our airplanes with underwear bombs? Old Methodist grannies? Catholic nuns? Nope. Muslims.

And now we can add November 5, 2009, the date of the slaughter of American soldiers at Fort Hood by a Muslim major—a doctor and a psychiatrist who was supposed to be counseling soldiers returning from battle in Iraq and Afghanistan.

That, Mr. Obama, is the real “Muslims in America” story. Get it straight.


Paying for Muslim culture

Dhimmitude (look up this word) is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through jihad. Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence, and as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam.

The ObamaCare bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Muslim diktat in the United States. Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be “gambling,” “risk-taking” and “usury,” and thus Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this. How convenient. So I, Ann Barnhardt, a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivables, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health needs paid for by the de facto government insurance. Non-Muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize Muslims. Period. This is Dhimmitude.

Dhimmitude serves two purposes: it enriches the Muslim masters, and serves to drive conversions to Islam. In this case, the incentive to convert to Islam will be taken up by those in the inner-cities as well as the godless Generation X, Y and Z types who have no moral anchor. If you don’t believe in Christ to begin with, it is no problem whatsoever to sell Him for 30 pieces of silver. “Sure, I’ll be a Muslim if it means free health insurance and no taxes. Where do I sign, bro?”

If you are a Christian and you acquiesce to this, you will be bending your knee to Islam and denying Christ. How many of the early Christians went to horrific deaths rather than offer a mere pinch of incense to a statue of Caesar? Every single one of us has a BIG decision to make right now, in this moment. The choice is to either offer a pinch of incense to Islam and Marxism, or take up our cross and follow Christ. I’ve made my decision. I choose Christ. I choose the Cross.

(Primary source:

Makes one want to join The Pushbackers, huh?


Christian nutcases

We may justifiably criticize the Muslim religion for birthing and giving voice to religious extremism, even terrorism, but they do not have a corner on weird theories and practices. Christianity has its share of nutcases and extremists.

If one listens to the radio, reads virtually any genre of magazines, and observes the religious scene with any degree of discernment, he will notice that Christianity has an abundance of weirdness. It is this—more than Bible doctrines and practices, or evangelistic methodology—that turns a great many unbelievers off.

For example, the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS pickets funerals of servicemen killed in action. The carry signs that say, “God hates soldier boys…Pray for more dead soldiers…God hates fags…God hates America.” They get by because of “freedom of speech.” The abuse of that freedom will be the cause of its eventual loss.

Then we have the current sex abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic priesthood. Numbers of bishops, cardinals, and even the pope himself, have covered up years of abuse of young boys by priests. When caught or exposed, they were simply transferred to other parishes, usually where the practice continued. That is besides all the other weird, extra-biblical practices embraced by the RC church.

Now we have the neo-Evangelicals (Emergents and others) denying the authority of Scripture, pushing social and environmental issues as though they were part of the gospel itself, and promoting a new spirituality that flows out of ancient practices of Catholic hermits.

Beyond that, we still have hundreds of sects and cults that continue to deceive thousands, some of which conduct “worship” and ceremonies that stagger the imagination.

Oh, that strange doctrines and weird practices were relegated to other movements! But, alas, the Apostolic movement has had its share of problems. Forgetting the infamous “latter rain” of the 1940s and 1950s, we have seen the rise of the heavenly flesh doctrine, preterism, postmodernism, the prosperity message, and Dominion/Kingdom Now heresies take some of our dear friends off the deep end. Now we have what some are calling the “magic hair” theory coming among us. Others are announcing that they have received special revelations of certain doctrines and practices that no previous Apostolic minister has been privy to.

Why must we appeal to sensationalism to attract people? Those who come in through deceptive practices usually hang around so long as deceptive practices are routine. When the shine on the new doctrine wears off, which it inevitably will, they will be gone. In this endtime we need a steadfast faith in the inerrant Word of God, a confidence in the original gospel, and a discernment that will pinpoint deceptive doctrines and practices that only feed the carnal mind.

If someone gets a “revelation” of a new doctrine or discipline that has never been known before, it should be presented to the brethren to whom he is accountable—be it a board of elders, committee, directors, advisory group, or whatever—for approval before announcing or preaching it. If he has no such accountability, he should not be given a pulpit. We have had our fill of that which is not based in Scripture and affirmed by experienced men of God.

“Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus” (II Timothy 1:13).


A sincere plea

Overdiagnosis disorder

You may not realize it, but psychiatrists suffer from a common disorder that they have failed to include in the new DSM-V. It is called “Overdiagnosis Disorder.” If you will take the time to read a brief article by Daniel James Devine that appeared in the April 10, 2010 edition of World magazine, you will do yourself and your constituents a favor.

Here is the article:

Pastors, pllllleeeeeeaaaaaaaassssssseeeeeeee inform your people of the dangers of visiting a psychiatrist. Most, virtually all, will return with a prescription for mind-altering drugs and an attitude that, as a mere pastor, you know nothing about how to minister to them about their real problems.

And remember that the media is finally picking up on the truth that ADHD, bi-polar disorder, and even diabetes diagnoses are waaaayyyy overdone. Have you taken the time to wonder why?


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Laugh a little before you go

Why President Obama won’t be visiting Arizona anytime soon.


The Parting Shot

From Paul:

“You know, brothers, that our visit with you was not a failure. We had previously suffered and been insulted in Philippi, as you know, but with the help of our God we dared to tell you his gospel in spite of strong opposition. For the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you. On the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts. You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed—God is our witness. We were not looking for praise from men, not from you or anyone else.”


May God grant you and your church a spiritual renewal and ingathering during May!


Published in: on May 1, 2010 at 1:20 AM  Comments (2)  

April ’10 Blog

Welcome to the April 2010 Blog. There’s a lot to talk about so let’s get on with it.


Start with the Word

I Timothy 1:3-7 (NIV): “As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God’s work—which is by faith. The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. Some have wandered away from these and turned to meaningless talk. They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.”


Gone…but never forgotten!

J. T. Pugh was a legend in his own time. Few men are marked by that distinction. Last week we said goodbye to him and his wife, Bessie. Few have impacted our lives—and our movement—as they did.

I got acquainted with the Pughs in the late 1950s when they were pastoring in Port Arthur, TX. He was the principal of the first Texas District Youth Camp in Lufkin. Sister Pugh was the registrar, assigning Roffie to the boy’s dorm because of her name. Prior to standing before her in the line, Sister Pugh assumed she was a boy. It was at that camp that Roffie and I first met.

Brother Pugh and I served on the Evangelism Commission together. Later, when he was the General Home Missions Director, I served as the secretary. We worked together in those positions for several years. Our kids grew up together.

Brother Pugh was not a businessman. He was not an athlete. He was not a musician, and certainly not a politician. He was a cross-loving servant of God who could communicate the love and grace of God perhaps better than anyone. In other words, he was a preacher. Preaching was his life. A preacher is all he ever really wanted to be. In the pulpit, he excelled. He had few peers. He could reach within you and grab your soul. When he finished his message, you wanted to repent, or give, or go—perhaps all three—immediately. You wanted to go win souls and start new churches. You wanted to go love someone into the kingdom.

He excelled in something other than preaching—practical joking. He was as good at that as he was at preaching, maybe the best that ever was. He was a spinner of tales, holding you spellbound until the end when he would let you down hard, all with a straight face. One wondered where he came up with all the ways to pull your leg. But you loved him for it.

Bessie pulled up stakes thirty-four hours after J. T. left us. She made the funeral arrangements, picked out his burial suit, selected the dress she would wear to the service, then seemingly willed herself to join him in the life beyond. They were buried side-by-side. “J. T. and I—we have our own thing going,” she said before bowing her head and departing.

Indeed they did.


Jerusalem posters tout rebuilt Temple

While tensions continue to simmer around the Temple Mount after riots in and around the capital’s Old City earlier this month, a new campaign calling for the construction of the Third Temple atop the holy site has made its way to the sides of 200 Egged buses in the city, which now sport posters featuring a picture of a rebuilt temple on the Mount, and nothing else.

The posters, which contain the phrase, “May the Bais Hamikdosh be rebuilt speedily and within our days,” were sponsored by the Our Land of Israel group, which is led by Rabbi Shalom Dov Volpo and activist Baruch Marzel, leave out the site’s current structures—namely the the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock.

The campaign’s organizers chose to plaster the posters on buses whose routes take them through predominately Arab neighborhoods of east Jerusalem.

With regards to the campaign, Volpo said Israel is waiting breathlessly for the coming of the messiah and the rebuilding of the temple.

“The Arabs and President Obama know that the Temple will be built on the Temple Mount,” he said. “Instead of the temporary buildings that are there today.” Speaking to The Jerusalem Post on Sunday, Marzel said it was no mistake that the Islamic shrines were left out of the picture.

“We’re representing the truth, in front of everyone, and saying out loud what every Jew believes,” Marzel said. “That the Third Temple needs to be built immediately on the Temple Mount and that the mosque should not be there.”

“When we reach the end of the Pessah Seder tomorrow night, he continued, “we’ll say, ‘Next year in a rebuilt Jerusalem.’ What does ‘rebuilt’ mean? It means with the Third temple intact.”

Source: Jerusalem Post


Important information for all Paxil users

If you have survived your prescribed dosage, you may be eligible for compensation! Click below for breaking news on this antidepressant that has ruined many lives:



When you recognize that these cartoons are being published around the world, is it any wonder America is now considered to be a JOKE?


God Said NO!!

I asked God to take away my habit.

God said, “No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.

God said, “No. His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary.”

I asked God to grant me patience.

God said, “No. Patience is a byproduct of tribulations; it isn’t granted, it is learned.”

I asked God to give me happiness.

God said, “No. I provide blessings and benefits; happiness is up to you.”

I asked God to spare me pain.

God said, “No. Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.”

I asked God to make my spiritual man grow.

God said, “No. You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.”

I asked God for many things that I might enjoy life.

God said, “No. I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things.”

I asked God to help me love others as much as He loves me.

God said, “Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.”


The view

A young couple moves into a new neighborhood. The next morning while they are eating breakfast, the young woman sees her neighbor hanging the wash outside.

“That laundry is not very clean,” she said. “She doesn’t know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap.”

Her husband looked on, but remained silent.

Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry, the young woman would make the same comments. About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband: “Look, she has learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this.”

The husband said, “I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows.”

And so it is with life. What we see when watching others may depend on the cleanliness of the window through which we look.


The Bible wins again

Skeptics, said by the Lord Himself to be associated with “wind and confusion” (Isaiah 41:28,29), can’t bring themselves to believe the accurate record of the Bible. But archaeologists continue to peel back the layers of history to reveal that the Bible is always right.

When the skeptics attempt to impugn the integrity of the writers of Scripture, they are challenged by the artifacts that the archaeologists consistently turn up. Paul spoke of “Erastus” of Corinth as the city treasurer in Romans 16:23. But to the unbelievers that was myth or fable, history that never was, and unproven supposition. However, in 1929 excavators unearthed a pavement inscription in Corinth that read: “ERASTVS PRO: AED:S:P:STRAVIT” (Erastus, curator of public buildings, laid this pavement at his own expense.) Obviously, the donor was the man to whom Paul referred. The Bible wins again.

But science, supposedly dealing only with facts, keeps coming up with the most inane suppositions. Last week, the report was published that a child’s pinkie finger bone was found in a Siberian cave and dates to 40,000 years ago. “Scientists” are speculating that it may point to an entirely new species of humans. All based on the discovery of a tiny part of a pinkie bone. It will probably be found to belong to the great, great uncle or a distant Siberian cousin of the laughing boy on the left. He seems to be mocking the “smart” guys in the lab coats. And they say we are silly for believing the Bible!

Wind and confusion. That is the belief system of the skeptics.


Warning: hackers are raising funds (and some hackles)

Several friends have recently had their email addresses used by someone asking for loans to bail them out during a trip to Europe where their wallets were stolen or lost. This is a hoax and should be ignored.


Re-quotable quotes

Ideas have consequences and bad ideas can have lethal consequences. – George Weigel

“[Emergents] use of ‘missional’ describes the idea that any works that make the world a better place bring us toward the ideal future…. In the [Emergent] view the only thing that doesn’t make sense is preaching repentance for the forgiveness of sins so people can avoid a literal future judgment (because [emergents] do not believe in a future judgment).” – Bob DeWaay in Critical Issues Commentary

“We must act today to preserve tomorrow.” – Abraham Lincoln

“The arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and assistance to foreign hands should be curtailed, lest Rome fall.” – Cicero, 55 BC


The meaning of church

In the March 3 edition of the Houston Chronicle, Amanda Myers, an AP writer, posted an article concerning a problem that the Crossroads United Methodist Church had with the city of Phoenix, AZ. It seems the church, located in an upscale neighborhood, was inviting crowds of the homeless to free pancake breakfasts on Saturday morning. The church had set up tables on their parking lot to feed those who came. Neighbors said it created blight, posed a danger to them, and violated zoning laws. Others said the laws didn’t apply to a church. All of this does not necessarily create “breaking news.”

What the pastor said in response to these charges is what concerns me. The Rev. Dottie Escobedo-Frank, in defending the church’s program of feeding the homeless, stated, “This is what it means to be a church.”

Is it, really? Has American Christianity reached the point that the mission of the church has become just another charity, but one housed in a multi-million dollar building in an upscale neighborhood rather than a storefront mission in a poor section of town? Are we just another Goodwill? A religious version of “Meals on Wheels”? A Salvation Army with a fifty foot steeple? A means of transportation for the poor to get to the polls?

Please don’t misunderstand me. I am not a stingy person with what resources God has entrusted to me over the years. I have preached on skid rows and in storefront missions. I have visited flophouses and dipped soup into the bowls of the hungry and homeless. I have prayed with men on the streets and sidewalks whose bodies were caked with filth and raked by disease. I have personally handed out water, blankets and food to needy individuals and families. So let’s get that part straight. I did it because I personally wanted to.

But that is not what it means to be a church! The church is not just another charity established to alleviate the social problems of sinful humanity. Sure, there are times with the line between charity and evangelism gets a little blurry. But what we are seeing today is a clear step across the line to resurrect the social gospel of the early twentieth century when Christianity shifted to that emphasis and away from salvation, the cross of Christ, and deliverance from a life of debauchery. Can we long appease our conscience for lack of evangelistic passion by distributing a few blankets to the winos under the bridge? Are we aware of the redefinition of “social justice” to mean redistribution of wealth, a.k.a. socialism?

It took a Great Depression and two world wars to move American Christianity back toward its true evangelical mission. Hopefully, that won’t be necessary again.

If Crossroads Methodist were the only church with this vision of their purpose, this article would not have been written. But we are seeing a definite movement away from atonement and the true gospel, away from Christ as Savior and Redeemer. “Deeds, not creeds,” cries Rick Warren, et al. How easy to salve people’s conscience with good works when their real need is the cross of Christ and cleansing by His blood.

“Oh, but we are not going to forget to tell them about Christ and the gospel,” I can just hear someone saying. Right. Do they ever read history? Must we be blinded by cultural mandates and not see where we are headed? And it is not merely the Methodists, the Episcopalians or the Presbyterians who are targets of the promoters of the social gospel. It is the Apostolic movement as well. We have become accepting of many views of gospel preaching, evangelism methodology and social causes that once would not have been given a second thought. If we did not consider all men lost without Christ and the Apostolic gospel, then we could feel better about the current direction of Christianity.

All I am saying is that we need to walk with discernment amid all of the social chaos of our times. Apostolic believers must keep our focus and not try to compete with other religious movements or governmental programs. We need to continue to see ourselves as the sole carriers and disseminators of truth. We may flip a pancake or two, but if we start thinking that “this is what it means to be a church,” we have crossed a line.



Beware of terrorist groups within the church

We are all aware of the aim of Osama bin Laden and his legions of terrorists to destroy all that is good and right in the world—particularly Christians. But the latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating right inside many of our church congregations.

They have been identified as: Iva bin Sleepin’, Shia bin Fussin’, Theya bin Fightin’, Suma bin Complainin’, and Alata bin Missin’. Obama bin Robin has joined the group to try to cut off giving to the church and siphoning it into the federal coffers.

Their supreme leader, Lucifer bin Workin’, trained these groups to destroy the body of Christ. The plan is to come into the church disguised as Christians and to work within the church to discourage, disrupt, and destroy.

However, there have been reports of a sixth group. A tiny cell known by the name Bin Prayin’ is actually the only effective counter terrorism force in the church. Unlike other terrorist cells, the Bin Prayin’ team does not blend in with whoever and whatever comes along.

Bin Prayin’ does whatever is needed to uplift and encourage the body of Christ. We have noticed that the Bin Prayin’ cell group has different characteristics than the others. They have Bin Watchin’, Bin Waitin’, Bin Fastin’, and Bin Longin’ for the Lord Jesus Christ to return.

No church is exempt from their invasion! However, you can spot them pretty quickly if you bin lookin’ and bin goin’!


With Obama in hog heaven

(If you read the item just above this one, you will easily grasp the meaning of this little tale.)

There is a classic story about how no one had been able to capture a herd of wild hogs that was rooting up crops at numerous farms. It got so bad that rewards had been posted for anyone clever enough to corral the critters. But even this resulted in only limited success.

One day a stranger, who was a wily old trapper, came into town, and upon entering the general store ordered a truckload of fence posts and fencing, along with some feed. When asked what he was going to use it for, he said, “I’m going to get those wild hogs y’all are having trouble with.”

Of course, everyone in the store laughed at the overconfident stranger. A few weeks later, however, the stranger rode into town with the back of his truck tightly packed with the smelly swine.

When asked how he was able to accomplish what no one else had been able to do, the old trapper replied, “Simple. I started putting the feed out in a small clearing and the hogs began freely eating the feed. It didn’t take long and they were there every day. Then I put up the fence posts, but with no fencing. At first the hogs were a little skittish, but it wasn’t long until they ignored the posts. Then I began putting the fence up, but I left the gate off. Again, the hogs were skittish at first, but soon realized they could come and go freely, and before long, they were devouring the free food with a vengeance. Then, one day when the hogs were aggressively consuming the vittles, I slammed the gate closed.”

Ladies and gentlemen, I submit that what the old trapper did to the wild hogs is exactly what our soon-to-be oppressors are doing to us! What is worse, most Americans seem about as oblivious to the whole thing as that bunch of pigs. For anyone who is paying attention, however, the signs of growing political enslavement are everywhere. Our freedoms are being gradually removed as another fence post is set into place. Millions are in denial, just like the hogs, but the truth is easy to see. We just keep eating the stuff that is being tossed out for us with no thought of how our constitutional liberties are rapidly disappearing.

The gate is closing. Is anyone noticing?


Speaking of denial…

I recently read a list of accomplishments that some originally either dismissed or figured were impossible in the beginning. (Source unknown.) Here are some of them:

• “The telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.”  – An internal Western Union memo, 1876

• “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.”  – IBM chairman Thomas Watson, 1943

• “The information superhighway is a dirt road that won’t be paved over until 2025.” – Sumner Redstone, CEO of Viacom/Blockbuster

• “Who the h–l wants to hear actors talk?”  – H.M. Warner, Warner Brothers, 1927 (speaking of talking movies)

• “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.”

Ken Olson, founder, chairman & president of DEC, 1977

• “640k ought to be enough for anybody.”  – Bill Gates, 1981, of computer memory

• “Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.”

Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science in 1949 • “Everything that can be invented has already been invented.” – Charles H. Duell, director of the U.S. Patent Office, 1899

• “Computer games don’t affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we’d all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.” – Kristin Wilson, Nintendo, Inc., 1989.

• “A rocket will never be able to leave the earth’s atmosphere.”  – The New York Times, 1936

• “The only thing I’d rather own than Windows is English. Then I’d be able to charge you an upgrade fee every time I add new letters like N and T.”  – Scott McNealy, chairman of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

• “I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won’t last out the year.” – The editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957

• “But what … is it good for?” – Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, commenting on the microchip.

• “The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?”  – David Sarnoff’s associates in response to his urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920s.

• “The world is coming to an end in 1950.” – Historian Henry Adams, 1903

• “There is no likelihood man can ever tap the power of the atom.”

Nobel Prize-winning physicist Robert Milliken, 1923

• “So we went to Atari and said, ‘Hey, we’ve got this amazing thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us? Or we’ll give it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we’ll come work for you.’ And they said, ‘No.’ So then we went to Hewlett-Packard, and they said, ‘Hey, we don’t need you. You haven’t gone through college yet.” – Apple Computer Inc. founder Steve Jobs on attempts to get Atari and H-P interested in his and Steve Wozniak’s personal computer.

Did I hear someone say, “No one really wants this Apostolic gospel”?


“It Couldn’t Be Done” Day

The preceding list shows that what was thought impossible yesterday can be a reality today.

One of the most motivating factors for forward-thinking individuals is that someone says it can’t be done. Perhaps that is why, in my ministry, I often preferred to do things no one else was doing. In 1961 I went to the East Coast to begin a new work when others were saying no one out there wanted the gospel, that it was a preacher’s graveyard. We proved that folks out there were indeed hungry for the gospel. In three and a half years we had a self-supporting church with a new brick building in a prominent location in the city of Greensboro. After four years, Brother Curtis Young assumed the pastorate and I left to evangelize, conduct personal evangelism seminars, and promote home missions in the urban areas of our nation.

When I departed, I took with me a particular burden for the populated East Coast area of our nation. I soon made a trip of several thousand miles, focusing on cities from Georgia to Massachusetts and New Hampshire, taking pictures in larger towns with no church, interviewing people on the streets, finding buildings that could be used for churches, and made a slide presentation of home missions possibilities that was shown at the next General Conference. After the presentation, J. T. Pugh appealed for men to go to those cities and found a church. Over two hundred ministers pressed forward to volunteer. Within two years, there were almost thirty new churches begun on the East Coast that were a direct result of that service. Many others would be started in the following years by men who had caught the vision in that meeting. In 1961, there were only two churches operating in the entire state of North Carolina. Today there are scores.

I suggested that an Evangelism Commission be created under the auspices of the Home Missions Division. It was, and I was asked to serve as its first coordinator. The office of General Home Missions Secretary was soon created and I was asked to serve in that capacity. Interoffice communications were important so I started The Insider newsletter for the growing number of employees at WEC. The Pentecostal image was generally poor in those days as far as the public was concerned, so I worked to raise the profile and visibility of the UPCI and in the process founded the Public Relations Department.

We needed communication from the General Headquarters and the various Divisions and suggested the founding of the Forward ministers’ magazine. I served as its first editor for several years.

Texas Bible College had never had a Vice President. While pastoring in Arkansas, I was asked to move to Houston and assume that position. Later, when serving as president of TBC, we inaugurated a number of new programs, including ExCeLL (Extension Centers for Learning on Location). In 1978, I was asked to plan and participate in the training of new ministers and those upgrading their credentials in the Texas District, and have since participated in approximately one hundred seminars for them. Today that program is called the Ministerial Advancement Program (MAP) and I serve as its first chairman.

Why am I saying those things? To toot my own horn? Honestly, I don’t need my horn tooted. No—just to say that a man becomes responsible for what he “sees.” Merely because no one else is doing something, or has done it, does not mean that it can’t or shouldn’t be done. If it is a legitimate need, find a way. Make it happen. “Lift up your eyes…,” Jesus said. Senator Robert F. Kennedy said it this way: “Some men see things as they are and ask, ‘Why?’ I dream things that never were and ask, ‘Why not?’”

Korczak Ziolkowski was told he could not transform a mountain in the Black Hills of South Dakota into a graven monument to Crazy Horse, the famous Sioux chief. When he was well along in the project, the city of Rapid City celebrated “It Couldn’t Be Done Day” to commemorate the fact that all it takes is a vision, a strong will and absolute selflessness to achieve big things. As that spirit is brought over into the church, good things for God begin to happen!

What have YOU been told that couldn’t be done? Speak to God about it, and the two of you get together and go do it!


It didn’t matter…

The fundamental transformation of America is underway. Barack Hussein Obama promised that he would “fundamentally transform America.” He is being quite successful. Did it matter? At the time he said it, people cheered and clapped like puppets on a string. Watch the 8-second clip:

• When Barack Obama wrote a book and said he was mentored as a youth by “Uncle Frank,” (Frank Marshall Davis) an avowed Communist and bi-sexual porn producer, people said it didn’t matter.

• When it was discovered that Obama’s grandparents were strong socialists, sent Obama’s mother to a socialist school, and introduced Frank Marshall Davis to young Obama, people said it didn’t matter.

• When people found out that he was enrolled as a Muslim child in school and his father and stepfather were both Muslims, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he campaigned for socialist Bernie Sanders for the U.S. Senate, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he wrote in another book he authored, “I will stand with them (Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction,” people said it didn’t matter.

• When he admitted in his book that he chose Marxist friends and professors in college, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he traveled to Pakistan, after college on an unknown national passport, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he sought the endorsement of the Marxists groups when he ran for the Illinois Senate, people said it doesn’t matter.

• When he sat in a Chicago church for twenty years and listened to a preacher spew hatred for America and preach black liberation theology, people said it didn’t matter.

• When three alleged homosexuals in that Chicago church, including the choir director, were murdered within sixty days of each other during the presidential campaign, the mainstream media suppressed the story and no one has been indicted for those deaths as far as we can tell, but folks said it didn’t matter.

• When Obama himself was accused of homosexual acts by a former friend, the person was dismissed as someone with an ax to grind, and the people said it really didn’t matter.

• When an independent Washington organization that tracks senate voting records, gave him the distinctive title as the “most liberal senator,” people said it didn’t matter.

• When the Palestinians in Gaza set up a fundraising telethon to raise money for his election campaign, people said it didn’t matter.

• When his voting record supported gun control, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he refused to disclose who donated money to his election campaign, as other candidates had done, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he received endorsements from people like Louis Farrakhan and Muammar Gaddafi and Hugo Chavez, people said it didn’t matter.

• When it was pointed out that he had absolutely no appreciable experience at anything except community organizing, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he chose friends and colleagues such as Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn who were revolutionary radicals, people said it didn’t matter.

• When his voting record in the Illinois senate and in the U.S. Senate came into question, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he refused to wear a flag, lapel pin and did so only after a public outcry, people said it didn’t matter.

• When people started treating him as a Messiah and children in schools were taught to sing his praises, people said it didn’t matter.

When he stood with his hands over his groin area for the playing of the National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he said he favors sex education in Kindergarten, including homosexual indoctrination, people said it didn’t matter.

• When his background was either scrubbed or hidden and nothing could be found about him, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he had an association in Chicago with Tony Rezco, a man of questionable character, who is now in prison and had helped Obama to a sweet deal on the purchase of his home, people said it didn’t matter.

• When it became known that George Soros, a multi-billionaire Marxist, spent a ton of money to get him elected, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he started appointing czars that were radicals, revolutionaries, and even avowed Marxist/Communist, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he stood before the nation and told us that his intentions were to “fundamentally transform this nation” into something else, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he appointed cabinet members and several advisors who were tax cheats and socialists, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he appointed John Holdren as science czar, a man who believes in forced abortions, mass sterilizations and seizing babies from teen mothers, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he brought control of the U.S. Census Bureau into the White House, people said it doesn’t matter.

• When he appointed Cass Sunstein as regulatory czar, a man who believes in “Explicit Consent,” harvesting human organs without family consent, and to allow animals to be represented in court, while banning all hunting, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he appointed Kevin Jennings, the homosexual founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, as safe school czar and it became known that he had a history of bad advice to teenagers, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he appointed Mark Lloyd as diversity czar, one who believes in curtailing free speech, taking from one and giving to another to spread the wealth, and admires Hugo Chavez, people said it didn’t matter.

• When Valerie Jarrett was selected as Obama’s senior White House advisor and she is an avowed Socialist, people said it didn’t matter.

• When Anita Dunn, White House Communications director said Mao Tse Tung was her favorite philosopher and the person she turned to most for inspiration, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he appointed Carol Browner as global warming czar, when she is a well-known socialist working on Cap and Trade as the nation’s largest tax, people said it doesn’t matter.

• When he appointed Van Jones, an ex-con and avowed Communist as green energy czar, who since had to resign when this was made known, people said it didn’t matter.

• When Tom Daschle, Obama’s pick for health and human services secretary, could not be confirmed, because he was a tax cheat, people said it didn’t matter.

• When as president of the United States, he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he traveled around the world criticizing America and never once talking of her greatness, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he took American tax dollars to resettle thousands of Palestinians from Gaza to the United States, people said it doesn’t matter.

• When he called for a “civilian national security force,” people clapped and cheered. It didn’t seem to be a matter of concern.

• When he started spending us into a debt that was so big we could not pay it off, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he took a huge spending bill under the guise of stimulus and used it to pay off organizations, unions and individuals that got him elected, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he took over insurance companies, car companies, banks, etc., people said it didn’t matter.

• When he took away student loans from the banks and gave the authority solely to the government, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he designed plans to take over the health care system and put it under government control, people said it didn’t matter.

• When he set into motion a plan to take over the control of all energy in the United States through Cap and Trade, people said it didn’t matter.

But it does matter! When you add all of these things up, and others could be added to the list, you get a phenomenal score that points to the fact that Obama is determined to make America over into a Marxist/Socialist society. When Obama finally completes his transformation of America into a socialist state, people may eventually wake up, but it will be too late. They will be powerless to do anything about it. NOW is the time to make our voices heard.

Never before in the history of America have we been confronted with problems so huge that the very existence of our country is in jeopardy. Don’t rely on most news outlets and what you read in the newspapers for the truth. Verify the above statements for yourself.

(The above article was sent to me and was credited to Dr. Melissa R. Robinson of Fishersville, Virginia. I called to verify her authorship and it was denied. Whoever wrote it was insightful and concerned. I felt it should be shared. I even added a couple of bullet points.)

Most or all of the above points can be verified by research on the Internet. For more evidence of Obama’s socialistic bent, go to (documentation about “Uncle Frank”)


Sooner or later they will be coming after your guns!


Go ahead…

…ignore the elephant in the room.


What about body piercing and tattoos?

The Alliance of Professional Tattooists (APT) estimates that over 39 million Americans have a tattoo. What does the Bible say about this practice? (See pages 176-189 in Why…? Ten questions that deserve honest answers by J. R. Ensey.)

What is the meaning of “evangelical hybrids”?

A number of New Spirituality (formerly called New Age) proponents convincingly call themselves “Evangelicals,” deceiving many and confusing even some Apostolics. (See pages 72-90 in A Time of Departing by Ray Yungen.)

What are “mystery religions”? What is “patripassionism”? What is “Gnosticism”? The answers to these questions and over a thousand others are found in The New Cyclopedic Theological Dictionary, the first serious reference volume presenting the Apostolic viewpoint. Compiled and edited by J. R. Ensey.)

The above books can be ordered at or call 936-856-3419. Thanks for buying your Apostolic books and Bibles from Advance Ministries.


A picture is worth a thousand words.


Book review with a new term: Homospirituality

A New Kind of Christianity

By Brian McLaren

HarperCollins Publishers

List: $24.99

Reviewed by John Lanagan (free-lance writer and researcher)

Brian McLaren is the acknowledged leader of the Emergent movement. In this latest book, the reader is cordially invited to join the author in a heretical assault upon God and the Bible. Indeed, as McLaren enthusiastically demonstrates, it is not possible to attack one without attacking the other.

Acknowledging the work of fellow emergent travelers such as Phyllis Tickle, Tony Jones, and Doug Pagitt, McLaren tells us “something is trying to be born among those of us who follow Jesus Christ.” (pg.13) In fact, writes McLaren, “what is trying to be born today echoes the Great Reformation in many ways.” (pg.257)

What does McLaren’s “reformation” offer? An errant eschatology. A New Age “christ.” The ascent of homospirituality into the temple (2 Kings 23: 7). All made possible, of course, through creative misinterpretation of God’s Word. The author has brought us his Great Deformation, a theology that plays to the flesh even while being portrayed as a spiritual journey.

One of the major themes in A New Kind of Christianity, homosexuality, cleverly defines Christians who speak out against the homosexual lifestyle as suffering from “fundasexuality.” (Pg.174-5) However, you are only a “fundasexualist” if you speak out loudly against this sin. McLaren decrees, “The term does not apply to the quiet, pious, respectful fundamentalism of straightforward, sincere people, but rather to the organizing, angry, dominating fundamentalism that declares war on those who differ.” (pg. 174-5) In other words, when it comes to homosexuality, a good Christian is a silent Christian.

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).

Yet, no matter what name his god is given, you will not find this redesigned deity in the Old or New Testament. The only way to promote the existence of this “god” is to radically change biblical interpretation—which is exactly what the author spends much time and many pages seeking to accomplish. “There will be no new kind of Christian faith without a new approach to the Bible,” he opines, “because we’ve gotten ourselves into a mess with the Bible.” (Pg. 67-68)

In his chapter, ‘What is the Overarching Storyline of the Bible?’ McLaren notes he and others have “dared to tweak” the content of the Word of God. “We might question conventional theories of atonement or the nature and population of hell or whether concepts like original sin or total depravity might need to be modified.” (pg. 35)

McLaren does indeed “modify.” He modifies with a vengeance. Thus this emergent “Jesus” was never sent by the Father to die in our place for our sins. There is no substitutionary atonement. There is no original sin. (And there is no Hell as Jesus described.)

As in his other books, in A New Kind of Christianity McLaren exhibits his ability and talent to write well and draw readers with his conversational tone, seemingly measured, with humorous comments sprinkled in here and there. He gives the impression of allowing much room to disagree with him. He invites us on a journey, which he portrays as part of the natural “evolution” of Christianity.

“The old paradigm falls away behind us like a point of departure, and we are won over to new possibilities, caught up in a new way of seeing, looking toward a new and wide horizon.” (Pg.30) But since the author does not comprehend the Bible (1 Corinthians 2:14), what practices does he engage in to gain wisdom and knowledge?

Interestingly, McLaren identifies himself as a “contemplative/reflexive.” (pg. 226) He writes, “In the tradition of Julian of Norwich and St. Teresa of Avila and all the other mystics, we can learn to render ourselves vulnerable to the “favors of God”—those indescribable experiences that mock our dualisms and so saturate our imagination with abundance that they transcend our ability to convey joy and wonder. In the tradition of St. John of the Cross, we can learn to survive and derive benefits from the soul’s dark night.” (pg. 227) Like most leading figures in the Emergent movement, McLaren advocates contemplative spirituality.

A New Kind of Christianity will serve as a lure for biblically illiterate Christians. For believers who know the Word of God, McLaren’s heresy will sadden and astound. His book is aimed at the young, and at people who have perhaps grown up in households with little or no faith. It is aimed at the unsaved and the uncertain. It is for the disappointed and disenchanted, and for people who simply know no better. If you have a gripe against God or His people, this book will lick your wounds. But what this book will not do is provide any measure of godly hope and biblical virtue. (End of Lanagan’s review)

Garbage! Please save your money. Even if they give it to you, don’t take it. On second thought, take it and toss it in the nearest dumpster with the other trash where it belongs. The Emergent heresy represents a return to darkness. The future of the Apostolic faith is out there ahead of us, not behind us. True Apostolic bugles sound no retreat!


Parting shot

In the last fifty years, the most creative thinkers, preachers and singers in America have come from Apostolic ranks. Although we have no corner on good ideas, and should always be resourceful, we ought not feel an overwhelming need to consult with or copy those from other faiths when it comes to doctrine, worship and evangelism. – jre


See you next week in Nashville! May the “April showers” be showers of blessing on you and yours!


Published in: on April 1, 2010 at 6:09 AM  Leave a Comment  

March 2010 Blog

Welcome to the March 2010 Blog. Get a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and let’s visit.


Quotes worth re-quoting

Tell me and I will forget;

Show me and I might remember;

Involve me and I will understand.

– Ben Franklin

A wife who is 85% faithful to her husband is not faithful at all. There is no such thing as part-time loyalty to Jesus Christ.  – Vance Havner

I’m convinced that a man’s commitment to his message is measured by the significance of his words when he has to speak to only a handful of people. – Howard Hendricks, Say It With Love, p. 73

Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. It is the words that speak boldly of your intentions. And the actions which speak louder than words. It is making the time when there is none. Coming through time after time, year after year. Commitment is the stuff character is made of; the power to change the face of things. It is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism.  – Source unknown

“The officials of Zoan are nothing but fools, the wise counselors of Pharaoh give senseless advice” (Isaiah 19:11 NIV).


Moral geldings

In a recent article called “Barbarism looms as life is devalued,” Richard Land, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission for the Southern Baptist Convention, spoke out forcefully for a biblical view of life—for both young and old. The article in Faith and Family Values magazine was excerpted from a sermon preached at a New Orleans seminary that raised questions about abortion, embryonic stem cell research, cloning, physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia and health care reform.

Land reminded them of C. S. Lewis’ warning of more than a half-century ago in The Abolition of Man. Lewis stated that that human essence would someday be destroyed by “men without chests”—a scientific and technological elite that would possess mind and instinct but no heart or moral compass to govern thought and action, that we would “produce traitors, and wonder why we had men without honor; and we would create moral geldings and then tell them to go forth and multiply.”

In the context of the sanctity of life being opposed by today’s moral relativism, Land emphasized that “some things are always wrong, even if they’re legal. And some things are right, even if they’re illegal.”

Psychiatrists are leading the way into this moral and ethical collapse and ministers are so enthralled by their so-called education that many of them are buying into the postmodern mindset they advocate. Land pointed out British behaviorist B. F. Skinner who argued that the essence of man, as well as freedom and dignity, are outmoded ideas.” Skinner became “the poster boy for barbarism with a Ph.D.,” Land said.

The candid sermon/article stated that denying care to the elderly just because they’re old, just because it’s cost-effective, is no less barbaric than leaving our elders to die of exposure on an ice floe or out in the jungle. The only difference is the sophistication with which the elderly are dispatched. It’s still barbarism and must be called as such,” Land said.

I agree when he says that “it is oxymoronic to believe that Christians should avoid controversy. The gospel by its very essence is controversial.”

Land called President Obama’s chief health care adviser, Ezekiel Emanuel, the “poster boy” for this kind of thinking. Emanuel is the brother of Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and a member of a presidential commission that will “make decisions on what
your doctors are allowed to do to treat you, and what they will not be allowed to do to treat you in the future.”

Ezekiel Emanuel, Land said, has written articles in leading medical journals, including the JAMA, calling for reform modeled after the British health care system. Emanuel argues that maximum access to health cane should he reserved for those between fifteen and forty. After forty, access to care should decline, bottoming out at around sixty-five because, as Land put it. You’ve already had the chance to live a complete life, and society needs to adjust as well to those who have complete lives left to live.”

After age fifty-nine and a half, Land said, “British patients can’t get dialysis or open heart surgery, because the procedures are not deemed cost-effective.” [I suppose that is why the mortality rate in Great Britain are much higher than in the U.S.]

Small children are also expendable, so Emmanuel argues that because society has “already invested ten years in the education and medical care of a fifteen year-old, an older child takes precedence over an ill five-year-old.”

Land added, “When you live its a society where nothing is always right and nothing is always wrong, you live in society in which anything is possible, including the sacrifice of 55 million babies (aborted since 1973) because at least one pundit considered that baby to be too embarrassing, too expensive, too ill, or merely too inconvenient.” (Excerpted from Faith and Family Values Magazine, Issue 2, 2009)

Have you ever wondered why many of our Apostolic leaders never speak out on the issues that Christians are confronted with in the public square? I am not talking up the social gospel. Life and death, ethics and morals, and a biblical worldview are essentials that need to be clearly enunciated to our generation. It is not illegal or political to do so. We are well within our rights to declare the whole counsel of God. But it takes courage and conviction. May God help us to develop whatever it takes to lead this generation of Apostolics in the paths of righteousness.


Stop and smell the flowers

Psalm 23:

The Lord is my pace-setter I shall not rush;

He makes me stop and rest for quiet intervals, He provides me with images of stillness,
which restore my serenity.

He leads me in the ways of efficiency through calmness of mind and His guidance is peace.

Even though I have a great many things to accomplish each day, I will not fret for His presence is here, His timelessness, His all importance will keep me in balance.

He prepares refreshment and renewal in the midst of my activity.

By anointing my mind with His oils of tranquility, my cup of joyous energy overflows.

Surely harmony and effectiveness shall be the fruits of my hours,

For I shall walk in the pace of my Lord,

And dwell in His house forever.

(A Japanese version of the 23rd Psalm; source unknown)


AMC is almost here

One of the most enjoyable meetings of the year is just around the corner. If you love preaching and genuine Apostolic fellowship, you will love Apostolic Ministerial Conference. Bring your entire family and join us for a good time in the Word, in prayer and in sincere worship. You will leave refreshed and encouraged!

The dates are April 7-9, at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN. Between services, Opryland is where you can have a lot of family fun, enjoy shopping, dine modestly or elegantly, and get lost—all under one roof.

Call 615-883-2211 for reservations today and ask for AMC rates. Booking code is S-AMC10.


Some churches up…others down

New statistics just released show that the Catholic Church has made substantial gains (up 1.49%) since the last census. The Mormons are also up by 1.71%, as are the Assemblies of God (up 1.27%). Others in the top ten church bodies in America have no change (Church of God in Christ, both bodies of National Baptists), or are down (Southern Baptists -0.24%, United Methodists -0.98%, Evangelical Lutherans -1.62%, Presbyterian Church USA -3.3%.

Source: 2010 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches


Methodology doesn’t matter

…or does it?

Some are saying it doesn’t matter what methodologies we use in doing the work of God. The more we can relate to the culture the more likely they will open up to us—that’s the key to soulwinning, they assume.

Once that philosophy is adopted, the sky is the limit. Anything goes. Who are you to say what I should or should not do? Or what I should or should not wear in the pulpit, or who I use on my platform, as part of my relating to the culture? We are all independent and need the freedom to engage the culture in any way we personally see fit.

Got it. I understand. No one is ascribing sin for much of the methodology of a few pastors who have stars in their eyes, psychedelic lights on the wall, and holes in their jeans. Go for it. Have “conversations” and dispense with preaching. Let’s see if it builds Apostolic churches where people are truly converted and live for God according to the Scriptures. Or if holiness is soon tossed out the window, to be followed by doctrine that is swept out the door.

While not one of these things is mentioned in the Bible as being sinful, there are some principles that we are unwise to overlook when we are making our choices of methodology. Consider the passage in Deuteronomy 12:29-32. It seems that God is saying to Israel: “Don’t take a lesson from the unbelieving Canaanites on how to worship God.” That lets us know that God takes note of our methods and their sources.

But soon the Israelites were constructing groves and high places similar to the heathen, and their worship began to assume the methodology and trappings of the idolaters. Perhaps they were almost indistinguishable to the casual observer. However, it displeased the Lord and He had to find a leader who had the guts to remove those practices from Israel (II Kings 18:1-4). Is there not a lesson here?

Smart people adopt this practice: Learn from the mistakes of others because you will never live long enough to make them all yourself.


America, a nation of slobs

[Below is a recent article by syndicated columnist Froma Harrop. She makes some valid points that should catch the attention of every Pentecostal minister and dedicated layman.]

We’ve become a nation of slobs. A modicum of care in dress and grooming would seem a basic minimum just about everywhere—or it used to be. It seems that the richer this country gets, the more slovenly people have become. It’s a grim scene.

Had George Washington joined me outside a Chili’s at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport recently, he would have shuddered at the sight. There, a nation of slobs paraded through the crossroads of America. Frayed denim hems swept the filthy floor. Cleavage poured out of T-shirts bearing vulgar messages. Big bellies flowed over the waists of jeans. Mature women waddled in stained sweat suits. Some passers-by stuffed their mouths with pizza as they walked.

Washington was a stickler for good manners, and that included dignified dress. As a youth, he hand-copied a text called “Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation.” They included: “Wear not your Cloths, foul…or Dusty but See they be Brush’d once every day at least and take heed that you approach not to any Uncleaness.”

Some observers suspect that a collapse in grooming and attention to dress has contributed to the decline in civility on our streets and in our politics. People don’t care what they look like in public because they don’t care about the public. They have little notion of, or interest in, playing a supportive role in their civilization.

Many dress carefully for important events, such as weddings and funerals. But they regard a planeload of strangers as nobodies for whom they don’t have to change out of a sweatshirt. People wear shorts and flip-flops to church.

Some don’t even dress up for the most solemn of occasions. Funeral home directors note an increase in visitors perfectly outfitted for a barbecue. The day after Jackie Onassis died, actress Daryl Hannah famously came to her apartment in jeans and T-shirt.

Dress codes have collapsed at all but a handful of upscale restaurants. The proprietors create an atmosphere of elegance and romance only to see it populated by people dressed for mowing a lawn.

As the Chicago chef Charlie Trotter told the San Francisco Chronicle a few years ago, “I call it the casualization of America, and it’s a grim scene.”

New York remains the most formal city, say proprietors of fancy dining establishments, and the degree of dressing-down rises the farther one moves west. This trend hits bottom in some of California’s richest enclaves. Hollywood moguls and Silicon Valley tycoons seem to revel in visiting the most expensive locales wearing baseball caps on backward.

Whereas the old Hollywood would pour on the jewels and fine silks to impress, the new Hollywood dresses sloppily to say, “I’m so important, I don’t have to make the smallest effort on your behalf.”

But do not confuse the jogging pants and dirty sneakers with any interest in making common cause with the masses. The movie stars in the undershirts are nonetheless driving Porsches and living in 20-room mansions. Their wealth is not left in doubt.

A friend in Omaha has noted the phenomenon where young women doll up for a date while the young men with them look like total slobs. It’s a sad commentary on modern relationships.

We must concede that this is a big country with different expectations for proper attire. One person’s ostentation may be another’s good manners. But a modicum of care in dress and grooming would seem a basic minimum just about everywhere—or it used to be. Cowboys might get muddy on the job, but they were clean and pressed for the Saturday night dance.

It seems that the richer this country gets, the more slovenly people have become. It’s a grim scene all right. [End of article]

Where is this “grim scene” quite noticeable today? Answer: In the pulpits and on the platforms of some of the Pentecostal churches that once represented godliness, respect and decorum.

I was recently in a church where there were a number of men who had come from the streets, many bearing tattoos and other non-removable signs of their former lives. But they were in Sunday church, worshipping God, praying with seekers—with suits and ties on. Why? Because the pastor demanded it? No, because their testimony called for a change in their attire that once had identified them with the slouchy, sloppy “don’t care” crowd. They were representing Jesus now, not Ambercrombie Fitch or some sleazy street gang. They were respecting the house of God. They felt it deserved their best. And their best, regardless if it had been clean overalls, made them feel better about themselves. It is a fact that slouchy clothes in God’s house usually express a slouchy spirit and contribute to slouchy worship.

Follow the slouchers and Emergents, look like the slouchers and Emergents, talk like the slouchers and Emergents, worship like the slouchers and Emergents—but don’t slam someone if they happen to mistake you for one.


Beards, mustaches, and other facial hair

(An excerpt from The First Four Seconds: Things Successful Men Know About Dressing for Power by Martha Falke)

Beards are better left to those employed in the arts or the more liberally oriented professions, e.g., certain medical specialties, advertising, or public relations. [I might add, “and Ivy League professors.”]

John T. Molloy, in Dress for Success, says “Although a beard may be acceptable to 60 percent of your clients and colleagues, it may possibly turn off the other 40 percent. Why risk turning off that other percent?”

Most men should avoid mustaches, long sideburns, and beards, since more often than not they do not enhance the male appearance. For example, by sporting heavy facial hair, a man with a low forehead only accentuates this feature.

In the same way, long sideburns are not becoming to men with round faces. And for the most part, blonde mustaches only succeed in making the face look dirty.

If you still yearn to grow long whiskers, remember that extremes are often taboo in the corporate sector. Most conservative companies tell me that they will not tolerate a Fu Manchu, handlebar, or any other extended facial hair styles.

Some companies go so far as to ban facial hair entirely. Tandy Corporation and IBM have a policy of not accepting beards or mustaches. Ron Stegall, Senior Vice-President of the Business Products division of Tandy said, “We want our computer centers and our people to look as good as we are.” (End excerpt)

Does anyone wonder why the New York Yankee baseball players are not permitted to wear facial hair and long hair? And why almost all men in the financial world avoid wearing facial hair? Because studies have shown that men who wear facial are not as trusted as those do not since it is often viewed as a “mask.” (For more information about the wearing of facial hair, order the book Facial Hair: A Christian Perspective from

Would God also expect us to look as good as we are when we are representing Him in public?


“Bible” again revised

I know most of our readers will be thrilled to hear that the psychiatry bible (will a little “b”) is again being updated and enlarged. The Washington Post reports that the following additions are up for inclusion in the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM):

• Children who throw too many tantrums could be diagnosed with “temper dys-regulation disorder with dysphoria.” [That used to be cured with loving discipline that sometimes involved the peach tree out back.]

• Teenagers who seem “eccentric” might be candidates for treatment of “psychosis risk syndrome.”

Hmmmm… “Eccentric” is quite broad in its definition. Could “risk syndromes” be extended to include such conditions as “extreme religiosity,” or “Bible addiction,” or “church attendance disorder”? Certainly speaking in tongues might someday be diagnosed as a psychotic delusional disorder. I realize that may sound unreasonable to us now, but the way our country is moving, anything is possible five or ten years.

Advocates of these and many other proposed additions to the growing list of so-called disorders claim that the new diagnoses “will help shape which emotions, behaviors, thoughts and personality traits society considers part of the natural spectrum of the human persona and which are considered pathological, requiring treatment and possibly even criminal punishment.” Wow! Re-read that quote from the report and consider the possibilities this offers to the regulation of human behavior. The DSM puts a club into the hands of the social engineers of the current administration that could be used to quell any dissent and curtail whatever behaviors they feel are not in the best interest of society. It creates a track to move from simple “personality traits” to “criminal” activity and “punishment.” Think of the implications.

The American Psychiatric Association president, Alan Schatzberg, says, “We want to get an accurate assessment of what the degree of psychopathology might be in the culture.” Of course. Backing the new diagnoses will be the drug companies who stand to reap billions from the medications they will produce to treat the new “disorders.” And the psychiatrists will cream off millions in kickbacks from the pharmaceuticals for prescribing their pills and potions. Duh.

A few level-headed individuals have expressed “fear that the new diagnoses could unnecessarily stigmatize many people and lead to the unnecessary use of psychiatric medication that can sometimes produce serious side effects.” But their voices are quickly drowned out by the screams of the public for a swift fix for all of their perceived problems.

Wake up, America! Wake up, Apostolics! The “psych bible” might be enlarged and adjusted, but the Bible we know still has the solid answers people most need to hear: “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue” (II Peter 1:3). It needs no additions or deletions.


Hate crimes harbinger?

The mayor of Lancaster, California, has apologized for pro-Christian comments he made recently before a group of pastors.

Mayor R. Rex Parris said in his address that Lancaster was “growing a Christian community,” and after controversy developed he issued an apology. City Councilwoman Sherry Marquez posted on Facebook comments about a Muslim honor killing on the East Coast, thought better about it, and pulled the comments an hour and a half later. She has also apologized.

Darren Parker of the The Antelope Valley Human Relations Task Force responded and heard from community residents Monday night. Task Force chairman Darren Parker told OneNewsNow that hate crimes charges against Parris and Marquez will not be sought.

“The organization will send a letter,” he explains. “It was voted on by the entire body, recommended along with our legal counsel, that unanimously we would send a letter recognizing that in fact something had happened, and that in fact people were harmed by this.”

Parker said the apologies were helpful. But the Council on American-Islamic Relations has filed a federal complaint against both parties. Brad Dacus of the Pacific Justice Institute complains that the case demonstrates that hate-crimes laws chill free speech.

Dacus said, “With the hate-crimes bill in place, this is probably just one example of many to come of attempts to try to silence people of faith,” says the attorney. “And that’s why we must aggressively correct this and make sure these individuals and their rights are protected against this kind of outrageous intimidation and silencing.”

The letters from the Task Force, according to the Antelope Valley Press, were to tell Marquez that her remarks were “divisive and inflammatory”—and the mayor that his were “divisive and exclusive rather than inclusive.”

Source: Charlie Butts – OneNewsNow – 2/10/2010

Wouldn’t you like to ask the CAIR if someone could join their group without becoming a Muslim? Are they exclusive or inclusive?


Can we trust the Bible?

There are many reasons we can justifiably put our confidence in the Bibles we hold and read today as the Word of God. One of them would be that Jesus and His disciples trusted the Hebrew Scriptures wholeheartedly and used them often.

The Old Testament Scriptures were affirmed by Jesus—who often quoted from them—as authoritative and inspired. Jesus appealed to Genesis 1:27 and 2:24 when teaching on the permanence of the marriage bond (Mark 10:6ff). He called David “inspired” (Mark 12:36) and declared that Scripture cannot be broken (Matthew 26:54; Luke 22:37; John 10:35). He fully understood that the prophecies of the Old Testament related directly to Himself (Luke 4:16-21,24-27,44-46; John 5:39). Jesus taught reverence for the Scriptures by His own example in reading from them (Luke 4:17,18). He appealed to them when He was tempted in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-10), and even declared that Moses and his writings were a more powerful witness from God than someone rising from the dead (Luke 16:31). His view of the Old Testament Scriptures should settle the issue for us. It did for Christ’s disciples: “And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along (Greek phero) by the Holy Spirit” (II Peter 1:19-21 NIV).

As Jesus had done before them, the Apostles and leaders of the early church expressed their faith in the veracity of the Old Testament Scriptures with specific references (Acts 1:16; James 4:5; Acts 7:38; Romans 3:2). They were not preaching and proclaiming their dictums and rituals as the means of salvation and redemption but as signposts that pointed to Jesus Christ as the Messiah (Galatians 3:24,25; I Corinthians 10:11) who was indeed the means of salvation and redemption.

Writing in Revelation and the Bible, Roger Nicole claims to have counted in the New Testament 224 direct quotations from the Old Testament introduced by such definite phrases as “Scripture says,” or “it is written.” He lists many other occasions where a second quotation is introduced by “and,” or where a summary or paraphrase is used rather than a direct quotation.1 Of 260 chapters in the New Testament, 209 of them quote the Old Testament. All sections of the Old Testament were quoted from in the New Testament.

Many scholars hold that the Septuagint (LXX) was the Bible that was embraced by the early Christians. When the New Testament speaks of “the Scriptures” it may be to them that the reference is made, with the possible exception of II Peter 3:16 where it mentions “the other scriptures” (Paul’s writings were already recognized as “scripture,” and the reference probably alludes to earlier NT writings). We do know that it was from the LXX that the first five books in our present Bible got their names. Genesis is the Greek word for “beginnings.” Exodus is from the Greek word exodos, meaning a “going out.” Leviticus was so named because it refers largely to the work of the priests who were Levites. Numbers is the English equivalent of arithmoi, its name in the LXX. The book records two numberings of the people of Israel, one made at Sinai soon after they left Egypt, and the other in the plains of Moab before they crossed into Canaan. Deuteronomy is composed of two Greek words, deuteros (“second”) and nomos (“law”). The words meant that it was the second stating of the law of God for a generation that was not around when the law was first given to Moses at Sinai.2


1. Carl F. H. Henry, ed., Revelation and the Bible (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House), ch. 9.

2. Ralph Earle, How We Got Our Bible (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 1971), p. 32.

(Adapted from The Book We Call the Bible by J. R. Ensey.)


Conservative and liberal labels—are they divisive?

These old labels have been around a long time. We could probably point to a number of individuals in the Old Testament who could be tagged with one or the other. We do know that in the time of Jesus there were two schools of Jewish thought, one bearing the name of Hillel and the other Shammai.1 Shammai was generally thought to be the more conservative of the two on most points of the Hebrew law. Jesus Himself had to confront a serious issue on which these two philosophers and legalists were divided (Matthew 19:3-12).

Since that time, religious and political movements, including their factions and individual members, have tended to be categorized as either liberal or conservative. Ordinarily, the assessment is applied quite accurately, although a conservative might hold a position on a single issue that could be considered liberal, and vice versa. Generally, however, assignment to one or the other camps is fair and legitimate.2 One difference is that conservatives usually have no qualms about wearing the label, whereas liberals often don’t appreciate the tag.

The two labels are currently tossed about daily in the political arena. Those holding to the concepts of smaller government, fiscal responsibility, right to life, judicial restraint, and constitutional authority are known as “conservatives.” Those who promote the theories of big government, multifarious state controls, women’s choice in the matter of abortion, social engineering, judicial activism, and such like are considered to be “liberals.”

Within Christianity there have always been the two groups as well, although their general definitions have varied somewhat. They began to be easily identified in the post-apostolic period of the second, third and fourth centuries. Later in institutional Catholicism there were divisions to some extent along these lines, although most dissent from the papal view was vigorously discouraged.

In the aftermath of the Reformation, liberals and conservatives were again evident. Protestantism was rife with divisions along certain lines. That is one reason so many denominations were birthed in the post-Reformation period. Unlike today, those who held more closely to the scriptural positions that differed from the traditional dogmas were the “liberals.” Those who continued to embrace the politically correct and safe positions espoused by the state church were “conservatives.” This is still true to a large extent today within Catholicism. Time has a way of changing the perspective on such matters, however.

In current American Christianity—particularly Protestant and non-Catholic Evangelicals—liberals are generally considered to be those who give license in matters of doctrine or lifestyle, express extreme tolerance toward non-conformists, state freely their doubts about the authenticity of the Bible, assign scriptural mandates to ancient cultures only, center ministry on social issues, and focus on “super grace” almost to the point of universalism. Conservatives, on the other hand, consider the Bible to be authentic and authoritative in matters of faith and practice, believe it to be relevant to every generation, expect a high degree of conformity from those who profess the new birth, focus less on social issues, hold to the sanctity of life and traditional marriage, and are more apt to embrace a literal perspective on endtime judgments leading to eternity in Heaven or Hell.

For over a hundred years, Pentecostals traditionally came down on the conservative side of the issues—particularly ministers of the United Pentecostal Church International and other fellowships that hold to the Apostolic doctrines of Oneness, baptism in the name of Jesus, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and holiness. Those doctrines and the separated lifestyle have made them distinct and provided much of the motivation for evangelism and missions. Conservatives among them are those who hold to those fundamental doctrines and values as minimum standards.

Current liberals would include those who have dropped membership in conservative organizations after determining they no longer believe the defining doctrinal statements, or do not wish to conform to high standards of conduct the majority feels are still scripturally relevant. That group may also include those who accepted a license or membership in a conservative organization but who have since declined to hold or declare those doctrines and principles to which they said they were committed. Some, instead of surrendering their membership, seek to change the organization from within to conform to their liberal ideology. They see the expectations and commitments as constricting, perhaps non-essential, largely irrelevant and exclusive.3

How different is that from American politics today? Liberals disdain the thought of American exceptionalism. To bring America down and “level the international playing field,” they want to nationalize the industries and socialize the culture, making everyone beholden to a system where bureaucrats rule at the pleasure of a “king.”4 They know they must either destroy or successfully ignore and circumvent the constitution in order to achieve their aims. That is exactly what some liberals wish to do with religious organizational constitutions.

Conservatives are not exclusivists. They pastor many of the largest churches, manage exciting evangelistic programs, and promote missions because they know they possess in the Apostolic gospel the hope of the world. They know that the road of compromise is the path of no return. They love the lost, they care for souls, but that love and care does not make mushy, milquetoast mannequins out of them. The Bible is still the accurate rule of faith, the gospel still works, truth yet prevails, Jesus is coming again, and someone is going to Heaven and others are going to Hell. Conservatives want everyone to believe and obey the gospel so they can all go to Heaven!

Usage of the designations “liberal” and “conservative” does not divide the people of God—but both truth and error do. As a wise man once said, “I would rather be divided by truth than united by error.”


1. Hillel and Shammai were two great rabbis of the early first century, the end of the Second Temple period. They each founded a major school of Jewish thought, respectively known as the House of Hillel and House of Shammai, and they and their schools had ongoing debates on matters of ritual practice. These debates, in which the two Houses usually took opposing positions to one-another, played a major role in shaping the Oral Law of Judaism as it is today. Source: Wikipedia

2. A few would prefer the moniker “moderate,” suggesting that they hold a few, perhaps half, of the principles from both sides. In the end, however, they will usually succumb to pressure to come down on the liberal side. We see this in the political spectrum almost daily. It is understood that a brief article like this will not exhaust the subject at hand. Much will be unsaid that could and should be said. But the matter begs discussion. This is my contribution. I welcome others.

3. We should also understand that those who belong to no organization or denomination are not exempt from taking positions that place them in one camp or the other.

4. That is what the American Revolution was all about, folks! And someone in Washington is acting like he was elected to be a king. Guess who?


Liberal directions

According to a report given on Fox News, 62% of those who consider themselves “liberals,” have a favorable view of socialism. That is not where we need to be going as a free Republic. However, unless we speak up, it could be inevitable.

Next question: How many liberals among us have a favorable view of the Emergent movement and the New Spirituality? Is that where we Apostolics want to go? If not, someone better speak up. A number of young pastors have already pitched their tent in that direction.


Book review

The Death of Truth

Dennis McCallum, general editor

Bethany House Publishers

288 page; 18.95

Once in a while a book will come along that is so full of relevant material that you wonder how it all came together. This is such a book. Several known authors have contributed to it, with Dennis McCallum as editor and primary author. McCallum seems to be a no-nonsense pastor who is as tired as we are of the postmodernism that is permeating every Christian denomination.

Who is promoting this garbage? Professors in seminaries are prime purveyors. Parachurch leaders and megachurch pastor wannabes might be next in line. Everyone seems to want their fifteen minutes of fame. McCallum and crew takes them all on, responding to multiculturalism, the rejection of reason, and the new postmodern diversity. Even alternative medicine takes a well-deserved shot.

The impact of postmodernism on law, science, history, education, literature, and religion are all addressed in this volume. McCallum authors several of the chapters and writes with a steady but knowing hand. He proves that he is well able to address the causes of much of the grief that is coming upon nation and our churches.

One will be a little wiser and more prepared to face the challenges that are ahead with the insights that are in this book.

ORDER from (limited supply)


Featured books this month:

Aid to the Scriptures

With the ever-increasing complexity of life, we need simple answers to the questions that daily confront us. A convenient, easy-to-use  collection of biblical promises and teachings in a topical form is a treasure, especially if it is one you can carry with you anywhere. This little booklet contains many scriptures on common topics that we are frequently asked about, plus a historical and biblical account of the flood, a calendar of Jewish events and dates, the parables, addendum of the Bible, and money values—all presented in the context of Apostolic doctrine.  AM price 5.95 Call for bulk prices.

For Many Shall Come In My Name

By Ray Yungen

Most people believe the New Age has been long gone from our society, and if practiced at all now it is only by unconventional fringe types. For Many Shall Come in My Name reveals this is not the case. In fact, quite the opposite has occured. The New Age is alive and well but now known as the New Spirituality.
This heresy has permeated virtually all aspects of our society. This “Ancient Wisdom” spirituality can be quite readily encountered in the following fields: Business, Education, Health, Self-Help, Religion, and Arts & Entertainment—even the Apostolic movement.
Highly recommended!  AM price only 12.95.

A Wonderful Deception

The Further New Age Implications of the Emerging Purpose Driven Movement

By Warren Smith

Former New Age follower Warren Smith reveals how Christian leaders—wittingly or unwittingly—are leading the church Into a spiritual trap. A “Wonderful” Deception examines church metaphors, concepts, and beliefs that are essentially the same as those being used In today’s New Age teachings. And while biblical prophecy is being minimized and explained away, the “new science” is being used to prepare the world—and the church—to accept a New Spirituality and a false New Age Christ. This book explains how all the puzzle pieces are in place for the “strong delusion” described in 2 Thessalontans. A “Wonderful” Deception pierces right into the heart of this deception while preparing believers in Jesus Christ to effectively stand against it.
•How a “broad way” Christianity is deceiving many in the church
•How the “new science” will try to prove that God is “in” everything
•How Rick Warren continues to align himself with New Age sympathizers
•How attempts have been made to discredit critics of the Purpose Driven movement
•How the best-selling novel, The Shack, fits into the “wonderful” deception
•Ten scriptural reasons not to be connected with the Purpose Driven movement

A must read!      AM price only 14.95  Order today at


Now, laugh before you go.

They won’t pass my health care bill, and it’s all Bush’s fault!

Rally against global warming.

In case you were wondering what your tech support guy in India looked like, here is his picture.


Parting shots:

“Emergent leaders often say the message remains the same, but our methods must change if we are going to be relevant to our generation. The measure of success for many pastors today is how many are coming, rather than how many are listening and obeying what God has said in His Word.”  –  Roger Oakland, author of Faith Undone and Another Jesus?

“Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who remain silent.”  –  Napoleon Bonaparte

Life is a long lesson in humility. –  James M. Barrie


Thanks for stopping by! See you next month!


Published in: on March 1, 2010 at 9:21 AM  Comments (7)