JREnsey blog for February 2024

The Word for today

II Thessalonians 2:3: “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a departing first, and that that man of sin be disclosed, even the son of perdition.


Wonderful words

A dear friend sent me the words of a song, the chorus of which I will share below:

Hope has hands, freedom has feet;

Truth will stand, the Word will speak;

The holy and lowly will finally embrace,

For love has a heartbeat, and grace has a face.

[The chorus of “Grace Has A Face” by Phil Cross]

Wow! The work of a wordsmith!



“Prayer is not something that you DO; prayer is something that you ARE. Prayer flows automatically out of living sacrifices. Prayer is simply the verbal expressions of the meditations of your heart. So NOT praying is the result of dead sacrifice. God replaced dead sacrifices because they had limited value. They were to easy to forget. You gave, then just walked away. A living sacrifice is different. It requires daily maintenance and daily conversation. You’re decaying if you’re not praying!’  –  Steve Willoughby


Where have all the aliens gone?

Has anyone noticed? Since the whistleblower who testified before the Congress last year, spilling the beans on the government and the space aliens, the silence on the topic is deafening. Virtually no one has reported seeing a UFO/UAP or has been abducted by aliens. No USAF pilot has reported an encounter unless I missed it on the news. Do you think the space travelers heard that their jig was up? Have they decided to pass us and head on over to Mars? Perhaps they saw that it was too crowded here and they needed more room to land and do whatever aliens do.

But suddenly, a couple of weeks ago, the social media was set ablaze with a new video of one flying over a military bases in Iraq. The bizarre clip was posted by artist and filmmaker Jeremy Corbell. Hmmmmm….an artist and filmmaker. How convenient. The “video” shows something like a balloon with legs, and trailing some wires or something. It was dubbed “the Jellyfish.” It appears to be transparent…at times. Honestly, it looked like an escapee from a very dated and pixelated video game. It could only be seen in the “thermal spectrum,” they said. Reading on, Mr. Corbell insists it was real and corroborated by unnamed witnesses, supposedly wearing special thermal glasses at the moment the UAP appeared. One can only wonder: Who flew alongside of this “thing” to video it?

Mr. Corbell was recently interviewed at his desk which was beside a classic model of a flying saucer. (see photo). Obviously a serious devotee. You can watch this Jellyfish video and others here:  https://www.foxnews.com/us/ufo-revolution-docuseries-shows-uap-flying-over-military-base-blows-up-decades-conspiracies-expert

He said the alien craft fell into a nearby lake and stayed submerged for 17 minutes, after which it came up and zoomed off into the wild blue yonder at a 45 degree angle. Supposedly the unnamed witnesses with a stopwatch said nothing to the base personnel to come take a look in the lake to see if the craft could be retrieved. They were too busy timing the submersion. Now we are being told that this actually occurred back in 2017-18, over five years ago. I guess the process of film editing takes a long time.

So…we are back to expectantly watching. Keep your camera handy. You never know when a UAP will fly over. You may want to purchase some thermal vision glasses so you won’t miss it.


“No cause for alarm!”

Popular researcher and author, Doug Kutilek, shares the thoughts of noted Baptist leader, educator and pastor John Broadus regarding textual criticism:

“The solicitude, and even alarm, which some persons feel in regard to the encroachments of text-criticism, must be regarded as without cause.  Instead of shaking faith in Scripture, these researches will ultimately strengthen faith.  When the shock of abandoning a familiar expression has passed, one almost invariably begins to see that the true text is best.  The general teachings of the New Testament as to doctrine and duty are now known to be established independently of all passages that contain doubtful readings.  And why should we wonder if it is sometimes difficult to determine the true text?  There is known to be a similar uncertainty as to the translation and interpretation of some passages.  This excites no alarm or anxiety, nor should we feel disturbed about occasional uncertainty of text.  And the danger of subjective bias in judging as to the text, is no greater than in regard to interpretation and translation.”

John A. Broadus, Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, ix (Valley Forge: the Judson Press, 1886)


For those who are still concerned…

…about the “sixteen verses” that are in the KJV but not in most contemporary versions, we recommended they check out the following article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_New_Testament_verses_not_included_in_modern_English_translations#cite_note-standard-5

In it will be found the listed verses and why they differ from the KJV reading. It is heavily footnoted and presented in an objective style. One will find the article very interesting and helpful.


Manuscripts support Oneness

As reported last month, the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNSTM) recently released a series of newly digitized manuscripts. The more MSS they find, the more the words themselves are studied, the more they point to the man Jesus Christ being the personal manifestation of the Lord God Himself in the flesh. The message of one God in Christ is gaining adherents while more and more ministers and exegetes across the spectrum of the Christian faith are seeing the fallacies and weakness of the doctrine of the Trinity. The more manuscripts of the New Testament come to light the more it has become evident that the doctrine is on a downward path. It is unintelligible, unbiblical, and indefensible. May God continue to open the eyes of those whose hearts are already open to truth to see the light of the glorious fact that God is one, not a trinity of persons. Let us pray together for a revival of Apostolic doctrine around the world. Breaking with what has been the most fundamental doctrine of the Roman Catholic Churches, as well as those who are Protestant, is a difficult matter for them. Pray for courage for all of them who are struggling with that doctrine.

If you are interested in more information about the manuscripts and the biblical text itself, Dr. Wallace has a set of videos called The Basics of New Testament Textual Criticism. It is fabulously informative. They are FREE! Download them and watch them at your convenience. It is eye-opening by a master communicator and skilled conservative Greek grammarian. Worth your time.  Here is the LINK:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/basics-new-testament-textual/id446655163?mt=10

You’re welcome.


The way it WAS…

The way it IS…

We grew these beards to prove we were mature:


Harvard’s new curriculum additions

Now, can anyone wonder why I and others have pleaded with parents and pastors for years to avoid the pitfalls of Ivy League and State colleges for their education. It all depends on what one wishes the student to turn out to be—someone dedicated to “Queering the World” and “Defeating Capitalism Through Marxism,” (courses at Harvard) or learning how to make an honest living while keeping one’s Christian faith. And no university’s curriculum would be complete without a course on Shakespearean poetry featuring the lines that suggest “queer desire,” or a course on ideologies such as “Black Radical Tradition” and “Black Religion and Sexuality.” Undermining the character of both the individual and the nation seems to be the goal.  What would a diploma featuring a passing score on those classes be worth to any entity but the current government in DC?

Check out the full story HERE:



Last Word

  • Charles Spurgeon said, “The world doesn’t read the Bible. The world reads Christians.” He was sounding like Paul in II Corinthians 3:2.
  • Your own version: “You are writing a Gospel, a chapter each day, by deeds that you do and words that you say. Men read what you write, whether faithless or true; Say, what is the Gospel, according to you?”

Stay warm, keep The Book close at hand. May its marginal notes made by your pen be an inspiration to you in your later years.


Published in: on February 1, 2024 at 1:54 AM  Comments (1)  

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One CommentLeave a comment

  1. Wonderful news about Bro. Ensey. How are those books progressing? LMK when you would like me to take a look at them. God Bless,

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